Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (22 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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I guess you don't speak Japanese.” Morgan
nodded, as another mystery was solved that day. “You'll love
it, I promise.”

Morgan wasn't sure if she would. She hadn't stepped
outside of her food comfort zone for very long, and the thought of
him ordering something bizarre had her more than a little worried.
She searched her memory for any Japanese restaurants that she had
been to in the past, but couldn't come up with anything by the time
they were seated.

Puk Puk for both of us, and two beers.”
Morgan shook her head, she didn't want to commit to a
Puk Puk
without knowing what it was. “No, it's your turn to trust me,
Morgan.” It wasn't that easy, after all, food was a serious
issue when it came to Morgan. “We'll order something else if
you hate it, okay?” She nodded, trying to cooperate as he had
with her, but a part of her was already dreaming of the burger she
would have later. Fortunately, the beer that was instantly brought to
the table was definitely something she would enjoy.

Okay,” Morgan's elbow reached the table and
her chin instantly fell to her palm as she made a confession, “I'm
real picky. I mean...crazy picky about food.” Gabriel listened
as she explained that her grandmother had always kept the dinner menu
simple, and Morgan had carried her narrow view of food throughout her
life. “It's not like she couldn't cook, she was great! But,
there wasn't a lot of money so she stuck to the basics. Anyway,”
Morgan sat up as her hands went quickly to her lap, “I just
don't have a taste for most things.” There, she thought, the
much needed explanation for the inevitable yuck face that was sure to
follow. Also, it was information that she didn't like to share
considering her job was to make men happy and follow their lead.

Gabriel simply listened, then took a long sip of beer
before speaking. “We,” he motioned between them, “are
much more alike than I thought.” He took another drink, and
held his beer as he spoke. “We both have trouble admitting our
faults. But,” another sip, “the other thing we have in
common is to listen with an open heart when someone shares their
own.” Morgan looked into his eyes as she slowly nodded. Yes,
she agreed, accepting the short comings in others was easier than
facing her own. “So, let's just admit a few things about
ourselves that we wouldn't normally say, and consider it a lesson
that we both need in life.” Morgan smiled, and shook her head.

Oh no, I'm not telling you my faults... it'll
take away from my paid-to-perform persona of perfection.” She
barely got the words out before both of them were laughing. Gabriel
put his beer back on the table and leaned back comfortably to begin.

I was a virgin until I was nineteen.”
Morgan shook her head and was tempted to throw a napkin at the man.

That's not a fault! That's actually very cool!”
Gabriel laughed and admitted that for a man, it could be considered a
definite fault. Morgan wasn't completely buying it, but his little
confession made her smile and it was enough to allow her to speak one
of her own. She leaned back as well, and thought of something small.

Ah! Okay.... I'll admit something that I've never
told another person. Ever.” Gabriel sat up and waited for the
confession. “I...,” Morgan fumbled with her hands that
remained in her lap as she willed the words to leave her mouth, “I'm
afraid of boxes.” The words...they just floated between them
and Morgan wished that she could take them back. Instead, she tried
to cover them up. “I mean, it's not as bad as it used to be! I
used to be terrified of every kind of box! A shoe box, a gift box, a
moving box....”

Gabriel sat still, unable to even breathe. He had asked
Morgan to open up, and she did, the last thing he wanted to do was
laugh. He allowed her to ramble, and the humor of it all bubbled
inside of his head to the point of near explosion. Finally, he
couldn't hold it in any longer. He fell to the left, holding his side
as laughter completely consumed his entire body. “Shit... I
can't... I'm sorry...,”

Fine!” Morgan laughed as well, and that
time, her napkin hit him square in the chest. “See if I tell
you about my problem with sink stoppers!” That was a lie, but
it brought them both to tears, and even through having their meals
placed in front of them, they couldn't stop. “Okay..okay.”
Morgan wiped her eyes and let out a long breath. The games were over
for right then, because the mystery meat was sitting right in front
of her. Gabriel sat up straight and grabbed his fork, still giggling
as he got himself under control.

It won't bite, honest.” He smiled up at
Morgan as he cut a piece of meat from the plate and slipped it
between his lips. “Oh my god.. it's so good. Seriously,
Morgan..try it.” She slowly put her fork to her plate and
pushed on the meat. It felt like a soft steak.

Okay, I'll try it. But so help me, if it's bad
you'll be wearing it!” He agreed with a head tilt in her
direction as she took another bite.

Cautiously, Morgan lifted a small piece to her face and
smelled the little chunk. It didn't smell like anything that she was
familiar with. “Here goes.” She put the piece in her
mouth and chewed slowly. “'s not
Morgan wasn't sure if she liked it or not. The consistency was nice,
but the flavor was a bit like chicken, but not quite. “What is
it?” Gabriel shook his head.

Eat a little more, give it a real shot.”
Morgan nodded, knowing that it was a meal that she could definitely
eat, but not love.

Ten minutes later, and half of their meal consumed,
Gabriel finally told her what she was having. “Puk Puk means...


“I think she needs to pee.” Morgan nudged
Gabe's arm and waited. “Gabe.” Anther nudge. “Really?
How can anyone sleep that hard?” She pushed his back with both
hands but all he did was mumble something about white icing before
burying his head in the pillow. “Icing? You're going to dream
about icing?” Morgan laughed, thinking that it was most likely
a great dream, and got out of bed. “Okay, pretty girl. Let me
throw some clothes on.” Morgan was happy to have Cleo back
considering she'd lost almost an entire day with the dog. Ida was
kind to keep her until late the night before, but Morgan had still
missed the pretty girl.

Gabriel was still sleeping after she was dressed, but
couldn't resist another confession per their conversation the night
prior. She leaned slightly in his direction as she put her shoes on,
and whispered. “I once ate a worm when I was nine.”
There, that might go into his subconscious and even out the box
story. Gabe was silent until Morgan reached the door.

“You're afraid of boxes. Enough said.”
Morgan turned quickly and stared at the back of his head. She wasn't
going to get him to forget, but she refused to stop trying.

“Fine. Boxes. Be back in a few.”

Ten minutes later, Morgan had safely carried her
outside, and had only put her down when
they reached the beach behind the hotel. The retractable leash, which
was perfect for beach potty time, was stretched to its fullest as
Morgan began to walk. She took a deep breath as her head tilted,
taking in the sea air with the rising sun.

It was a beautiful moment, listening to the sounds of
nature as she strolled barefoot in the sand. Morgan's thoughts of
dipping one or two toes in the water, however, was quickly ended when
her phone sounded from her back pocket. “Oh, you're finally
awake, huh?” Morgan's smiled faded when she realized it wasn't
Gabriel on the other other end.

Love, why haven't ye returned muh calls?” A
very drunk Finlay brought her back to reality, and back to the fact
that he simply refused to be completely honest with her. Wallace
walked over to Finlay and placed his massive head on Fin's thigh,
then turned to look at the door and back to Finlay. William paced
around Fin's chair quickly, trying to let their owner know they had
to go potty.

I have nothing to say to you right now. Cleo!
Spit that out!” Morgan ran to the dog as she managed to keep
the phone at her ear. Cleo still had the small sand crab between her
teeth. “Spit it out, right now. Cleo... if I have to dig in
your mouth and get help me...,”

Finlay stood slowly, barely able to hold himself up on
two feet, and began staggering toward the back door. William and
Wallace nearly knocked him over on the way outside, but the two Irish
Wolfhounds were happy their pleas were acknowledged. “I'll
leave ye to yer mouth digging.” Finlay had no idea what Morgan
was doing, but it was obvious that she was busy. If there was one
thing he had learned about Morgan is that she could never focus on
more than one thing at a time. Even being drunk, he knew that the
needed conversation would have to wait.

Fine. Call me when you're sober. Better yet, I'll
call you.” Morgan ended the call as she pulled the crab from
Cleo's grip. “And you, young lady, stop eating the wild life.”
Cleo panted, her wide jaws flapping with each breath, and took off
running once again. “You're not going to get to me, not today.”
Morgan spoke her feelings to the wind as she tucked her phone back in
her pocket. The men in her life were wonderful, she would never
dispute that fact, but she also knew that there were times to make a

Finlay stared at the silent phone for several moments,
then called Sean. It was something that he had done quite a bit in
the past few months, and that day was no different.

Finlay had been more than drunk, and overly distraught
after the ordeal with Morgan. He didn't know who to talk to since
very few people knew of their ties, but one person came to mind the
instant he wondered who he could tell. Sean had sat patiently,
listening to the whole story about Morgan, Carlos, and everything he
knew about the situation. Sean was furious at being left out of the
ordeal, and heartbroken over what Morgan had gone through. He wanted
to help, to do something, but all he did for the time...was listen to
his best friend who also needed him. Sean also knew that Morgan
would have to tell him herself, because he wouldn't betray Finlay's

Morgan waited for Cleo to finish her business, and
walked toward her to retract the leash until it was tight again.
“Sorry, girl.” Cleo got wrapped up in the thick blanket
once more, and Morgan grunted loudly as she lifted the heavy dog from
the sand and to her chest. “Sweet...mother...of...Moses.”
Her arms were already beginning to shake before she walked into the
building and she mentally told herself that she wouldn't be lifting
Miss Cleo ever again. “Yes, your daddy can take you out next
time.” Morgan giggled quietly when Cleo's tiny tail began to
wag under the blanket, and she held it still with the palm of her
hand as she entered the elevator.

Morgan reached their floor undetected, and just as she
was sliding the electronic key through the door of their room, her
phone rang loudly and the sound of reggae echoed through the entire
hallway. It was still a little dark, and tired travelers were most
likely sound asleep. “Shit.” Quickly, she opened the
door and carried Cleo inside and shut the door behind her. “Oh,
Cleopatra! Why?”

As Morgan was setting the bulldog on the ground, a loud
escaped the rear end of the animal. She was still bent
over when the horrendous smell hit her, and it took all of her own
self control not to gag. Another loud
and Morgan lost
that control.

What the hell?” Gabe came into the living
area, and couldn't believe what he was seeing. Morgan's phone was
still ringing, Cleo was running in circles, chasing her inch long
tail, and Morgan had one arm against the wall, with her head tucked
on it and her whole body facing away from him. She was coughing and
shook her head back and forth after hearing Gabe's voice. “Oh
my god! Did that come from
?” Gabe started coughing
too, and his laughter made him cough more.

Morgan turned around shaking her head again. “Are
you kidding me? You think
smell came from me?” She
remembered the incident with William and Wallace, and wished
stink had been the worst of it, but the smell that came out of
Cleopatra trumped Finlay's dogs, hands down. Another loud expel of
gas from Cleo and Morgan was done. “I can't. I can't be in here
right now!” She was laughing, but very much so serious. “I'll
be outside!”

Hold on!” Gabriel shouted as Morgan shut
the door. She heard him, but she wasn't about to wait for him inside.
He quickly got dressed into a pair of basketball shorts, a white tee
and a pair of tennis shoes, then grabbed his gym bag as he walked to
the front door of the room. Cleo was still chasing herself, but
instead of her tail, it was her shadow, and in the excitement, she
filled the room one last time with her toxic fumes. “You better
get all that out while I'm gone, girl.” He pointed a finger at
Cleo and walked out into the hallway. “You waited.”

It was a statement, more than a question, and Morgan
nodded. “Of course. I just couldn't wait in

She pointed at the room and made a disgusted face. Morgan really
hoped that the gym bag in his hand meant he was going to the gym,
because it had been Angel who had called her, and his voice mail
attention. Even though, she didn't care if it
was cucumber melon, and not sunset pasture going on the accent walls
of her kitchen, she knew it was, in fact, a huge deal to her best

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