Arizona Skies: The Muse (20 page)

BOOK: Arizona Skies: The Muse
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I needed to feel his body against mine; watching those women falling all over him tonight made me want to stake my claim. I didn’t like sharing him, and now that I had him alone, I wanted to ravish his body to calm my jealous nerves. My head knew he was mine, but my body needed reassuring.

He held me against the wall, pulling my legs up to wrap around his waist. Our kissing was frenzied. I was too anxious to make it to the bed as my hands roamed all over his body. He thrust into me, groaning my name as I held on to him, lost in my emotions for him. I wanted and needed him in the most intimate way possible. He cupped my ass, holding me tight as he kissed my lips and moved inside my body. Our connection was so complete; we were lost in our lust for one another. My mind was only on him and what he was doing to me. He moaned and I moaned; he groaned and I groaned. He whispered sexy words in my ear, and I whispered them back to him, letting him know just how much I wanted him. We were equals in this relationship, needing to connect with each other, touching, kissing, feeling, and making love with our whole bodies.

My body was on fire as I exploded, and the sparks flew. Jesse was with me, groaning my name as he came, pounding my body against the wall, his hands holding me tight. I held on to him as he walked us over to the bed and sat with us still connected. Our hearts were racing as our bodies cooled, neither of us moving, just holding each other tight.

“You’re a tiger tonight, sweetheart,” Jesse said, looking at me.

“I’ve wanted you all day,” I said, kissing him.

“Me too, but you just took us to a whole new level,” he smiled.

“I couldn’t wait any longer,” I said, trying to catch my breath.

“I forgot a condom,” he said with raised eyebrows.

“It’s all right; I’m on the pill to regulate my periods,” I told him.

“Really, well, in that case,” he said, toppling us over on the bed. “I’ll have seconds, please.” He said with his dimpled smile. I laughed as he tenderly brushed my hair out of my face, smiling down at me.



” he said, kissing me between each word. I was finally contented, happy to have him all to myself.

“Jesse, the band was fantastic tonight. That Foreigner song you sang about waiting for a girl like me, did you mean it?”

“Every word I sang was for you, Bailey. You’ve given my life purpose and made me want to be a better man. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I’m going to miss you so damn much when you’re gone; promise me you’ll come to Arizona.” He stroked my face. “I’ll make all the flight arrangements and pick you up at the airport personally,” he said, kissing me.

“I’ll be there,” I promised.

“Now that I’ve tamed my tiger, I want to go back up on deck and watch the sunset over the ocean. I want to snuggle on a lounge chair with my arms wrapped around you. We only have a few more nights, and I want to enjoy the view while we can,” he said.

“That sounds good to me; let me get some clothes on,” I said, pulling out of his embrace to get up.

“Oh, you’re not going to be naked?” He looked disappointed.

“Jesse, I’m shocked. I’m not a nudist.” I chuckled at his sad face. “You should get some clothes on too,” I said as I picked up my underwear from the floor.

“Damn, I wanted to fuck you on the chaise lounge in the moonlight,” he said, pulling up his boxer briefs. “Doesn’t that sound romantic, baby?”

“Umm…not really, with a whole shipload of people walking by,” I said, pulling out my workout pants and a T-shirt from my drawer.

I put my sweaty, messy hair back into a ponytail and handed him his T-shirt with a smile.

“Where’s your sense of adventure there, tiger?” he said, pulling his shirt over his head.

“I’m only a tiger with you,” I said, trying to let him know that I wasn’t ready for such a blatant display of affection. “That’s Shelly’s scene, not mine.”

“Point taken; come on, baby.” He pulled the blanket off the bed and opened the door. “I was just kidding with you anyway,” he said, kissing my cheek as I walked out the door. “I don’t want anybody looking at my girl’s gorgeous body; that’s mine and mine alone!” He pinched my ass.

We went up on deck; the sky was beautiful, all red and pink. The moon was eye level, with stars just starting to appear. Jesse pulled out a lounge chair and sat down, patting the cushion for me to snuggle into him. He wrapped the blanket around us, holding me tight to his body. I relaxed into him, looking up at the sky. It was quiet and tranquil, just the sound of the ship’s engines and the water splashing up against the ship. The ocean looked black, deep, and cold at night. It sent a shiver up my spine, making me glad I was safe and warm in Jesse’s arms.

We sat there for a long time, just being together looking out at the night sky. We didn’t need to talk; we’d said it all in the bedroom. His arms were wrapped around my waist with mine on top of his. The blanket was keeping our body heat in; I was warm and cozy. I thought about how Shelly and I had talked for months about this cruise, never guessing in a million years how wonderful it would be for both of us. I knew she had fallen hard for Scott and hoped he felt the same way about her. Underneath her bubbly surface was a heart of gold and a fierce and loyal friend.

After our night on the deck, we went back down to my room. We made love again, sweet and slow this time, savoring every minute we had together and falling asleep in each other’s arms.

I dreamed that I was floating in the air and woke to find he was carrying me into the bathroom.

“Hi,” Jesse said with a big smile, setting me down on the edge of the bathtub.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

“We’re going to take a shower, then get some breakfast. I’m taking you to the gym today to put you through your paces.” He turned
on the water. “I need to work out after eating all this great food,” he said, jiggling his nonexistent belly.

“You look fine to me,” I said, checking him out from head to toe.

“In you go, sugar,” he said as the mist swirled around us.

This was no leisure shower; we showered in a hurry. When Jesse was hungry, he wasn’t messing around.

“When do we get to have fun in the shower?” I asked.

He chuckled, “Tomorrow I’ll teach you some of the carnal ways to have fun in the shower.” He handed me a towel.

“Mmmm…I’ll hold you to that promise,” I said, reaching for his cock. He smirked at my remark and dodged my hand.

“Sweetheart, I never would have guessed that you’d become such a sex fiend.” He said with an evil grin and wiggly eyebrows. “Not complaining though!”

“Yeah, well, when you wait as long as I did, you have to make up for lost time,” I replied with wiggly eyebrows.

“Bailey, will you put those tight workout pants on? I love how they hugged your ass,” he said with a devilish smile.

“These?” I said, picking them up from the floor. I held them up, and he nodded.

“Yeah, them. I want to stand behind you and watch you exercise in them,” he said with an evil grin.

“You’re a pervert,” I said, pulling them on over my panties. I grabbed the matching sports bra and pulled it on. Lacing up my sneakers, I was ready for the challenge.

“Umm…baby, would you do me a favor and put a T-shirt on over that top? All the guys will be drooling while I’m trying to eat my breakfast,” he said.

“Whatever,” I said, shaking my head as I texted Shelly our plans.

“We have to stop by my room so I can change; then we can eat and hit the gym,” he said, pulling me toward the door.

I waited in his room as he walked around gathering his clothes.

He was a sight to see, completely unfazed as he walked around naked. He was obviously very comfortable with his body, and I admired the show. I was wishing I had Shelly’s camera to take a couple candid shots for me alone to look at. The room felt like it was three hundred degrees.

His room was very neat, not what I expected to see when we walked in. He pulled his workout clothes out of his drawer. The loose shorts were long and hung just above his knees, but his top was short, showing off his muscular abs. My heart was fluttering just watching him, so damn sexy and all mine. His arm muscles flexed as he pulled the shirt over his head, instantly making me wet and uncomfortable as I watched him.

By the time he was dressed, my heart was racing, and my body was on fire. He stood in front of me with his hand out, pulling me off the bed, one thing on his mind…food!


never expected to enjoy this cruise as much as I had, thanks to Bailey. I felt like my friends were friendlier, food tasted better, beer wasn’t that important, and sex was the best I’d ever had. I owed John a hundred apologies for being such a prick to him. You really know who your friends are when you’re down and out. They still believed in me and stuck by me no matter what kind of a dick I was. We tuned up and then sat with the girls before the show; it was calming. Not that I ever got nervous anyway, but I loved having Bailey with me.

I thought back to how nervous I was when I performed that first night.

I surprised Bailey with my singing because I was convinced she truly liked me for myself. She blew my mind again and again,
accepting me for who I really was. She gave me her beautiful body and heart. The only women that had ever accepted me for myself were my mom and my sister.

To everyone else I was a singer in a band to fuck and follow around for a good time.

She walked into the dining hall in this green dress that accentuated her long legs, looking more like a runway model than my sweet girl. John told me not to screw this relationship up; he knew she was something special, and he wanted me to get my life on track.

I think he felt responsible in a way for exposing me at such a young age to the wild and crazy life style of a musician. He tried to rein me in, but I fought him every step of the way. After my father died, I didn’t have a conscience anymore; everything and everyone was fair game. I was a well-known playboy, and I lived up to my reputation. Drinking and fucking were daily occurrences, and I was good at it. I hung with the guys, practiced, and sang with confidence. But when those stage lights went out, I turned into the sex god that all the women wanted, and boy, did I deliver.

I wasn’t proud of it, but I tried a lot of stuff with multiple women. Threesomes were common. I had stamina, and as long as I had a pocket full of condoms, I kept going until I had to crawl home sometimes. I couldn’t even remember their faces or names. John tried to talk to me like a father, even though he was only a couple years older than me, but I didn’t listen. He had Natalie and was always faithful to her. I ribbed him unmercifully about her.

“You’re young and built like a fucking bodybuilder. Why do you want to tie yourself down with one girl? I remember you in school, and you always had a different girl with you,” I used to say.

“Because she’s the one, and I’d never do anything to hurt her,” he’d say.

“She won’t know,” I’d say.

“I’d know. I can’t lie to her; she loves and trusts me,” he’d say.

“Women are all over; you can’t possibly know if she’s the one if you don’t try some of the other pussy that’s offered to you,” I’d say, getting all philosophical.

“I got enough of that before I met her. Remember, dickhead, I had four years of that life,” John said. I was becoming a burn out and she saved me.

“I do remember. You were a stud; I idolized you,” I said.

“You just know when you find the right one. I cleaned up my act when I met Natalie. You’ll understand someday,” he’d say.

Keith partook of the lifestyle, but not as much as Scott and I did. He also had a girl that he was on and off with, when they were off he had a lot of women that like the quiet type. I don’t remember him being alone very often. When Megan was around he was just with her, this went on ever since I’d known him. I always wondered exactly what kind of relationship those two had, but he never talked about it.

At first I thought I was in heaven; women were all over me, and I couldn’t resist. Scott and I had threesomes together, but he was usually too loud for my taste. He was very vocal when he fucked, and I’d wind up wanting to punch him to shut him up. He sounded like a fucking freight train when he came; I couldn’t deal with that shit. Women did find his cuteness and silliness exciting. I had to admit we had fun, no matter how depraved our sexual encounters were.

We used to compare notes while we worked out at the gym, laughing at the women’s expense, never feeling any remorse. It was like a competition with us; the more women we seduced, the better we felt about ourselves. I guess the awkward, skinny, insecure high-school student was still lurking in the back of our minds. I figured I’d be a playboy until I was at least thirty, if I lived that long!

My creative side was sidelined, while my wild side took over.

I’d spend Sundays at my sister’s house enjoying the normalcy of her happy family. I loved her kids; they brought out the little boy
in me. I’d pick up my mother, and we’d go over for dinner. I would play in the backyard or roll around on the floor and be as goofy as I wanted, and they loved me. Keeping in touch with my family was important. That one day of the week, I was just Jesse, son, brother, and uncle.

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