Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (62 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 Online

Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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just need to answer one, then it's all yours.” Markus laughed
and downed his coffee in one drink.

brought up Finlay's name, and didn't bother to read his messages. She
assumed that he knew, and wanted to make sure she was safe. His phone
didn't even ring twice, and his voice sounded loud enough for Markus
to hear as well.

Are ye alright? Where are ye?” Morgan smiled and cut through
his words.

fine, Fin. I'm in Maine and everything is alright.” She was
about to tell him that she'd call him after she ate, but his next
words caught her off guard. “I'm waiting on my flight to the
States. I got the first one out of here. I tried to come earlier, but
the damn airline was..,”



I don't need any help with anything, Finlay. Thank you for offering,
I mean that, but I'm fine.” Without warning, her heart spoke
the truth to the man. She didn't want anyone to come to her, and even
the idea that Finlay or anyone else would waste their time in babying
her was the worst thing that could happen right then.

no' up for debate, Morgan. I'm coming.”

swear, Finlay Campbell, if you as much as put one toe in Maine, I'll
never speak to you again! I'm fine! I have a few bruises, and I'll be
alright. I DO NOT want you to come here. Okay?” She couldn't
have been more clear, and the silence on the other end told her that
he understood. “I'm sorry, Fin. I don't mean to sound like a
bitch. It's just.... everyone puts their lives on hold when I have a
problem, but I don't want you to. Not now, not ever. I'd rather save
that time for when we can enjoy one another.” She listened to
his loud sigh blow across the phone, and she gripped her fingers
tightly as she waited.

I willna' come. But if ye need anything, Love.. anything at all..,”

be the first person I call.” Finlay laughed quietly, and ended
the call with a promise to talk again soon.

don't mean to be nosy, but why wouldn't you want anyone to come here?
I'm sure they're worried sick about you, Morgan.” She raised
her cup for a refill, and answered the question after she secured
another cup of coffee.

truth is, my friends would do just about anything for me.”
Markus nodded, as he could say the same for his friends. “But...
I think it's long past the time where I should be able to get through
hard times on my own. I mean.. I can.. I just don't think they
believe I can.” Markus nodded and accepted a refill as well.

doesn't matter, Morgan. When people love one another, all we can do
is try and help them when we think they need it. It's not a sign of
weakness to accept help, it's actually a sign of love to allow it.”
Morgan smiled, and she agreed completely. However, she also knew that
it was a sign of love to let people live their lives instead of
worrying about her life.

as Morgan leaned back to allow her food to be placed on the table,
her phone sounded again. That time, she saw, was the one she missed
the most. “Angel.” Morgan raised a finger and stifled a
giggle before answering. Markus wasn't sure what to expect, but he
leaned back and waited.

Is that you?” Morgan held her hand over her mouth after she
spoke, trying to keep from laughing into the phone.

Oh my Stick! Are you alive?” Markus could hear Angel screeching
from the other end, and he too had to cover his mouth.

alive, Angel.”

you mothafuckin' sure? Because I saw that plane on TV and I don't
think a bitch could just up and walk away from that shit! Are you
sure you're alive? Stick.. don't play with me! You know I can't take
this shit!”

Angel...,” Morgan finally had to laugh, and her love for her
best friend filled her heart. “I promise, I'm alive. I'm about
to eat breakfast with a handsome man, and with any luck, I'll be
flying out of Maine by tomorrow.”

“Fly? Are you fuckin' crazy? Your ass just died on a
plane and you're going to mothafuckin' fly? Ah, hell no! Not uh!
You're not getting on a plane, Stick. I'll row my ass in a
mothafuckin' Shamu and pick your narrow ass up!”


Just tell me where to row and my ass will be there!”

laughed enough to cause her head to throb, and Markus was nearly
spitting coffee across the table. “I love you, Angel. I'm fine,
really. I'm bruised, I have a knot on my head, and I need a new
phone.. other than that, I'm perfect.” Morgan and Angel talked
a few more minutes, and Markus laughed at the banter and love that he
heard from the two. “When I get to Belize, I'll call you.”

see, I can get a Shamu to Belize from here.”


I'm glad you're alive. I can't live without you, Stick. Not today,
not tomorrow, not fuckin' ever. So stop dying, you hear me?”
Morgan assured him that she would, in fact, stop dying. “Call a
bitch in a day.”

tomorrow.” Morgan ended the call and finally handed her phone
over to Markus.

He was finally able to make his call, and his mom was the only person
he wanted to speak to right then. “Mom, it's okay.”
Obviously, when listening to Markus' side of the conversation, Morgan
assumed that she answered the phone in a panic. “Yeah, just a
little cut, and I'm pretty sore. Yes. No. I wish I could, but I lost
my wallet so I need to get another passport and some money...

didn't try to hear his private conversation, but she had no other
choice since he was only a foot away. She sipped her coffee and
remained quiet as he spoke more to his mom.

okay... don't cry. You do? You can? Okay, call me later and see what
you can come up with. I love you too.” Markus ended the call
and handed the phone back to Morgan. “She said she can get me
home. She has to make a few calls to some friends, and work it out.”
Markus no longer smiled, and Morgan's heart broke for the man that
was so far from home, and the people that he loved.

was used to being away from
, and she knew that her
friends were always just a flight away. It was different for most
other people, and certainly for Markus. He'd survived the same crash,
and she could see right then that all he wanted to do was go home.
She could also see that he was torn with what he should do; stay in
Maine with Morgan, or get his ass on the first flight out of there.
She put his hand on his, and smiled as she spoke softly.

“Markus, we were spared. So many people died, and we survived.
I think it's the Universe telling us to live! To do things we always
wanted to do, and to celebrate life each and every day. I can't sit
around in Maine while life is waiting for me out there.” Markus
smiled, and absolutely loved how strong and confident Morgan was. It
would have been just as easy to shut down and let the world go on
without them for awhile. But not Morgan, she took a healthy approach
that was more than admirable.

I couldn't agree more.” He raised his mug, and they toasted to
lives worth living. Markus also realized that facing his grandmother
and setting things right for his family was something he'd take care
of as soon as possible. “As for me, I think I'll enjoy the
hospitality of Jules while I get things sorted. It's like a vacation
still, right?” Morgan laughed, and agreed that he could turn
his time in Maine into anything he wanted. Secretly, however, she
knew that the minute she was gone, he'd get back home with no regrets
for leaving her.

you wouldn't mind if I got back to work? Or at least, got to Belize
and took some time before meeting my new client?” Markus smiled
widely and shook his head. He truly didn't want to hold Morgan back,
and his heart raced with the thought the he would be back with his
family soon. “Get on with your life, beautiful. But don't
forget about me, okay?” Morgan hugged his neck tightly and
kissed his cheek. She had no idea what would have happened to either
of them if they had done anything differently, but she had a feeling
that neither of them would be there right then.

before we conquer the world, let's eat!”

at that moment, was pacing the small kitchen as an ambulance was on
the way to the house. Ernesto was dead, and it was obvious that he'd
chocked on a cough drop while lying in bed. The only thing that
Julianne could think of was another shock to Morgan's system. There
was no way that she wanted her to know that the man was dead, not
right then, so she tried to think of a way to make it right. “Jules?”

Jules had joined Julianne in the kitchen, and was about to pace right
along with her. Julianne didn't mince words, and she told the woman
what was on her mind.

have a favor to ask.” Jules stopped and leaned against the
counter as she listened. “My daughter has been through hell,
the last year has been so hard on her.” Jules' brows came
together as her heart pulled at the thought of Morgan going through
anything beyond the plane crash. “I'm asking, if it's possible,
if we can keep the death of Ernesto from her?” Jules looked at
the worry in Julianne's face, and finally nodded. There was a way to
hide it, and she knew exactly what to say.

tell her that he took a turn for the worst, and we had to send him
back to the hospital. It didn't seem as they were friendly, so I
doubt she would follow through with a visit.” Julianne took a
step forward and put her hand on Jules' thick arm.

can't tell you how much I appreciate this! Thank you, so much!”
Julianne told the other woman that she would send the news to Morgan
in a text. If anything, the informal way of breaking the news would
help solidify the story. With that, Julianne sent the text and added
that Julianne wanted to take Morgan to dinner later that day. After
Morgan replied that she was sorry to hear about Ernesto, and that she
would love to have dinner with Julianne, she then dropped her phone
back into her bag.

everything alright?” Markus finished his eggs and wiped his
mouth quickly. Morgan nodded, and couldn't help but smile.

is perfect.” The news of Ernesto's sudden need to return to the
hospital warmed Morgan's heart. Obviously, Julianne wanted to protect
her, and it was a sweet gesture. Also, she was grateful to have time
later with her boss to plan her trip to Belize a bit early.


hate that I can't see Markus before I leave.” Morgan looked out
the large windows of the airport as she waited for her flight with
Julianne the following morning. “I know, child.”
Julianne had arranged the early morning flight the previous afternoon
since Morgan had asked to depart as soon as possible. “But you
saw him this morning, didn't you?” Morgan nodded, and smiled at
the time that they had before leaving for the airport.

had wanted to see her off, but he too had business to take care
concerning his passport and identification. Also, he explained, he
hated saying goodbye under any circumstances. “I'll see him
again.” Morgan's smile faded somewhat at the reality that she
still wanted to see many of her previous clients but could never find
the time.
I'll make the time. I miss them. All of them.
she corrected own thoughts, she missed almost all of them.

are sure you're ready? There's no reason why you can't take a few
more days... or a week..”

promise, I'm ready.” Julianne ran a finger over the tiny purple
bump on Morgan's forehead. She had to admit, though, that the
bruising was already much better than it had been the day before.
“Don't worry, I'm fine.” Morgan meant the word that she
spoke, because for the first time in months, she felt truly free of
the hold that Carlos had on her emotions. She never knew that Ernesto
even existed, but his accidental death had provided a security within
Morgan's heart that she desperately needed. “But... I do have a
question.” Julianne led Morgan to a row of empty seats, and
held her hand as they sat together. She nodded, and Morgan continued.
“Did... bad things happen to you when you did this job? I
mean... is it me? Is it the job? Is it something else?”
Morgan's heart was finally revealed to Julianne. It wasn't self pity,
it was a genuine curiosity that only Julianne could answer. The older
of the two took a deep breath, and leaned back slightly.

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