Ardor (5 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Ardor
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This Jasmine scared me; she knew she had me, and her confidence multiplied before my eyes.
So fucking sexy.

“Tell me, Greg, how would you know something so tiny, yet meaningful about me?”

“I heard you tell Alex last week. You gushed about their eel rolls.”
Please, God, let her


“Funny,” she started with a cocky smirk. “Because I think that you were eavesdropping on a conversation I had with that cutie from Borden.” 

My temperature rose as I remembered the way he’d flirted with my girl, but I wouldn’t tell Jasmine that. “I remember no such thing, and I also don’t pay you to flirt with ‘cuties from Borden’.” 

She flinched at the bite in my tone, but composed herself before answering my statement.

“Hmm, interesting.”

“That’s it?”

“What do you want me to say?”


Jasmine nodded.

“That you’ll work this double, and cut me some slack.”

“That would be too easy, but I will let it go if you answer my next question. No bull. I need you to be honest with me, Greg.”

I nodded in agreement even though my mind was screaming at me to be careful, that this had “
trap” written all over it.

“Admit to me that you don’t want me to go on this date, and I’ll work tonight.”

Fuck, why did I agree? Looking back into her amber eyes, I saw something that stopped me from dismissing her assumptions. Jasmine stood before me, both scared and hopeful, and I just couldn’t break her.

Even if some day she turned away and never looked back, I couldn’t hurt her again.

“I don’t want you to go out with him, Jasmine. Please don’t go.”

“Thank you,” she whispered before coming around and laying a tender kiss on my cheek.

“I’ll cancel and stay.”

That was it. No drawn out conversation or forced declarations.

Just like that. All she’d needed right then was my honesty, and for the first time, I gave in with no fight.

Chapter 6


She stayed.

I couldn’t get that out of my head.

For me, Jasmine had canceled her date with the douche that had dared to try to steal her away. She didn’t have to indulge my request, she could have easily told me to fuck off, but she didn’t.

She stayed for me and to be with me.

Thelma let me know with one withering stare that she was onto me when I approached her with a massive order. “This isn’t her department, Greg. Let the girl go and have fun.” That was the old coot’s way of letting me know that it wasn’t kosher that I had used her for my benefit. 

I will admit to getting off easy with Thelma—I got nothing but a smack to the back of the head and she let it go.
Surprisingly. I was sure that, in the not so distant future, she would yell at me for meddling in Jasmine’s love life, but I’d be dammed if I gave a shit.

Jasmine was as mine, as I was hers; not that I was ready to admit that to anyone just yet.
Only myself. And only after spending a good few nights without sleep, my thoughts racing left and right as I worked through that little tid-bit. 

The women worked in silence; I watched them from my office. The video feed only let me see so much. Jasmine was quiet while she filled tray after tray with treats for the last minute
order that had magically come in right before the bakery closed. Five minutes before closing time, and over the phone no less.

“Ready to have dinner, ladies?”

Thelma rolled her eyes at me and shook her head. We both knew that the chain to her ball was out front waiting for her arrival. I used the bit of information to my advantage so Jasmine wouldn’t see this as anything more than me delivering on a promise.
Nothing more than two consenting adults sharing a meal and, hopefully, some satisfying company.

Jasmine was still angry with me and rightfully so. Was it a sneaky move on my part to set up an intimate dinner in my office? Yes, but all is fair in love and war.

And right now I was off to the battle of my life with my hellion.

Jasmine sighed.
“Actually, Mr. T. I think I’m going to head home myself. It’s been a tiring day and I have a lot to think about.” 

No, sweet girl.
Please don’t leave.

“That’s a shame.” I looked up at her from beneath my lashes. She gasped softly. “I have the food in my office and bought you those Samurai and Jumping Dragon rolls you love so much. Extra wasabi and pickled ginger just like you told Alex.”

Jasmine licked her lips and let out a tiny moan. “Well, if the food is already here, I guess

I could join you.
Wouldn’t want all that to go to waste.”

“Of course.”
Little liar, you desire my company as much as I do yours
. “We can’t, in good conscience, let it go to waste.”

“Then lead the way, Mr. T. . . .
feed me.”

Don’t tempt me.

“My pleasure, sweet girl.” She gasped at my term of endearment. It was the first time I let my heart talk without anger or alcohol being involved. 

My hand landed on the small of her back and the heat from her flesh seared me through her clothes. My fingers flexed and tightened on the shirt she wore. Jasmine’s steps faltered for the briefest of moments, but then she carried on as if nothing had happened. 

The only indicator I had to her acknowledging my possessive touch was the delicate pink that appeared on her cheeks and nose.

“Jesus, I can smell it already.” Her stomach grumbled as she spoke, and I couldn’t stop the boisterous laugh that left me even if I had tried. “Sorry.” Jasmine’s sudden bashful behavior endeared her to me all the more.

“When was the last time you ate, Miss Velez?”

“At breakfast this morning.”
Jasmine ducked her head at the disapproving grunt that left my throat.

“That’s unacceptable. I know you took a break around three . . . why didn’t you eat?”

“Haven’t had much of an appetite lately.”

“Well let’s get you fed, and Jasmine,” her eyes snapped up to meet my gaze. “I’ll be watching to make sure you eat from now on. No more of this ‘I’m not hungry’ crap . . . okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

My cock stirred. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Feed me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Once inside my office, we sat on the floor, using a small table and a few pillows I’d pulled from the sales floor for comfort. It was intimate. Jasmine was the first to dig in as I wasn’t
a huge fan of the raw fish meal. Her nimble fingers used the chopsticks provided. I watched her wrap her tongue around each piece, savoring the smallest morsel on the stick. 

Watching her eat was the most erotic moment of my life.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” She asked when I tried to nonchalantly wipe the drool from my chin.

“To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of the stuff.”

“Then why buy it?”

“Because I wanted you to enjoy this meal and that was all that mattered.”

“Thank you. That is very sweet of you, Greg.” Her voice came out shy, sweet. “But unnecessary. I would have been fine with a slice or two of pizza from our cafeteria.”

I scoffed. “No. It’s because of me that you are still here. The least I can do is feed you properly.” 

“Fine, but you will eat too, and enjoy it. Let me feed you and show you how amazing good sushi can be.”

Fuck. Didn’t she realize that one wrong move on her behalf and she would find herself beneath me? “I don’t know—”

“Open up you big baby.” Jasmine grabbed a piece of her Samurai roll and dipped it in soy sauce. She slowly brought up the morsel up to my lips, and with wide eyes, begged for entrance. My lips parted. The bite of raw fish entered my mouth and settled on my tongue. The flavors exploded and I let out a tiny moan of approval. It wasn’t the fish or the sauces that made this experience delicious, but the woman feeding me. 

I would eat a piece of burnt rubber made by her hands and the result would be the same.

Jasmine squirmed.




“My sentiments exactly.” I couldn’t stop the words from escaping me.

Jasmine coughed and began to look everywhere but at me. What was supposed to be a calm dinner between two adults, who happened to be attracted to one another, turned uncomfortable with tension. 

We ate the remainder of our meal in silence, only sharing small stares between bites and gulps of soda. What I wouldn’t have given for a shot of Gin right then, something…anything, to calm down my frazzled nerves. 

“God, I’m so full,” Jasmine spoke and I couldn’t help but watch the rise and fall of her chest as she did. I needed to get out of here before I mauled the woman.

“I couldn’t eat another bite,” I said while Jasmine began to collect our empty containers. “Jasmine, stop that. I’ll take care of clean up in the morning. It’s late and you have an early class. Why don’t you get out of here and get some rest.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?”

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