Annihilation Series-Searching for a Hero (6 page)

BOOK: Annihilation Series-Searching for a Hero
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Fifteen minutes later, the exercise was over. The defenders were all hit and even the three at the rear of the hut were taken out. The trainer watched the exercise and shook his head. It appeared Alpha Group was ahead of the curve on using their armor. The next exercise was over before it began. Alpha group left the hut and when the teleport systems shut down, they were at the attacker’s position, where they hit them all as they were making plans to attack. Alpha learned they had completed the exercise in record time.

Ping deactivated his armor and the female cadet walked over, “What’s your name?”

“Paul Kendel.”

“I’m Nicole Gardner; thanks for making this happen.” Ping shrugged. She smiled, “I was wondering something.”

“What’s that?”

“What would have happened if the defenders knew about the targeting change?”

“We would have known as soon as they fired at one of us.”


“Our armor’s sensors take a reading that senses scanners activating and weapons firing. If the time between them was faster than a tenth of a second, we would know they were using their weapons to scan.”

She tilted her head, “And what would you have done if that happened?”

“The weapon’s scanner’s field of view is greatly reduced. It’s primarily used to lock on energy sources directly in front of it. I would have ordered one of you in the rear to activate your jump jets and fly over and take them out from the air. Their weapon scanner wouldn’t have seen you in time to target before you hit them.”

“I see I have a lot to learn.”

Ping nodded, “That’s true of all of us.”

She turned to walk away and said over her shoulder, “Some, more than others.”

Ping’s communicator vibrated, “How did it go?”

“We won.”

“We did as well.”

“That’s great, Mios.”

“I’ll tell you about it later.”

“See you back at the dorm.”

Ping watched Nicole walk up the hill and his brow furrowed, “She was a Gardner. That’s not good.”

• • • • •

“Sir, we’ve been unable to find out what killed our Searcher.”

“Why has it taken so long for you to find the site of the attack?”

“We had the location it jumped from to answer the distress call but it was destroyed before the next coordinates were sent.”

“That means that whoever did it killed it incredibly fast.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Major, have we encountered any species that possesses ships strong enough to do it?”

“No, Admiral.”

“Where was it found?”

“The vapor was detected in a deserted planetary system near the edge of our galaxy. What are you thinking, Sir?”

“Whoever did it lives nowhere near the site of the attack. The ambush was set up to see if the attackers could take on a Searcher.” The Major stared at the Admiral. “The attack was a success; I think we can expect whoever did it to start taking probes at our defenses. Notify all ships that the coordinates of any rescue effort will be sent before they teleport. Have the main computer to track all distress calls and to check in on any ships answering one.”

“Yes Sir.”

Admiral Elliot Kosiev looked up at the picture of his ancient ancestor hanging on the wall in his office. It was taken on the bridge of the ancient Megaship Moscow and the Realm’s hero looked young and vibrant. Lex shook his head and wondered if the centuries long peace was ending. He pressed a button on his panel and said, “Your Majesty, it appears we have a new enemy confronting the Realm.”

• • • • •

“Did they detect the ship?”

“No, they did not. It appears our new force field prevents us being detected.”

“How far away was our ship?”

“It was in the inner system.”

“That’s quite a long way from the site of our attack. Do you think they would detect if it was closer?”

“I have no way of knowing without another confrontation.”

The leader thought a moment, “We will find one of their red ships and move in on it. Have three ships ready to jump in and attack if our ship is detected.”

“I will start issuing the orders immediately.”

Chapter Five

is, how’s training going?”

“It’s incredibly difficult. I’m exhausted at each day’s end.”

“Have you met any hot sailors?”

“Is that all you think about, Vicky?”

“Well, have you?”

“There are thousands of beautiful male specimens here.”

“Come on, Nicole. You know what I’m asking.”

“I have met one that is intriguing.”

“Does he like you?”

“I don’t know?”

“What were his thoughts?”

“I don’t know; I can’t see his mind.”

“Really? That’s odd.”

“There have been many others I’ve run across that I’ve been blind to.”


“We’ll see. How’s father doing?”

“One of our Searchers has been destroyed.”


“Lex seems to think there is a new enemy out there somewhere.”

“Vickie, please keep me in the loop on what they find out.”

“Only if you keep me updated on this intriguing sailor.”

“He didn’t show any interest.”

“Is he blind?”

“Come on, Vickie; there are thousands of beautiful female cadets here as well.”

“You’ve never really accepted just how beautiful you are, Nicky.”

“No, I’m just a realist.” Victoria Gardner shook her head and Nicole said, “Keep me informed on what’s going on with the Searchers.”

Vickie laughed, “I will.” The display went dark and Nicole stood up and stretched. It was unusual for her to encounter someone whose mind was closed to her. Perhaps this cadet should be given a closer inspection. But first, armor training had to be completed before she started learning how to fly a warship. She hoped she would be teamed with the cadet with the striking eyes again.

• • • • •

Ping sat in the cafeteria with Jodie and Mios eating the evening meal, when his senses warned him of Nicole’s entrance into the room. He huddled down slightly and kept his inner vision on her. “What are you doing?”

Ping slouched a little more and whispered, “I’m trying to make sure I’m not seen.”

Jodie looked out at the room and said, “By whom?”

“The blonde standing in the chow line.” Mios and Jodie both stood up to look and Ping said intently, “Will the two of you sit down!”

Jodie slowly returned to her chair, “Ping, she’s really pretty.” Mios nodded in agreement.

“Her last name is Gardner.”

Jodie looked at him blankly but Mios immediately understood his best friend’s concern. Ping looked at Mios, “If she starts this way, you’ll need to leave as well.”

Nicole picked up her tray and looked around the cafeteria to see if the cadet named Paul was present. She started walking down the left side of the room and Jodie said, “She looks like she’s looking for someone.” She looked back and both chairs beside her were empty. She looked from left to right and the two were nowhere to be seen. “What the heck is going on!?!” The pretty blonde walked around the cafeteria and turned down multiple requests for her to join other groups. She finally realized he wasn’t there and she came and sat down four chairs to the right of Jodie. Jodie smiled at her and Nicole nodded. Suddenly, she saw an image and she quickly stared at Jodie. Jodie looked up and saw her intense gaze and said, “Is something wrong?”

Nicole didn’t want to but she saw that Paul and a friend had rushed out of the cafeteria when they saw her. “I was wondering why Paul is avoiding me.”

Jodie stared at Nicole and said, “Are you a Gardner?”

Nicole blushed, “It’s a common name.”

“Of a very uncommon family; how do you know he’s avoiding you?” Nicole turned deep red and Jodie said, “You looked in my mind!”

Nicole started shaking her head, “I’m sorry, I don’t have control over my telepathy and I saw Paul and another young man run out of here in your mind.”

“Perhaps he doesn’t want his mind revealed to you.”

“I’m not able to see his thoughts.”

Jodie stared at Nicole and she quickly said, “I really can’t see his thoughts. I have encountered many that I am unable to see.”

Jodie tried her hardest not to think why Mios would have to run as well but couldn’t stop it. Nicole stared at Jodie. Jodie said, “You just heard what I was thinking.”

“I’m sorry, I did.”

Jodie shook her head, “This is going to have to stop. Be in the student center tonight at eight. I’ll bring Ping to see you, if I can get him to come.”


“That’s his name.”

“I thought his name was Paul.”

“That’s his birth name. He’s been called Ping from the moment he was born.”

Nicole smiled, “It fits.”

Jodie was surprised, “You know that word?”

“It’s Cainth for eyes.”

Jodie stood up and said, “Either way, one of us will meet you at eight.”

Nicole nodded and watched the pretty cadet walk away. Why did they not want to be near a telepath? She shook her head; no one wanted their innermost thoughts revealed to a stranger. But how did they know she was telepathic? She decided she needed to find out why.

Ping watched Nicole from outside the cafeteria and said, “Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.”


“My senses of dread and doom have just gone off the scale.”

“Let’s go see what happened with Jodie.” Ping tore his vision away from the blonde whose expression was intense.

• • • • •

Jodie saw them coming and she put her hands on her hips and looked at the two of them. Mios saw something he rarely encountered; Jodie was furious. Ping ran up with Mios and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Jodie’s expression. Jodie looked at Mios, “What are the two of you hiding from me!?!”

Mios was a silent as a tomb so Ping said, “What makes you think we’re hiding something?”

“You know that girl is a telepath.”

“No I don’t.”

“Well, you fear she might be.” Ping looked at Mios and all he could do was shrug. Mios said, “What gave us away?”

“Ping said you had to go with him. That could only mean that you know something he didn’t want that Gardner girl to know.” Mios stared in Jodie’s eyes and sighed. “I thought you would always be honest with me!”

“This is something that doesn’t involve us.”

“Everything that involves you, involves me!”

Mios was miserable but Ping saw he wasn’t going to reveal what he knew. Ping said, “He’s protecting me, Jodie.”

“From what?”

“From anyone learning who I am.”


Mios said, “Not really.”

Ping said, “Yes it is.”

“No it isn’t.”

“How can you say that?”


Ping’s mouth closed and Mios quickly said, “Not who you are; what you are.”

Ping looked at Mios and nodded, “You’re right.”

“SHUT UP!!!!”

They looked at Jodie and she stomped her foot. She was hot enough to fry potatoes. Ping blew out a breath, “Jodie, come over here, sit down and let me explain.” The three walked over to a bench and Ping told her what he was able to do and why he had hidden his talents. After multiple questions and two quick teleports, Jodie was stunned silent. Half way through the explanation she had taken Mios’ hand in hers and he knew she had forgiven him. At the end, Jodie told Ping that the girl was going to meet him in thirty minutes in the student center at eight.

“Oh hell no she isn’t!”

Mios shook his head, “Ping, it’s just a matter of time until I stumble up on her, and try as I might, just like Jodie, I’ll reveal what I know about you.” Mios turned to Jodie, “Do you think she was being honest about not being able to see his thoughts?”

Jodie thought a moment, “I think she was. She said it without thinking and that’s when people are the most honest.”

Mios shrugged, “Well, if someone doesn’t show up tonight, that girl will be on a mission to find one of us and I can promise you one thing.”

Ping looked up from the ground, “What’s that?”

“You don’t want it to be either of us. We know too much and she will see our thoughts.”

“Maybe I should just run.”

Jodie shook her head, “Not without seeing if she’ll be willing to keep your secret.”

“Why would she?”

“Why wouldn’t she?”

Ping said, “Alright, here’s what I’m going to do; I’m going to think about sending either of you to meet her tonight and then look at going myself to see which will feels more dangerous. Ping closed his eyes and after a few moments he opened them. Mios and Jodie were staring at him and he said, “It goes off the scale if either of you go.”

Mios nodded, “I suspected as much; what if you go?”

“It doesn’t change.”

Jodie put her hand on Ping’s shoulder, “Do you trust this sense of yours?” Ping nodded. “Then you have to go and, if you sense you have to run afterwards, make sure you stay in touch.”

Mios looked at Jodie, “Now that’s pretty cold hearted.”

Ping shook his head, “She’s right. That’s the only option.”

Mios looked at Jodie, “Can you keep this secret?”

“Get real. He’s like the big brother I never had.”

Ping looked at his watch, stood up, and gave Jodie a hug and shook Mios’ hand, “Hey, hey, you’re not going to run before you say goodbye!”

Jodie’s tears fell as she said, “He can’t allow us to see where he’s going, Mio.”

Mios stared in Ping’s eyes and gave him a bear hug. Ping returned it, turned, and walked toward the student center. Both of them refused to leave the bench until they learned what was going to happen.

• • • • •

Ping entered the student center and saw Nicole sitting at a table with seven male cadets standing around her. As he came closer he heard, “Obviously, whoever you’re waiting on isn’t coming.”

Ping said, “I’m sorry I’m late.”

Nicole’s expression showed her relief and the seven knew they were wasting their time. They said goodbye and Ping sat down across from her in the booth. Nicole looked into the most penetrating eyes she had ever seen; the green and blue colors were brilliant. She immediately saw his nervousness. Ping looked at her, “I understand you’re looking for me.”

Nicole stared at him and said, “I’m sorry. I’ll leave.”

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