Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (37 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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you know. He intends to see it through. I hope you're up for it.”
His face didn't hold the same amusement as it had, and neither did
hers. “Morgan, the people here are... I guess, honor bound to
do what they say they will. They've pressed him for years to
a woman, and he finally broke down a few months ago and signed up
with your service. He doesn't want to, but... like I said, he gave
his word... to his family.”

I'm going to... go upstairs.” She left the kitchen and made
her way to the pink bedroom, where she immediately walked out onto
the balcony. A storm was brewing, and the sky looked exactly the
same as her mind felt.

thought of her best friend, and the turn of events that she would
have to deal with. “I need to tell him!” She
whisper-yelled to herself, and took her phone out of her bag. “But
he's still good looking.. freaking hot in fact.... he's not....
” She closed her eyes and sat on the white
cushioned chair. “That's what you meant. Nice. He would be
to me... but nothing more. Oh... Angel! Why didn't you
tell me?!” His words flooded her mind instantly.
Because I
told you not to interfere.

would have to deal with Angel some other time, for right then, she
scrolled through her phone to find someone to distract her from her
impending sexual trial with her gay client. “What the hell am
I going to do? He can't force himself to....,” she landed on
a face that made her smile, “Sean.” She had skipped
right over Finlay. Her heart nearly leaped through the phone at just
the sight of his picture. “Nope, I can't discuss clients with
you.” She laughed as she clicked Sean's photo.

I've been expecting ye ta call. How did the wee joke go with Angel?”
As always, Morgan felt like the weight of the world had been lifted
from her shoulders the second she heard Sean's voice.

went better than planned... we..” she left out the Finlay part,
“even got him again, it was great! Thanks for helping out with
that, by the way. How is your mom doing?”

a bother, lass. How ye doing? Where did ye end up this week?”

doing... pretty well. I'm in Tahiti.”

what's botherin' ye now?”

you stop doing that? I just called to talk.”

only call when ye've got something on your wee mind, lass.”

words cut through her. It was true, she only called her friend when
she was wanting advice or needed help. Even though she had only
called him for a distraction, she was still using him in a way.
Morgan decided that the next time she called her friend, it would be
during a time that she wasn't going through some kind of turmoil. The
truth was, she trusted Sean and took his words to heart. He was the
best at helping her and the best with advice. That's what made him
such a good friend. She took a deep breath, knowing as usual, she
wouldn't be able to say 'nothing was the matter' and get away with
it. “My client, Sean. He's gay.” There it was, the
laughter she was waiting for.

you're serious, are ye?”

I'm dead serious and,” she looked around the room and lowered
her voice. “Sean, he wants to practice and... try it out. His
parents want him to be with a girl and he wants to make them

a girl out ye mean?” Sean was still laughing.

dammit, this isn't funny at all.”

I don't know why ye rang me. Ye know what ta do better than anyone.”
Morgan nodded slowly, even though she didn't quite know what he
meant. “If I told ye to change one thing about yourself...”
he thought for a moment. “You can never drink that wee wine ye
like again...would ye do it? Would ye change?”

course not,” Morgan replied quickly.

ye wouldn't. You're as stubborn as a wee bull, but people can't
change to make other people happy. If ye decided that ye didn't like
you're wee wine anymore and drink something else.” Morgan knew
all of that already, but her problem was still unsolved.

he's determined to do this, and he truly just wants to know for
himself, then I would be willing to do it. But... if he's just doing
this for his family... then I think it would just be humiliating for
him. I just... I can't be a part of anything that's going to hurt
him.” Sean sighed heavily into the phone.

do ye think he knows he's gay?” Morgan giggled.

course he knows. His whole family, and even his butler all know.”

Morgan, he's not trying to figure it out, is he?” Morgan
closed her eyes and nodded slowly. Sean was right, and she had been
looking too hard at the details, and not the whole picture.

thank you! I've got to go!” It was perfect timing, Morgan heard
the door downstairs, then she heard footsteps moving to the second
floor. She leaned over her bed and pulled a magazine out of her carry
on bag, then fell back down to her stomach and pretended to be
reading. Morgan's eyed darted to her phone, and she smiled quickly at
the dark screen. Sean deserved more than to be an friendly ear from
time to time, and she planned to give the man the attention that he
deserved in the future. But for right then, she had a gay client to
let off the hook.

There was a small knock at the door, then Te entered the room and
slowly walked toward her bed. “Kekoa told you?” Morgan
nodded slowly and closed the magazine. “I know this all may
seem weird to you... I just... I want to try.” He sat on the
side of the bed and looked at her. His heart seemed to be breaking,
and he was beyond nervous.

sat up in the bed and tilted her head as she smiled. “Okay..
let's do this.” She pulled the straps to her dress over her
shoulders, then down her arms. He watched as she pulled the top to
her dress down to her waist, exposing herself from the belly button
up. “These,” she looked down at herself, “are
boobs. Give 'em a go.” She pushed her chest out, daring him
to touch them. His serious expression was lost when he began to
laugh. “This isn't funny... this is some serious grade A
quality boobage right here! Come on, get at it.” She scooted
across the bed, keeping her chest pushed out in his direction. “No?
Nothing?” Morgan pretended to think it over, then giggled as
she got on her knees, then turned around. Her ass was then in his
direction, and she turned her head to look back at him. “Look
at my girl parts... go on.. look at it.” Morgan wiggled her
ass and put her head down. “You know you want to..,”
her sing-songy voice as she swayed her hips completely did him in.
The man started laughing so hard that he had to stand and look away.

an absolute wreck, Morgan Holland.” He wiped the tears from
his eyes and leaned against the wall in her room.

I've been told.” She turned back around and pulled her dress
back into place. She reached for floral bag that was beside the bed
and pulled out her scrapbook. “Come here.. sit with me.”
The man moved across the room and sat on the very edge of the bed.
“Come here!” He laughed and moved closer. “Look
at this,” she opened the book and slowly turned the pages,
showing him her clients, one after the other, “gorgeous, huh?”
He nodded and smiled, then he started turning the pages for her.

girl.” She laughed and let him take the book into his own lap.

threw my parts at you, and you moved away.... laughing no less.”
He looked at her and smiled, but he was too embarrassed to comment.
“You don't need me, Te. You like men, end of story. By the
way, I see how you're looking at Cedric... and he's taken... by my
best friend.” Te laughed and turned the page.

is... I made a promise.. that I would.. you know.” He looked
up at her and closed the book. She had no idea why he was even
thinking about following through with
Morgan took his
hand and thought about their situation.

take it one's word is pretty important around here. Honor, pride,
that sort of thing?” He nodded silently. “Alright,
let's go.” Morgan got up from the bed and pulled his hand. He
didn't move at first so she used her only ammunition. “Get up,
or the boobs are coming out again. Besides, I got nearly naked for
you, AND showed you my parts, and it didn't work. You tried, we
failed, and you kept your word.” He laughed loudly as he
stood, then followed her from the room.

ran down the stairs and straight to the kitchen, with Te still not
knowing what Morgan was up to. “Kekoa... can you take me to
town?” The butler looked to Te and raised a brow.

for?” Te turned to Morgan, questioning her motive.

me, please.” Te walked to the table and sat down. “Oh...
and while we're gone, can you go to your garage and make something
for your mom?” She smiled and both of the men looked at one
another, then back to her. Finally, Te put his faith in whatever
plan she had, and waved the two of them off as he stood again and
left the kitchen. “Great, let's go!”


and Kekoa made the trip quickly to town, and she told him to go
directly to the shop that Te's parents worked in, the one that she
had already been to that day. Kekoa did as she asked, and turned the
truck off after pulling up right in front of the store. “Does
your plan involve me? Or am I waiting here?” Morgan laughed
and shook her head.

can go in together, as long as you don't screw it up.” He had
no idea what he could
up, but he was game for whatever
she had in mind.

was in the middle of the store when they walked in. She was pricing
a new shipment of beach towels, and placing them on a shelf. “Kekoa!
Morgan! What brings you back here?” Kekoa greeted the young
girl, then stepped back for Morgan to take over.

Te is making something for his mom... and I wanted to do a little
shopping while he was working.” Kara smiled and started to go
back to her towel pricing. “Although, I really don't know why
he's trying so hard to please her,” Morgan leaned in closer to
Kara, who had turned around and looked at her after hearing what she
said about their mom. “The woman clearly hates him.”
Kara's mouth opened in shock, then her anger took over.

Why would say such a thing?! She doesn't hate him!” She was
shouting by the time she finished, and her parents came out to see
what Kara was upset about. Morgan acted as if she didn't notice

course she does. Believe me, my mother hated me too, so I know hate
when I see it.” Morgan walked to a nearby shelf and looked at
the pretty glass turtles that lined the entire top row. “Such
a shame.... he obviously loves them very much. Like I said, he's
making something right now for her. I know I wouldn't try, but
that's just me.” Kekoa's eyes widened and he looked at Te's
parents, then back to Morgan. Te's mother quickly left the counter
and met the blonde in the middle of the showroom.

How dare you!” Morgan shook her head and kept looking at
items on the shelves.

course you do. I mean, the man is gay... he's pretty much worthless
to this entire family. But I get it, I mean.. really who wants a gay
son? It's not like he can do anything for you. Right?” She
put her hand on the mother's shoulder and showed sympathy for what
the old woman was going through.

need.. to.. leave!” Te's mother began to shake, and her cheeks
were turning a bright red that made Morgan stifle a smile of her own.

you mad at me? Seriously? He's the one that you should be mad at!
Can you believe that he hired me to have sex with him? I actually
have to pull a miracle out of my ass and get him to sleep with me!
Something about a promise or something.. whatever.. but I'm the
victim here.” Morgan shook her head in disgust, and walked a
few feet away to sample the lotions on display. She covered her
smile when she heard the gasps between all involved. Te's dad
finally approached her, as he'd had enough of her hateful words.

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