ANGEL'S KISS (A Dark Angel's Novel) (22 page)

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Ellasar sat next to me dressed in casual resort attire—khaki slacks and a black V-neck t-shirt that looked like Armani. I was in jeans, a long sparkly tank top, and heels. Casual dressy—normal attire for me when I’m out for dinner and drinks. Zeke was at my feet leaning against my leg. My hand held Ellasar’s instead of Alan’s. I fought the spark of desire and tore my hand away. There was a martini in front of me and I hungrily took a gulp. It burned all the way to my belly. The burn felt good, human, a reminder of the person I am.

“Thanks, I needed that. But you didn’t answer my question. Why me?”

“I can offer you immortality and pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. Why do you resist?”

“Once again, you didn’t answer my question.” My anger helped me focus. “Look, I’m sure hundreds of thousands of women out there would live for this shit—powerful vampire wishing to make their wildest dreams come true, yada, yada, yada. Why not find one of them and stop wasting your time on me?”

, I cannot be labeled by your contemporary literature. These fantasy authors have no idea of what really exists, and I prefer to keep humans in the dark.” He seemed genuinely offended by the comparison. “It seems that your grandmother has similarly kept you in the dark. You truly don’t know what makes you different, do you?”

“No! That’s why I asked, twice now. Is there some sort of rule book or something? Because none of you seems to want to give me all the facts.”

“I cannot give you all the answers that you seek this evening, because there is too much to tell in one sitting. You are special. A normal human could not understand these dreams as you have, without going mad. Your hospitals are full of people labeled insane. In truth they have seen something that cannot be explained by your rules. They are labeled and put away so that they don’t infect others with the truths they have seen. However, I can give you some insight as to what you are.” I was on the edge of my seat, finally some answers. He seemed to appraise me and asked, “Are you positive that you truly want the information, ignorance can be bliss, why not just enjoy the pleasures that I can show you?”

“I resist because you’re trying to control me.” ‘Resistance is futile.’ That quote from Star Trek kept ringing through my mind. That’s what Ellasar is trying to convince me of, but I always love the underdog. How against the odds they find a way to prevail. In other words I’m not buying it. "You’re using dreams and even my own husband to manipulate me.” The memory of him using Alan bubbled up and without thinking I lashed out. I slapped him so hard that my palm rang with pain. My vision stretched and waved, as if I were looking into fun house mirrors. The people around us didn’t notice me stumble to my feet. Their voices faded as I stood to ready myself for his retaliatory strike. I’m sure I looked like a stumbling drunk, but I didn’t care. Zeke moved to stand beside me, and his low growl vibrated through me.

Ellasar touched his face and smiled. “You are amazing. I’m so powerful that I can manipulate you while you’re awake, and yet you have the audacity and speed to strike me. We will make a powerful team.” He seemed so happy that I wanted to slap him again.

“Come, we will walk by the water and I will give you the one answer I can for now. Maybe you will see that ‘resistance is futile’ as you say.” He appraised Zeke and spoke to him in a language I didn’t understand. Zeke growled.

“I have instructed your pet to behave. I know he gives you some sense of peace, so I am trying to be pleasant. However, this is my world and I can do as I please with him. Shall we?” He attempted to let me go first, but I motioned for him to lead the way. I didn’t want him at my back. He just smiled and made his way to the stairs and the beach.



Chapter 16


Spark of Recognition


The moon was full and its light sparkled on the water. As I watched the waves crash against the white sand, the beauty of the scene almost took my breath away.

Zeke nudged me and I remembered where I was and what was happening. Ellasar waited patiently at the bottom of the landing. I glared at him.

“Stay out of my head,” I threatened as I made my way down the wooden steps. He shrugged unapologetically. At the bottom I unbuckled the straps on my heels and…

Hey! They were the exact shoes I’d lost.

“Can I keep these heels? I mean, will they be there when I wake up? I lost them when I was attacked.” I was excited at the possibility. Zeke nudged me again and rumbled. Hmm… maybe I shouldn’t ask for any favors from the all-powerful guy who’s holding me hostage.

“They’re only in our dream for now, but I’ll see what I can do. I am sorry about your recent attacks. If I had been aware, I would have protected you. However, I am grateful to have found you and that it forced your grandmother to include you in our world.” Ellasar tilted his head toward the water and walked on.

His dark olive skin stood out in contrast to the snowy white sand. Under his clothes his body rippled with muscle and invitation. The view of him walking toward the surf was enough to make something in my core melt and a soft sigh escape my lips.

I was thankful when Zeke nudged me again and I could focus. I needed to stay in contact with him if I wanted to get the answers to my questions without giving myself to Ellasar like a side of grits at the waffle house. I shook my head and patted Zeke on the back, and we trotted together to catch up to Ellasar.

“Stop messing with my mind and answer me.” I grabbed Ellasar’s arm to make him face me. “I want to get back to my own…” When I touched him, my fingers burned, and I quickly pulled my hand back. The burn wasn’t painful, but electrical—a jolt straight to my womb.

“Oh shit,” I spat as I quickly backed up. Zeke instantly jumped in front of me. I reached out and placed my hand on his back. The contact helped dull the electrical charge. But it still smoldered through me and the muscles of my core rippled. I took a deep breath and held on to Zeke.

“You need not be afraid. You have had a taste, just a nibble, of the power and pleasure that our mating will create. It really is useless to resist me. Our coupling has been prophesized.” He looked saddened by my reaction to the current that ran between us.

“You manipulative son of a bitch. You can try to force me or trick me like you did earlier with Alan, but I’ll never stop fighting you,” I said defiantly.

“Don’t you see,
? I will not force you. You will choose to be my mate.”

“I will never choose to give up my freedom and independence. Nothing you can offer me will change my mind.” I walked ahead with Zeke, positive in my conviction. Ellasar kept pace with us.

“So sure of your course, are you?” He seemed to be reminiscing. “I envy you your scruples. However, you will learn, if you live long enough, that a promise like that is too hard to keep.” He stepped in front of me and I was forced to look him in the eye. “Compromise is a part of surviving.”

His closeness made me nervous, but before I could step back, he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest. Zeke was suddenly chained just out of reach; I could see him straining against the leash.

Ellasar’s lips met mine and I unraveled. I didn’t care about Zeke or even the flutter—faster than a hummingbird’s wings—of my own heart. The fire ants were back, marching through my veins. The electrical current ending in my womb made me contract with need. Saying that I felt desire was like saying a man lost in the
is thirsty. Every nerve in my body tingled and ached to be stroked. I purred like a cat. I rubbed my body against his and…

I heard Zeke’s deep, menacing bark. What was I doing? But I couldn’t stop. The feel of his hands on my skin made me shiver, those tiny little goose bumps of excitement. His lips trailed down my neck. They felt like butterfly wings against my skin.

“I need…” I tried to tell him to stop, but my mouth wouldn’t say any more. Once I said ‘need,’ I was lost in the thought of what my body really needed. I dug my nails into my palms to break the force of the desire.

“Stop!” It came out breathlessly, but just saying it gave me more power to resist. I could hear Zeke loud and clear now. His bark shook me.

Ellasar pulled away and it felt like a piece of me remained with him. The pain of his withdrawal took my breath and I collapsed to my knees.

“For now, you must know I will not force you into anything that you do not ask for.” His eyebrow rose as he spoke.

My vision faded and my head swam. Ellasar had returned to wearing nothing but the cloth around his waist—the way I’d seen him in my first vision. His masculine form was achingly appealing. I closed my eyes to help me control my need.

“You are my mate,
, my Qadesh. Why would you fight what your body tells you? I do not understand. But I can wait, because I am immortal. Time has no meaning for me.”

So—he was planning to haunt me forever? I dug my nails deeper into my palms, concentrating on the pain, hoping it would replace the need I felt.

“I promised you one answer, so I will make good. You are special,
. Your great-grandfather Seraiah was a Dark Angel.”

I was forced to look up at him by the way he said my great-grandfather’s name. For a moment his expression matched the reverence in his tone. Then it was gone.

“He was sworn to kill my kind. As you know, he fell in love with Evangeline and they conceived Beatrix. Ask your grandmother about your true grandfather. That will help you understand your strengths and desires.”

My true grandfather? My grandfather Harold died before I was born. What could he have to do with any of this? Before I had time to think it through Ellasar continued.

“My desire for you is simple. You are beautiful, spirited, and because of your incredible lineage, you are strong enough to be a true mate to me.”

He forced me to look into his eyes, and my breath stopped. What was he talking about? He couldn’t mean...true mate?

“You are the goddess of fertility, my Qadesh. You will bear my sons. It has been foretold. You will save yourself much agony if you stop resisting.”


“You would be shocked to know who seeks the immortality that I offer to you. And what they are willing to do to get it. Be very careful and keep your new guardian close.”

I couldn’t concentrate anymore. His image began to fade.

“You need your rest. I will leave you now. I will not trouble you for a few nights. If you need me, just call to me. I have tasted your essence. You are a part of me, and I hope soon I will be a part of you. Good night, my Qadesh.”

“Lexie, let go! Wake up! You’re cutting off my circulation!”

He was jostling me. “Ellasar?” I struggled to open my eyes a crack. The night was pitch black around me. Alan’s face came into view. Then I heard Zeke growling.

“What? Zeke? What’s wrong, Alan?”

“Lex, you’re digging your nails into my hand! Let go!” Alan sounded frantic.

“I...what?” I was still struggling to wake up and figure out where I was. I felt like I’d been around the world and I didn’t know at which port of call I’d stopped. But here was Alan, and I was in my bedroom.

I let out a big breath and then realized I did have a death grip on Alan’s hand.

“Oh, Alan.” I let go of his hand. “I’m sorry. I was having a crazy dream. I guess I reached out to hold your hand. Did I hurt you? Are you all right?”

Zeke’s growls had quieted, and I felt his enormous heft land on my legs. That brought my head up fast—so fast that I head-butted Alan.

“Ow, ow, ow!” I gritted my teeth.

“Shit… Lex! That damn dog growled at me, and you probably gave me a black eye! Plus, I’ll need stitches from your nails digging into my hand.” In the dark I could feel Alan alternating between holding his head and massaging his hand. Zeke rolled over on my legs and yawned.

“Zeke, get down.” I shoved him off the bed. With the blood flow to my legs restored, I turned to Alan.

But what could I say? I couldn’t tell him the truth.

And what was the truth? With all the different places I’d traveled to in my visions, could I say that I’ve seen the
? And my shoes! Damn, I wish I could have kept those heels.

Maybe I really am twisted. Of all the things that could trouble me about my “dream,” I just wanted my Manolo Blahniks back. Luckily for me, having a shoe fetish isn’t anything to be institutionalized for.

I decided in that moment that less is more, at least in terms of what I could tell Alan.

“I had a bad dream. I’m sorry about hurting you. Do you need me to look at it? I can get the first aid kit.”

He caught me before I could roll out of bed. “Nah, Lex, I’ll be fine. Are you sure you’re okay? You were holding on for dear life, and you kept saying ‘sun, suns,’ or something like that. What were you dreaming about?” He pushed his pillow against the headboard, propped himself up, and waited for my answer.

“It was just crazy. I can’t even remember all the places and times I was in. You know how dreams are. I jumped all over the place.”

Once again, I hadn’t really lied, just not told the whole truth. Crap, I’m getting sooo good at this. Lying to Alan made me sad. He’s been my partner in every way since I came on to him in his dorm room in college. He loves to tell that story. I was a little drunk. Okay, I was plastered. And I did sort of attack him, but he wasn’t unwilling. The rest is history; we’ve been inseparable ever since. Keeping secrets from him hurt, but this crap with Ellasar and Beatrix was too much to burden him with. Besides, he would be safer out of the loop on this one.

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