Another Man's Treasure (3 page)

BOOK: Another Man's Treasure
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“Holy shit!” she exclaimed as she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body.  Sitting on the dressing stool, she began to shake.  Back in this house for such a short time and the ghosts are trying to reclaim their stake in her subconscious.  Sitting there with tears streaming down her cheeks, she recalled that fateful night.


At 3:00 am, a constant knock at the front door had woken Miranda. She climbed out of bed, wandered out into the hallway and listened while David spoke with two local policemen as they delivered the news.  On their way home from a weekend getaway, her parents had been in a car accident and were killed by a drunk driver.  Miranda bolted down the stairs, ran past the others and out into the night air. 


Miranda wiped the tears from her eyes as the terrifying memory replayed in her mind once again.
When dealing with the terrors all these years, she had always had David to pull her through.  Even when she was in LA, she could always call him and he would comfort her. Now there was no David…no one to hold her and comfort her.  Losing him 6 months ago to leukemia, her last family member was gone. Now it was time for her to face the ghosts alone. 


As she sat at the bathroom vanity, she looked in the mirror. “Damn, how do I do this alone?” Miranda asked herself as she wiped away more tears. Getting up and walking into her bedroom, she put on her robe and fuzzy slippers and headed downstairs to the kitchen.


A cup of hot tea and my favorite movie will settle me down
. Grabbing her favorite chamomile tea and teacup, she filled the kettle, put it on the stove and waited for the water to boil. She poured the hot water and stirred in a touch of honey.  Wandering into the living room, she grabbed the movie and popped it into the DVD player.  She settled on the plush couch, put her feet up and sipped her tea. The movie intro started and the title appeared…The Wizard of Oz. Not the original format, but the colorized version.
Ah the ruby slippers. I have a pair too, Dorothy.  Except mine have 6” heels.
As the movie began, Miranda chuckled, “Oh Ted Turner, you crafty son of a bitch.”


She sipped her tea and got lost in the fantasy world of the tin man, cowardly lion, scarecrow and munchkins.  Yeah, he wants a heart.  With all that she ha
d been through in the past 15 years, Miranda wondered if anyone will ever want her heart.


“Oh Mr. Tin Man, you may be better off withod der off ut one. Stick with brains and courage. They will serve you better.” Miranda drew up her knees, sipped her tea and watched the yellow brick road unfold into a magical world of make believe.  If life was only this easy; a hop, skip and jump and a wizard would fix it all.  Miranda’s parents would be alive; David would be snoring in the next room.  She wouldn’t have been plagued with night terrors all these years.


Hank would never have been part of the picture…or Jude.


I would never have lost the love of my life…Jude Delaney











Chapter 4



Twelve year old Jude was packing to spend another summer with Grandpa Joe in that old house in Virginia. He was looking forward to getting out of Georgia…and away from his mother.  He loved his mom, when she was around anyway, but spending the summer with Grandpa Joe was a ritual he looked forward to after a long school year. Jude spent more time alone in that apartment than any 12 year old should. That and he had more Uncle “Whoever’s” than any kid on the block.  Thank God for the nice lady next door, Mrs. McAvoy. At least she made sure he was fed and had clean clothes.


The last day of school meant freedom, so much more to Jude than his classmates. The summer months were spent with Grandpa on the farm in Virginia. He knew it wasn’t a traditional farm, but he loved working in the vegetables
with Grandpa and flowers with Grandma…and her cooking.  Grandma always cooked his favorites.


Mom hadn’t been home in three nights, and he wondered if Mrs. McAvoy would drive him to the train station later. He went to school and it was just like any other day, or so it would seem. The end of the day drew near and two local policemen came to the classroom and brought his teacher out into the hall. They kept looking back at him and talking in hushed tones. The teacher came back into the classroom with a tear in her eye. What had the policemen said to make her cry?


She walked over to him. “Jude, you need to go with these two policemen. You will be ok, they need to talk to you is all.” Jude went with the policemen and standing outside next to the squad car was Mrs. McAvoy.


“Mrs. McAvoy? What’s going on?” he asked, his voice quaking a bit. “Jude, darlin…your Momma’s gone,” she said and handed him and envelope with a note inside.  He recognized his Mom’s scribble…


“Jude, go to your Grandpa’s and stay there.  I am leaving with Uncle Vern. Love, Momma.”


Tears stung his eyes, but no way was he gonna cry! Mrs. McAvoy hugged him and kissed the top of his head. “Jude, your Grandpa knows all about this. He wants
you to live with him permanently in Virginia. I will help you pack your things and take you to the station tomorrow. You can stay with me ny tonight.”


Jude stepped back from her embrace and quietly walked back to his classroom.  He walked up to his teacher and extended his hand. “Thank you
, Mrs. Green. I’ll never forget you.” Mrs. Green gave Jude a quick hug and smile. “Be good, Jude. I won’t soon forget my favorite, green-eyed student.” He turned and looked around at all his friends staring at him. He waved to them and walked out the door. 


He didn’t sleep well that night, but tomorrow he would be on his way to Grandpa’s farm…to the house he always loved, to the only father figure he ever had…and he smiled. This was a good thing, a very good thing.








“Mr. Delaney? Mr. Delaney, are you all right?” It was Janice’s voice that brought him back to the present day.  Jude shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Are you ok, Sir?”  Jude smiled and Janice let out a sigh of relief.


“I’m fine Janice, just lost in thought. What is it?”


“Your 11:00 appointment is here. Mr. Johansson, from Corporate.”


“Thanks Janice, show him in.”  


Jude stood as Mr. Johansson entered the office.  Craig was a small man, but with big power.  He could make or break anyone in a heartbeat.


“Craig, good to see you, come in.” Jude extended his hand.  Craig shook Jude’s hand firmly and gave him a firm slap on the shoulder. 


“Good to see you
, Jude. How is the youngest VP at The National?”


“Fine, Craig, just fine. What can I do for you today?”


“Ah, son, not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you.” Craig smiled and sat across from Jude’s desk. Jude sat down and looked at Craig with curiosity.


“Oh? You have my attention.”


“Son, you have done wonders for our investment portfolio, so I am going to say this straight up, no bullshit. We want to expand our offices and create several satellites from here to California over the next several years. We want you to head up the project. Before you say yes or no, read over the proposal. We are prepared to offer you an expense account and promotion.”


He slid a folder across the desk.  Jude sat in shock. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
Jesus! I can’t believe this!


“Craig. I’ll take it home tonight and look it over. Thank you for the opportunity.”  


“You’ve earned it, son. Keep me posted.”


Craig stood, crossed the office and left with a smile.  Jude sunk into his chair and twirled around to look out the window.  “YES! Oh, fuck yes!” he exclaimed, raising his voice.  
< Cront>


Oh this is a red letter day. Promotion, expense account and that sweet ass little redhead back in town. Jude, old boy, this is your lucky day!


Jude turned back to the computer
, finished his wires, and checked on investment portfolios. Shutting down the computer, he grabbed his briefcase.


“Good day to run errands and go home early. I have some plans to make.” Jude walked out and informed Janice and Sarah that he was leaving early.


“Ladies, have a great afternoon and I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning.” He grabbed his coat and headed for the elevator.


“Have a good day, Mr. Delaney,” Janice called out as he stepped through the doors.  Sarah mumbled a soft goodbye.


Oh, if she only knew how good the day was going to get.
Jude smiled. Miranda Jones back in town. Damn, he never could get that gorgeous redhead out of his mind.  If she thought he pursued her in the past, she ain’t seen anything yet! Jude started to laugh as the elevator doors closed.


Oh Miranda, baby, get ready
After all these years, I have a second chance to make you mine.  This time, no one stops me.











































Chapter 5



Last night was the first time Miranda slept through the night.


Routinely, sleep for Miranda was interrupted and fitful. She woke up with her stomach growling and that was unusual too but a great feeling nonetheless.


“Maybe it’s the fresh air. Feels like an omelet sort of morning Mandy,” she jabbered to herself while she washed up. She took a hair tie out of the drawer and grabbed a large brush. Miranda brushed her hair and threw in a ponytail.


“Now, time to make some killer eggs.”


On her way to cook breakfast, she stopped in the living room and popped on the television to a music station…a little light rock to cook by.  In the kitchen, Miranda grabbed all the fixings for a veggie omelet.  After chopping the mushrooms, onions and sweet red peppers, she set them aside and moved on to the eggs. Beating them with just a touch of milk until frothy, she added the veggies. Miranda always enjoyed fixing breakfast and the music was putting her in a good mood. While the omelet cooked she popped some whole wheat bread into the toaster.


“Yeah, yeah…no bread is better…but, an omelet without toast is a sin. Besides, you know I will run my ass off later.”


She laughed to herself as she recalled the common conversation with her fitness trainer, Jeffrey, in LA. Jeffrey always asked her if it was worth it…him working her ass off because she refused to follow his diet plan.  Miranda always said “fuck yes” and ran the extra laps or whatever additional torture Jeffrey conjured up for her indiscretion. Jeffrey shook his head and rolled his eyes at her when she stuck her tongue out at him. That was their routine three times a week and the memory was a fond one.

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