Anna's Seduction: One Night of Pleasure (BBW Erotic Romance) (7 page)

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Authors: Alexis Moore

Tags: #Erotica, #Adult Fiction, #Adult Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Romance, #Romance, #Contemporary Erotica, #Contemporary Romance, #Erotic Short Stories, #Explicit Erotica, #Explicit Romance, #Erom, #Romantica, #Explicit Romance, #Contemporary Erotic Romance

BOOK: Anna's Seduction: One Night of Pleasure (BBW Erotic Romance)
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“I’m fine.  I usually go to bed by ten, ten-thirty, but I’m always up by this time, tossing and turning in my bed.”

“I used to be a terrible sleeper,” he tells me.  “Now I sleep eight to ten hours each night.  The trick is to totally unwind before you go to bed.”

“I try.”

“Not hard enough.”  He laughs.  “Your bedroom should be a sanctuary.  No phones, no television...nothing electronic if you can help it.  I know physical books are no longer popular, but they are restful to the eye than other reading device for bedtime reading.”

“My Kindle keeps me company on my commute to work.” I protest.  “I love it!”

“Yes, but does it love you back?”  He chuckles.  “I’m not saying give it up, just that it’s perhaps not the best thing to read before bed, if you want restful sleep.  Have you tried audio books?”

“I love them.  As a matter of fact, I’ve been buying Audible Narration with my latest books so that I can switch from reading to listening when I’m doing chores around the house.”

“Then use it at night instead of reading,” he said.  “No point overusing your eyes.”

“That’s true.”

It had taken a while for me to get used to audio.  I still don’t like all the voices, but overall the quality was getting better.  I still preferred reading to listening to books, but anything that would help me sleep better was worth investigating.

“And restful sleep is essential for maintaining healthy body weight.”

“So they say.”

“It’s a scientific fact,” he insists.  “Do some research on it.”

“Okay,” I agree.

It would be fantastic if it was true.  It would be easier to sleep rather than exercise away my fat.

“I’ll be right back.” He kisses my neck before he gets off the bed and walks to the door.

“Cognac,” he says when he returns with generous shots of the amber liquid in two snifters on a silver tray accompanied by the bowl of chocolates from the fridge.

“Thanks.”  I smile at him as he hands one of the drinks to me.

“My pleasure.”  He places the tray on the bedside table and gets back into bed.

Then he picks up a strawberry.  My mouth waters in anticipation, but instead of offering it to me, he rolls the cold tip around my right nipple.

“Ah!”  The cold sends a shock through me and hardens my nipple instantly.

“Good?” he asks, continuing to circle my nipple with the tasty treat.


It’s a little painful.

My nipple feels so hard it could snap off, but the sight of it so aroused turns me on.

The heat of my body starts to melt the chocolate and my nipple has gone from pink to very dark brown.

“Open wide.” Roger commands as he finally lifts the strawberry to my lips.

I take a big bite.  He smiles and finishes the rest himself.

He’s eaten my pussy, but sharing the strawberry somehow feels more intimate.

Picking up another strawberry, he attacks my poor beleaguered nipple again.  The chocolate on it instantly hardens.

“Ouch!” My toes curl in reaction.  It’s deliciously painful.

“Let me soothe it.”

He puts the chocolate back in the bowl and bending his head, he swallows my nipple deep.

For a moment, the chocolate seems to defy the heat of his mouth.  Then I feel it melt on his tongue.  He cups a hand under my breast and gives two long, hard pulls before he slowly pulls his lips away.

“You have the most amazing breasts,” he tells me as he feeds me the now slightly melted sweet.  “If they were filled with milk, I would nurse all day.”

My mouth is too full to answer, so I smile with my eyes.

They are too big, but not bad looking, even if I say so myself.  My nipples tilt slightly upwards and make them appear firmer than they are.  They’re not—recently I stuck a pencil under each of them and it stayed in place without me holding it.

“Two more left.”

I turn instinctively, offering my other nipple as he picks up a third strawberry, but instead he moves down the bed until he’s kneeling between my legs.

“Oh no!” I said when I realize what he’s about to do.

“Oh yes!” he replies and spreads my legs further apart with his knees and his free hand.

“Aaaah!” My whole body jerks when he places it right against my clitoris.

He immediately takes it away and swipes his tongue along the same path the strawberry had travelled.

“Mmm...that feels good.”


He does it again and then rubs the strawberry over my outer lips.

I feel my body heat melting the chocolate.

“Do you want a shot of your chocolate-cover pussy before I lick it clean?”


He grabs the camera and I laugh as he takes two shots.

He hands the photos to me and settles back between my legs.

“Do you take photos of all the women who...who come to you?” I ask.

“Only if they want me to.”

I feel something...his the strawberry...breach my entrance.

“What are you doing?” I ask in alarm.

The strawberries he’d chosen were big, juicy and firm—not the sort you can get in regular supermarkets.

This one feels like a very rough tongue as he pushes it a little further inside me.

“Okay, one more shot.”

He snaps the image and again passes the developing photograph to me.

The first two are coming into focus and I smile at the mess he’s made of me.

I feel him fumbling with the strawberry and realize that he’s pinched off the end of it as he starts nibbling on the fruit.

“Ssss...aah!” His mouth so close, eating not me but something inside me, is strangely intense.

I remember the third image and take a look at it just as he starts to lick the chocolate off my outer lips.

It’s one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen and I immediately feel a squirt of moisture flood my inner walls.  The image is simple and made up of only three things: my vagina, chocolate and a strawberry, but it’s sensual and strangely powerful.

And it’s one I will treasure for a long time, I decide as Roger pulls the last bit of fruit out of me and quickly devours it.

Then grabbing hold of my bottom, he slides his tongue deep inside me and sends every thought scattering.

“Oh God...yes....yessss,” I can’t help but moan as he start vigorously thrusting it back and forth. 

In no time at all I feel myself inches away from coming.  Locking my ankles behind his head, I wiggle my hips to pull myself away...and make his tongue go deeper.

In a silent show of strength and command, he reaches upwards and tweaks my nipples with his fingers while somehow managing to immobilize my body in the cage of his strong arms.

“Ah!  Ah!” I look down to find him looking back at me and lose control as we lock gazes.

Then, as my head falls backwards onto the pillow, I tighten my legs wrap and reach out to cup the back of his head and hold him in place for a minute.

If I’d thought he was done with me, I was mistaken.

He broke out of my enfolding limbs as though they were made of cotton wool, and quickly flipped me over.

“I want your sweet pussy from behind again,” he says.  “And if you think that I’d gone as deep as I could the first time, think again.”

I should object to his handling.

I shouldn’t want him once again buried so deep inside me it hurts.

But I can’t help but push myself impatiently onto him as he first teases my entrance with a few shallow thrusts.

“Yeah....aaah...yeah.” I moan as he pushes all the way inside me.  “Fuck me, Roger.  Fuck me hard.”

“Don’t worry, baby.  Daddy’s going to fuck you real good,” he promises.

He quickly changes from a kneeling to a swatting position, moving first one leg and then the other, and then grips my hips tighter.

His first smooth slam sends a puff of air out through my parted lips.

“Ah!”  I curve my spine and wait for the next one and the next.  Each one penetrates me fuller and deeper and yet I hear myself say, “Deeper...harder...faster.”

Unbelievably, I feel my orgasm already building strength.

Surely it hasn’t been more than a minute or two since he entered me?
I ask myself as I bite down on the pillow and meet his forward stroke with a tilt and shimmy of my hips.

There is something in the way he takes me that makes me feel wanton and wild; sexual and sexy, and more alive than I’ve felt in my life.

I turn my head to gasp as one perfect stroke finds a sensitive group of nerve ending inside my vaginal walls and sends me spinning into oblivion.

The only thing that mars my pleasure, as Roger keeps thrusting as though he has no intention of ever stopping, is the morning light peeping out from under the drapes, reminding me that my time with him is short.


he next morning he serves me breakfast in bed and then we have a shower together.

We kiss and caress as we lather each other.

I think he’s going to probably make love to, correction fuck, me one more time, but he doesn’t.

“Can I book you again?” I hear myself asking when I’m fully dressed and we’re sitting on his living room sofa sipping coffee.

Four months is a long time, but if I don’t book him now it could end up being an even longer wait.

“Sorry, I don’t do repeat business,” he replies, and takes both of my hands in his, his face looking regretful.  “Not because I don’t want to fuck you again and again, but because this is a business and I can’t afford for either of us to get hooked on each other.”

“The taxi should be here soon.”  I try to free my hands, but he holds them without applying any real force. 

“It’s not due for another hour,” he reminds me.  “Anna, this is not a rejection.”

“Are you sure?”

“How can you doubt how much I enjoyed fucking you?” he asks with a smile.  “I only finally stopped because you said you were so sore you didn’t think that you’ll be able to sit down for a week.”

“I did, didn’t I?” I laugh as I recall wincing as he withdrew his still semi-erect cock after our last session.  He had pounded into me with the force of a jackhammer and I had come so hard I swear my teeth rattled.

“You did.”  His smile faded.  “Anna, there are other women I want to help.  It’s a compulsion driven by my sister’s death.  I should have paid closer attention to her.  We spoke on the phone a lot and I visited her often, but I never thought or worried about her personal life.  I was glad that she wasn’t out all night partying and drinking with friends, but I didn’t realize that it was because she had none.  Her suicide note still haunts me and until it stops, I have to help others like her.”

“I understand.”

“Truthfully, you’re the first woman who has made me think about giving this up.”  He smiles.  “Like all men, I like being the first.”

“My bunnies were first,” I remind him, laughing.

“They don’t count,” he says.  “But more than that, it’s the way your body eagerly opens up for me and yet stays nice and snug.”

“And yet you won’t let me book you again,” I complain.

“It would be so easy for me to fall in love with you,” he says and my heart soars.  “But we would end up hurting each other if we don’t end this now.  Me fucking other women would hurt you and it would hurt me if you were hurting.”

“I wouldn’t be—” I start to protest.

“You would be jealous and it would be only right that you were.  If you were mine, I wouldn’t even share you with your bunnies!”

I laugh at that.

“You know what?”  He winks at me.  “I’m going to break my own rule just for you.  Call me in six months if you still want to.”

My smile almost splits my face.

“I will,” I vow.

It will be the longest six months of my life, but I will definitely call!

“Before you do anything else, I want you to spend a couple of days thinking about what will make you happy.  It might be decreasing your working hours and spending more time on pottery; it might be going on that singles’ cruise, having fun and not caring if you find someone or not, or it might be simply accepting that you are worthy of being loved, regardless of what size you are.”

“I know I am,” I say.

“You are,” he agreed.  “But you have to let the world know.  I’m not saying that it will happen overnight, although it can, but once you gain confidence in being who you are, it will show through.”


To be honest, I feel different already.  I had been afraid that he would make love to me as though it was a chore, but instead this sexy, drop-dead gorgeous man had acted as though he couldn’t get enough of me and that had boosted my self worth.

For the first time I believe that there are men...good men...out there who will appreciate my larger body.

“Don’t do it just yet, but there are other options you may want to explore.  These are the cards of three people I know personally and can trust.”  He hands me three business cards.  “They all love fuller-figured women, Calvin in particular.  He’s a goddess worshipper and will absolutely love you.  If you give him the chance, he will have you naked and lying on your back all day, as he kisses and caresses your whole body.  Bruce is a Dom.  He will help you explore your submissive side, if you have one.  Kathleen is not your average lesbian. Don’t expect all tender kisses and touches from her.  You will get those, but she’ll also strap on an outsized dildo and fuck you to within an inch of your life, and will definitely fist you.”

I don’t think so!

“I have another dozen chocolate strawberries in the fridge for you to take with you.  Remind me to grab the box for you when the taxi gets here.  And don’t forget these,” he says, handing me the shoe box that contains the pair of red shoes.

“I will definitely remind you about the chocolates, thank you.  And I think I’m going to wear the shoes home,” I decide spontaneously and take off my flat shoes.  I put them in the box as I take the red ones out.  “They don’t match my dress, but I don’t care.  No one will see them anyway.”

“Exactly.  No one will see them but you, yet you will sit differently in the taxi.  Your shoulders will be erect, your breasts thrust forward and you will hold your stomach taut.”  He leans back in the chair as he’d done the day before.  “Walk in them and let me see you.”

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