Armando Returns (Barboza Brothers) (16 page)

BOOK: Armando Returns (Barboza Brothers)
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Gently, she said,
“Armando. I don’t think you understand. When it all blew over, my parents acted like it never happened. My sister and I were
to act like it never happened. And since I didn’t hear from you, I just went along with it. It was easier that way. I didn’t wanna think about all that pain.”

His voice was sad.
“Yeah, I know.”

Whatever happened, with your family, with Mr. Platt,” she shrugged, “it was bad enough that my parents
won’t talk about it. It’s this huge, shameful family secret we’re all supposed to take with us to the grave. Like, a few years ago when my fourteen-year-old cousin got pregnant and my aunt and uncle sent her to a Baptist group home in El Paso for five months where she gave the baby up for adoption, and now they all pretend it never happened. You know, one of

That’s really sad.”

I know. Her parents won’t even talk about it. The same way my parents won’t talk about what happened with you.”

So it’s
bad. I’m a shameful secret they won’t even talk about.” Armando shook his head and looked away. “Shit. And Henry knew the whole time. That’s why he didn’t want me dating you. He told me it was because your dad would never approve. Told me that the day he drove me over to your house, too. When we left he told me he knew it was coming. Your daddy got to you. That’s what he said.”

’s eyebrows furrowed. “Mr. Platt didn’t want me dating you? He didn’t say anything when I came over here. He even invited me to stay for dinner one night and he never said anything to my parents about me being here. I thought he liked me.”

Armando folded his hands together and looked down at the dry grass.
like you. So did Mama. But Henry always had a long talk with me after you left. I didn’t say anything because I figured you’d get upset.” He faced her. “Didn’t you ever wonder why we had to sneak around so much here at my house?”

She frowned.
“I don’t know. I guess I didn’t realize we were sneaking around. I was just happy to be with you.” She paused, going through a few memories in her mind. “Dang. I hope I’ve gotten more observant since then. I feel so dumb now.”

He smiled and put his hand on her knee.
“You’re not dumb. Not then, not now. You were in love. It makes you overlook a lot of things.” He gave her a sympathetic stare. “How do you think
feel? I’m sure I overlooked a lotta stuff too. Here we were, two kids, sneaking around, having a great time, planning a future. Had no idea what a big deal it’d turn out to be.”

They made fools out of both of us,” Katie said, glumly. She felt her eyes welling up with tears. “I swear, I’m just so dang stupid.” She put her elbows on her knees and hung her face in her hands. “How the hell did I graduate college?”

Aw, Katie.” Armando drew closer, his arm around her shoulders. “You graduated three times, right? Three degrees? A stupid person couldn’t do that.”

She sniffled.
“They could if they went to three dumb colleges! Geez. Who gets three
degrees anyway? Maybe I was too stupid for grad school and I knew it subconsciously. Maybe that’s why I always just went for another undergrad degree.”

He pulled her closer, resting his cheek against the top of her head.
“No, honey. Maybe you just didn’t wanna go to grad school. We had almost every class together our senior year of high school. Trust me, I know you’re not stupid.”

Tears flowed freely down her face.
“Yes I am! I should’ve reached out to you years ago. Why didn’t I do that?”

You told me last night, you were afraid. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

I know.” She passed her wrist across her eyes. “But I missed you so much. I thought about you all the time. We should’ve had this talk long ago. I’m sorry we’re only having it now.” She stopped to sniffle. “After I’m engaged to someone else.”

Armando let out a breath against her hair then kissed her temple.
“I wish I’d contacted you, too. You should be mine right now. We never should’ve let ‘em rip us apart.”

Katie closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hot breath. His soft lips lingered along her cheek, then pressed against her skin in a
slow kiss. Her tears dried up. All she could think of was his gentle kiss. His muscular arms holding her tight. The scent of an alluring, unfamiliar cologne…

Slowly, Armando trailed kisses along her skin until he was dangerously close to her lips.

Instinctively, Katie turned her face toward him, and his mouth went to hers. His lips were warm and skillful, drawing her bottom lip in between his, then massaging it with his tongue.

She gasped into his mouth and threw her arms around his back, desperate for more. Her chest went weak as the breath slipped from her lungs. Her body tingled with pleasure from head to toe, radiating from his lips against hers, his hands sliding up and down her back. Fingers pressing roughly against the fabric of her dress like he wanted to peel it off.

His lips got faster. His tongue, more aggressive. Katie slid her hand up to his thick, dark hair, pulling him closer.

Armando released her lips long enough to whisper,
“Mmm. Katie…”

She could barely take a breath when he kissed her again, harder than before. She held his face there and used her other hand to give his back a firm rub, loving the feel of his solid body through his shirt.

His hand moved to the small of her back, then lower. She moaned when she felt his palm on her backside, then sliding around to the front of her thigh.

Armando stopped to whisper,
“I thought I’d never get to kiss you again.” Then he attached his lips to hers once again. His hand almost went under her dress, but he changed course and slid up to the small of her back again.

Katie opened her mouth wider, giving his tongue room to explore. She wanted to lose herself in Armando. This passionate boy she once knew had grown into the man of her fantasies. She wanted to soak up every second with him. Make up for lost time.

She needed to be closer to him as they kissed. In a dreamlike state, she grabbed the back of his shoulders and slowly hoisted her leg across his.

Not breaking the kiss, Armando’s hands went to her bottom to guide her into place.

Soon, she was straddling him, as he held her as tight against him as possible, and they continued their kiss. His hands moved slowly up her thighs until he was kneading her pantied cheeks with his fingers.

Katie lowered her hips and felt his arousal pressing against her panties through his jeans. She moved her mouth for a moment just to catch her breath and have a look in his luscious brown eyes, then she kissed him again.

She was just about to take off her panties when she was startled by a man
’s laughter in the distance. Then a child’s loud squeal.

Her head shot up.
“Oh no.”

Armando craned his neck, listening for a moment.
“They’re not close by. Sounds like they’re in the front yard.”

But it was too late. Katie looked down to see her dress hiked up to her waist, and she snapped back to reality.
This wasn’t supposed to happen
. “Oh, sweet Jesus, this is
wrong!” She whispered loudly, then slowly backed away from him on her knees. “I’ve gotta get outta here.”

Armando reached forward and took her hand as she stepped to the ground.
“I’m so sorry.”

She jerked away from him and pulled the hem of her dress down, immediately bolting in the direction her car. Tears fell down her cheeks.
“No, it’s my fault. I knew better. This is why I shouldn’t be alone with you.”

Armando rushed to block her path, his hands on her shoulders, stopping her.
“You were
first. Remember that.”

Please, let me go.” Katie pushed against him and tucked her head down, trying to hide her crying face. “I can’t believe I let that happen.”

He pulled her to his chest.

She collapsed against him, in tears.

Katie.” Armando cradled the back of her head as he whispered in her ear. “I’d never use you. Never. Please, let me make love to you.”

His plea made her swoon. Made her wish, now more than ever, that she wasn
’t engaged. She took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know what to say.”

You’re confused.” He kissed her ear. “I understand that. Just let me get to know you again. We can take it slow.”

She cried against him, unsure how to respond.

“Please think about it,” he whispered. “What they did to us wasn’t fair. This could be our second chance.” He strengthened his embrace. “I came back here the second I heard you were engaged. I don’t know why I waited so long. Should’ve come back earlier.”

Softly, she asked,
“That’s why you came here?”

Yes. I know it’s crazy. For all I knew you moved away and got married to someone else years ago.” He moved his hand to her hair. “But knowing you were right there in San Antonio, engaged to some other guy. I don’t know. It hit me in a way I didn’t expect. I had to see you. And I almost never come to Texas, after what happened with us. It’s just too painful.”

She stayed there in his arms, searching for something to say. The same thought repeated on a continual loop in her mind:
I wish I wasn’t engaged.

After a few silent minutes, Isaac
’s laughter rang out, much closer this time.

Armando pulled away from her.
“Sorry. We’ve been found.”

It’s okay.” She sniffled for the last time. “Just help me get to my car, okay?”

Yes. But only if you promise to call me. We can have lunch or dinner. With chaperones. I won’t ask you to be alone with me.” He grinned. “Unless you
to be alone with me.”

She let out a nervous giggle, then asked,
“How long are you staying?”

He shrugged.
“Don’t know yet. Probably a while. I can work from here. Fly out for a meeting if necessary.”

’s eyes widened. “Am I the reason you’re staying here?”

Smiling, he hooked an arm around her shoulders. But his tone was too sober to be kidding.
“Of course you are.”

Right then, they heard footsteps. Isaac appeared from behind a tree.
“A-mando!” He turned around and yelled, “I found ‘em!”

Victor chuckled and slowly came up behind Isaac.
“Sorry, you guys. We’re just out for a walk. Didn’t mean to bother you.”

It’s okay,” Katie said, pulling away from Armando. “I was just leaving.”

Katie walked unsteadily on her high heels through the rocky field, grateful Victor and Isaac were there to ease the tension between her and Armando. When they arrived at her car, Victor and Isaac waved goodbye and walked off in another direction.

Soon she was in her car, saying goodbye to Armando through the open window. He kissed her forehead and told her he was expecting her call. As she drove off, she looked in her rearview mirror and saw him standing there, watching.

And Katie wondered why she was driving off, at all.



* * * * *

Katie drove fast, tapping her fingernails on the steering wheel. She was bound to go crazy if she didn
’t tell someone what she was going through.

And she knew there was only one person she could tell. The one person who lived through the nightmare with her, who knew what a huge family secret it was: her little sister, Chelsea.

Katie tried several times to call her sister, but it went straight to voicemail. She finally gave up and just drove to Chelsea’s house as quickly as possible.

Chelsea and her husband, Eric, lived in a four bedroom house in a nice neighborhood. It was the kind of
home they could only afford with a massive down payment “gift” from Mr. and Mrs. McCormack. Chelsea regularly complained to Katie that she wished she had never taken that money, in favor of buying a smaller place. The money made both Chelsea and Eric feel indebted to her parents. That feeling was made worse by the fact that Dwayne and Lisa often stopped by unannounced to drop subtle reminders of their generosity.

Katie parked her car in the driveway and ran to the front door to ring the doorbell.

Eric answered the door with a smile. “Hey sis! What’s goin’ on?”

Hey. Is Chelsea home?” Katie returned his smile. Eric was a sweet guy with a sunny disposition. A very welcome addition to their family. But right now, Katie was too frantic to talk to anyone but her sister.

As he stepped back to welcome her into the house, Chelsea traipsed in from the kitchen.
“Hey!” Her face immediately fell the instant she caught a glimpse of her frazzled sister. “Are you all right?”

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