Anything He Wishes (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Anything He Wishes (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance)
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But as life would have it, that didn't happen.

As I was pulling the plate away from Mrs. Fitch, she grabbed my arm pulling me towards her. 

"Why can't you ever seem to get my order right!?"
  Her brow was furrowed and the scowl made me imagine a pie being pushed in her face.

I looked down at the plate.  It was empty.  If it wasn't right, how come
she ate it?  At this point in time, my focus was only on her and her antics.  I wasn't about to apologize because I knew that it was right.
"What was wrong with it?"

She glared at me as if I was supposed to know what was wrong.  Feeling myself go rigid I waited for her response.

"Well...I ordered the tuna salad and this was chicken salad!" She boasted, as if she had won something that wasn't up to win.

I pulled out my
order book and looked at what I wrote.  Then I broke the cardinal rule of service. 
I corrected her.  And I did it right in front of all her friends.

"No Ma'am.  I asked three times to make sure I had it right.  I wrote it right here, see?"  As I pushed my order book in her face for her to see what I wrote.  "See, right here, it says chicken."

I knew I was moments away from being fired, but I had enough of this woman's
and I didn't care at the moment.  I was growing tired of hearing her bitching about everyone and everything as
if it was her job to make everyone miserable.
  It was frustrating to know that no matter what any of us ever did, there would always be something wrong. 

The look on her face was priceless.  I suddenly realized what I had done and now had to figure out how to fix it.  I briefly glanced up at the man with the crystal blue eyes.  He was leaning back in his chair, his arms folded in front of him
with one eyebrow raised and a small smirk on his face.  His dimples were showing slightly and my heart fluttered as our eyes locked momentarily.

I broke the stare and refocused.

"Mrs. Fitch, I apologize if you were unhappy with your CHICKEN salad.  May I get you a piece of cheesecake and a glass of wine, on the house?"

Her mouth skewed as she rolled her eyes.  "Oh, all right!  Maybe you can get THAT right!"  She screeched.

I shook inside, trying to hold my tongue.  I think the other guests sensed it because everyone else was now silent waiting and watching my reaction.  It took every bit of strength I had not to just belt the woman.  But I couldn't afford to go to jail.  Right now I just needed to get her out of here.

I look
ed up at the rest of the guests and plastered on a fake smile.

"Would anyone else like some dessert?"  I asked curtly.

It was almost in unison that everyone else at the table shook their heads no, including Mr. Ross who was still staring at me and giving me a soft careful smile. 
What was he thinking?

I turned on my heel and made my way back to the kitchen
grumbling under my breath
.  I found the fattest piece of cheesecake I could and
it with our famous raspberry sauce, then laid the perfect piece of mint on the plate.  On my way back to the ta
ble, I grabbed a glass of Ice Wine.  The light pink wine complimented the cheesecake the they looked good together as well.  No one could complain about our wine and cheesecake combination.
  Not even the old witch

As I was arriving at the table, I overheard Mrs. Fitch still complaining.  "I don't know why I still come here.  The service is horrible and they never seem to get my order right." 

My blood boiled as I slowed my gait.  Carefully, I set the cheesecake on the table in front of Mrs. Fitch.

Then, as if something or someone possessed my body an
d mind, I did the unthinkable.

Slow motion took over as
I reached for the glass of wine, but instead of setting it on the table, I allowed my fingers to gently push the glass off of my tray and tumble over the side, spilling that beaut
iful pink wine all into her lap
as the glass
landed with a "thwink" on her thighs.

veryone in the club
as I heard the horrible sound of silence fill the room.  Then,
the screeching began.
  Old Mrs. Fitch stood up and began cursing in ways even I had never heard.  She could have put a sailor to shame.  I quickly grabbed the glass and placed my tray on the table, trying as best I could to wipe up the wine before it had soaked through.  Too late.  That pastel green dress may not survive.  And I am sure it was expensive.  Probably not to her, but it would have cost me a months salary and tips.

"Get away from me you wretched child!" she screamed, pushing my hands away.

I couldn't decide if I wanted to laugh or cry. 
felt liberated
but that passed
because I knew I would have to be hunting for a job in the morning. 
What the hell was I thinking?  Why did I let her get to me like that?

I looked up in time to see my manager making a bee line over to the table, his brow furrowed deeply looking straight at me.
  Shit.  I knew I was fired.  Even though she was a witch, she was their best customer and always kept her rich girlfriends coming back and spending money there. 

"Harris!  I want this girl fired!"
  she yelled at my manager.

"Yes Ma'am.  I will take care of this myself."

Yep.  No matter what I did now, I had lost the only job that I had been able to get in the last 6 months.  I could feel the tears begin to well and choked them down.

"I am truly sorry, Mrs. Fitch."  My apology was genuine
even though it stung coming out.  I was more sorry because I had put my own ass in the sling. 

I looked up at Mr. Ross.  He had one arm folded
and the other supporting his chin
, his fingers
slightly covering his mouth. 
I could see the faint smile peeking from behind his fingers as he sat and watched the spectacle.
My stomach quivered as he gazed
into my eyes
me a disappointed shake of his head from side to side. 

My manager
grabbed my arm to get my attention,
looked at me and said one word.  "Office."





I felt defeated.  I didn't even bother to pick up the tray as I walked with my head down through the dining room, all eyes on me.

I could see the flurry
of the rest of the servers all attending to the table, cleaning it up, offering ways to help.  They knew it wasn't my fault but they couldn't help me now.  No one could.

I closed the office door behind me and plopped into the big
brown leather chair in the corner.
  The big rolled arms with studded pins almost made it feel cocoon like as it hugged me gently.
  I laid my head back and allowed myself a few tears before reaching over and gr
abbing a tissue to clean myself
up before I got fired. 
Why am I even still here?  I should just grab my thi
ngs and get the hell out of here.

As I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, I sat upright in the chair.  Harris stood in the doorway momentarily bef
ore closing the door behind him and sighed,

What happened?"  he said calmly squatting down in front of me.

was reaching to place the glass next to her plate, and I lost control and it fell.  I really am sorry
I knew I was lying, but he didn't.  Maybe there was some way now I could save myself.

I gulped back the tears now.  I hated being this emotionally vulnerable.  But I needed this job, even if I did hate it most of the time.  I still made great money off these rich folks.

ly my hands are tied.  If it were
anyone else, I wouldn't have to do this.  But this woman's money
and all the people who know her
is what keeps this place alive.  I'm sorry Jess..."

We were interrupted by a knock on the door.  I saw Harris roll his eyes as he got up to open it only a crack so he could see who was there.  I heard a male voice on the other said say, "May I speak with you?"
  It sounded vaguely familiar but I couldn't place it.

" He said to the stranger.
Jess, I will be back momentarily."
The door
ehind him.

  As I sat wondering if I had enough money in my bank account to pay the rent,
a couple of minutes passed
before hearing the door open
  Harris stood there briefly with a puzzled look on his face. 

"Looks like you have a guardian angel, Jess.  This man
may have
just saved your job.  He wants to speak with you privately.  Are you ok with that?"  Harris said as he moved aside to let the man through.

It took me a second to register what was happening and then everything around me blurred except the image that stood before me.  It was him!  Wait.  It was him?  Why?

"Uh...yeah, I guess..." was all that fell out of my mouth. 
Dammit Jess, can't think of anything intelligent to say?

The room seemed to shrink as
I stood up and looked into those crystal blue eyes before lowering mine to t
he floor
.  Most men couldn't make me look away.
  I was way to
confident.  I may not be perfect, but I knew enough to know my own value even if these rich folks didn't.  But this was different.  I felt humbled if this man did indeed save my ass.

"Th...thank you."  I mumbled, trying to get my mouth to move intelligently.

"I didn't do it for you." 

The words took me back.  If he didn't do it for me, then why did he do it?

The confused expression I gave him nudged him to explain.

There's something I want from you.  If you say yes, then you keep your job.  If you say no, then you can go back to being fired."

cold words slid like satin on velvet off of his tongue.  But I still didn't understand what he was getting at.

" what?" 

He moved into my personal space and brought his face only inches from mine. 
As my
eyes met his the world around me went silent once again
feeling as though he could look
into my soul.

I have a proposition for you.  I am in town for the week.  I have several things that I need an escort for and I would like you to be that escort.  Your manager said it would probably be a good idea for you to take a
little time
off anyway until this blows over.

I hadn't realized that I was holding my breath until I inhaled deeply.  Me?  He wants ME to

"I don't understand.  Surely you have lots of friends who could hook you up with someone that is much more
suitable.  Why me?"

His gentle laughter filled the room as he
pushed himself
me, backing me into the chair where I lost my balance and plopped into a seated position. 
The cocoon that the chair gave me suddenly felt more like a case as
he reached his arms out to both arms of the chair
, leaning down bringing his face to within inches of mine
.  His scent was intoxicating and it was if he could say anything at the moment and I would follow him blindly.

"Besides, I know you did that on purpose.  And I could expose your secret.  You owe me."

I gasped and pretended not to know what he meant, looking away.  But he and I both knew the truth.

"Don't play games with me naughty girl."  he growled, bringing his ha
d up to my chin and forcing me to look at him again.  "You have a wild streak that needs to be tamed.  And I think I am just the man to tame it."  he smiled.

"What do you mean?"  I asked innocently, as if I didn't have a clue as to what he is talking about.

He pushed himself upright and leaned back against the wall, folding his arms and just observing me...staring at me
as if he was sizing me up

The butterflies in my stomach continued their torture as I struggled to maintain some sense of composure.  But he was winning. 
How can he know this about me?

"Stand up."  He said gruffly.

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