Anything He Wishes (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Anything He Wishes (Billionaire BDSM Erotic Romance)
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I scrunched my face at him.  "Why?"

"Do as you are told!" 
he roughness in his voice combined with the loss of the smile gave me no other options that to do as he commanded.
  I found myself compelled to stand.

I stood up and he walked over towards me.
Electricity shot through my body as he grabbed my arm positioning me around the side of the big arm of the chair.  The heat of his palm placed gently on the center of my back pressured my body forward, forcing me to bend over the arm of the chair.

Every fiber in my being told me not to let him do this, but I couldn't have stopped him if I wanted too.  I wa
s mesmerized by this stranger.

My arms naturally went out in front of me, bra
cing them on the seat cushion. 
His hand moved down to the small of my back where it stopped.  I could feel my body tensing, wanting to raise upright.  My common sense told me that I should run out of there and never go back.  But my emotions had all the power as my body heated under his touch. 
My belly started to quiver as the familiar moistness began between my legs. 
This isn't right.
How could I be reacting this way?

"You have been very naughty, Miss Hunter."

The warmth of his hand disappeared from my back and I found myself longing for it to return.  Realizing my position I began to feel vulnerable as my nipples strained against the taught fabric of my shirt. 

"Naughty girls need to be punished."  He growled
as he stepped back and leaned against the wall, folding his arms
and eyeing my prominently raised backside.  "Wouldn't you agree, Miss Hunter?"

I stammered for something to say.  " so?"

moving towards me, he
squatted down so his eyes were level with mine.  Reaching behind my neck, he firmly grasps my hair and pulls my head up to look at him.

"The correct answer, would be Yes, Sir!"

I flinched at his calm but firm voice as his steady gaze melted me.
  I was helpless in controlling my responses to him, as if I was living out fantasies I had when I was masturbating alone with my vibrator.

"Yes, Sir." I eeked out, trying to maintain my dignity while still in my bent over position.

"Very good.  Now that w
e have that settled I expect to hear no complaining
."  He said as he stood back up and walked behind me. 
As I drew in a shaggy breath,
I craned my neck to try to see what he was doing.

"Face forward."
  He growled.

I complied with his command waiting in anticipation for the unknown.  Shivers were sent over my body as I felt his hand touch the back of my thigh.  Slowly his fingers traced up
the inside of
my thigh stopping just short
of my heated mound, his other hand following suit
on my other leg.  I felt my breath catch
with his painfully light and teasing touch.

I felt the weight of his body press against me and the stiffness of his member was prominent even between the multiple layers of clothing.  He ground into my bent over ass as he grabbed my hips and pulled them up and towards him.  There was no doubt he was letting me know he wanted to take me.  I let out a moan, caught up in the whole euphoria of it all.

"I know how much you need this
  The low sexy voice penetrated my ears sending me into a tailspin.
How did he know?
  His hand trailed the outside of my thigh, and over my buttocks, finally reaching my moist nub.  My mind went blank as my body responded to his touch, my back arching to allow his hand full access to whatever he wanted.

He skillfully circled around and around, bringing me up to a frenzy as I panted in heat.  I was beginning to tremble as a sign of how close I was to releasing the tension he had so easily built up.

I was shocked back into reality as he quickly pulled away and placed one hard smack on the bottom of my waiting rear.

"What the...!?"  I spewed as my body sprang upright and my hands quickly reached behind me
grabbing my own ass
, spinning myself around to face him.  He took the opportunity to grab my wrists and hold them behind my back as he pulled my chest into his.

"I didn't give you permission to stand."   His tone was
as he sandwiched me between the wall and his hot body
  I struggled slightly as he held his grip tight, bringin
g his other hand up to my breast
.  A little cry escaped my lips as he
gave me a gentle squeeze
making me wince in pleasure and pain and sending little shockwaves through my body directly to my throbbing clit.

Realizing I have fallen under his spell, I scurried to find my senses.
  I wiggled my way free of his grip and backed away to the opposite corner of the room.

"I never said I would agree to THAT!"

"Really?  So what are you agreeing to then?"  His
voice was heavy with sarcasm and his hair had been loosely tousled, creating a curl that sat on his forehead
like an
Elvis photo

"The way I see it, you are in a bit of a bind.  If you want to keep your job, then you spend the next week with me, doing what I want, when I want, and HOW I want
."  He moved closer and closer as he spoke, backing me into the corner.  "You will do anything I wish."

Flustered, I was both excited and frustrated.  "That's blackmail!"

I couldn't deny that I wanted what he was offering, even if it didn't make sense to take the offer so easily.  My common sense said run, but all the rest of my senses wanted more of what this man offered.
  There was something about him that I couldn't place my finger on that made me trust him.  Some kind of familiarity that I struggled to connect with.

With a mischievous look in his eyes, he backed away then turned and opened the door.  "Very well.  Good luck finding a new job."  As he started out the door, my future flashed before my eyes.
What the heck was I going to do?  I can't afford to lose this job, dammit!

"Wait!"  I called out, just as the door was about to close.  He paused, opening the door and leaned into the room with an almost hopeful glint in his eyes.

I motioned for him to co
me back into the room.

"So what again would I have to do?"  I uttered uneasily.

He closed the door behind him, locking it.  Slink
ly, he moved closer to me
his hands up behind my head and gently grabbing hold of my hair.  Without asking my permission he quickly took control.
  I was putty in his hands as I opened my neck up to him
.  The heat of his lips grazed my neck as his teeth pinched a small bit, scraping
my te
nder skin

My thoughts were betraying me. 
How could I let this happen

Why do I feel safe
trusting him with my
  But he is oh-so-good and I don't want this to stop. 

e brought his lips up to mine as he breathed his response into me.

"Anything I Wish." 

When his lips hit mine it was if a fire of passion washed over me, taking me to places I had only fantasized about.  The man of my dreams actually knew how to kiss, and kiss me well.  My knees grew weak as our tongues danced together.  His strong arms were wrapped around me helping me to keep my balance
as his hands
explored my backside.

Being kissed by a stranger wasn't something I was familiar with, but could not resist this man who had hold of me.
  It was almost as if I knew him.
  I felt one of his hand move around to the front as he took his thumb and gently rubbed between my legs,
hunting for my already hard

I inhaled sharply as he ran across my quivering mound breaking away from his hot mouth trying to find oxygen.  His mouth made its way down my chin and onto my neck, nibbling at the soft skin behind my ear.  I gasped in delight as his thumb made circles, forcing me to want to spread my legs to give him access.

I could hear him softly chuckle as he continued his torment through my clothes. 

"I can smell your need." He breathed into my neck,
pushing me higher and higher as my belly was fluttering
pushing me closer and closer to orgasm.
  He reaches up and unbuttons and unzips my pants, allowing him to slip his hand easily into the front of my panties.  His fingers know exactly where to go as he strums his fingers across my clit.
Thank god the wall is holding me upright as I am beginning to convulse as I come to my peak.

"Come for me."  he growls as his lips and tongue seek out my mouth.  I can no longer hold back as I
pull away from his kiss and let out a moan that
allow the wave
s of pleasure to take me away.

"Oh my, all this wetness just for me?"

His voice stirred me out of my orgasmic stupor as he pulls his hands out from my wet panties.  Bleary eyed, I watch as he licks his fingers with a smile before pulling out a handkerchief to wipe his hands dry.

e reached into his coat pocket and took out a gold business card case and a pen.  Removing one of the cards he wrote something on the back and handed the card to me.

"Call the number on the front once you get home.  Give them your address and be ready to go within the hour.  My cell phone is on the back if there are any problems you can reach me there.  I will see you this evening."

"This evening?"  I asked.

"Yes, pack
the things you think you will need for the week."

I straighten myself up and tuck in my shirt, taking the card out of his hand.

"The week?"

"Just do as I ask, Jessica." 
straightened his own clothes
and headed out the door.

I stood there for a minute, wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.  My head still spinning from coming combined with the activity of the day had completely drained me.

I gathered my things and clocked out, briefly checking with Harris before I left.  Thank goodness the drive home was short as I seriously needed a nap.  Marie was still at work and I knew she wouldn't be back until morning because she was heading up to her boyfriends afterwards so I had the place to myself. 





As I let myself in, I had just enough energy to shower.
  The hot water washing over my body brought back the feeling of Nathan touching my skin.  As I soaped myself up all over I paid special attention to my nub, making sure to pleasure myself
as I stroked the sensitive folds between my legs.  I could still feel the sting of his hot kiss on my mouth while at the same time imagined myself over his lap as he placed stinging swats on my waiting rump.  The thought of being held down and spanked excited me intensely and I quickly found myself shuttering with my orgasm as I went over the edge.

I finished rinsing and wrapped myself up in my big fluffy robe.  Padding over to the bed, I flopped down and decided just to nap for a little while before calling the number on the card. 

It felt like I had just fallen asleep when I heard a loud rapping on my door.  Startled, I leapt out of bed and noticed it was dark in the room.  The rapping was louder now and I heard a strong male voice call me from outside.

"Miss Hunter?  Are you in there?"

Who the hell knows I am here?  I don't recognize that voice.  Still feeling sleepy, I walked over to the door and grabbed the baseball bat that we kept behind it.

"Who is it?"  I asked loudly.

"Miss Hunter, this is Pete.  I work for Mr. Ross.  He had me come to fetch you."  The voice from the o
ther side of the door responded as I peeked through the peephole.

me?  What am I, a dog?

I opened the door to find a man dressed in a chauffeur suit.  "Come in."  I said, hesitantly.  "How did you know where I lived?"

"Oh, Mr. Ross knows everything."  Pete explained confidently.


He looked at me as if not agreeing
was some kind of sin.

"Please Miss Hunter, we should be leaving now."  There was a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Pete, I will be ready shortly.  Why don't you have a seat."

"Thank you Miss Hunter.  I will just wait here."  He seemed fidgety as I made my way back into my bedroom, pulling out my overnight bag and filling it with clothes and makeup.  I had no idea what I was dressing for so I gathered what I thought would be a good variety of things.

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