Arrested Love (3 page)

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Authors: Jean Baker

BOOK: Arrested Love
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“Thank you for coming out and telling me this. I’m sure Dad will also appreciate it. The thing is, though, I doubt anything will stop Marty. He operates under the auspices of his father and thinks he can get away with anything. Also, I think maybe he’s developed mental problems.”

“I’ll call Senator Reed and have a little talk with him. In the meantime, I’ll watch Marty.” He placed his cup on the table. “Got anymore of this stuff?”

“I appreciate it, Billy. But don’t jeopardize your own position on account of this.” She poured the last cup from the pot. “This is probably strong enough to be near nuclear.”

“Cops can handle deadly coffee.” He grinned and took a sip. “Perfect. Tell me about that studly looking young man out there.”

Goldie felt her face heating. “He’s only been here a couple of weeks, is pleasant, hardworking, and I like him. He just showed up here one day looking for a job and gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Uncle Carl thinks he’s a war veteran; both Dad and Mom approve of him. Duncan doesn’t like to talk about his past, and I don’t care to press the subject. I’ll learn bit by bit.

“Would you like me to check his background?”

“I hope he’ll stay, but he may move on at any minute and it’d be wasted effort.” Her face tightened. “If he finds out we’re checking on him, it might run him off. It’d be best to leave things as they are until we see if he’ll stick.”

Sheriff Blackburn stared into her eyes until she dropped her head. His forehead wrinkled and he shook his head. “I can see it’s too late. Girl, you’re a goner.” He stood and put on his hat. “Come, walk me to the cruiser.”

She trotted behind him through the yard and to the car, feeling like a teen caught out by her parents. The sheriff slipped behind the wheel and she said, “Thank you so much for your concern. Please come back anytime you’d like to visit.”

He slammed his door and looked out to her. “Please be careful, young lady. I’ll see about the problem with Marty today.” He waved and drove from the yard.

Goldie turned toward the barn in time to see Duncan jump from the loft, hanging by a rope, to land at her feet. Her heart flopped. “Damn, you scared me. That pulley is old. You could have fallen and hurt yourself.”

Laughing, he swung her around and kissed her cheek. “So, my girl worries about me. How about that?”

She gave him a stiff-armed punch in the belly.

He grabbed her fist and gave her knuckles a light bite. “How’d it go down with the cop?”

“I told him what happened and how Marty’s been behaving for a long time. He’ll call Marty’s dad. He’s a U.S. senator and is the only person able to control his son.”

“Billy seems like a stand-up guy.”

“He is and has been a family friend for a long time. He and Dad went to school together and were on the same football team. As a matter of fact, so was Marty’s dad.” Goldie gave him a once over. She wondered about his expression. Was that fear in his eyes? Deciding to let it slide, she said, “God, you’re dirty.”

“Yeah, but I managed to get the loft clean while you were gone. Found a few families of mice.”


“We need cats to take care of the varmints. How can this be a proper farm with no cats and dogs? Go upstairs with me and see what a tidy place for the new hay looks like.”

She placed her hands on her hips and looked up at him from under long lashes. “No monkey business up there. I don’t want to be itching all day again, with straw stuck to my butt.”




Duncan’s smile was overly innocent as he draped his arm around her shoulder and led her to the barn. “Baby, you know I wouldn’t do that. Besides, I’m much too filthy to touch your beautiful bod.”

“Are the mice gone?” She climbed the ladder and he followed, fighting the urge to take a bite of her sweet ass. Stepping into the loft and looking around, she said, “Wow. It looks so much bigger. Don’t believe I’ve ever seen it this clean before.” Then she turned toward Duncan, smiling.

Sun cut through the large loading door, lighting up a dirt-coated, muscled Adonis, naked as the day his mother first saw him. Her eyes widened and she grinned. “You are a sight for sore eyes—so beautiful.” She took two stumbling steps toward him, and then bolted for the ladder.

She managed to get a foot on the top step before he grabbed her around the waist and hauled her up against his bare chest. Automatically, her arms circled his neck, while he dropped one arm and pulled her against his throbbing cock. Her arms slipped over his sweaty shoulders; her legs circled his waist without a command from her heated brain.

His mouth devoured hers, as his bare feet moved, until he trapped her against rough, pine boards. Her body pinioned between the wall and his body, his hands were free to lift her higher. He jerked her shirt apart and covered her breast with his hungry mouth. Curling his spine, he tried to ram his dick up her thighs. One hand, circled the other nipple until Goldie clasped his head, pulling him against her chest. The other hand fumbled at her zipper. “Damn it!” He dropped her to her feet, his mouth leaving her breast with a sucking sound.

She cried out and squeezed both breasts with her hands as he ripped her pants off. Tying the legs of the jeans around her waist to prevent wood splinters in her ass, he lifted her again and settled her pussy over his pulsing dick. Dirt, sweat, and straw clung to her body, but she didn’t seem to notice as he began rocking his hips, reaching higher and higher into her convulsing walls. “Oh, baby, suck my cock. Give me what you got. Love me.” His voice dropped into a growl. “Please love me. Come around my cock. I’m coming—I’m coming!” A scream ripped from his chest and her voice joined his.

They stopped, in the same position for a minute, and then Goldie tried to bounce on his weakening cock, clearly wanting more. He stepped back to give her freedom to move. Her fingers sank deep into his biceps, and he supported her buttocks. She went wild, panting and begging. His cock began to enlarge and grow stiff. It became a steel rod by the time Goldie leaned back and screamed again. He felt himself being sucked deeper inside, but his legs were going numb. Sinking to the floor, he laid back as she straddled his hips and continued to ride him, crying and panting.

He lay still, letting her have her way, grateful his cock stayed hard for her use. Oh, shit. I used the ‘love’ word—shouldn’t have done that. If I have to go, it’ll make it worse for her. But, dammit, I do love her so much it makes my chest hurt. He watched as she weakened, getting ready to explode. Afterwards, she collapsed forward, tears streaming down her face. Relaxing his hips, he lay inert and let his cock pump cum into her wet cunt. He was too tired to move or even cry out.

His arms tightened around her shaking body and he nuzzled her hair. His cock slid from between her thighs, releasing a flood of their combined juices. Her trembling and sobs slowly subsided, and they both lay still, not moving.

“Got straw in my ass again.” Her voice sounded petulant, but then she giggled.

“Yeah, I bet I look like the straw man in that story about the yellow brick road.”

“We can’t trek this mess in my house. Beside the straw, our sweat has mixed with the dirt on the floor, and we’re muddy.”

“Remember me washing down outside the barn? Little chilly, but it works—sure calmed my erection down to a nub.”

“You had an erection? I didn’t know.”

“Sweetheart, the first time I saw you, the big boy jumped to attention.” He stroked her bare ass and grinned. “Ready to get up?”

She lifted her head, bit his chin and moved to his nipples and nipped both before standing. Taking his hands, she pulled him upright. She giggled again when he staggered.

“Woman, you’re killing me.”

After a careful descent of the ladder and exiting the barn, they stood, naked, staring at the spigot. Goldie looked around worrying they might be seen. “Are we really going to do this?”

He opened the valve, picked up the hose and sprayed her.

“Son-of-a-gun! She danced around screaming as he washed her down. “I’m going to kill you. Give me that hose.”

As the water poured over Duncan, Baby hung her head over the fence and stared at them, obviously thinking these people are nuts.

Once clear of straw and mud, they ran for the back porch. Inside the kitchen, Goldie leaned over laughing. “I’ve never streaked before.”

“You looked damn cute doing it too. Those cheeks rolling around and the tits bouncing. We need to do that more often.”




Breakfast over, Goldie stood at the sink, cleaning dishes and watched Duncan fiddle with the tractor. She smiled thinking about the two of them butt-naked playing in the water like children. Since then, their days had been filled with sexual adventures, flavored with youthful play. Billy visited often and they were lucky he hadn’t arrived at the wrong time. She laughed aloud.

Harvey’s rusted-out truck drove up, and he cautiously stepped to the ground. Her heart twisted with concern. That old guy’s joints are about as rusted as his truck. He stood by Duncan, his hands in his hip pockets, as Duncan pulled his head from the tractor’s engine. Goldie finished in the kitchen and went out on the porch.

The two men approached her as soon as she settled into a rocker. “Ma’am, Ms. Goldie, I told your man here, I know where a columbine and a good tractor motor is, and we wonder if you’d let us use your truck. The hitch on mine ain’t very dependable.”

Her mouth dropped, but before she could speak, Duncan said, “A guy Harvey knows has junked the equipment, and I want to see if we can fix them up for our use. Won’t cost anything.”

“You can do that?”

“Maybe. Harvey thinks together we can.”

“Just a minute. I’ll get the keys.”

Goldie came back out and handed over the truck keys. “Good luck with it, fellows. I appreciate that you’d consider doing this for me.”

As they walked away, Duncan called across his shoulder, “Harvey has a present for you in the cab of his truck.”

She watched the truck leaving a trail of dust down the driveway as she approached Harvey’s truck. A strange sound came from inside, and she opened the door with caution. In a wicker laundry basket, a large grey stripe cat peered up at her. A cluster of mewling tiny varied-colored bodies squirmed around her. Once she found the perfect place for the cats in the barn, she sat beside them, stroking the mama cat while smiling. Now days, it seemed she always had a smile on her face. “Okay, kitties, you better mark your position in the barn, because I expect dogs to arrive at any time.”

Walking outside, she put a bridle on Baby and led her outside. Running a curry comb over the horse’s back, she said, “Bet you feel pampered these days after all the neglect. I promise to never do that again and, if at all possible, I’ll find you a boyfriend. Maybe I can get Jumper back. Believe me, sister, there ain’t nothing like it. Perked me right up.”

Why had she neglected Baby?” Grooming her horse had always been as soothing for her as for Baby. Leven had driven her nuts for ages, and then the business of getting him buried with his family caused a ruckus. Not to mention, trying to keep the farm going with almost no help.

More than an hour passed and Goldie leaned over to check a hoof. The sound of a luxury car approached. “Oh, crap.” She led Baby to the corral. “If I let you lose, would you consider kicking Marty’s ass?” Baby nodded, causing Goldie to chuckle.

Marty shot from his car and seized her before she could shut the gate behind her horse. He grabbed her arm and slung her around facing him. “I’m tired of this crap. It’s time to get things straight between us.”

She jerked away, put her hands on her hips, and said, “There’s absolutely nothing we need to get straight. You can do whatever the hell you want, as long as it doesn’t include me.”

He clutched her wrist and began dragging her toward the house. Trying to pull from his painful grasp, she kicked him in the shin. His grasp tightened painfully and he slapped her with his other hand. “We made an agreement to marry, and by God, we will.”

“You stupid ass hole. We were children. Grow up and face facts. I’ll never marry a man that would hit me, anyway.” She rubbed her cheek. “You hurt me.”

His face contorted, his mouth trembled, and a tear ran down his face. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just want you so much.” Inside the kitchen, he released her arm. “Please agree to marry me. I can’t wait much longer.”

Goldie said the first thing that came to mind. “Sorry, Marty, but I plan to marry Duncan. I love him.” Having said the words, she suddenly realized they were true, and she shouldn’t have said it.

Marty jerked her into his arms and pressed her against the refrigerator. “I can’t believe that. Think. You married that idiot, Leven. Look what that got you. Nothing but trouble. Now, you’re fucking a sorry-good-for-nothing-muscle-bound gorilla.” Both of his hands gripped her head, pulled her forward and brutally kissed her.

She shoved his chest with both hands and reached for the knife rack.

Snarling, he slapped her with one hand and then dragged her to the floor with the other. “That does it, you little bitch.” He straddled her waist, grabbed her flailing arms by the wrists, and nailed them to the floor above her head. His eyes became narrow slits and his lips pulled back across his teeth.

Goldie had never been afraid of Marty, but now she felt a powerful sense of manic danger surround her. He’s lost his mind. “I’m sorry, Marty. I didn’t realize how strongly you felt. Why? We haven’t been close for a long time.”

“That’s a lie. You knew we belonged to each other. We still do.” He held her wrists with one hand and slapped her again. “I’m going to kill the bastard.”

Her head swimming from the strikes and pinned by double her weight, Goldie fought the best she could. As she arched her body, turned, and twisted, Marty laughed and ripped her clothing.

“You’re nothing but a slut—why should I want to marry you? I’ll get the farm anyway, so I might as well take the only thing you’re good for. His fist smashed into the side of her temple and she lost consciousness.




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