Another Hood Love 2 (16 page)

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Authors: Jontu'

Tags: #Fiction, #Urban, #Romance

BOOK: Another Hood Love 2
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I sat on the floor in my closet and thought about every single day that I had felt as if something was off. The one thing that I remembered was twice I had sworn that I smelled Chris’ cologne. I’d had my cameras installed a couple of weeks ago but I didn’t know if they had captured anything. There weren’t any alarms that had gone off since I had gotten them so I would checking them in hopes of finding something.

I pulled out my Mac Book and logged into my home security system and played the footage from the day that I had gotten it installed up until today. I never saw anybody in my house but something told me to check the outside cameras. I played the outside surveillance and watched night after night and I was pissed the fuck off. Not only that; I was low key scared. This nigga Chris had come and sat outside of my house damn near every night for the past two weeks, peeking through windows and walking around my property.

I shutdown my computer and called Gio. I let him know that I was on my way and I really needed to talk to him. I cleaned up my closet, placing everything back in its rightful place and left the house, making sure to lock up and set my alarm.

Once I got to Gio’s, I let myself in with my keys and followed the voices of the babies that I could hear coming from the kitchen. Gio, China and the kids were in the kitchen and they were decorating cupcakes. It was a sight to see because Charlie and Baby Tone had more frosting on their faces and hands than were on all of the cupcakes put together.

“Mama!” Baby Tone yelled as he reached out his arms and ran his big head ass towards me. I sure hoped he grew into his head sooner than later. My baby was handsome as hell but that noggin was big and hard like his daddy.

I laughed as he came running up on me, covering me with blue frosting. “Hey, baby. I see your Tee-Tee got y’all in here making a mess.”

“Girl, yes. Gio lost a bet and he has to clean the kitchen so I figured it would only be fair if I gave him something to clean.” We laughed together. Gio and China were always betting on some shit.

“Man y’all hoes don’t play fair,” Gio said as he got up and kissed me on the cheek. “Aight. Well babe, can you go get the kids cleaned up while Jae and I clean the kitchen and talk?” Gio said to China.

She shook her head, grabbed both babies in her arms and carried them upstairs to the bathroom.

“So what got you all riled up, Jae Money?” he asked as I grabbed a sponge and wet it.

“So a few months ago, I installed a safe in my closet. Greg and I installed it together and he’s the only one who knows about it. So today, I go to put some money in and it’s looking a little light. So you know I can already see that it ain’t right but I pull out the counter anyway and it’s $20,000 short,” I said as I sprayed some Clorox bleach on the countertops.

“Damn, so you think Greg may be hitting it?” he asked.

“Nah, at first I didn’t know what to think because nobody but Lex has keys to my crib so I’m thinking like let me check the security cameras and see what I can find. I check and don’t see shit but something tells me to look at the exterior cams, and guess what?” I shook my head, getting pissed all over again.

“What, man?”

I took a deep breath and continued scrubbing the countertop. “This bitch ass nigga Chris been posted up outside my house damn near every fucking night, walking around my yard and peeking through my windows.” I yelled.

I saw Gio’s nostrils flare and his jaw tighten up. “So what you want to do about his ass? I ain’t bust my guns in a minute but he on some real creep shit and I ain’t feeling that shit at all,” Gio said as he slammed down a glass plate a little too hard and it shattered all over the counter and the floor.

I grabbed the broom and began sweeping up the pieces of glass as Gio grabbed the trashcan and wiped the glass on the countertop into it. “I don’t know. I think I just want to confront him while he’s in the act. If that nigga buck stupid, I’m gonna shoot his ass. I’m only giving his crazy ass one warning.”

Gio shook his head. “I feel you. I know you’re a big girl and you can handle yourself but just be careful and keep B or somebody on standby just in case. You know the baby can stay here as long as you need him to as well.”

I nodded my head. “Yeah, I appreciate that but I miss my little prince. He can stay one more night because I got a feeling that fag will show up tonight,” I said.

The kitchen was now clean so we headed into the living room. Gio went to his mini bar and grabbed a bottle of white Remy and poured us both a shot. I took my shot and then held my glass out for another one.

Gio then started a conversation that I wasn’t quite ready to have. “So, little sis, I know that my nigga Big Money been trying to push up on you and he said you not giving him no play. What’s that about?”

I raised my eyebrow in confusion at Gio’s statement. “What you mean? I didn’t think you would even want me to mess with that nigga,” I said as I lit the blunt that I had just rolled.

“I mean, on some real shit, he a real good dude. And shit, from the way that Chris acting maybe you need somebody stable in all areas and he really feeling you,” Gio said.

I laughed at the fact that Gio was vouching for Q. “I don’t know I don’t feel like I’m his type. That nigga probably got bitches throwing themselves at him all day, every day.” I shook my head as I thought about how sexy that man was. “I might go out with him one day but he’s hella persistent, I can give him that. He’s been sending flowers and gifts to my house. Tell his ass it’s cute but corny as hell.” Gio and I laughed. I had to give it to Q, he wasn’t giving up and I could tell he was really feeling me but I wasn’t trying to jump into anything so soon.

“Man, at least my nigga trying. Most niggas would have been said, ‘Fuck you.’” Gio smirked.

“The babies are knocked out so you might as well let Baby Tone stay another night,” China said as she came and sat on the couch, reaching for the bottle and a shot glass.

“It’s good, China. I was already going to leave him. I got to take care of something anyway.” I stood up and grabbed my things. I kissed China on the cheek and then leaned over and did the same to Gio.

“I will drop Baby Tone off at daycare in the morning so that you don’t have to come all the way over here before class,” China said.

“Thanks, you guys are the best.” I walked out the door, locking it behind me. I hopped into my Acura and peeled off.

Once I got to the house, I pulled my car into the driveway and stepped out, looking around to see if anything was out of place. It was a little after 9 p.m. and I had some studying to do before I could go to bed. As soon as I got in the house, I locked my doors and set my alarm. I couldn’t lie. I was highly paranoid and I didn’t know how to shake it. I went into my room and turned on my laptop. I opened up the home security system and then logged into my school portal so I could check my assignments. I grabbed a pack of cookies and got to work.

After about two hours of work, I was done and put away my things. As I was rolling a blunt, I noticed some movement on my outside cameras. I took a closer look and Chris was standing in my driveway walking around my car. I watched as he pulled something out of his pocket and keyed my car from bumper to bumper. I went into my closet and opened my safe, grabbing my .380. I made sure it was loaded and grabbed my phone, calling B.

“Hello,” he said, answering on the third ring.

“Aye, B, stay on the phone with me. This nigga Chris outside and just keyed my car. I just grabbed my gun and this nigga might die if he make the wrong move so just stay on the phone,” I said and placed the phone in my bra as I turned on my porch lights and stepped out on the porch.

“You a real bitch ass nigga to come over here keying my car, you know that?” I said as I kept my gun hidden behind my right thigh.

Chris looked up and smirked. This nigga was gone and I just didn’t see how I ever fucked with a nigga like him. “What’s up, baby?” he slurred as he took a step towards me.

I lifted my gun. “Nah, playa, don’t come this way. It ain’t good. You need to get out of here before you need the coroner to give you a ride.”

He laughed and it was pissing me off. “How you gonna shoot me and you couldn’t even shoot the nigga that killed your baby daddy and sister? Bitch, please. You hardly a killer,” Chris said as he comfortably leaned against my car like I didn’t have a gun aimed at his head.

“Bitch, get the fuck off my property. I ain’t going to even let you head play me with that bullshit you talking. Just cut and stay the fuck away from me before I get a restraining order on your retarded ass,” I said.

Chris stood up and raised his hands in surrender. “Aight, bitch. You got that but since you played with my heart, don’t be mad when I play with yours,” Chris said as he tapped the trunk of my car and then turned around and blew me a kiss. I watched as he walked down the street, hopped in his car and pulled off, burning rubber as he left off my block.

I grabbed the phone out my bra and took it off speakerphone. “Hello?” I said.

“Yeah, I’m here. That nigga crazy, blood. You should have aired that nigga just for being a retard,” B said.

I laughed. “Yeah, and then go to jail because he didn’t put his hands on me or nothing. Seriously, though. He’s a lunatic and something has to be done. I ain’t no scary bitch but he gives me an uneasy feeling, B.” I walked back in the house and locked back up as I went upstairs and packed an overnight bag. “Aye, I’m coming over, so unlock the door,” I said.

“Aight, see you in a sec.”

I hung up the phone and grabbed everything I would need and headed back downstairs before leaving back out.


Chapter 16

he next morning I went to my classes and I was glad that it was my last day for the week. I was dead ass tired and I just wanted to go home and spend time with my son. He hadn’t been home in a few days and I was missing him like crazy. China had sent me a text earlier saying that he seemed to be coming down with a cold, so I planned on staying in the house this weekend so that I could get him back to perfect health. I had plans to stop by the hood before I went home so that I could make sure everything was straight because I wouldn’t be there for the next few days. I had called Lexis and told her to meet me there around three. My classes flew by and I was glad. School was fairly easy but sometimes I felt burnt out so I always welcomed the weekend with open arms.

All day I had been getting retarded ass texts from Chris and I didn’t even know how he had gotten my new number. I swear fucking with him, I was changing my number every couple of weeks because he would somehow get a hold of it and I would get tired of getting messages and blocking calls. As I was walking out of my last class for the day, I looked at my phone screen and rolled my eyes. I had yet another text from Chris and I was tired of trying to read through these psycho ass texts.

Since you want to play childish games bitch, we will see how you like my childish games. Lol

These messages had been all day since about four this morning. I was glad that I had spent the night at B’s house last night because I was sure I wouldn’t have gotten any sleep at home. I would have been way too paranoid to close my eyes. I didn’t even respond to the text, I walked straight to my car and climbed inside.

As soon as I started up my truck, I noticed there was a rose sitting on my windshield. I smiled as I thought about Q. He was so corny but it was actually kind of cute. I decided that today I would give him a call and see what was up with him. I had been playing hard for a minute but he was slowly breaking me down. I got out of the car and grabbed the rose from my windshield along with the card that was with it. Once I got back into my car, I placed both on the passenger seat, put on my seatbelt and pulled out of the parking lot.

As I was hopping on the freeway, my phone started to ring. I grabbed it out of the cup holder and synced it to my car Bluetooth before I answered it. I wasn’t trying to get a ticket.

“What’s up, Lo?” I asked.

“Hey, nothing. I got a photo shoot out your way early in the morning and was wondering if I could possibly spend the night at your house tonight?”

I thought for a second. Lo stayed in the City so I knew she would be battling traffic and would have to get up super early to get out here. “Oh yeah, that’s fine. I have a few things to do so you can either meet me in the hood or you can meet me at the house, I should be there by seven,” I said, raising the phone to look at an incoming text from Lex, “Hold on, Lo, I’m about to add Lexis to the call.”

I merged the calls from the touch screen on my dashboard. “Hey bitch, where you at?” I asked Lexis.

“Just pulled up to the block. Waiting on you,” she said. I could hear her fumbling with something and cussing under breath.

“Cool, Lo is on the phone, too. She spending the night at my house tonight but I’m on the freeway now. I’m like fifteen minutes away,” I said.

“Hey, Lo. Well it’s a sleepover then because I’m staying over, too!” Lex said.

“Hey, Lex! Bitch, turn up!”

They exchanged greetings and then we made small talk as I told them about last night’s incident and the text messages from earlier. I pulled up to the block and told Lo I would see her when she got to my house later.

I hopped out the car and hit the niggas standing on the block with a head nod as I made my way into the apartment that was set up as our trap house for the time being. There were six apartments over a twelve block radius that we used to trap out of. We only kept three in motion at the same time and they switched up once a month. Today, I walked in the trap and saw Greg and Timmy engaged in a game of
, yelling and shit as usual.

“Why y’all bumming on the couch instead of out making money?” I said as I tossed a pack of Phillies into Tae’s lap as he was breaking down hella weed while sitting at the card table that was set up in the dining room area.

Everybody spoke and pulled up a chair and sat down as Lexis walked from the back. “Aight, y’all. So you know I’m not going to be through here this weekend whatsoever. If there is an issue with the re-up, hit Greg or Tamia. Baby sick so I’m on mommy duty,” I said as I looked at everybody in the room.

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