Read Another Hood Love 2 Online

Authors: Jontu'

Tags: #Fiction, #Urban, #Romance

Another Hood Love 2 (14 page)

BOOK: Another Hood Love 2
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I jumped off the steps and walked up on that nigga. He had me fucked up. He may have not spit on me but the gesture alone was disrespectful as fuck. I slapped the shit out that nigga and pushed his ass back. “Nigga, I ain’t got nobody doing shit. I asked yo stupid ass to leave and you chose not to, so if a nigga choose to beat yo ass because you disrespectful as the fuck, you can’t be mad,” I said, pissed off to the fullest. “So I suggest you leave my fucking property before I let my .380 speak for me,” I said before turned around and walked back into the house and Lexis was right on my heels.

I was so fucking pissed. I ran up the stairs to check on my son and he was still sound asleep. I was glad that none of the commotion had woken him up because the last thing I wanted was for my baby to be exposed to any ridiculous drama. I walked back downstairs and everybody was sitting in my living room.

“His ass gone?” I asked and Jizz shook his head yes. I was drained mentally and physically so I flopped down on the couch, falling across Lexis’ lap.

“Jae, did you know that nigga gets high?” Brayden asked.

“Hell no but now it makes sense. The random mood swings, the impatience. But I didn’t even see all that. I just thought he was super jealous,” I said, shaking my head and thinking that it all had been this way since we’d first started fucking with each other but my eyes weren’t open to the big picture.

“Yeah, well, Tae had called me up a couple weeks ago and asked me if you knew that Chris was copping soft from the block. Said blood be coming through every day but I said I would ask you but by then, y’all had broken up,” B said and I just stared at him.

Damn, as much as I was back on the block, it was crazy that I was just now hearing about this. I shook my head. “Nah, I ain’t even know blood fucked around,” I said.

We sat around in silence as I rolled a blunt and lit it, putting it into rotation. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Greg suggested that I not stay at my house at least for the night but I was way too exhausted to pack my things, wake up my son and go anywhere else. So I decided to stay home and Lexis and Jizz said that they would sleep over in the guest bedroom. Now that all that was settled, I walked upstairs and climbed in bed with my son and took my black ass to sleep.


Chapter 14

he next morning came a little faster than I wanted it to. I rolled over and Baby Tone wasn’t there. I jumped up and my heart started racing, thinking about what he could have gotten into because I didn’t even feel or hear him get up. I heard voices coming from downstairs and that’s when I remembered that Lexis and Jizz had spent the night. I sat back down on the bed so I could catch my bearings.

Fuck, I needed a vacation. I had the money to go wherever the hell I wanted and my black ass was still sitting out here. After a couple of minutes, I got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and get myself together.

Once I got out the shower and got dressed, I went downstairs to see what everybody was doing. “Hi, mama’s little prince. What you doing, baby?” I said as I picked up Baby Tone who was running around the living room while Jizz and Lexis were in the kitchen making breakfast. “Mmm, y’all sure do have it smelling good in here,” I said as I grabbed a piece of bacon off a plate of the stove.

“Girl, bye. Yo ass was knocked out. Somebody had to make this baby some birthday breakfast,” Lexis said. I smacked her arm and fed Baby Tone a piece of bacon.

“Happy birthday, mommy’s prince,” I said as I kissed his cheeks and sat down as Lexis made plates.

It was still fairly early in the morning and the party wasn’t until five in the evening but I did have a few things planned for my baby, just a little something special with just me and him. We all sat down and ate as I ran down what all that needed to be done before I got back for the party. China and Loren were supposed to be here at noon so that they could cook the meal and decorate while Baby Tone and I were out.

Once we had finished eating breakfast, I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen as Lexis and Jizz were getting Baby Tone bathed and dressed. I think they were practicing for their own baby because anything that Lexis did with the baby, Jizz was right there. That would be cute if they had a baby because then there would be another baby in the family to spoil. Jahlisa wasn’t a baby anymore and Charlie and Baby Tone were about to be one so it was somebody else’s turn to push out some kids. I finished the dishes and then headed upstairs to put my clothes on and do my hair and makeup. I had scheduled us to take pictures today so I had to be on point.

I put my clothes on and I nodded my head as I admired myself in the huge, full body mirror that was inside of my walk-in closet. I was dressed very chic in an all-white oversized sweater dress with a royal blue wide brimmed hat that was sort of a fedora with a floppy brim and it wasn’t too wide but just right. Then I topped it all off with the custom made booties that I’d had made. They were royal blue with white fur at the ankle, they tied up and had a cute wedge heel. I was looking so bomb. I had my hair cut into a short bob with a honey blonde highlights at the ends and my makeup was natural and cute. I snapped a couple of selfies and then grabbed my purse and keys so that we could get going.

I walked downstairs and Lexis and Jizz were sitting on the couch snapping pictures of my son. He was so freaking cute. Gio had taken him to get his first haircut yesterday and he was handsome as hell with a low taper and curls that sat on top.

“Damn, bitch. We see who getting money! You look like a bag of blue face hundreds.” Lexis said as she started snapping pictures of me as well. I posed then grabbed my son and took a couple with him as well. We looked good as a family, and although his father couldn’t be here to see him, I knew that he was looking down smiling at him.

“Okay, we’re out. Do you need anything from me before I cut?” I asked Lex as I picked Baby Tone up and proceeded towards the front door.

“Nah, we got everything from here,” Lex said.

I nodded my head. “Aight, thank you. Thanks, Jizz. The guys should be here soon,” I said as I walked out the door.

Our first stop was to have our pictures taken. I had booked time with this photographer that I had contacted from Instagram and had set up an hour session. We had about twenty great images and my son was so damn cute. I was happy at the pictures that we had taken, especially his individual pictures. The photographer had many different props for him to use and it was so cute how natural he was in front of the camera. We barely had to coach him. When she said say cheese, he did just that.

As we waited for our printed images as well as our photo disc, I checked my notifications and saw that I had a few comments on the pictures that I’d posted earlier. Soon as I logged into Facebook, I instantly got pissed as I read the status that Chris had tagged me in. This nigga had stolen one of the pictures of me and my son that I had posted earlier and wrote a long ass post that was nothing but lies.

Today is my son’s first birthday, he may not be my biological son but I been there since day one and now because his mother wants to act like a total bitch, I’m missing out on his special day. I guess people will show you the real when you give them time. I would have never thought that the woman I loved would turn into the bitch I hate. I hope her lying, drug dealing ass gets hit by a car and then maybe she will see that nobody loved her like me. Happy birthday, son. Daddy got some shit for you if you mama ever lets me see you.”

I was so fucking pissed, I was shaking. And to make matters worse, there were thirty plus comments on this bullshit ass post of people cosigning and gassing this nigga’s head up like I was the bad guy. These people didn’t know me or the situation at all so they could all kiss my ass. I dialed Chris’ number and he forwarded me to voicemail. I hung up and repeated this four times and he forwarded me each time. I gave up and sent him a rude ass text.

You a lying bitch ass nigga and I swear God don’t like ugly. Say what you wanna say about me but you out of line dragging my child in this. You are NOT HIS DADDY and will never be shit to him. Delete that fake ass post and leave us the fuck alone!

I looked down at my son who was sitting in my lap and he was sleep. I couldn’t believe that Chris would try and play victim and say all these fake ass things. The nigga didn’t have any kind of bond whatsoever with my child. He needed to go be a baby daddy to his baby mama instead of being a pain in my ass. I looked at my phone as it chimed, notifying me that I had a message.

Baby girl you need to shut the fuck up with all them idle ass threats. You love me and ain’t gonna bust a grape. Don’t let that fake ass street persona u got go to ya head. Bitch a drug dealer and calling me a liar. Lmao fake ass bitch.

Drug dealer where? Get ya facts and ya life Christian Marbry! Don’t come for me bcus I guarantee you will get more than you asked for. Try me!

I looked up as the photographer came walking towards me with a pretty flat box. “Here you go, Jaeda, and it was such a pleasure working with you and Antonio today,” she said as I stood up and grabbed the box that held our images.

“Thank you. I will definitely be referring you to others as well,” I said as I waved and grabbed my things and then exited the studio.

I placed Baby Tone in his car seat and then hopped in the car and took off to our next destination. I stopped at this flower shop and had four custom bouquets arranged so that we could go and place them at the gravesite. I was still pissed so I needed to go and feel the presence of the people that I loved so that my mood wouldn’t be messed up for the remainder of the day. This was my son’s birthday and he deserved the world.

Once we got to the gravesites, Baby Tone and I placed the flowers on each of their graves. We spent time and talked with each of them as we cleaned the headstones. Once we got to his father’s grave, Baby Tone walked up to the picture and kissed it. The gesture was so cute but it broke my heart because he had missed a year of our child’s life and would miss many more. Through it all, I knew that I had to be strong and be everything for my child in Tone’s absence. We wrapped up our time at the cemetery and it was crazy because my baby didn’t want to leave. He cried and screamed as we were leaving. We came to the gravesite at least once a month but he had never acted like this. That’s how I knew that Tone’s spirit was there and he was watching over our son. Once I had gotten Baby Tone calmed down, we left the cemetery and headed to our final destination.

Today would be my son’s very first zoo trip and I was excited as hell because the zoo was just always a place that I wanted to go as a kid but I had only gone on school field trips and I wanted to be the first one who had this experience with my baby. We got to the zoo and the first thing we did was go to see the lions. We walked around the zoo and were all smiles as we looked at all the animals.

Baby Tone had me go back to the monkeys at least three times. After we would be looking at some of the animals, he would yell out, “Key keys,” and point like he knew exactly where to find the monkeys. I looked at my watch and we had an hour before the party was to begin.

“Okay, baby, we can see the monkeys one more time and then we got to go bye-bye, okay?” I said and he nodded his head.

I hoped leaving the zoo would be easier than leaving the cemetery was. As we were staring at the monkeys and Baby Tone was waving his arms and making noises, I noticed a familiar face. I swear I didn’t know why the devil was coming for me today of all days but I had to call on Jesus for this one right here.

I looked up and into the face of the nigga Tay; he was the nigga from Richmond that was responsible for the deaths of my loved ones. Anger and hate took over my body as I stared at him and he stared back. Last I had heard, the nigga had gone down in Atlanta but now here the nigga was in the flesh, nearly ten feet away from me and I couldn’t do a thing about it. Tay looked at me and winked his eye then blew me a kiss and I shot his ass the bird with the most evil stare. Now that I knew he was back out here, I knew that he would get what he deserved. I picked up Baby Tone and we left the zoo. Once we got to the car, I changed Baby Tone’s diaper and in between talking to him, I thought about the fact that I’d just run into the man that had almost killed my son and I but did kill my man, brother and sister.

I placed Tone in his car seat and handed him some snacks as I turned on the TV screens that were mounted in the back of my headrests and started a movie for him to watch as we drove.

I was driving and trying to come up with a plan because Tay had to go, there was no way around it. I had talked about this day with Greg and B before but nobody knew how much time he was doing in Atlanta and we definitely didn’t think he would so freely just be out and about like there wasn’t a green light on his ass. He had gotten a pass today but that would be his one and only because the next time he saw my face, it would be the last face that he saw.

Today was my son’s birthday and inside I was torn to pieces. I wanted to make this day as special as I could for my son and from his perspective, I was sure he was enjoying his day because he was oblivious to the bullshit and that’s how I wanted it to always be. I wanted my child to be a child for as long as he possibly could so I would do whatever to eliminate anything or anybody that was a threat to his life.

I pulled up to the house and saw that everybody was already there. Baby Tone had fallen asleep so I was going to have a tough time trying to wake him up before we went into the house. For a one year old, he was a heavy sleeper and was always super cranky when he got woke up, just like me. I got out and walked around to his side of the car and opened his door. His bottle fell out of the car and I bent down to pick it up.

As I was standing back up, I got hit with the weirdest feeling. It had me feeling lightheaded and everything to where I stumbled a little bit and had to catch my balance. I leaned against the car for a second to get myself together. When I looked up, Q was walking towards me.

BOOK: Another Hood Love 2
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