Around the World in 80 Girls: The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova (22 page)

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Girls: The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova
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said goodbye a day later, when she went to Ko Samui to meet up with a Japanese girlfriend of hers and I went on to Krabi, where I stayed one very rainy day before moving to Malaysia.

’m still in contact with her once or twice a year.

Malaysia – Langkawi

I was ready for a new country and went to Malaysia by bus and boat. I’d chosen Langkawi as the first place to go. On the ferry to the island I met a couple of Swedish girls and we shared a taxi to find for a guesthouse together. The well-known popular guesthouse we looked at was nearly full and had only one room left. I told the Swedish girls to take that one while I looked for another room.

found a much better one for fifty ringgit, about sixteen dollars a night at that time. It was a beach bungalow with bathroom and a small porch. I liked that one way better than the one the Swedish girls were in, which was a couple hundred meters away from the beach. It was all of an eight-meter walk to the beach from my bungalow. I think it must have been low season because all the beaches nearly empty.

stepped out of my bungalow onto the beach the next day and saw two girls lying in the sun. I took one of the free deck chairs, lay my towel on it and walked up to the two girls and asked them the corniest line ever. “Hey girls, can you put some sun lotion on my back?” One girl was English and she jumped up from her deck chair and started rubbing my back in with oil. The “lotion” line may seem corny, but it works. It shows have the balls to walk up to half-naked girls on the beach and that you don’t give a damn about their opinion about you. I’ve never been fat but I didn’t have a beach boy body either around that time – that sort of thing isn’t important. Use it: you’ll separate yourself from
of guys who only watch the girls from a distance – including most ripped beach boys.

ila was quite fanatic in her lotion rubbing, and I told her that she was giving me a massage rather than just putting some lotion on my back. She laughed. She was on holiday after doing some volunteering. Her friend was a short Malaysian girl and as I found out later, the most dangerous girl I met on my trip.

was a very enthusiastic girl and smiled a lot. She told me about which places to visit in Malaysia and I found that she was staying in the beach bungalow next to mine. I invited them into the water and we swam and flirted a bit. The Malay girl was still not saying much.

t night I ate some pizza with Sheila and went to a local beach bar called Babylon. You had to sit in the sand at a small table and there was a local reggae band playing cover songs. I’m a reggae fan and the band was not bad at all. Sheila’s friend Moni wasn’t anywhere around and after a few beers I asked Sheila to go for a night swim. She agreed and we quickly changed clothes and went into the water. She was very interested in my romances around the world so far and I told her a few stories, including the Cambodian girl-fight story. This may sounds like a risky story to tell a girl but lots of girls love a playa. It’s the ultimate pre-selection. I invented a seducing technique at the spot which I call the
shark technique. It’s pretty simple, really: I made sure we were
out to where the water comes up to my chest, and slowly started walking around her in circles. I kept talking with a slow seductive tone, and slowly come closer to her until I was within arms’ length. As I talked, I looked at her lips, opening her mind to the idea of kissing. Do that, and the good stuff starts. If you’re trying it, this is when you tell her (not ask) to give you her hand, and when she does pull her towards you and hold her close. And go in for the kiss. (It might seem that if a girl’s already in the water with you she’s already up for kissing, but most girls will go in with just a guy friend too and she needs to be convinced.)

My freshly-invented
seduction technique worked very well and we kissed a lot in the warm water. Sheila was a passionate kisser and had a nice round booty even though she’s a white girl. Although we were “dry” humping in the water, she seemed to keep control of herself and I couldn’t convince her to sleep with me. We both went to sleep in our separate bungalows. The next day we met again the beach bar, and she admitted she was married back home but that she had lost control for the first time the night before. Not much later that night we went night-swimming for the second time and I kissed her again. But her friend Moni showed up and was crying, I thought by myself,
Go away you cock-blocker

went on crying and Sheila tried to comfort her. She had no place to stay and asked if she could sleep at Sheila’s bungalow. Sheila had known her a week but didn’t trust her too much yet. I knew I wasn’t going to have sex with Sheila that night so I looked at Moni and her incredible big round Brazilian-style ass and thought
What the hell, easy winnings
, and invited her to stay at my place. Well, let me tell you, it wasn’t that easy with her. I had a big two-person bed in my room and tried to get it on with Moni, but didn’t get any further than finger-banging her, she wouldn’t do anything else. I was pissed she got her rocks off and I didn’t.

left the next day and gave me an ankle bracelet. I wore that ankle bracelet until it fell off my ankle almost 1.5 years later. She is one of the few people who know about this book.

year-old Moni stayed with me that day and I soon found out she had no money at all. I paid for her food, which barely costs anything on Langkawi since the island’s a tax-free zone in Malaysia, meaning that food, booze and cigarettes are very cheap there. I had a full day to convince her to have sex with me. At night we were in bed again and she said wasn’t in the mood. I looked at her body and saw that short but a bit thick body with a big sexy booty and I just knew I had to make her mine. We kissed and I started kissing her breasts and sucking on her nipples and she got very horny after this. She touched her pussy and started moaning. I had found her weak spot. We were banging shortly after and did so at least three or four times a day, ending in doggy style nearly every time. I couldn’t get enough of her big luscious lips, perky breasts and big round booty. Malaysian flag captured.

The t
rouble started when we went out to a nearby club. There were four English guys there and one of them was very drunk and annoying. He was forever trying to make a move on Moni, which looked ridiculous because the guy had the pick-up skills of a doorknob. He was still very annoying. I told his friends that if they didn’t control him I’d use a more violent way of telling him to fuck off. They talked to him a bit and he came to apologize to me.

just loved the attention, and now a Malay guy started making trouble. He was acting very weirdly and aggressively towards me and her. Maybe he was a strict Muslim or was just jealous, I don’t know. He was with a group of friends and I had already pushed him back once. He looked like he was on drugs: his eyes were wide open and his movements were uncontrolled. I told Moni we had to get the hell out of there before I got my ass kicked by his group of friends, because that’s the usual way of fighting in Asia – all against one, especially when if the one is a tall foreigner. We jumped into a cab and went back to my room. We were both quite drunk and for the first time I didn’t hide the key of the room. I didn’t trust her a hundred percent, and always locked the door from the inside and hid the key somewhere.

woke up in the middle of the night, still dizzy from the booze and sleep. I heard her come in to the room and she’d brought food with her. I asked her where she’d been and she said that she was hungry and gone out to buy some rice and chicken. I didn’t give it any thought and went back to sleep.

next time I woke it occurred to me that I’d never seen her with money before, but I just thought that meant she didn’t want to spend her own money if it wasn’t necessary. People aren’t particularly rich around here, so why should a girl going with a (relatively) rich foreigner spend money when she could get him to? But then we went out for breakfast and ate some pancakes, and when it was time to pay the money from my back pocket was gone. I knew I’d had forty ringgit on me (about $14) the night before. I had paid the taxi fare with a fifty-ringgit note and the driver had given me forty back that night. I asked Moni directly if she’d taken the cash out of my back pocket in the night and had paid for her food with it. She denied it and acted very upset over my accusation. I told her that I didn’t have the money for breakfast, and she paid the bill.

went back to the beach bungalow, where the first thing I did was look in the hidden wallet in my backpack. The 100-ringgit note I had in there was gone too and I confronted her with this. I told her to give my money back and get the hell out of my room.

got really angry and denied everything. I told her that it was possible I could have lost the money from my back pocket on the way back to the bungalow, because I was quite drunk but no fucking way had I lost the money from my backpack while my credit card and passport were still in the same place. She kept denying and got really angry, shouting at me. I got tired of her and decided to cut my losses, took her bag (which was always already packed to go) and threw it out of the room. She wouldn’t leave the room and we kept arguing shouting at each other. She got really angry and started threatening me, saying that she was crazy and would hurt me. I just laughed at her and said that I’d met way crazier girls than her. She literally said she would “kick my ass” and I laughed even more. She was all of 1.50 m (five feet at most) and I’m over 1.88m (six feet), with more than ten years of martial arts under my belt.

said she would go to the police and I said “Go ahead but just get the fuck out of my room”. She tried to trick me by making a fake phone call to her “Malay friends” but I knew she was on the island alone. Sheila had told me. Then she said she would kill herself and I said “Go ahead do it, see if I care”. She was obviously bluffing. She couldn’t win verbally, so she got crazier and more physical. She tried to punch me but I just pushed her away. I sat down on the bed and said she couldn’t win and should just go away now. I was calm. She wasn’t finished yet and locked the door from the inside and put the key in her pocket. She said “I’m going to kill you”. I laughed again but she wasn’t kidding.

he took a mirror off the wall and threw it on the floor, picked up one of the pieces and charged at me with a sharp piece of broken mirror in her hand.

had only a split second to think and luckily survival mode kicked in. I jerked out of the way of her weapon and hit her in the face with my forearm. She fell down and got up again even more raging, wildly swinging and stabbing. I smashed her down again, this time not too gently. She dropped the piece of glass and got up and charged at me again, kicking and screaming. I pushed her back and she fell to the floor. I stood over her and had had enough of it. I picked her up and told her to give me the door key, she refused and I slapped her in the face, not really hard but enough to make it hurt. I did this one more time and finally she got the key from her back pocket and gave it to me. I said, “Now, get the fuck out of my room”.

dropped to the floor and cried uncontrollably – no fake tears, these were real. She sat on her knees and looked me in the eyes and cried. Her resistance was broken. She tried to hug me; I pushed her off me, which made it even worse. Her will was broken and she tried to hold on to me, grabbing my dick and trying to kiss me while saying “Please, please”. She took off her clothes and started touching herself, still saying “Please, Neil, please”. I had adrenaline flowing in my body and I threw her on the bed. She wanted to give me a blowjob, but no way in hell were her teeth getting close to my dick.

took her hard from behind and she seemed to enjoy it, begging for more. It was one of the weirdest and most fucked-up situations in my life.

soon as we were finished we lay on the bed and talked a bit. I said that she still had to leave and that if she wasn’t leaving I would check out of the room and leave the island the next day. She begged me to let her stay and I thought about what would happen if I threw her out at this point. What could she do? She could go to the police and accuse me of rape, or she could just go out and cry rape and point out my cabin to locals, and everyone knows a raging lynch mob is easily formed in any Muslim country.

is a tourist destination but also a fairly small island without much in the way of police. I didn’t have a local phone card and barely knew anyone on the island. It seemed best to let her stay the night and leave the next day to the mainland.

rest of the day she was sweet as a kitten and I let her pay for everything, since she still didn’t want to give me back my money. At night we watched a movie on my laptop and went to bed early. We had sex twice that night and she was desperate to please me. I felt sorry for her. I think she was shocked that I gave her so much trouble.

left the next day to the mainland. I paid for the ferry because she said she didn’t have money any more, a lie because she couldn’t have spent all of my 140 ringgit. We got into an argument again at the bus station because she wanted to go with me to the east coast of Malaysia. I said that was never going to happen. I paid her 12-dollar bus ticket to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia and she had the nerve to ask me for more money. I told her no but eventually gave her a very small amount to make her shut up and she walked off cursing  – she even slapped me. I wanted to slap her back but there were quite a few guys around and I thought it was safer if I didn’t hit one of their own in front of them.

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