Armada of Antares (30 page)

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Authors: Alan Burt Akers

Tags: #Fiction, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy

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joat: Powerful and superior saddle animal used by cavalry in Djanduin.

Jynaratha: Island off east coast of Vallia from which Prescot was taken by the Scorpion of the Star Lords back to Earth. (MHA)


Kaerlan the Merciful: Beneficent spirit much called upon by the masses in Hamal.

Kaidun, By: A kaidur oath.

Kardo: Son of Melow the Supple, twin to Shara.

Kataki: Diff with thick black hair oiled and curled, low brow, flaring nostrils, gape-jawed mouth with snaggly teeth, wide-spaced eyes narrow and cold. Has a long whip-like tail to which is strapped a steel blade. Slave-masters seldom found as slaves in any part of Kregen, the Katakis are formidable fighting men.

Katri, Aunt: Aunt to Delia, the emperor’s sister. Kind and warmhearted.

Kavinstok: A Vadvarate of Vallia.

khand: Guild, caste or brotherhood of profession, trade or calling.

Khe-Hi-Bjanching: A Wizard of Loh.

Khokkak the Meddler: A minor spirit of deviltry in many of the pantheons of Kregen.

kish: steam.

Kodar ti Vakkansmot: Chief of Prescot’s corps of trumpeters.

Kolanier, Rogan: Zan-Chuktar commanding Army of the East of Djanduin, deceived by Nath Jagdur and Gorgrens. (FLA)

Kov Logan na Hirrume and the two Fristle fifis:
A legendary story of Havilfar.

Krozair Cycle, The: The Third Cycle in the Saga of Dray Prescot.

Krun, By: A Hamalese oath.

Kuerden the Merciless: Malignant spirit much used in vilification by the masses of Hamal.

Kyr Nath and the Fifi, The:
An inn in the sacred quarter of Ruathytu with a convenient tree for secret comings and goings much used by Prescot during his days of espionage.

Kyro: Square, plaza, piazza.


Lamahan, Naghan: Name used by Prescot as merker on Volgendrin of the Bridge, borrowed from alias of Gordano ham Thafey, Chido’s cousin. (AMA)

Lament for Valinur Fallen, The:
A famous song of Valka telling of early defeat and final triumph.

Largan the Rule: Palace architect of Vondium.

Latimer: Voller owner and shipping merchant rescued by Prescot from the Manhounds of Faol. (MHA)

Lay of Faerly the Ponsho Farmer’s Daughter, The:
A merry little ballad concerning a Fristle fifi.

Lela: Daughter of Delia and Prescot, twin to Drak.

Leotes ti Ponthieu: A Bravo fighter of Zenicce, master swordsman, as a Bladesman in Ruathytu defeated by Prescot. (BMA) (AVA)

Lesser Sharangil Archipelago, The: A considerable grouping of moderately sized islands in The Shrouded Sea.

Lilah, Princess: Princess of Hyrklana rescued by Prescot from the Manhounds of Faol. (MHA)

Livahan, Nath ham, Kov of Thoth Uppwe: Known as Nath the Crafty in Ruathytu. Has an obsessional hatred for diffs. (AMA)

looshas pudding: A succulent dessert much favored in the army.

Loxo!: The call shouted by link-men to attract customers.


Mag: Twin brother to Mog, High Priestess of Migladrin. (MHA) (ARA)

Mahmud, Orlan, nal Yrmcelt: Young Horter and courtier of Hyrklana. (ARA)

Mak, River: Rises in the Black Hills of Hamal and empties into the River Havilthytus at Ruathytu. Black waters, whence its name.

Malab’s Blood: Deep purple wine of Hamal, not favored by Prescot.

Malahak: Spirit of Hamal called on as witness to actions.

malsidge: Melon-sized, tart fruit with green flesh and brown wrinkled skin, an anti-scorbutic.

Martial Monks of Djanduin: A semi-religious order of men devoted to Djan. Habitually shave their heads.

Mask of Recognition: A blazing golden mask worn by Prescot at the Battle of Tomor Peak. (AMA)

Matoc: A non-commissioned officer.

Med Neemusbane: A young Miglan who went with Prescot and Turko the Shield through the syatra-guarded passage into Mungul Sidrath (ARA)

Melow the Supple: A jikla whose twins were eased into the world of Kregen by Prescot, and who is now a part of the household of Esser Rarioch.

Memphees: A poison distilled from the tree Memph, with additions of the cactus Trechinolc. It saps the strength and can kill.

merezo: Circus or hippodrome for zorca and sleeth racing.

merker: A messenger usually flying a vol or fluttclepper.

Merle: Daughter of Trylon Jefan Werden.

Middle Nalem: A Vadvarate of Hamal west of the Black Hills.

Migshaanu: The deity of the religion of Migla, proscribed by the Canops but successfully restored by Prescot. (MHA) (ARA)

Mindner, Felder Kholin: Dwadjang, Jiktar of Prescot’s flying forces in the struggle for Djanduin. Cousin to Lara Domon.

Mog: Crone-like witch rescued by Prescot from the Manhounds of Faol. Chief Priestess of the Miglish religion of Migshaanu the All-Glorious. Called the Mighty Mog, or Mog the Mighty. (MHA) (ARA)

Monicep, Ilter: A gul of Orlush, a smith, nephew to Avec Brand. Traveled with him and Prescot in Hamal and then built vollers in Sumbakir. (FLA)

Morcray: Home of Strom Rosil Yasi, the Kataki Chuktar.

Morro the Muscle: Deity of the Khamorros.

Mother Diocaster: Goddess of easement and fertility and womanhood in the pantheon of Djanduin.

Muruaa: A volcano that erupted and partially buried Orlush in Hamal, where the Star Lords set a task to Prescot’s hands. (FLA)

“My wings are yours to command”: Ritual response of the merkers.


Naghan the Gnat: A superb armorer rescued with Prescot from the Jikhorkdun of Huringa and now armorer in Esser Rarioch.

Naghan the Wily:
Valkan song telling how the rich and ugly silversmith of Vandayha, Naghan the Wily, was trapped into marriage by Hefi, daughter of a bosk herder.

Nalgre the Penitent, Bridge of: Bridge over the Black River in Ruathytu due south of the Kyro of the Horters.

Nath the Arm: Kaidur trainer for the Jikhorkdun in Huringa. (NB: Nath the Arm does not appear to have had the same powers or possibilities of bargaining as a Roman lanista, and he disappears abruptly from Prescot’s story in Hyrklana.) (ARA)

Nath the Guide: A treacherous Guide of Faol. (MHA)

Nath the Keys: Turnkey in the dungeons of the Hanitchik, with one eye and a crippled leg, gruffly pitying Prescot during his imprisonment awaiting torture and hanging for murder. (AMA)

Nath of Thothangir: Rescued by Prescot from the Manhounds of Faol. Prescot believed this name used as an alias. (MHA)

nidge!: A Djang insult.

Niklana: Small island to the north of Hyrklana. An exception to the usual rule that nik as a prefix means half and as a suffix small.

nikvove: Half-size vove without fangs and horns.

Nikvove of Evir:
Galleon of Vallia burned by Hamalian skyship. (BMA)

Notor Zan: The Tenth Lord, the Lord of Darkness. Rises when there are no suns or moons in sky of Kregen.

Nulty: Retainer of Paline Valley, privy to secret of Hamun ham Farthytu appointed by Prescot as Crebent to Paline Valley. A loyal man.

Numim: A diff of powerful physique and lion-like face with great golden mane and whiskers. The Numim girls are very beautiful.

Nundji: Once a warrior god of Djanduin but because of his evil jailed by the other warrior gods in a leem-hell.


obbie: Slang term of swods for an ob-Deldar.

Obdjang: The two-armed gerbil-faced Djang of Djanduin, not a warrior but one of the executive and administration Djangs.

Obfaril: Young lad rescued with Prescot from Jikhorkdun in Huringa. His burning desire to become a kaidur changed to an interest in vollers as part of household of Esser Rarioch. Nicknamed Oby.

Obquam, Strom of Tajkent: A flying man of Havilfar who assisted in the rescue of Delia and Prescot and their friends from the Jikhorkdun of Huringa. Not a volrok. (ARA)

Ogra-gemush: Island kingdom slightly isolated from the Hoboling Islands to their northeast in the Sea of Opaz.

Ombor: Mythical flying monster of immense size and fiery heart, who dying is yet reborn, whose breath scorches cities, whose tears water the oceans, whose hearts beat for all humankind. Gives name to enclave of Strombor in Zenicce.

Onglolo: Constellation of Kregen.

Operhalen: A noble House of Zenicce, colors blue, green and ivory.

ordel: Cattle animal of Kregen, similar to Earthly shorthorn.

Os, River: Very large river of Havilfar rising in the Mountains of the West and flowing eastwards to empty into the Ocean of Clouds by two large mouths opposite northern Hyrklana. Called He of the Commendable Countenance.

Otbrinhan: Chief of Yuccamots who extended hospitality to Prescot and the shipwrecked crew of
Ovvend Barynth.

Ovvend: A Kovnate province of Vallia to the west of Delphond.

Ovvend Barynth:
Galleon of Vallia saved from burning by Prescot but subsequently driven ashore and wrecked. (AVA)

Oxkalin the Blind Spirit: Minor godling of chance, appealed to by gamblers for good luck.


Pachak: Diff of middle height, with two left arms, a whiplike tail equipped with hand, straw-yellow hair. Very highly-valued as guards and mercenaries, intensely loyal, favored by Prescot, who believes their berserker rages when fighting are part of their carefully controlled image. Highly skilled fighters.

Paktun’s Promenade:
A marching song of Kregen.

Palazzo of the Four Winds: Palace in Djanguraj.

Paline: Maid to Rosala of Match Urt. Taunted Prescot in his rescue, urging and mocking him with the Jikai. (BMA)

Paline and Queng, The:
A tavern in Djanguraj whose obdjang landlord made the best vosk pie in the city. (FLA)

Paline Valley: An estate in northwest Hamal close to the Mountains of the West. Prescot became Amak in curious circumstances.

Panshi: Prescot’s chamberlain in Esser Rarioch.

parclear: A sherbet drink.

pasham: A honey-melon-sized fruit smelling like old socks and tasting like the sweepings of a totrix stable. Processed for use in voller production.

Pastale: A wine of Segesthes, the export monopoly of Operhalen.

Paz: The grouping of continents and islands of Kregen including Loh, Segesthes, Turismond and Havilfar; and Vallia and Pandahem.

Pe-Na, Planath: A Pachak, Prescot’s personal standard bearer.

Pereth, Kov: Commander of the armies of the north of Hamal, relieved of command by Queen Thyllis. (AVA) (AMA)

Persinia: Promontory of southern Segesthes between Port Paros and Balintol, north of the Undurkor Islands.

Phu-si-Yantong: Wizard of Loh.

Piraju: Island of the Risshamal Keys off northeastern Havilfar.

Planath the Wine: Proprietor of
The Loyal of Sidraarga
in Yaman (MHA)

Podia: A Lamnian village on the island of Shanpo in the Lesser Sharangil Archipelago of the Shrouded Sea.

prianum: Shrine, one for each color, for trophies received in the Jikhorkdun. The priana in Huringa were: Green, the Emerald Neemu; Blue, the Sapphire Graint; Yellow, the Diamond Zhantil, and Red, the Ruby Drang. This last was Prescot’s color.

Pride of Hanitcha:
Hamalian skyship destroyed by Prescot. (AVA)

purtle: Cheap pine wood of the taiga of Southern Havilfar.


Quaesa: Feather-brained apim girl rescued by Prescot from Manhounds. (MHA) (ARA)

Que-si-Rening: A Wizard of Loh.

Quivir: A Stromnate within Prescot’s island Kovnate of Zamra.


Radak the Syatra: An enormously powerful wrestler from a semi-barbarian tribe living close to the Mountains of the West in Hamal. Bested in a contest with Rees, he subsequently refused to attack Rees’s people and took refuge in the estates of the Golden Wind. (BMA)

Rango: Rank of nobility between Strom and Elten. Feminine is Ranga.

Ranjal, Stromich: Twin brother to Strom Rosil na Morcray.

Ranks: The four main military ranks on Kregen are often abbreviated as: Chuktar — Chuk. Jiktar — Jik. Hikdar — Hik. Deldar — Del.

“Rank your Deldars”: Usual challenge to open a game of Jikaida.

Rapechak: A Rapa who escaped with Prescot from the Manhounds of Faol and who was believed drowned in the River Magan after escape from Mungul Sidrath. (MHA) (ARA)

Rashi: Wife to Rees, Stromni of the Golden Wind.

Rees: Son to Rees, nicknamed Reesnik. Slain by assassins of Vad Garnath (AVA)

Resplendent Bridzilkelsh: A brokelsh spirit used as oath.

Rhapaporgolam the Reaver of Souls, By: A Rapa oath.

Rig: A Warrior God in the pantheon of Djanduin.

Risshamal Keys: Strings of many islands stretching like fingers from the northeast corner of Havilfar.

Riurik, Vangar: The Strom of Quivir, owing allegiance to Prescot.

Roban: Younger son to Rees.

Rogahan: Nicknamed Wersting. A Deldar of varters, a fine shot.

Rogan, King: Husband to Queen Fahia of Hyrklana, a nonentity. (ARA)

Rosala of Match Urt: Beautiful but icy-cold maiden of Hamal appealed to Prescot acting as Hamun for help. Taken from intended marriage with Casmas the Deldy. (BMA)

Rumferling, Naghan Stolin: Chuktar of the army of Djanduin, assassinated by the leemsheads. (FLA)


Sacred Court of the Warrior Gods: In the Palazzo of the Four Winds in Djanguraj where Prescot fought the last fight with Nath Jagdur.

Saenda: Hare-brained apim girl rescued by Prescot from Manhounds. (MHA)

Saffi: Golden lion-maid, daughter of Rees. Abducted by Vad Garnath and brought back from Cripples Jikai in Smerdislad by Prescot. (AVA)

Savapim: Agents of the Savanti.

sazz: A fruit-flavored sherbet drink.

scarron: Brilliant scarlet jewel of great value.

Scavander, Evold: Wise man of Valka, given courtesy title of San.

Scented Sylvie, The: A
riotous tavern of the sacred quarter in Ruathytu.

Schtump!: Abusive way of saying clear off or get out.

Sea of Opaz: Extension of Southern Ocean between Vallia and Pandahem.

Secret Lore of San Drozhimo the Lame, The:
A book of wisdom composed a thousand years ago by the sage Drozhimo.

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