Another Man's Treasure (4 page)

BOOK: Another Man's Treasure
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The omelet and toast were done. Miranda grabbed a cup of coffee which was finally ready and sat at the bar and ate her breakfast. She made a list of the errands she needed to run as she finished her breakfast then put the dishes in the dishwasher and went upstairs to get dressed. 


Miranda looked at herself in the mirror and was happy with the view. She was proportioned well with a curvy figure. The one thing she was happiest with was her legs. Lean and muscular from the jogging, her legs were strong and they looked great from her toes to her tight little ass…and the rest wasn’t so bad either. Miranda put on her jeans, grabbed a lavender blouse, slipped her arms in and buttoned it up.  It was a bit sheer and with a beige bra, it was hard to tell if she wore anything underneath. She brushed out her red tresses, slipped on her favorite flat black sandals, grabbed her purse and ran out the door, ready to face the day.  She drove to town and mentally ran through her errand check list and decided to stop at the post office first to file her change of address forms. In the lobby she spotted the Postmaster at his desk.


“Good morning, Mr. Hedley,” she smiled. 


“Miranda Jones, as I live and breathe!” exclaimed the Postmaster as he came from behind his desk to give Miranda a big hug. “How are ya darlin? It’s been a long time. How long ya stayin in town girl?” 


She returned his fervent hug. Mr. Hedley
had been like a surrogate father after she lost hers.


“Thank you
, Mr. Hedley. I’m back for a while…I’m not sure how long.” That was the truth, the best she could tell it anyway. She wasn’t sure how long she would be in Willow.


“How is Mama H?”


“She’s well, dear. Please stop by some evening and chat. She’d love to see you!” 


“I would love to as soon as I get settled.”  


Saying goodbyes, Miranda left to do her remaining errands.
This could take all day, with all the ‘reunions’.


The local bank was next to open new accounts. Miranda noticed it had a very “homey” feel, as opposed to the big conglomerates in LA. The customer service person was very pleasant and opened checking and savings for her efficiently and quickly. It would take a few days for funds to clear from California, but she had a debit card and wasn’t concerned. It had been a long time since she had to worry
about money.   Miranda wanted a couple of new plants for the house and she needed cut flowers for her next errand.


She left the florist and grabbed the local newspaper from the coffee shop newsstand. Miranda turned quickly and ran right into the person behind her.


“Oh my God, I am so sor…”


Before she could finish her apology, Miranda looked up and none other than Jude Delaney was smiling at her and holding her by the shoulders. 


“Well hello, Miranda. I was wondering how long it would be before we ran into each other.”


Oh holy mother of God.


“Hello Jude, I’ve only been in town a few days.  How have you been?”


Of all people to actually run into, Jude


“I’m well, Mandy, and you are as devastatingly beautiful as ever.  How long has it been…10 years?”  


“About that long, yes…you’re looking well.”  


Jude threw back his head and laughed. “Jesus, Miranda…you were always stingy with the compliments. How about I buy you a coffee and we chat about your flirtation skills?”  


She smiled at Jude and batted her eyes. “Why yes, kind and handsome sir, that would be delightful. Is that better?”  


Both laughed and walked into the coffee shop. Miranda took a seat as Jude ordered their drinks. Sitting across from her, Jude handed Miranda a cup of tea.


“You remembered.”


“Of course, coffee in the morning, herbal tea the rest of the time; there are a lot of things I remember from the past, Mandy.”


“A lot of time has passed, Jude.  Things have changed…for both of us.”


’s stare was intense. Miranda could hardly look at him without bursting into flames of desire.  He reached over and ran his index finger over her hand.


“Some things have changed for the better and some things haven’t changed at all. You are still a sarcastic pain in the ass, but inside a kitten, a quivering mass of purring sexuality. You just have gotten better at concealing it.”


“Pfft, you don’t know me as well as you think you do Jude.  I’m not the same girl I was at 17.” ess at 17


“Thanks to your brother.  He ruined…”  


“No. Stop. Don’t go there, Jude.”


Jude took a sip of his coffee and leaned back.


“Ok, Mandy, not now…not here. But, trust me, we will be discussing this very soon.” 


Miranda took a deep breath and stood up.  She was ready to put some distance between them.


“Yeah, I know, Jude. Just not today, ok? I really have to go. I have more errands to run and a ton of unpacking.”


“Sure sweetheart, no problem. I have things to do and some work to finish from home.”


Jude reached over and took Miranda’s hand, turned it over and kissed the inside of her wrist. His lips lingered there for just a second or two.
God, she tasted delicious
. He stroked his finger over the spot he just kissed.


“I remember a lot of
things, baby. See you soon.” 


Jude crossed the street to where he was parked and turned around to watch Miranda drive off in the opposite direction of home.  Curious, he backed out and pulled down a side street, wanting to follow her unnoticed. After about 15 minutes, he spotted the red convertible parked on the side of the road next to the cemetery. He stopped a distance away and quietly walked the rest of the way and saw
Miranda. He watched her for a few minutes and then walked back to his truck. Sitting behind the wheel, he closed his eyes.


“Mandy baby, someday I am going to take all of the guilt you feel and throw it in the garbage…right where your fucking dick of a brother belongs.” 


Jude turned his truck around, shaking his head, and drove home.








Miranda, sat on the ground, placed the cut flowers she bought and cried over her parents’ graves.


“Mom, Dad…I miss you so much.”  


After a few minutes, Miranda rose and walked the short distance to David’s grave. She stood there staring at his tombstone while the tears ran down her cheeks.


“What happened, David? Things were not supposed to end like this.” 





















Chapter 6



Miranda ran down the road and picked up speed as she tried to work out the day’s events. The trip to the cemetery was brutal to say the least. It was the first time in more than 10 years Miranda sought out the ghosts, instead of waiting for them to come to her. 


Facing the ghosts of her past while sleeping was hard enough, but the reality of sitting in the cemetery was disturbing in a whole new way. It filled her brain with memories and images that she couldn’t explain. Miranda recalled something Jude had said at the coffee shop left her feeling puzzled.
Why was he blaming David for the past?


She had always known that David and Jude’s relationship was strained…actually, hate was a better description. Miranda thought the issue was that David wouldn’t let her date Jude. Jude wasn’t a bad guy when he was younger…oh he was a bit wild, but nothing drastic.  He wasn’t a thief or druggie…just a few beers with the guys kind of guy. Jude spent his time in athletics and in the local gym and always had a pack of cheerleaders nipping at his heels. Even as a teenager, Jude was a looker and never lacked for a date on a Friday night.


Three miles into her run, Miranda was at Joshua’s Pond. She always stopped for a couple of minutes and admired the beauty of the area. The pond was crystal clear, as it was fed by natural springs. A few lily pads adorned the far edge of the water and there were massive amounts of wild flowers everywhere. 


Today, she sat between two large rocks and drew up her knees, staring at the water. The rocks acted as a nice wind break for her body and she was in line with
the sun’s rays, absorbing their warmth.  She leaned back and closed her eyes. The memory of her last night at Joshua’s Pond came rushing in like the tide…


“C’mere, baby…let’s sit between these two rocks.  No one can see us here.”


Jude’s voice was deep and sensual as he pulled her down onto his lap, holding her tight around her waist. His hands moved up as he entwined his fingers through her long, flowing red hair. 


Fuck, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! I want you Miranda.”


Tilting her head back, he began to nuzzle her neck, kissing and nibbling under her chin. A gasp escaped Miranda’s lips and a low moan echoed from her throat. She grabbed his shoulders as she tipped her head down, in spite of the grip he had on her hair, and met his gaze as the moonlight poured over them.


His eyes were no longer the bright, beautiful green she loved. They were dark and almost foreboding. Kissing him, she parted her lips, slightly inviting his tongue into her mouth.  Holding his tongue with her teeth, she began to suck on it like a Popsicle.  She could feel his erection grow beneath her as she squirmed in his lap.


Pulling away from her kiss, Jude groaned.


“Fucan>k Mandy, I can’t deal with just a blow job, I gotta have you now.”


He pulled her tight against him and kissed her hard. His hands moved under her shirt and pulled it off over her head. Jude buried his head between her breasts and using his teeth, pulled her bra away from her nipples and began to suck one, then the other.  Lost in the sensation that rocked through her body, Miranda could barely speak. 


“Yes, Jude…oh my sweet Jesus, yes. I want you so bad.” She pulled and tugged to get his tee shirt off. 








Startled by a noise, Miranda jumped. Jude stood there with a lazy smile and crouched down on his heels.


“Darlin, what are you doing sitting here, are you ok? It’s getting kind of late for daydreaming.  If the wind hadn’t caught your hair, I wouldn’t have seen you on my way into town.” 


He stood and offered his hand to help her up. Miranda, still a bit dazed, took his hand, got up and brushed herself off.  
Holy shit, he looks hot.


“You scared me Jude, but I am damn glad you are here.” 

BOOK: Another Man's Treasure
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