Arrested Love (2 page)

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Authors: Jean Baker

BOOK: Arrested Love
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She looked over her shoulder, batting her lashes coquettishly. “Please do it quickly, so I won’t suffer.”

By the bedside, he released her hair and clamped his arms around her waist. He made short order of her jeans. With his foot planted between her feet on the pants, he lifted, pulling her out of jeans, panties, and shoes in one deliberate stroke. Snaking his arm between her legs and up against her wet pussy, he tossed her to the middle of the bed.

Goldie bounced and cringed back against the pillows. “Please, Sir Sexalot, don’t hurt me. Make the end quick. Drive your sword deep, for I suffer awaiting the vicious attack.” Her eyes twinkled above the hand that covered her mouth.

He climbed on the bed, kneeled between her legs, and pried them apart. “My Lady, I shall drive my sword home slowly, inch by inch, to increase your suffering.” He gripped his pulsating cock and dragged it between her soft, dripping petals and circled it around her bulging clit. Sitting back on his heels, his eyes feasted on her anguished sexual core. So beautiful, so juicy, and so ready.

“The agony is more than I can bear, Sir Sexalot. Please end my suffering.” Her spine arched and her face twisted in torment.

“My Lady, it is imperative that I exercise my skills of torment slowly, so I may gain utmost pleasure in punishing you.” His knees slid down the bed, and he dropped his face into her wet, secret place. Nibbling, lapping, and sucking, he tasted her essence. A bouquet of finest flavors. He gripped her hips to hold her down, controlling her frantic movements. She resisted, flailing about and driving him wild. A searing lust overcame him, and he plunged his tongue into her well of heat. His cock hammered into the mattress, and his balls turned into hard walnuts, threatening to burst through the skin.

“Aiiiiiii, Duncan, stop playing. Give me your cock. Now! I’m dying here.” She spread her legs, opening wide. “Please, please fuck me.”

His head cleared enough to realize his woman was screaming and savagely pulling his hair. The pain shot to his demanding cock, which could no longer wait.

Pulling his knees near her buttocks and his face from her mound of heat, he placed his hands flat on the bed either side of her waist, and with all his power, drove his member into her cunt. Goldie cried out, clawing his shoulders, and bucking against his crotch. Slowly, ever so slowly, he pulled back until almost out of her body. She screamed, “No!”

His answer—a power-packed punch that drove her up the bed. His hips, ever-so-slowly, lifted and then plowed back into her. Her cream covered the length of his cock. Each time he lifted, he didn’t go quite as far until he reached a point of no control and pounded into her like a jack-hammer. Through the ringing in his ears, the animal sounds Goldie made drove him on with more strength and power. Her well of juicy heat convulsed and sucked on his erection. Two more plunges and his head dropped back. He howled while releasing everything within him into her depths.

Although every muscle in his body turned to mush, he managed to stay inside Goldie. Her back arched and her pelvis locked against his as the walls of her pussy continued to pulse and clamp down, slowly pushing his cock out. Finally, her body went slack. He dropped his head between her breasts.

It took a long time before hearts settled into a safe rhythm and breathing returned to normalcy. Goldie murmured in his hair. He lifted his head and looked into the sleepy emerald eyes. “What did you say, darling?”

“I said, you thoroughly punished me, Sir Sexalot. After a little nap, I intend to aggravate you again, so keep that sword sharp and ready.”

He chuckled and squeezed her. “That, I promise to do, My Lady.”

“If you don’t, I’ll have to bite you. Hard.”

Duncan chuckled, rolled to the bed and cradled her in his arms. Sleep overcame them both.




He awoke to the sounds of clattering and singing from the kitchen, wondering how long he’d lain alone. Every day became a wonder—a woman with such love and passion in his life. Waking up alone always caused a frisson of fear to run down his spine with the awareness this dream could be destroyed at any time. He could not keep his past a secret forever, and he knew she would hate him after finding out.

Stop thinking about it! Duncan’s feet hit the floor and he went for a shower. As he adjusted the water temperature, the scent of Goldie’s climaxes surrounded him, and caused an instant arousal. He licked his lips and tasted her delicious cunt. I’m tempted to never bath again. But he did and stood under the warm shower, his buttocks clenching as he stroked his cock. Faster and faster his fisted hand moved, causing a groan to escape from deep in his chest. I don’t want Goldie to catch me doing this. We’ll end up fucking all day and get nothing else done. His back arched. Breath left his lungs in a hiss between his teeth as cum arched into the shower spray.

Wrapping a towel around his waist, he came into the kitchen. Goldie stood by the stove in ragged sawed-off short-shorts, bumping and grinding to radio music. The aroma of cooking bacon hung in the air. Duncan thought he might drool like a baby; whether from the sight or the smell, he didn’t know. “Baby, where are my clothes?”

She swung around and her eyes immediately dropped to his towel, which now tented toward her. “Oh, man, look at that sweet thing.” Her emerald eyes glittered.

Turning his hips to the side, he growled, “No touching, bad girl. Tell me, where are my clothes?”

“Hmmm, last I saw of them, they were in flames on the burn pile.” Nonchalant, she broke eggs into the bacon pan.

He put his fists on his hips and glared at her. “Now, isn’t this about the same situation that caused you to be punished earlier?” Damn, this might sound more realistic if my spastic cock would chill. “Honey, I’m a man, and a man should take care of his woman—not the other way around.

She swayed toward him. “Frankly, if you took better care of me, I couldn’t walk.”

“You know what I mean, and I refuse to be a kept man. That’s what those new clothes stand for in my mind. How’d you like it if I worked around the farm buck-ass naked?”

Goldie lifted a brow. “Well, Sir Fuck-A-Lot, I intend to keep you, so I guess that makes you a kept man. As keeper, I will not allow you to expose my sweet piece of manhood to the elements.”

Duncan dropped to a chair, his mouth open, not sure what to say to this crazy broad. “This calls for extensive punishment. Bring me some clothes, woman.”

“Wait till you eat. I washed them so they would soften. By the time you’ve eaten, I can take them from the dryer.” She dished up the food and brought two plates to the table. “Maybe you ought to rearrange your towel. My heart can’t take it.”




Goldie grinned when his face burned, and he tried to cover his privates. “Honey, I think you may need a tarp instead of a bath towel.”

Struggling to keep his face straight, he said, “Be quiet, woman, I want to concentrate on eating and exploring ideas for a just punishment for what you’ve done.”

He crammed food in his mouth, grumbling and mumbling between bites. The dimple in his cheek indicated to her that he held back a smile. “So, Sir Sexalot, you really hate being cared for? Damn, I forgot to buy sox.”

“I don’t know why I’m fussing. I’ve been a kept man all my life.”

“Ohh, you had a sugar mama?” She nibbled on a piece of toast and grinned.

“No, first, my family, and then the government kept me—both just as bossy as you.” He leapt from the chair, pulled her up and grabbed her ass, lifting her to his waist. The towel slipped to the floor, and his cock punched into her wet heat. “Ha! Anyway, I’m stronger than you and I plan to throw you on the kitchen floor and get with the punishment.”

Both were laughing as the sound of a vehicle pulling up to the back porch cut through their merriment. A heavy door slammed. Duncan ran for the pantry, while Goldie smoothed back her hair, jerked her blouse down, and went to the door.




Oh, shit. Marty. Goldie closed the door and step onto the porch. He strolled to her, smiling, a bouquet of roses in his hands. “I came to apologize for that incident in the mercantile. The minute I see you, I just lose my mind.”

She needed to get rid of him before Duncan comes outside. The anxiety caused her voice to become strident. “Take your damn roses and haul ass, Marty. How many times do I have to tell you I’m not interested?”

He pulled a velvet box from his pocket and held it out. “Ever since we were kids making mud pies together, I intended to marry you.” He opened the container. A huge diamond glittered in the sun.

Her breath sucked in. Damn, what a rock!

“Just think, if we combine the farms, you will be the richest wife in the county, if not the state. You will move in circles that matter, on the arm of someone who adores you.”

“Bull, I know you, Marty. You aren’t capable of loving anyone except yourself or anything except money and power. We were childhood friends only until you became an ass. I’ll never marry you and will never let you get your hands on my farm.”

His eyes bulged and his lips rolled back exposing gritted teeth. He dropped the flowers to the dirt and stepped toward her, his hands fisted. “I’ll put this ring around your finger, or my hands around your neck.”

Goldie backed away just as Duncan stepped from the house, and draped his arm over her shoulders. “A lovely proposal, my man. Maybe you should step back and be careful about what you say.”

Marty stepped back and glared at Goldie. “Who the fuck is this big ape?”

She opened her mouth, but Duncan spoke first. “The lady hired me to take care of things around here.” He stepped off the porch and extended his hand. “You can call me Duncan.”

The introduction and the hand were ignored. “Yeah, I can imagine what you take care of and how you do it.” Turning to Goldie, he said, “You goddamn whore!”

Duncan’s fist met Marty’s jaw, and Marty’s ass hit the ground. Shaking his head, he struggled to his feet. He headed for his car, weaving. Once seated behind the wheel, he snarled, “You haven’t seen the last of me, you son-of-a-bitch. And, you, Goldie, you’re mine and so is the farm.”

She gripped Duncan’s forearm and watched the new jeep roar down the driveway. “Oh, God, I so did not want you to meet him.”

He chuckled. “Forget about it. He’s full of hot air. Just enjoy having so many men in love with you.”

“Yeah, well, I prefer your way of showing it.”

“Any time, sugar, any time.” His arm tightened around her shoulder—his face became solemn. “After thinking about it—he could be dangerous—seems a little off his rocker.”

“It’s because he’s used to getting anything he wants, when he wants it.” She turned into his arms and hugged hard.

“You’re trembling, honey. Why don’t you go for a ride on Baby? She needs the exercise and you need to relax.”

“Thanks, I think I will. What will you be doing?”

“There’re about a hundred things that need doing, but maybe I’ll clean out the loft. Hay baling time will be soon and it needs to be clean. A dirty, itchy job I’ve managed to ignore.”

Goldie loped to the barn and retrieved a saddle and harness. She whistled outside Baby’s paddock, and the horse ambled to the gate. “You’re getting lazy, Baby, step it up.” She whickered and moved a smidgen faster.

“You’ve spoiled her. She’ll move if I call. Can I saddle her for you?”

“Duncan, I’ve been doing this since before I could reach her back, thank you very much.”

After tightening the belly cinch, Goldie swung up into the saddle, and with a small wave to Duncan trotted away. The minute Baby moved, Goldie felt her body relaxing and her mind clearing. Problems didn’t go away, but they calmed into orderly thoughts. Something Marty said kept niggling at her. Why is he so danged sure of getting the farm? I don’t see how he can unless we do marry, and that ain’t gonna’ happen. Tomorrow, I better get to the bank and get another extension on the loan.

That worry floated away, and she thought about Duncan going after Marty. I’ve never played the damsel in distress, but have to admit I kinda’ liked having my man defend me. Women’s Lib, please forgive me. She had to talk with Duncan, though, and let him know the dangers of tangling with any of the Reeds. That old man possessed way too much influence.

She settled forward in the saddle and warmth flooded her crotch. Oh, Lordy. She remembered how, as a kid, her dad told her a proper riding technique should have her shifting her weight further back on the saddle. “But, Dad, this way feels so good.” I’ll never forget the expression on his face. It was the one time she’d seen him lost for words. Tucking her ass under, she grinned and brought Baby up to a trot. Duncan keeps enough fire burning down there without Baby’s help.

Billy Blackburn stood outside the barn talking with Duncan when she returned. Wonder what he wants? Oh, crap, Marty’s complained. Leaping from Baby, she smiled and held out her hand. “I see you’ve met my help.” Duncan’s brows rose.

“Goldie, I told you I’d be by to meet him. After he freaked out, we had a good conversation. Kidding aside, I really need to speak with you in private.”

Duncan took the reins from her hand. “I’ll take care of the horse. Go on in and give Sheriff Blackburn a cup of coffee.”

In the kitchen, Goldie washed her hands and poured two cups. “Sit yourself, Sheriff.” She smiled and settled down across from him. “I suspect Marty’s complained. Did you ask Duncan about it?”

“Hmm, coffee is good. Yeah, I did. He’s not much of a talker is he? He did say Marty called you a filthy name and he decked him. I wanted your view of what went down.”

Goldie sighed and rubbed her face. “You know Marty’s been intent on us getting married ever since we were kids. We were buddies as children, but the older we became, the nastier he’s become. Now, he’s determined to force me to do what he wants.” She explained what had happened.

“That’s about what I figured went down. But you need to realized, this could get serious quick. He wants me to arrest your man, of course. After what you’ve told me, I can inform him that he trespassed, committed assault, and is guilty of harassment. Also, if he doesn’t let it be, I’ll charge him.”

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