Annihilation Series-Searching for a Hero (5 page)

BOOK: Annihilation Series-Searching for a Hero
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The Being raised his head, wanting to bite the engineer in half but just managed to control himself, “So what does this mean?”

“Our fleets will be delayed six months to extend the barrels outside the hull. This is something we wouldn’t discover until after it was used in combat. The modifications are easily done but we have to modify more than a hundred thousand ships.”

“What did you learn in the attack?”

The engineer smiled, “The Stars Realm ship was lured in by the distress call and two of our ships jumped in and fired on it together. Its force field held briefly but then failed and the ship was blasted into vapor.”

“So, our ships are now superior to theirs?”

“We can take them on ship to ship. The issue will be if we’re outnumbered.”

“We just have to make sure that doesn’t happen. We’ll attack and get out. We’ll take the metals we need, along with any technology that looks promising, and continue to build our numbers. We will ultimately defeat them.”

The engineer shrugged, “That’s a long time in the future. For now, we have to hide our home world’s location and make these fast attacks.”

The leader nodded and turned, “Keep me informed about your progress.”

• • • • •

Mios looked up from his computer and stared at Ping. Ping sensed him and looked up, “What?”

“I’ve never questioned you about how you’re able to do some of the things I’ve witnessed. I’ve wondered ever since the night we bombed Eric’s room how you were able to get to the camera to prevent it from seeing us.” Ping just stared at Mios in silence. Mios sighed, “Never mind.”

“Mios, it’s not that I don’t trust you.”

“I know, I know, just let it go.”

Ping looked back at his computer and after ten minutes said, “I have been born with some kind of mental powers.”

Mios looked up, “I guess I’ve seen that. However, I’ve never read anything in the history of the Realm where any of the most powerful psychics ever had the ability to…”

“Teleport.” Mios nodded. “I really don’t know how it works. It’s like trying to explain how your brain forms a thought. It just happens.” Ping paused, “I do know that as I’ve aged, my abilities are getting stronger.”

Mios leaned back in his chair, “What do you mean?”

“I’ve always been able to see things at great distances. I know as a child I could see people more than ten miles away and, if I focused on them, they could move behind objects and I could still see them in my mind. By the time I was a teenager, I could see the settlements on Mars and the asteroids.”

“And now?”

“I can see planets in distant galaxies.” Mios stared at Ping in silence. “There’s something else.”


“I want you to focus on the Microdrive in your computer.” Mios stared at it. “Do you have it in your vision?” Mios nodded. “I want you to check what’s on that drive.”

Mios activated the drive and saw Ping’s homework assignment. He looked up and Ping was holding a Microdrive, “This one is yours.”

Mios’ eyes narrowed, “When did you make the switch?”

“Just a moment ago, while you were staring at it.”

“How did you do that? Did you teleport it?”

“No; I went to your computer and made the switch.” Mios started shaking his head and Ping sighed, “I have reflexes that amaze me. I can move faster than you can see.”

Mios thought a moment, “Some of the ancient Rulers of the Realm had the ability to slow time.”

“That’s just it; I don’t slow time down. I’ve also read, where in moments of stress, they were able to move faster than those around them could follow.” Mios nodded. “I can do this anytime I choose. It’s not stress induced.”

“Ping, you’re starting to make me nervous.”

“That’s why I’ve kept my abilities secret; if they make you nervous, imagine how the government would feel.”

“How did you push Jodie and me away from the spinner on the playground?”

Ping shook his head, “I thought you had forgotten about that.”

“No, I remember we stumbled up the hill until we ran into you and Stacey.”

“Mios, I have a rather strong telekinetic power.”

“What do you mean by strong?”

Ping shrugged, “I think I could push this building over if I tried.”



“You know we start our armor training this week. Are you able to control these…talents?”

“So far, I decide when to use them.”

“What do you think will happen during the stress of armor training?”

“I’ll just have to make sure I let the armor do the work.”

Mios shook his head, “I’m worried about getting through this, Ping. I’m having a lot of difficulty memorizing the four hundred commands that operate the armor.”

Ping shook his head, “Mios, memorizing them will only slow you down. You have to learn what each of them do, so you can call them up instantly.”

Mios sighed, “It’s just not…not…making sense.”

Ping stood and walked over to Mios’ desk, “I want to try something.”


“Put your hands on the desk.” Mios frowned and placed his hands on the desk beside his computer. Ping put his hands on top of Mios’ and closed his eyes. Mios suddenly fell back in his chair with his eyes closed. Ping ignored him and focused intently on the armor’s manual he had absorbed. After six minutes he removed his hands and went back to his desk and started studying. He would occasionally look at Mios as he absorbed the night’s reading assignment. After twenty minutes he heard Mios groan, “Are you alright?”

Mios opened his eyes and rubbed his temples, “What did you do?”

“Take a moment and think about your armor’s command circuit.” Mios thought a moment and his eyes went wide, “I’ve sent the armor’s manual into your memory; you should be able to use it now.”

Mios shook his head, “This is incredible. I know the list like the back of my hand.”

“I’ve learned that I can absorb tremendous amounts of information and remember all of it. I didn’t know if I could transfer it, but it appears I can.” Mios sighed and Ping smiled, “Now you’re feeling guilty.”

“How did you know! Are you telepathic?”

“No, I felt the same way when I first used this ability. I felt like I was taking an easy way to success while all the other cadets were forced to learn through hours of hard work.”

“That’s exactly how I feel.” Mios looked at his computer and after a few minutes turned back to Ping, “How did you deal with these feelings?”

“I realized that if I took the simple path, I would be betraying my talent. I think using this skill and continuing to work hard to use it makes it OK.”

Mios thought about it, “What do you mean by working harder?”

“There are four hundred commands at our disposal. I’ve taken the time I would have spent learning them to find various ways to utilize them during combat operations.”

“Will you show me what you’ve determined and maybe both of us could then look for other ways to be more proficient.”

Ping smiled, “Put your hands on the desk.”

• • • • •

“Have the Cats found who they’re searching for, yet?”

“No, and it appears they have lost the trace he was causing.”

“What does that mean?”

“He’s learned how to hide.”

“Do you think he knows he’s being sought?”

“Would you know?”

“Can you find him?”


“Do you think he could hide from us?”

“Do you see who it is?”

“Well…no, I don’t.”

“Let’s just allow our furry friends to conduct the search, shall we?”

“You always amaze me with your wisdom.”

• • • • •

The first exercise took place after four weeks of classroom instruction on how the Realm’s armor operated. The four thousand cadets were broken off into groups of eight and pitted against each other. The lead trainer stood in front of the sixteen cadets and smiled, “Today’s exercise is to see how much you’ve learned about your armor and your ability to take those lessons and apply them. Group Alpha will teleport to the far side of the clearing. Group Beta will stay on this side and defend the hut in front of you from attack. There is a teleport suppression field over the area and you will not be able to use your teleport system. If your armor is targeted by a missile or beam sensor, you will be deemed killed and your armor will deactivate. Are there any questions?”

A female cadet raised her hand, “Sir, are we allowed to use our jets?”

The trainer smiled, “Absolutely; if you want to exit the game quickly, I encourage you to do just that.”

Another cadet said, “Sir, the defenders have an advantage.”

“After the first sessions, your two groups will swap roles and go at it again.”

“Any more questions?”

Ping asked, “Are we allowed to use any system that’s active in our armor?”

“It’s our fervent hope that you do; this entire exercise is being done to determine how far along you are in learning your armor’s capabilities. Any more questions? No? Teleport to your assigned starting locations and the exercise will commence as soon as your teleport systems deactivate.”

Ping watched a cadet start issuing orders to the seven other members in his group. Ping listened and slowly shook his head. After two minutes the one that assumed command looked at the others, “Hey, we need to get moving?”

A female cadet lowered her head and shook it, “So you think we divide up into four groups of two and attack them from multiple directions?”


The cadets looked at each other and the would be commander saw the group was not inclined to follow his plan. He put his hands on his hips, “Do any of you have a better idea?”

The female looked at Ping, “Why did you ask about using all of our armor’s systems?”

Ping sat down on the ground and looked up at the other seven, “How do our weapon’s systems get lock on a target?”

The seven stared at him and the would be commander said, “It senses the energy given off by our armor and moves the targeting computer in on it.”

“How long does that take?”

“The manual says it’s almost instantaneous.”

“And what happens if the energy is turned off before it locks?”

The female smiled, “The sensors take back over and search for another target.” She smiled, “What are you thinking?”

“I want each of you to scroll down your list of commands under jets.”

The cadet who had issued orders sneered, “The trainer said that would get us out of the exercise quickly.”

Ping looked at the cadet, “You asked if any of us had another plan. Why don’t you shut up until you hear it?” The other six also told him to be quiet. Ping said, “Under the jets icon in your command list there is a sub list. Activate it.” He waited until the others had done it and he said, “The bottom icon on that list is the lower part of your armor. It looks like two legs without a body. Activate it.”

The female saw the icon glow red, “What does that do?”

“It takes the energy that would normally be stored for your jets and supplements the power going to your armor’s legs. It will double your speed.”


Ping nodded, “Here is what we’re going to do. Six of us are going to approach their defensive positions and as soon as your sensors detect you’re being scanned, you will turn off your armor and sprint fifteen feet to the left where you will reactivate your armor. When you sense you’re being detected again, turn it off and sprint to the right. Do you understand?”

The six nodded and even the foiled leader nodded. Ping looked at the female and another small cadet, “While we’re doing that, you two will use the increased speed of your armor and sprint to the back edge of the exercise boundary and turn off your armor completely. You will then run to the back of the building they’re defending and sneak up on it. There should be no more than two or three of them guarding that side. Do not allow them to see you visually. Stay under cover of the trees and bushes as you work your way close. Once you arrive, send us one quick chirp over our communication circuit and we’ll all charge the hut from the front and then run back into the forest. We’ll use our increased speed to make that happen. I suspect the additional noise and commands over their communication’s circuit will distract anyone guarding the rear. That’s when you will activate your armor and fire on any of them you see. Have your armor already set to target and fire when you deactivate it so no time will be wasted when you turn it back on. Break through the back of the hut and that should end the exercise.”

One of the cadets shook his head, “Is there anything else that might help us?”

Ping smiled, “Go to your targeting program. Activate it and three lines down you’ll see an icon that looks like a shoulder blaster. Got it?” Everyone nodded. “Activate it.”

“What does that do?”

“It turns off your standard scanner and makes your weapon’s targeting system your primary scanner. If it detects energy, you will be able to fire immediately without having to wait for the targeting system to activate.”

The female stared at Ping, “How do you know this?”

“It’s all explained in the manual. If the defense forces don’t know about this circuit, I suspect we will be able to hit every single one of them when we charge.”

“Then why are you sending us around to the rear.”

Ping shrugged, “They might know about it. There’s no reason not to try two different ways to win.”

The female looked at the group, “The teleport systems just shut down. We’ll see you at the hut.” The two cadets sprinted off at an incredible speed. Ping looked at the others, “Spread out and move forward at normal speed. We don’t want to show our ability.”

The six cadets went forward and Ping saw he was being scanned. He turned off his armor and ran to the left where he reactivated his armor. All six were moving in unison and no shots were fired at them as the defenders kept losing lock and having their scanners reactivate. The leader of the defenders was frustrated at what was happening but didn’t know how to override the scanners.

The two cadets that ran to the rear saw there were three cadets hiding behind cover searching for anyone approaching from the rear. The female held up her hand and sent the chirp. They watched for the three to look back at the hut and when they did they activated their armor and moved forward at high speed.

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