Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (18 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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“Have a seat.” Morgan agreed and left an
empty chair between them as she settled in on the edge of her own.
Ida put her hands in her lap and grimaced at the clumps of dried
batter that covered her fingers. Her apron, that was covering her
black work pants, had blotches of clean spots that made Ida smile.
Obviously, clumps of dried batter had fallen from her clothes during
her walk through the airport. She regretted not taking a moment to
make herself presentable. Finally, she looked back to Morgan. “Gabe
is,” she looked away, lost in thought as she waited for the
right words to surface. “Gabe is... lonely. And afraid. Well,
maybe not afraid. He's just...lost.” Ida tried to tell the
story nicely, but she found that there was no nice or polite way to
explain the situation. Morgan sat straight, waiting for the rest of
the story. “Okay. Here it is. Two years ago, Gabe met the love
of his life, Maria. One year after that, they were married.”
Ida's eyes began to fill with tears that pulled at Morgan's heart.
Still she remained quiet as she listened. “On their wedding
day.” Ida took several deep breaths and rubbed her lips with
the back of her hand. “They had just left the reception. It was
raining, and the other driver couldn't see them pull out. They were
hit on Maria's side of the car and... she died instantly.” Ida
pushed the memories of that night from her mind as best as she could,
as she continued. “Everything that they had built together,
everything they had...gone. Except the bakeries. He kept them going.
For her.” Ida went on to explain how Gabriel had funded Maria's
dream to open a small bakery, and that it had thrived beyond anyone's
expectations. Morgan listened and felt her heart soften at the story
of her client.

Morgan stared down at her hands and flicked a piece of
nail polish off of her middle fingernail with her thumb. “Is
he...ready?” A part of Morgan wanted to meet Gabriel and maybe
help him mend his heart a little. Another part of Morgan had been
really looking forward to a client without...
sighed as the thought crossed her mind, and she instantly regretted
even thinking it. She was healing, and Gabe was too. There was no
room for her to judge anyone.

Honestly, I'm not sure. But I can't stand to see
him this way any longer.” Ida stood once again, and held her
hand out for Morgan. Morgan took it, and stood next to her.

I just need to know one thing,” Morgan
spoke as she ran a hand through her hair. Ida nodded for her to
continue. “Was it his idea? Or yours?”
That was one thing Morgan didn't want to go through again. Her mind
went to Julius briefly. Manuel had made the decision for him, and
Morgan didn't want to make another client uncomfortable.

It was his idea. He took that step, but we just
have to get him to take another.” Ida gave Morgan's hand a
small squeeze and Morgan nodded.

Okay,” Morgan agreed. Ida nodded back and
took the large pink bag from Morgan's hand and dragged it behind her
as she walked out of the lobby. A few minutes later, both women were
in the small car and headed back to the bakery. “Is it totally
weird that you smell delicious?” Morgan's stomach growled
loudly as the scent of pastries, cake, donuts, scones and tiramisu
filled the front of the vehicle.

It's not too weird.” Ida laughed, then
added, “Gabe owns the bakery. I'll hook ya up.”

Morgan laughed too, and rubbed her stomach, quieting it
once again. “Oh, that sounds amazing.” She faced forward
and watched the city pass by around her. It looked much like Sydney,
and Morgan loved the accents just as much. Ida didn't have one
though, in fact, Ida sounded just like her. “Are you Ameri...”

We're here,” Ida cut her off, excited about
Morgan meeting Gabriel. Morgan giggled, and opened her door as soon
as the car rolled to a stop. “We'll just leave your bag here
for now. You go on in, honey. You keep going forward until you get to
the end of the hallway, then you'll take a left. His office is the
first door on the right. You got all that?”

Morgan nodded. “I think so.” Both women
laughed, and Morgan disappeared into the bakery.

She walked through the small building and held her hand
on the office door handle for several seconds. She wasn't sure if she
should knock or walk right in. Then again, she also wondered if she
should just head back to the airport and let Gabriel sort his own
issues. She closed her eyes, willing her negative thoughts to stop,
and took a deep breath. “That door isn't going to open itself.”
Morgan turned quickly at the sound of Ida's voice as the door was
flung open. It hit Morgan directly in the forehead and pushed her
hard enough to land her on the floor in the middle of the hallway.
Ida ran to her side at the exact time that Gabriel bent to help, and
Morgan watched as their foreheads collided with a loud dull smack.
Gabriel stood quickly and Ida allowed her body to drop beside Morgan.
All three sat stunned and holding their heads as they looked at one

The laughter that followed by all three brought every
eye in the bakery in their direction, which made them all laugh even
more. Gabriel finally put both hands down and allowed the women to
grab hold as he pulled them back to their feet. Morgan was the first
to speak.

You've already met my forehead.” She rubbed
it again as she laughed. “But I'm, Morgan. Nice to meet you.”
Gabriel nodded and the smile on his face was enough to make Morgan
forget any thoughts of leaving. He looked kind, and his touch was
gentle as he reached up and ran one finger across the red mark above
Morgan's eye.

Very nice to meet you, Morgan.” Gabriel
brought Morgan's hand to his lips and brushed a gentle kiss across
her skin. Ida cleared her throat and pushed a long strand of black
hair into her ponytail as she left the hallway. She was thrilled that
the two were talking, more so that Gabriel seemed at ease, and her
work for the day was done. At least, her work outside of the
kitchen. “I apologize for that.” He pointed at the fading
mark and Morgan laughed again.

Trust me when I say, this sort of thing happens
to me all the time.” Gabriel loved her laugh, and he also
instantly liked the fact that she obviously took life as it came and
could easily find humor in a situation. He knew someone much like
that. Once.

Would it be rude of me to sneak a pastry?”
Morgan's eyes moved to her left where she could see the very end of
counter that held baked goods fit for a king. Gabriel took her elbow
and nodded as he escorted her to the front of the shop. He told her
to get anything that she wanted, and then excused himself. He had a
few calls to make, and business to attend to, then he would be free
to enjoy his time with Morgan for the rest of the week. His glance in
Ida's direction, and the slight smile that she flashed, told him that
he was in for countless

Morgan walked along the front of the long glass display,
trying to choose the most perfect dessert. “Ah, there you are.”
Morgan bent down to get a better look at the delicious puff. “Ida?”
Morgan didn't want to go behind the counter and help herself, but Ida
had just appeared from the kitchen, carrying a tray of new items to
put in the display.

Did you decide?” Morgan nodded and pointed
at the one she wanted, and Ida quickly retrieved it. “I suggest
this too.” Ida passed Morgan a chocolate cannoli. “Best
one you'll ever have.” She turned to walk away, then faced
Morgan again. “You don't have any nut allergies or anything do

Morgan shook her head and she licked some of the cannoli
filling off of her finger. “Nope. I like nuts.” Both
girls giggled, and as Ida went back into the kitchen, she knew she
already liked Morgan as well. Morgan took her treats and found a spot
in the corner of the bakery to enjoy them. Her mind went to Gabriel
as she took her first bite of the pastry. Morgan's eyes narrowed, and
she stared down the hallway toward his office. “Kole.”
That's who he reminded her of.

He was built similar, thick muscles poking out of his
sleeves, massive shoulders that stretched the back of his shirt,
tight jeans that hugged every curve of his thighs. His hair was very
short, jet black and had the
texture like Kole's that begged
to be touched. Gabriel's skin was a deep tan too, like Kole. Maybe a
bit darker.
Samoan. That's what you look like.
She took
another bite of her pastry.
Okay, aside from hair, body,
skin...and maybe a wooly mammoth penis...I hope nothing else about
you is like Kole.

Just as she was finishing her cannoli, which most
certainly was the best she'd ever had, Gabriel came out of his
office. “Well, I'm all yours.'re mine. Or...” He
stuck his hands in his pockets and shut his mouth tightly.

Morgan stood slowly, then pushed her chair back under
the table. “You're right. I'm yours and we're...holy shit.”
Just as she was explaining what she and Gabriel were going to do, Ida
came out from the back once more. “You're beautiful!”
Morgan lost her whole thought, and stared at the woman. She'd allowed
her black hair to fall down her back, which stopped just an inch
above her belt. Her apron and white tee had been replaced by a black
tunic, jeans, and some boots Morgan would kill for. They also put the
woman over six feet tall. She had taken the time to apply some
makeup, which she didn't even need, but
look much better
than the crusted dough she'd had stuck to her eyebrow and cheek.
Morgan couldn't imagine why Gabriel would need her company, and the
thought fell from her lips without thinking. “Why don't you two
date? You'd be the most beautiful couple in the world!”

Gabriel forced a smile, but looked away quickly, as a
hard lump formed in his throat. “Excuse me.” Once again,
Morgan watched him go down the hall, and into his office.

I'm so sorry. I didn't mean...shit. Ida...”
Morgan looked to the tall woman for help, and Ida took her hand in
hers and smiled.

Come outside with me.” Morgan followed her
through the front door and to the car, where Ida motioned for her to
get inside. “I'll take you to the hotel, and let him know
you're there.”

Hotel?” Morgan didn't mind, she had just
expected to go to his home.

He lives an hour away. But that's not why.”
Ida put on her seat belt and Morgan followed suit. “I just
don't think he's ready to bring a woman into his home.” Morgan
nodded silently as the car began to pull away from the bakery.

I didn't mean to offend him. I hope he doesn't
hate me now.” Morgan sincerely hoped she hadn't messed up too

No, he doesn't anger easily. It's one of his best
qualities.” Ida drove through the small streets and waved at
several of the vendors that she passed. Morgan noticed right away
that Ida was not only part of the tight knit community, she also
seemed to care about them all. Morgan watched as they passed the last
of the open market, and finally asked her question again.

You're American?” Ida smiled as her head
turned in Morgan's direction, then nodded. It wasn't common for any
community to accept an outsider, Morgan was all too aware of that
reality, and it was heartwarming to know that Ida had found her
special place in the world. Home.

How long have you lived here?” Ida shrugged
as she thought it over, and made her final turn towards the hotel.

I guess it's been a little over a year now.”
The conversation almost ended right then, but Morgan had to ask one
more question.

So, you knew her?”

Yes, I knew her.” Morgan saw Ida's eyes
begin to tear as she thought of Maria. “She was wonderful.”
Morgan nodded and looked down at her hands. “Okay, let's get
you settled in.”

Chapter Seven

Gabriel leaned back in his chair as he held Maria's
photo in his hand, his finger gliding across the smooth glass that
protected his favorite image of his wife. She was standing behind her
first counter, something she'd picked up at a local flea market, and
her hands were under a metal flat of pastries. She was telling him
that she wanted to hold it up, to show the world her first batch of
cinnamon rolls to be offered in her store, when the pan began to slip
in her hands. Gabriel took the picture just as she noticed she was
losing her grip, and she was already laughing at what was about to
happen. He never tired of her ability to find the best in any
situation. If it had been anyone else that dropped their first
creation that they intended to sell, they wouldn't have been happy at
all, but not his Maria. “I miss you.” He put the photo
back on his desk as he stood to leave. Her words, spoken not an hour
before the accident, echoed through his mind as he left the office.

They were dancing, and celebrating their new union, when
Maria slipped on the dance floor. A rogue ice cube had been dropped
and it melted on the slippery surface. Maria was the one to find it
by means of high heel and a loose interpretation of the Electric
Slide. She went down hard with no time to brace for impact, and
everyone rushed to her side. When she sat up, her head fall back in
laughter that had everyone around her smiling and wondering how she
didn't get hurt. Several of her girlfriends had pulled her back to
her feet, and joked about the fall. When she stood, Gabriel was at
her side and escorted his new bride back to their table. “I'll
never understand how you can be happy all the time, but I'll always
love that about you.” Maria settled into her chair, then leaned
in and kissed him slowly before responding. He had no idea at the
time that her following words would stick with him for the rest of
his life.

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