Obedient (The Plunge Crew Book 2)

BOOK: Obedient (The Plunge Crew Book 2)
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Heather Stone
Wintersgate Press


Copyright ©2016 by Wintersgate Press

Published by Wintersgate Press

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Cover Design: Jessica Drake

Editor: Jennifer Roberts-Hall, Indie After Hours

Proofreader: Shawna Gavas, Behind the Writer



Totally fucking worthless.

I'm the black sheep of the family—well, I would be if I had a family. It's just my brother and me. Our parents died when I was young. But I'm glad they're not here to see what I have turned into.

A worthless embarrassment.

I'm sitting at the courthouse waiting for yet another verdict. Another Friday wasted in court, but I'll be lucky to escape jail this time. Bail won’t even be an option over the weekend. I’ll be forced to spend the next three days behind bars. I’ve already used up my three strikes. Sitting in what reminds me of a pew, I watch all the other delinquents file in waiting to hear what punishment they will receive for their crime. I should be nervous, but I'm just annoyed. Why can’t I just fucking straighten my shit out?

I've played this game before.

Criminal possession of a controlled substance in the 5th degree. I came without an attorney because it’s pointless. I'm going to jail. I won't ask my brother for any more favors. He’s had to bail me out before and I refuse to ask him again. My IOU to my brother Brian is already piling up by the second. No need to add any more. I should be freaking the fuck out…but I’m just bored.

I'm about to doze off when someone sits beside me. Looking over, I perk up at the mousey brunette in the seat next to mine, her fingers twirling in nervousness. I take her in from head to toe. She’s dressed in a conservative skirt and blouse, with her hair in a tight bun. She's ultra-sexy underneath that school teacher vibe she's throwing. I bet she's dirty in bed. The mousey looking ones usually are.

“What did they get you for?” I ask in an uninterested tone.

“Wha-what?” she stammers out.

My eyebrows rise. “Why are you here?”

“Speeding,” she whispers as though saying it out loud might conjure up more problems.

“You’re awfully nervous for just a speeding ticket,” I jest.

“I’m not nervous,” she squeaks.

“Right. Is that why your fingers won’t stop moving, and you’re holding your breath?”

She narrows her eyes. “For your information, I’ve never had a speeding ticket before,” she snaps.

“Not surprised. That hair of yours is wound pretty tightly in that bun. I bet you never let it down.” I shrug my shoulders in boredom.

“You’re an ass.”

My eyes widen in surprise. “So you do have a backbone after all. Interesting.”

She scoffs, her lip curling in disgust. “Just leave me alone.”

“I don't think you want me to leave you alone. I’m distracting you from why you’re here.”

She quirks her eyebrow and scrunches her nose.

“Your fingers have stopped moving, and you’re breathing again. My guess is you would love me to distract you in other ways.”

She mock gags, putting her finger to her mouth.

“I bet you're really not this uptight. It's an act, isn't it?”

“What the hell are you talking about? I don't even know you and you don’t know anything about me,” she grates.

I’ve managed to piss her off. I should stop, but I can’t. I like watching her squirm under my perusal. “I know your type. You like to be bent over and spanked.”

She gasps. “You're a pig.”

“I might be, but I could show you so many things, little girl, and you’d love every… single… one,” I say quietly so nobody else can hear.

“Don't flatter yourself,” she stammers out. “You are not my type. You’re a criminal.”

“I’m every woman’s type.”

She purses her lips. “Why are you here anyway? Murder?”

I chuckle. “Clearly, you've never been to court. I'm pretty sure murderers aren’t allowed to sit in seats with speeders.”

“No, I haven’t. I told you, I’ve never even had a ticket. I’m not like you.” Looking forward, she pretends to dismiss me. I obviously don’t let her.

“You might not be like me, but you want it feels like to be. You’re intrigued because I’d venture to say nobody has ever talked to you the way I am right now, and secretly you crave it.”

She shakes her head adamantly.

Leaning over I whisper in her ear, “I bet you're soaking wet right now.” She stiffens at my words. “I can smell you from here. If I touched you right now, you would lose your mind. You want everything I'm offering.”

She crosses her legs, rubbing her thighs together.


At that moment, before she speaks, the judge enters the courtroom, and everyone stands. This effectively ends our conversation. The judge drones on until he calls out Charlotte Matthews. The woman beside me stands and walks toward Judge Albright.

“Ms. Matthews, I see this is your first citation.”

“Yes, sir,” she says softly.

“You were going fifteen miles over the speed limit. Why?”

“My alarm didn’t go off, and I was going to be late to the elementary school where I work.”

“School doesn’t start until 8:15, Ms. Matthews. You would have made it going the speed limit.”

“Your Honor, I like to be there early to have everything ready to go. My day is thrown off if things aren’t in order.”

“I see,” he says as he leafs through paperwork.

“Since this is your first citation, I will let you off with a fine. No points on your record.”

Her body sags in relief. “Thank you, Your Honor. I will make sure to abide by the speed limits moving forward.”

“You do that, Ms. Matthews.” He nods and she is dismissed.

I watch as she scurries out of the courtroom away from me. The emptiness of the room from the loss of Charlotte Matthews is suffocating. I find myself fidgeting for the first time. It’s a strange feeling.

I don’t like it.


sag against the wall
, willing myself to calm down. The judge’s verdict on my speed was more than I could have asked for. I haven’t had a ticket in my entire twenty-five years on Earth. That guy back there was right. I was petrified and completely out of my element unlike him, who seemed at ease in a courtroom.


Just the thought of that man has me wet…again. What the hell was wrong with me? He was right, though. I was bursting with want for everything he promised he could give. I recall everything about him to memory. His broad chest caused his T-shirt to pull tightly across his body, and his tousled dark hair was begging for me to run my hands through it.

But I wouldn’t.


I’ve only been with one man, and that situation quickly ruined my view on sex. It was boring and anticlimactic. He was selfish, and I’d went without fulfillment in a number of ways. I’ve only ever seen one dick, but I can imagine most are larger. It was sad really.

I’m curious about that man in court. Who is he and why is he here? I shouldn’t care. In fact, I should run as fast as possible. I can’t, though. Something about him has me intrigued…Stupid girl.

I tiptoe my way back towards the door of the room and sneak in undetected. Taking a seat at the very back, I’m able to stay out of his sight. It feels like hours go by before Judge Albright calls out, “Bryce Decker.”

The guy I was sitting beside stands and walks cockily to the front. His swagger eventually fades under the scrutiny of Judge Albright.

“No representation, Mr. Decker?” The judge looks down on Bryce.

“No, sir. No need.”

Judge Albright narrows his eyes. “Do you mock the court, Mr. Decker?”

“Not at all, Your Honor. I just know there is nothing to say in my defense, so I’m here to take my punishment.”

When he says punishment, I flush all over. He doesn’t mean it to sound sexual, but everything that comes out of his mouth tends to ooze with it.

“Very well then. Let’s get started.” The Judge looks back to his paper. “One count criminal possession in the 5th degree – Class D Felony, Mr. Decker. Did you knowingly conceal over 500 milligrams of cocaine?”

“Your Honor, I—”

The door behind me creaks and I turn my head as a tall, willowy man slips inside the courtroom.

“Excuse me, Your Honor, may I approach the bench?” the man says as he walks up the aisle having just came from the hallway.

“Mr. Turner, what is this about?” Judge Albright questions irritated.

“Your Honor, I was just informed twenty minutes ago by Mr. Decker’s brother that I was to represent him at this hearing. I got here as soon as I could, but traffic made it impossible to get here in a timely fashion. I apologize,” Mr. Turner says disconcerted.

“All right. How would you like to proceed?”

“I’d ask for a continuance as I have not had the time to look over the case or discuss matters with my client.”

“Continuance granted this one time. Court will reconvene in the matter of Bryce Decker two weeks from today. You’re dismissed, Mr. Decker.” Judge Albright doesn’t even bother to look up before he calls his next person.

I slink down in my seat, hoping to avoid being seen by Bryce as he walks with his attorney to the doors. Just when I think I’m in the clear, the woman beside me begins a hacking spell and draws Bryce’s eyes right to mine. At first, his back stiffens, but then his features soften until transforming into a wicked grin. That simple smirk has me desperate for him. My panties are soaked once more, and I have to rub my thighs together to stop my juices from creeping down my leg. Once I have myself in check, I stand and make a hasty exit, running smack into a hard body.

“Oh, God, I’m so sorry-I…” My mouth goes slack as I look up into the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. They are a deep stormy blue that captivate me. I’m paralyzed to this spot as Bryce Decker fucks me with his eyes.

“Fancy seeing you again… Charlotte.” I bristle at the sound of his voice.

“My name is Charlie,” I hiss.

“I don’t give a fuck what others call you. Your birth certificate says Charlotte so that’s what it is.” He’s smug and arrogant and a total pain in my ass, but I want him.

I let out a sigh.

A crease forms between his brows. I remain quiet waiting for him to say something…anything, but he doesn’t. He just continues to watch me closely.

Then he snaps.

Grabbing my arm, he pulls me into an alcove away from prying eyes and smashes his mouth roughly against mine. I resist for less than a second before I’m opening my mouth to his expert tongue. This man could bring me to my knees with a kiss alone. My body quakes at the thought of what it could do to my core. I go limp in his arms as he cups my pussy firmly with his palm. Moaning into his mouth, I lose all sense of propriety.

What is wrong with me?

I know I shouldn’t be allowing this, but something about this man makes me forget all about decorum.

He pulls away from my mouth going to my ear to whisper, “Your pussy is so hot. You’re literally burning up for me. My cock is going to make you feel so good.” I whimper at his words. “Tell me you want to strangle my cock with your pussy.”

“Yes, I do,” I cry.

A throat clears behind us, and I jump out of Bryce’s grasp. My cheeks are bright red from being caught in a compromising position.

“Mr. Decker, we have things to discuss,” Bryce’s attorney says. I hang my head lamely, attempting to shield my face from him.

“Later, Turner. I have somewhere I need to be.” He grabs my hand and leads me briskly towards the exit door.

“Where are we going?” I ask, perplexed at today’s turn of events.

“I’m taking you to my place. My cock needs attending, and you need to let that hair down.”

My body awakens at the thought. He calls to me on a level I don’t understand. His commanding ways have me yearning for him to teach me things I can’t even imagine. If he ends up being soft in bed, I might cry out of frustration. I need to be conquered, controlled. I want to be punished and rewarded. I need a Dom, and I think I’ve found one.

He halts in front of a motorcycle, causing me to shake my head at the mode of transportation. Motorcycles are dangerous, and I refuse to get on it.

“I didn’t ask, little girl. Get on or I’ll sling you over the seat and spank your ass until it’s red and swollen. You won’t sit for a week.”

I stiffen, and my eyes go wide. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Test me, Charlotte. Now put this on and be a good girl.”

Something in his eyes tells me he’d really do it, so I grab the helmet from his hands and hop on the back. I’m about to ride more than his bike, and I’m humming in anticipation. If I die on the way there, at least I’ll die being daring. That’s a new concept for me.

As we take off, the vibrations of the motorcycle have me rubbing my pussy into the seat. I take my hand away from his waist and place it between our bodies. Running it down my chest, I palm my breasts through my shirt. I moan out loud since nobody can hear me. As if he knows what I’m doing, he speeds up only making the throbbing more intense. My hand trails down and goes under the band of my skirt until it meets my pulsing core. I grind my pussy into his back and work my clit as best I can on the back of a fast moving bike. Just as I’m about to come, we pull into the enclosed carport next to a brownstone. I’m aching for his cock to impale me, and it’s obvious he can tell by his grin.

“Your cunt is hurting for my cock,” he says as he steps off the bike and looks down at me, his hand outstretched to help me off.

I nod as speech eludes me at this point. I’m beyond the point of self-control.

“Tell me what you need, Charlotte. Just say it and I’ll give you whatever you ask for.”

“I want you to take me right here. I can’t wait.”

He slowly lowers me onto my back across the seat of his Harley. When I’m situated, he runs his hands up my legs until he gets to the hem of my skirt. Sliding it up, he takes in my simple white lace panties.

“These have to go. I want you bare.”

He trails them down my legs, and once they are slipped over my feet, he brings them to his nose and breathes in long and hard.

“Mmmm…I need my tongue all over your pussy.”

At that, he leans over and spreads me wide with both of his hands. He dips his head and takes a swipe at my folds. His tongue is fluid as it laps at my drenched center. It’s a slow build, but I feel my impending orgasm making its way to the surface. He continues his languid strokes, delaying the release I desperately need.

“Please,” I beg.


“Make me come. Please…make me come.”

He licks once more and then lightly bites my clit, sending me into an instant orgasm. My body shudders and I come undone all over his tongue. He continues to circle my clit, helping to draw it out.

“Oh my God. That…was incredible,” I say, astounded.

“I told you I know what you need. You like a little pain with your pleasure. I’m the guy to give you just that, Charlotte.”

I melt at my name on his lips. There is something so intimate about it.

“We need to get you inside before my neighbors call the police. You were loud as hell,” he chides playfully.

“Was I?” I begin to freak out.

“Nobody heard you. I’m only trying to get a rise out of you…which isn’t hard.” He smirks. “My place is that first door on the bottom level. Let’s get inside. I have a whole room of fun sex stuff that I’m dying to try out on you.”

I go still at this. Why would anyone need a room full of this stuff? How many women does he do this with? I sag at the realization that this man is a whore. Of course, this isn’t his first time bagging someone the first day he meets her. He’s a serial philanderer, and I’m the idiot who fell for his charms. I jump down from the bike and run away. The scared little lamb running from the big bad wolf.

Except, in this case, I’ve already been eaten.

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