Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed (15 page)

Read Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed Online

Authors: Tim Lahaye,Jerry B. Jenkins

Tags: #Adventure, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adult, #Thriller, #Contemporary, #Spiritual, #Religion

BOOK: Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed
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“You have learned much today, I understand,” Tsion began. “And tonight is a time for more instruction. I have warned you in advance of many judgments, from the seven seals to the seven trumpets and eventually to the seven vials that will finally usher in the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“I have traced the beginning of the seven-year tribulation period from the signing of the unholy alliance between the one-world system and the nation of Israel. By following the judgments that have befallen the world since then, I have calculated that we are waiting on a precipice. We have endured all seven Seal Judgments and the first three of the seven Trumpet Judgments. The middle, or fourth, Trumpet Judgment is next in God’s timing.

“To prove to the wondering world and to the unconvinced that we can know whereof we speak, I will tell you now what to expect. When this occurs, let no man deny that he was warned and that this warning has been recorded in the Scriptures for centuries. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. That is the reason for this entire season of trial and travail. Though he waited as long as his mercy could endure and finally raptured his church, still he rains judgment after judgment down upon an unbelieving world. Why? Is he angry with us? Should he not be?

“But no! No! A thousand times no! In his love and mercy he has tried everything to get our attention. All of us remaining on the earth to this day were delinquent in responding to his loving call. Now, using every arrow in his quiver, as it were, he makes himself clearer than ever with each judgment. Is there doubt in anyone’s mind that all of this is God’s doing?

“Repent! Turn to him. Accept his gift before it is too late. The downside of the judgments that finally catch some people’s attention is that thousands also die from them. Don’t risk falling into that category. The likelihood is that three-fourths of us who were left behind at the Rapture will die―lost or redeemed―by the end of the Tribulation.

“I want to tell you tonight of the fourth Trumpet Judgment in the hope that it will not take that catastrophe to finally convince you. For it could just as easily kill you.”


Just after noon on Thursday in Chicago, Rayford and Ken joined Doc Charles and Hattie to watch the Meeting. The pilots had their flight plans out and doodled with charting their course to the Middle East. Assuming word got to Tsion, he would announce something official or ceremonious for Saturday, and that would trigger Rayford and Ken’s attempt to get to Israel. They would plan to arrive around midnight Friday and pick up their passengers shortly thereafter.

Rayford’s head jerked up as all four watchers heard Tsion say, “I plan to summarize all this in a small thank-you session to the local committee on Saturday at noon, when we meet near the Temple Mount.”

“Bingo!” Rayford said. “Teach me the Gulfstream this afternoon, so I can share the load both ways.”

“Long as you’re confident of chopper duty. Got one lined up?”

“That part’ll be easy. Hoo, boy, back in the battle!”

Hattie gave Rayford a long look. “You like this stuff?”

“Funny you would ask that,” he said, “knowing how you feel about Carpathia.”

“I expect to die going after him. You act like you can’t lose.”

“We’ve already won,” Ritz said. “It’s just a matter of going through the motions. The Bible’s already told the story, and as Tsion says, ‘We win.’ ”

Hattie shook her head and rolled onto her side, her back to them. “You’re pretty glib for dealing with a man like Nicolae.”

Ken caught Rayford’s eye. “You realize when we have to leave, with the time change and all? Well, ‘course you do. You been flyin’ these routes a lot longer’n I have.”

Buck found it hard to believe all that had happened in the twenty-four hours since Tsion had last addressed the crowd. He missed Chloe but felt more settled and at peace than he had in a long time.

“The earth groans under the effects of our fallen condition,” Tsion began. “We’ve all lost loved ones in the Rapture and in the ten judgments from heaven since then. The great wrath of the Lamb earthquake devastated the globe, save for this very country and nation. The first three Trumpet Judgments alone scorched a third of the earth’s trees and grass, destroyed a third of the oceans’ fish, sank a third of the world’s ships, and poisoned a third of the earth’s water―all as predicted in the Scriptures.

“We know the sequence of these events, but we don’t know God’s timing. He could pile many of these judgments into one day. All I can say with certainty is what comes next. As you see, these get progressively worse. The fourth Trumpet Judgment will affect the look of the skies and the temperature of the entire globe.

“Revelation 8:12 reads, ‘Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.’

“Regardless of whether it means one-third of each star or a third of all stars, the effect will be the same. Day or night, the skies will be one-third darker than they have ever been. Not only that, but I take from this passage that one-third more of the day will be dark. So the sun will shine only two-thirds the time it used to. And when it is shining, it will be only two-thirds its usual brightness.

“Prophecy indicates that more scorching and parching of the earth comes later, so it’s likely the darkening and resultant cooling is temporary. But when it occurs, it will usher in―for however long―winter-like conditions in most of the world. Prepare, prepare, prepare! And when depressed friends and neighbors and loved ones despair due to the darkness and gloom, show them this was predicted. Tell them it is God’s way of getting their attention.”

Tsion summarized the teaching that had gone on during the day at various sites around the city and urged the audience to preach boldly “until the Glorious Appearing fewer than five years away. I believe the greatest time of harvest is now, before the second half of the Tribulation, which the Bible calls the Great Tribulation.

“One day the evil world system will require citizens to bear a mark in order for them to buy or sell. You may rest assured it will not be the mark we see on each other’s foreheads!”

Tsion went on to outline practical suggestions for storing goods. “We must trust God,” he concluded. “He expects us to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. That wisdom includes being practical enough to prepare for a future that has been laid out for us in his Word.

“Tomorrow night I’m afraid I have a difficult message to bring. You may get a preview of it by reading Revelation 9.”

As Tsion began wrapping up his teaching for the night, Buck’s phone vibrated.

“It’s Mac. Are you where you can talk?”

Buck turned away from the backstage wing and moved to a quiet area. “Shoot.”

“Do you have an evacuation plan, you and your wife and Ben-Judah?”

“We’re working on it.”

“You’ll need it. I’m telling you, boy, these guys are crazy. Carpathia spends half his day fuming about the two witnesses and the other half plotting to kill Mathews.”

“Mathews bothers him more than Tsion does?”

“I wouldn’t give a nickel for Peter Mathews’s future. And Carpathia thinks he’s got Tsion’s number. Whatever that Saturday deal is, be careful. Nicolae’s got his troops so fired up that they know they could take out Tsion and never suffer for it. Nicolae would paint it as a setup, dissension among the ranks of the believers or something, and he would still look like a hero.”

“This connection is secure, right Mac?”

“Of course.”

“We’ll be long gone before that rally.”

“Good! Need anything? I’m in contact every day with David Hassid.”

“Rayford’s trying to get a chopper to get us from Jerusalem to one of the airports.”

“You can’t just sneak out and get a ride?”

“We trust hardly anyone, Mac.”

“Good for you. I’m going to recommend David get you a chopper that looks like ours.”

“White, with GC on it?”

“Nobody’ll mess with you if they see that.”

“Until we leave it on the runway and fly off in a Gulf-stream.”

“Ritz has a Gulf? I’m jealous.”

“Come with us, Mac.”

“You know I’d love to. But somebody has to be the ears here.”

“We’re not going to be able to watch tomorrow night’s meeting, are we?” Rayford said as Ken ran him through the paces of the Gulfstream over Palwaukee Airport.

“Sure we are. Hook your laptop to my satellite tracking system, and I can force it to lock onto the Internet feed. It’ll be a little tricky, bouncin’ around up there, but you’ll at least be able to hear it.”

Rayford completed a fourth consecutive smooth landing, and Ritz pronounced him ready. As they sat in a rebuilt hangar finalizing their route, the young mechanic approached. “Captain Steele,” Ernie said. “I took a call while you were in the air. Was your phone off or something?”

“Yeah,” Rayford said, turning it back on. “I didn’t want to be distracted.”

“I heard you had one of them wake-up features where it’ll ring even when it’s off.”

“Yeah, but you can override that too.”

“Cool. Anyways, a Miss Hattie Durham wants you to call her.”

Rayford called her on the drive back to the safe house. “I wouldn’t care if Floyd said you were fit to run a marathon, Hattie. You’re not going with us, at least not on my plane.”

“Your plane?” Ritz said, laughing from behind the wheel of the Rover.

“Or Ken’s plane, I mean.”

“It ain’t mine either, Bro!” Ken said.

“Whoever’s plane. Anyway, Hattie, there’s no way Floyd would release you to travel. Let me talk to him.”

“He doesn’t even know I’m calling. I know what he’d say. That’s why I haven’t said anything to him. And don’t you either, Rayford.”

“Hattie, you’re acting like a child. You think I’d let you go with us on a dangerous mission, sick as you’ve been? You know me better than that.”

“I thought maybe you owed me.”

“Hattie, this discussion is closed. You want a ride to the Middle East so you can kill Carpathia, find it elsewhere.”

“Let me talk to Ken.”

“He’s not going to―”

“Just let me talk to him!”

Rayford handed the phone to a puzzled-looking, scowling Ritz. “Yeah, doll,” he said. “No, sorry, that’s just an expression we old flyboys use. . . . Well, sure, I’d like to be a doll too. . . . Oh, no ma’am. I can’t see any way. Well, now, I hate to have you think less of me, but the truth is if I could be manipulated by the poutin’ of a spoiled pretty little girl, I wouldn’t be lookin’ back on two divorces now, would I? ... You can beg and cry for someone else, honey, ‘cause I sure ain’t gonna be responsible for you overseas not forty-eight hours after you miscarried. . . . Now I’m awful sorry for you, and, like everybody else in your life, I got sort of a soft spot for you. But that’s the reason I’m not going to be party to any foolishness like this. . . . Well, I understand that. I’d like to kill him myself. But I got a job to do, and it’s dangerous enough as it is. I’m gettin’ people outta there, not worryin’ about killing anybody. At least this trip. How ‘bout you get yourself healthy, and I’ll see about running you over there for Nicolae target practice another time. . . . No, I’m not poking fun at you. You are being a little silly here though, don’t you think?”

Ritz shook his head and flapped the phone shut as he handed it back to Rayford. “Little spitfire hung up on me. You gotta like her spunk, though. And she is a gorgeous thing, ain’t she?”

Rayford shook his head. “Ritz, you’ve got to be on the feminists’ top ten most wanted list. Man, what a throwback!”

Rayford nearly panicked when he didn’t see Hattie in her bed as they walked in. “She in the bathroom?” he asked Floyd.

“I wish,” the doctor said. “She’s walking somewhere.”


“Calm down. She insisted on walking around and wouldn’t let me help her. She’s on the other side.”

Rayford checked the empty, more damaged half of the duplex. Hattie walked slowly on the uneven floor of an unfurnished room, her arms folded. He just stared at her, not asking the obvious question. She answered it anyway.

“Just trying to build my strength.”

“Not for this trip.”

“I’ve resigned myself to that. But Ken promised to―”

“Ken was talking through his hat, and you know it. Now would you please do yourself and all of us a favor and follow Doc’s orders.”

“I know my body better. It’s time I started building back up. He said himself I may be out of the woods with the poison, whatever it was. But that’s only because my baby took the brunt of it. Nicolae has to pay for that.”

Hattie was suddenly short of breath. “See?” Rayford said. “You’re overdoing it.” He helped her back to the other side of the house, but she refused to lie down.

“I’ll just sit awhile,” she said.

Floyd was visibly angry. “She’s going to be a whole lot of fun to deal with while you guys are gone.”

“Come with us,” Ken said. “She looks like she’s getting pretty self-sufficient to me.”

“Not a chance. She may not know how sick she is, but I do.”

“Let’s hope we’re not bringing you back any more wounded,” Ken said.

Rayford nodded. “I’ve already seen enough casualties in this war to last me a lifetime.”

Mac confirmed to Buck that the plot against both the witnesses and Tsion was set for Saturday noon near the Temple Mount. “They can’t believe Tsion has played right into their hands. They’re planning what will appear to be a terrorist bombing that should kill anyone within two hundred feet of the Wall.”

“Tsion thought Carpathia wouldn’t try anything at a site so sacred to the Jews.”

“It would never be traced to him. They’re already trying to pin it on Mathews. Funny thing is, Mathews wants the credit for it. He says the witnesses and Tsion are the greatest enemies to religion he has ever seen. He’s livid. You’re going to be gone, right?”

“By 1:00 A.M.”

“Perfect. A replica chopper’s been delivered, and as far as I know, everything’s in place. And your host is none the wiser?”

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