Armada of Antares (29 page)

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Authors: Alan Burt Akers

Tags: #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Armada of Antares
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But in these my recent dealings with Havilfar I must have been successful. Failure would have flung me back four hundred light-years across space to the world of my birth.

Ahead lay the long-delayed investigation into the Savanti nal Aphrasöe, and my possible return to the Swinging City. Much of my interest in them had waned in the swift rush of events in Kregen after I had been thrown out of Paradise. Was even Aphrasöe so much of a paradise beside my island of Valka, beside Strombor, beside Djanduin?

As for the Eye of the World and Nath and Zolta! Ah! There was a thought to set the pulses thumping!

In our swift passage across the face of Kregen beneath Antares, my old scarlet and yellow flag, Old Superb, fluttered and rustled in the wind.

With my friends about me — hard-won, enduring, precious friends — I stepped from the voller on that high landing platform of Esser Rarioch. The day beamed superbly about us.

I had to speak to Delia about the plans I had for young Drak. She had her own plans for Lela, that I knew. And there was — or were — the new arrival — or arrivals — to cherish. There was as much to be done at home as ever there was in adventuring with a flaring cloak and a glittering longsword beneath the Moons of Kregen, across the broad and dangerous lands of Havilfar.

She ran out to greet me, radiant, gorgeous, that brown hair with those outrageous chestnut tints lighting up in the mingled opaz radiance of the Suns of Scorpio. Her brown eyes met mine with the look of homecoming. She held out her arms to me.

“Delia,” I whispered, holding her close. “My Delia, Delia of Delphond, Delia of the Blue Mountains!”

“Dray . . .” She would not let me go. “Oh, Dray, my Krozair!”


References to the six books of the cycle are given as:

MHA: Manhounds of Antares

ARA: Arena of Antares

FLA: Fliers of Antares

BMA: Bladesman of Antares

AVA: Avenger of Antares

AMA: Armada of Antares

NB: No words are given which appear in the two previous glossaries to the Saga of Dray Prescot: that for the Delian Cycle in Volume
#5 Prince Of Scorpio
, and for part of the Havilfar Cycle in #7
Arena Of Antares


Admiral Constanto,
The: An inn in Valkanium.

Adria, Cleitar: A hyr-kaidur in the Jikhorkdun of Huringa.

Algarond, Quarnach: Vad of the Dudinter District of Ba-Marish. His identity was taken by Prescot to penetrate the fortress of Smerdislad in Faol to rescue Saffi from the Manhounds. (AVA)

Alley of Cloves: Narrow street in the sacred quarter of Ruathytu in which stands the inn
The Kyr Nath and the Fifi.

Ama of the Shining Hair: Daughter of a poor man in a Vallian story.

Amak: Rank of nobility below Elten.

Apulad: A Kovnate in Hamal.

arbora: A bird whose bright plumage is used for helmet decoration.

Arnor, Island of: Lies on the east coast of Havilfar to the north of the mouth of the River Havilthytus.

Asshurphaz: A Warrior God of Djanduin.

Avanar: An estate in Valka near Vulheim.

Aymlo, Dorval: A Lamnian merchant of Ordsmot rescued by Prescot from the Manhounds of Faol. (MHA)


Ba Fela: A free city on the west coast of Havilfar.

Bagor ti Hemlad: Alias used by Prescot in Hamal.

Balass the Hawk: A hyr-kaidur of the Jikhorkdun in Huringa who escaped with Prescot. His home is Xuntal. He helped train up Prescot’s new army of sword and shield men; a good comrade.

Balintol: Southern sub-continent of Segesthes.

Balkash: A Stromnate in Falinur in Vallia.

Ba-Marish: A free city on the west coast of Havilfar opposite Ng’groga.

banber: A superior cucumber.

Bandermair, Kharon Wonlin: A Djang bought by Prescot in Ruathytu and freed from slavery. (BMA)

Barflut the Razor Feathered: A flutsman’s oath.

Barfurd: An oath of the Hamalian army.

Bartak the Hyrshiv: Twelfth son of Bartak the Ob. Escaped with Prescot from the Manhounds. A brokelsh from Hyrzibar’s Finger. (AVA)

binhoy: A deep-hold square-built cargo flier of Hamal.

Blessed Xerenike: A minor religion of Havilfar.

bobs: Nickname for Valkan medals. The official name is: The Strom’s Medal for the Valor of a Warrior Heart.

Boulevard of the Goldsmiths: One of the wealthiest boulevards of the sacred quarter in Ruathytu.

Brand, Avec: A gul of Orlush in Hamal who traveled and worked on vollers with Ilter Monicep and Prescot. (FLA)

Brodensmot: A town in Hyrzibar’s Finger in southeast Havilfar.


Cafresmot: A military headquarters town in Djanduin.

Capela, Encar, Kov of Faol: Master of the Manhounds of Faol.

Capnon, King: King of the Canops defeated in battle. (ARA)

Casmas the Deldy: A banker and loan shark and bookie of Ruathytu.

cayferm: Mysterious gas affording half the power to a voller.

Chaadur: Alias used by Prescot as a gul in Hamal.

Chan of the Wings: A loyal merker of Djanduin who first raised cry of: “Notor Prescot! King of Djanduin!”

chank: Vicious white-shark of the Outer Oceans.

Chavonth Chamber: Informal conference hall in Esser Rarioch.

Chelestima: Sister to Chido ham Thafey.

Chezra-gon-Kranak: An evil deity of the Katakis.

Chimula the Sumptuous: Alias used by a Chulik Kovneva in Smerdislad. (AVA)

clanxer: A common sword of Vallia similar to cutlass.

clef: West.

clum: One of the great mass of very poor people in Ruathytu, free but often no better off than slave.

Conelawlad: A town of Hamal.

Coper, Ortyg Fellin: Once Pallan of the Highways of Djanduin, rescued from a burning inn by Prescot, made regent of Djanduin when Prescot as king left the country. An obdjang and a good comrade.

Corg: Deity sworn on by the seafarers of Vallia.

Court of the Stux of Zodjuin: Outer court in Palace of Djanguraj.

Crebent: castellan, bailiff.

Lykon Crimahan, Kov of Forli: A Vallian noble hostile to Prescot.

Crippled Chavonth, The:
A low-class inn of Urigal in the Kovnate of Waarom in Hamal.

Cup Song of the Och Kings, The:
An Och drinking song.


Dancing Rostrum, The: A fashionable dancehall of Ruathytu.

Dawn Lands: Earliest settled portions of Havilfar around the Shrouded Sea. Now a confused quilt of many independent countries.

Deb-so-Parang: The Wizard of Loh at the court of the Emperor of Vallia.

Derson Ob-Eye: Guard in employ of King Doghamrei who set Prescot alight and threw him overboard from a skyship. (BMA)

Djan: The Supreme Being in the Pantheon of Djanduin.

Djan-kadjiryon: The Warrior manifestation of Djan.

Djondalar: A Warrior God of Djanduin.

Doghamrei: King of Hirrume within the Empire of Hamal.

Domon, Lara Kholin: A rich and high-spirited young lady of Djanguraj.

Donamair, Naghan Kholin: Djang brought by Prescot to Valka to train a flutduin force.

Dorn, Kytun Kholin: Djang warrior noble who fought for Prescot and loyally supports O. Fellin Coper in military management of Djanduin during Prescot’s absences. A good comrade.

Dovad: Town of Hamal situated on River Mak by lake and waterfall.

Drak: Prescot and Delia’s eldest son, twin to Lela.

Drak na Vallia: A
marching song of great popularity in Vallia. The swods in the ranks call it
Old Drak Himself.

Dray: Seg and Thelda’s eldest son, the Strom of Balkash.

Dudinter: Electrum.

Dwadjang: Name given to the four-armed Djangs.

dwazn: Twenty.

dwaznob: Twenty-one.

dyrolain: Fat and nourishing bean favored by mirvols.


Ehren, Captain Lars: Captain of Vallian galleon
Ovvend Barynth.

Elten: Title of nobility between Rango and Amak.

Endo, Lorgad: Lamnian merchant of Vallia who assisted Prescot. (AVA)

Eomlad: Town of northern Hamal to the east of Skull Bay burned during the revolution that brought Queen Thyllis to power. (BMA)

Esme: Kovneva of Apulad, slain by her slave girl, the Fristle Floy. (FLA)

Eurys: Vadvarate on coast of southeast Hamal opposite Niklana.

Eurys, Vad of: Chido’s father. (AVA)

Exand, Jiktar: Commander of the fortress guard of Esser Rarioch. (AMA)

exorc: A dog-sized cat with green leathery skin, hook-clawed webbed feet, four legs, gaping mouth with four enormous canine teeth. Rudimentary wings deeply scalloped on trailing edge mounted on two thick columns rising just abaft shoulder blades. Barbed whip-tail. Must glide down onto prey and is then flown back to eyrie by mother for fresh attack.


Faerling Throne: Name given to throne in Djanguraj.

Fahia, Queen: Fat and pathetically unpleasant queen of Hyrklana. (ARA)

Falkerdrin: A Kovnate of Vallia, with extremely rich lands.

fambly: Term of affectionate abuse without rancor.

Famphreon, Natyzha, the dowager Kovneva of Falkerdrin: Noblewoman of Vallia of very great wealth, controlling her son the Kov, the Pallan of the Armory, with a rod of iron. Bitterly opposed to Prescot and his schemes.

Fanli the Fristle Fifi and her Regiment of Admirers:
A risqué song.

Farthytu, Hamun ham, Amak of Paline Valley: A real identity given to Prescot by the old Amak on his deathbed, in honor, and used by Prescot in Hamal.

Farthytu, Naghan ham. The old Amak of Paline Valley, slain with his son Hamun during a raid by the wild men from the west. (BMA)

Feoste, Ornol ham, Kov of Apulad: A noble of Hamal connected with voller manufacture who believes Prescot as Chaadur slew his wife.

Five-handed Eos-Bakchi: A Vallian spirit of luck and good fortune.

flutduin: A powerful and superior saddle flyer of Djanduin.

foburf: Small four-legged mammal of the taiga of S. Havilfar with superb glossy black fur much used for flying furs.

Forli: Kovnate of Vallia often called The Blessed Forli lying on an eastern tributary of the central river.

Foul Fernal: A demon of Havilfar.


Gerawin: Short squat diffs with thin bandy legs, from Gilarna the Barren. Armed with long thin flexible swords and tridents. Immensely efficient guards working with army of Hamal.

ghat: east.

Gilarna the Barren: In Hamal, home of the Gerawin.

Gleen the Envious: A minor spirit of deviltry in many of the pantheons of Kregen.

Golden Talu, The:
A high-class tavern and restaurant in the sacred quarter of Ruathytu.

grak!: A cruel and ugly word used by slave drivers as they crack their whips, meaning: “Hurry!” “Move!” “Jump to it!” “Work ’til you die!”

gul: A poor freeman of Hamal with some rights; often a tradesman.


Hall of Notor Zan: All black hall of judgment in Hammabi el Lamma.

ham: Middle name of the most ancient families of Hamal.

Hangol, Kov: Newly-appointed Pallan of the armies of the north of Hamal fighting in Pandahem. (AMA)

Hanitch!: Battle cry of the warriors of Hamal.

Hanitcha the Harrower: An avenging spirit of punishment much respected and sworn by in Havilfar, and whose name is much used in threats.

Harding: A tutor of Aphrasöe.

Harshur, Rees ham, Trylon of the Golden Wind: A noble Numim of Hamal, a remarkable man, brave and generous, a Bladesman with Prescot and a good comrade to Hamun ham Farthytu.

Havil the Green: Supreme deity over much of Havilfar, whose worship is the official religion in Hamal and Hyrklana and elsewhere.

Headless Risslaca, The: A constellation seen from Kregen.

Heart Heights of Valka, The:
A marching song of Valka.

Heavenly Mines: Mines of S.W. Hamal producing one of the minerals used in the flying boxes of vollers. A place of horror.

Hemlad: A town of Hamal to the east of Dovad.

hersany: Heavy, ugly, six-legged saddle-animal with thick coat of chalky-white hair, of Pandahem.

Hestan, Garnath ham, Vad of Middle Nalem: A noble of Hamal and deadly enemy of Rees, employs the Kataki Strom Rosil and is associated with the Wizard of Loh, Phu-si-Yantong.

Hirrume Warrior:
Hamalian skyship belonging to King Doghamrei destroyed by Prescot. (AVA)

Hito the Hunter: Guardian spirit of the treacherous guides of Faol.

Hoko the Amusingly Malicious: A minor spirit of deviltry in many of the pantheons of Kregen.

Horosh, Pallan Hennard: Official in charge of production on the Volgendrin of the Bridge. (AMA)

hulu: One who is a bit of a villain and a bit of an idiot.

Hyr-Jiktar: Colonel in Chief of regiment.

Hyr Khor: A large island off the west coast of Djanduin, north of Uttar Djombey, contains the Kharoi Stones, Prescot is the Kov.

Hyrzibar: A shishi of mythology exclusively serving the minor godlings.

Hyrzibar’s Finger: A long promontory of S.E. Havilfar above Quennohch.


ich: Suffix to a title indicating the second twin, icha feminine.

Ifilion: A kingdom on the east coast of Havilfar between the northern and southern mouths of the River Os. Has retained its independence.

Insur ti Fotor: First lieutenant of the galleon
Ovvend Barynth.

Iyam: Nation of North Pandahem lying between Lome and Menahem.


Jagdur, Nath Djin: A Dwadjang, once Kov of Hyr Khor, for a brief space King of Djanduin, leemshead, disowned by his tan, slain in the ritual fight in the Sacred Court of the Warrior Gods. (FLA)

Jaws of Nundji: A high pass in the Mountains of Mirth.

jen: Lord; A Vallian term equating with the Hamalian Notor.

Jen Drak:
The Emperor of Vallia’s flagship in the Battle of Jholaix. (AMA)

Jholaix, Battle of: In which the flying Armada and ground forces from Vallia, with the Pandaheem, defeated the Hamalese army of the north leading to an uneasy peace with Hamal. (AMA)

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