Arrow To The Heart (De Bron Saga) (29 page)

BOOK: Arrow To The Heart (De Bron Saga)
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"The truth is as plain as the face of an old maid at her spinning."  Robin was sullen.  Silent.  Then he laughed. A sound so loud that it threatened to awaken the entire camp.

"What amuses you so?"  Kendrick was incensed.  Raising his fists he prepared himself for a scuffle, for no one, not even Robin, would be allowed to ridicule him.

"The truth," Robin answered.  He jabbed Kendrick in the ribs. 

"You have no idea just what that is,"  Kendrick answered.  Picking up a handful of dirt he threw it on the fire.

"Ah, but I do."  He quieted, then said so softly that Kendrick could barely hear. "Certainly Arrow looked fetching dressed as a lady when we encountered the Prince.  Much too lovely for a lad."

"Arrow is not......"

"Ah, but you lie."  Robin affected his jaunty air.  "And quite a woman at that.  Imagine that.  Why, I was nearly beaten at the archery tournament by a female."  He clucked his tongue.  "But do not worry.  I can keep a secret."

"Can you?"  Kendrick was relieved, but wary as well.  "And will you?"

"Aye."  Robin wistfully lapsed into loving words concerning his own paramour, Marion.  He longed to see her again.  "And perhaps I will see her.  Sooner than I think."

"What do you mean?"  Kendrick was immediately curious.

"This."  Reaching into his boot, Robin brought forth a handbill. "By order of his highness, Prince John, let it be known that on Friday next, an archery tournament will be held at Nottingham Castle," he read.  "The winner will be crowned "king of archers".

"King of archers," Kendrick repeated.  It sounded like a trap.  "Why would Prince John announce such a contest so soon after our entry within his castle walls?" 

"Because he has a fondness for archery?"  In curiosity, Rowena had gotten to her feet and joined in the conversation at the sight of the handbill fluttering in Robin's hand.  She read on.  "The hand of Lady Marian will be given in marriage to he who shoots straightest and truest."  Mentally she repeated,
the hand of Marion
.  And her whole life as well.  How terrible to face the prospect of being given to a stranger.  She looked Robin in the face, and seeing the anger there she knew he would be the first to go to Nottingham Shire.

"Damn John's soul to Hell."  Robin pounded his fist into his palm.  "I
will not let another touch her. Marion is mine. I love her and she loves me."

"No."  Knowing well what was in his friend's mind, Kendrick grabbed him by the arm.  "You can not even think to go there."

"Nothing can keep me away."  In a battle of wills, Robin Hood was unbeatable.  "I will go to Nottingham and it will be I who will win the title as well as the hand of Marian.  She will be my wife and no other’s."   And there was no dissuading him.  He was too wrapped up in being the knight that saved his lady fair.

Rowena threw up her arms.  "It seems there is nothing that can be done unless......"  Her mind was instantly made up.  If she were to shoot the winning arrow, all would be well.  It was all so very simple.  Being a woman she could not claim the lady's hand in marriage, yet she would keep any other contender from winning Mari
an as a trophy.   It was all so simple.  "Unless
be declared the winner."  The thought of being crowned king of archers caused her to smile.  It seemed she was going to meet Robin Hood in an archery tournament once again.


The outlaw camp began to stir much earlier than usual. One by one Robin’s men rose to their feet, rubbing their eyes and stretching their arms. After a hearty breakfast of mutton and goose eggs, several men set up targets to practice with bow and arrow. It seemed that Robin and Rowena were not the only ones who wanted to make a good showing at the tournament.

Rowena was awakened by the thump, thump of the arrows as they hit a tree, but although she was anxious to join in, she had more important things to do. “Would you like some breakfast, Sir William?” At his nod she gave them both a hefty helping, then sat down beside him. Something was troubling him. Curious to know, she asked what it was.

“I want to go home.”

“So that you can be taken prisoner again? Think.”

He did think, at least long enough to make the startling proposition that if he could not go home he should stay among the outlaws. “I am not some doddering old man who has to be hidden away in an abbey. I can still wield a sword with the best of them,” he complained.

“Nay!” She wouldn’t have it! He was her father. She had to protect him. “Life here is not for you. Sleeping on the hard ground would bother the ache in your bones.”

“It wouldn’t—“

“It would!” Though she didn’t want to hurt his feelings, Rowena could plainly see that Sir William was getting old. Too old to be an outlaw. But how could she convince him without a quarrel? “You will be more comfortable at the abbey for now. Once Richard returns, we will all be able to go back to our homes, where we belong….” She let out a long shuddering sign. “Please…..”

Sir William tensed but didn’t argue. “I will miss you.”

“And I, you,” Rowena answered. She looked searchingly at him for a long time. Sir William looked so tired, so old with the deep creases on each side of his mouth and around his eyes. “Sir William.”

“Say no more.” Slowly he rose to his feet. “If it is your wish that I be put out to pasture while you roam about, then so be it.”

“It is not my—“ Looking up she was confronted by Friar Tuck’s girth hovering over her.

“My good lord, are you ready?”

Sir William nodded. “As ready as I will ever be.” Haltingly he got to his feet.

“You will be safe where I am taking you,” Friar Tuck announced with a smile, urging Sir William down the path.

Rowena watched with a lump in her throat, feeling forjust a moment like a lonely child. This was not the kind of parting scene she had wanted. Was it any wonder that as she watched Sir William walk away she felt her eyes sting with tears



Chapter Twenty-Six



Undoubtedly it was a trap.  Nevertheless each and every outlaw  had opted to follow Robin Hood to Nottingham.  Disguising themselves as foresters,  ploughmen, townsmen, bakers and tinkers they rode on horseback, wagons or went on foot down the road that took them towards the shire, joining in among the procession of judges and contestants.

Rowena had chosen to don the garments of a shepherd boy with loose tunic of dun-grey wool and a brown leather belt.  Her pointed hood of brown wool covered her neck and shoulders and hid her face from any who might be looking for her.  Robin too chose the same disguise, carrying a brown leather pouch at his belt, a hiding place for gold in case he found himself close to the Sheriff of Nottingham's full purse.  Kendrick was garbed in the green of a forester with a red feather stuck in his cap.  Allan-A-Dale dressed as a minstrel, clinging to his harp.  His tunic was of many colors and he made a colorful sight amidst the drabness of the others.

"Seek the safety of the crowd," Robin had advised, thus Rowena mingled amidst the merrymakers as they pushed through the open gate.  Though tournaments were officially for nobles, everyone who could elbow his way to an advantageous viewing spot watched the doings.

The contest was to be held in the lower bailey where tier upon tier of seats had been erected for the spectators.  Those seats were filled in the blinking of an eye by those anxious to witness the show of skill.  Had they known that all of this was to capture their beloved Robin Hood, Rowena had no doubt but that they would have stayed away or sought to aid the outlaw leader instead of ogling.  As it was they were buzzing excitedly like bees, pointing at the gaily colored tents that dotted the field like flowers.  Each was the domicile of a different knight and was distinguished by the coat of arms that floated aloft on a pennant in the breeze.  Yellow for the Duke of Buckingham, white for Sir Griffin, blue for Hubert Longsley, the prince's favorite.

In and out among the crowd went those selling pies, cakes and wine.  Voices hawked  mugs of ale and turkey legs as well as baubles for a fine lady's pleasure.  Many a serving wench and lady of means brushed elbows as each strolled about the grounds.  Rowena frowned as she saw one overeager young maid boldly clinging to Kendrick's arm.  Sauntering to his side, she boldly thrust the woman aside, then lest she give herself away, she pretended to an interest in the maid herself, much to Kendrick's amusement. 

"But alas, too skinny," she declared, pinching the serving wench's buttocks, then sending her on her way.

"No, she was definitely not as comely as you, Rowena my love," he breathed in her ear as he passed by on his way to the archery field.

The blare of horns summoned all to their seats or to take their places.  Rowena scanned the crowded seats as she likewise walked to the field.  She could see the grinning face of the Sheriff of Nottingham, his beady eyes scanning the crowd anxiously and she knew at that moment this was indeed a trap.  Resolving to win this archery contest and save Robin no matter what, she continued on her way.

A herald garbed in red and yellow stepped upon a high platform to announce the archery match, naming the prizes to be won.  "Third prize will be a purse of silver.  Second a purse of gold and first prize....."

Rowena watched as Prince John stood up from where he sat in his royal, canopied box.  He held up a silver crown for the crowd to see.  "The king of archers will also receive a great honor.  The hand of the Lady Marion in marriage," he proclaimed generously.  As if it was his right to give her away.

"The bastard!" she said beneath her breath.  Women were believed to be inferior to men and could show their abilities only in a restricted way.  Even so, John had gone beyond the bounds of decency even for a scoundrel.  Looking towards the royal box, she took note of
Marion's pale face as she sat next to the grinning prince and her heart went out to her.  Surely Marion had guessed the reason for her hand in marriage to be given as the prize.  What must she be thinking at this moment.

"Ha.  For the hand of so fair a lady," she heard Hubert Longsley say, "I would shoot at the very stars themselves."   Arrogantly he pushed by her, giving her a deliberate shove. 
Well, let him exhibit his conceit.  It will only make his fall that much the harder when I beat him at this game
, she thought as the shooting began.

The match was much like that other contest had been.  Twenty targets, easy ones at first, were placed about fifty feet away.  Even so there were two entrants whose arrows veered short of the bull's eye.  Rowena, Robin, Kendrick, Little John, Will Scarlet, and Allan-A-Dale all found themselves huddled together with the Prince's favorites to await the second round.  This time the targets were placed at twice the distance, their dark black bull's eyes looking like eclipses as they loomed ahead.

"Now, remember.  Shoot well but not too well," Robin instructed his men.  "I would not take kindly to any of you marrying my lady."  His strut was cocky.  Bold.  If he feared that winning the tournament might be his undoing he did not show it.  Perhaps because he had gotten out of dangerous situations so many times before without being captured.  But there was always a first time.

Each archer took his turn, determined to weather this r
ound, but there were several mis-shots.  Amidst boos from the crowd, they departed the field looking with envy upon the successful archers.  But the success was short and sweet.  It was just the beginning of the competition.   Four rounds of shooting proceeded.  Rowena gritted her teeth, determined to last to the bitter end.  And she did.  She had in fact, never shot better.  Under pressure her aim was faultless.

"Bravo,"  Kendrick whispered in her ear, as the crowd cheered.    "But do not carry your masquerade too far."

It was a warning she ignored.  Winning had become an obsession, more so as she noted that the targets were coyly being moved away from the gates of the castle bailey, making it more difficult to escape.  From the corner of her eye she could see the prince giving orders to his men.  She watched as the men-at-arms formed a half circle around the archers, which had been narrowed down to Rowena, Hubert, the knight of the Duke of Buckingham, Little John, Kendrick, Will Scarlet, Allan-A-Dale and Robin Hood.

The crowd was stilled as each took his turn.  The Duke's archer, Allan-A-Dale and much to his shame, Kendrick were eliminated this time.  Rowena noted how Kendrick lowered his eyes, his pride hurt by having missed the mark.  Once she might have goaded him, but as the crowd stirred with anticipation she instead centered her concentration on one thing.  Winning. 

Rowena watched Little John take his turn, planting his feet firmly on the ground as he took aim.  The shaft struck true to the black of the bull's eye as a cheer rang out from the crowd.

Will Scarlet was next, though his shaft swerved downward, a hair's distance from the black of the mark.  A silence followed and Rowena could see disappointment upon the brightly arrayed man's face.  Will hated losing.

Hubert shot next, his arrow hitting but a finger's width closer to the center of the target than Little John's.  The nobles in the crowd cheered loudly as one of their own scored well.  The haughty man looked upon Little John with a smirk.  "It takes one of noble stature to win the hand of a lady," he declared.

"Which leaves you out,"  Rowena remarked as
she gripped her bow.  She held her breath as Robin's arrow whistled along, striking dead center on the dark of the bull's eye.  She could see the men-at-arms coming closer to Robin, certain now that any moment they would have their prisoner.  Only one man could shoot like that, their expressions seemed to say.  Meanwhile the crowd was on its' feet as the air was rent with cheers.

Rowena moved forward, her stance bold and sure as she tried to throw the men-at-arms into confusion.  With a manly stride she stepped up to the line.  Drawing back her bowstring she took aim, murmuring a prayer beneath her breath.  As soon as the arrow left he
r bow she closed her eyes, and it was only by the tumult of the crowd that she knew that she had won.  Rowena looked to see that she had split Robin's arrow in two with her own.

"BiGod!"  Robin couldn't believe it.  "It can not be."  Ah, but it was, and in the next moment Rowena paid the price.

"Grab him!"

She felt one man-at-arm's hand on her arm, another guard's grip upon he
r leg, one more reaching to hold her by the neck.

"No!"  Kendrick cried out.  He tried to reach her but his path was blocked by several more guardsmen.

"Aha!"  The Sheriff of Nottingham was overtly gleeful.  "I have you at last."

"I denounce you as an outlaw, the vile Robin Hood," Prince John accused, pointing his finger at Rowena.  "To the dungeons with him."

Rowena looked over her shoulder and was moved to tears to see how valiantly Kendrick de Bron was struggling to reach her side.  He was pushed back over and over again by the crush of bodies all eager for a look at the infamous Robin Hood.  "No, it's not true!"  he shouted.  "Tell them who you are."

Indeed she might have done that were she a coward but in that moment Rowena Fitz Hugh was content to be the sacrificial lamb in order to save Robin's skin.   Slowly her eyes looked into Maid Marian's and she saw a mixture of confusion and relief, yet also pity.  No doubt Marians was joyous that her love, Robin, had not been captured, yet also sorry for the one caught in his place.

"You....." she heard her say.  "The one who saved me from Prince John's henchmen the day after the feast.”

"I am Robin Hood," Rowena said loudly.  Looking straight into her friend's eyes, she warned her not to give away the truth.  Even Prince John wou
ld never dare to hang a woman of nobility.  That thought gave her some peace of mind as she was dragged away.  Still, as she felt herself being pushed towards the grated castle doors she wondered at her fate.


Kendrick fought like a man possessed, lashing out at those who held him as he watched Rowena taken away.  He had planned to guard her, protect her but he had failed.  All he could do was watch helplessly as she was carted away to the cold, dark prison cell of the castle.

"You fools!  You idiots.  That was not Robin Hood," he yelled.  "That was a woman who just won your foolish tournament.  A woman!"

"A woman?"  A crowd of onlookers looked upon him warily, certain he was touched in the head.  "A female win the match?"  Several of those standing nearby chuckled at that.  "No woman could have done such a thing.   It takes strength to shoot a bow."

"It was a woman.  Rowena Fitz Hugh!"  Though Kendrick tried to keep control of his temper, he snapped as the men in the crowd hooted in merriment.  He struck one particularly obnoxious man in the stomach, then put up his fists.  "You laugh.  Well, I will change your mood."  

Kendrick didn't notice that he was being observed by those trying to decide who among the crowd were  followers of the outlaw leader.  "Look there.  He was with the outlaw!"  Slowly they closed in on him.

"Kendrick!"  Robin hissed a warning  but it was too late.  He hesitated, but realizing that his friend was about to be captured, Robin motioned to the others.  One by one they escaped beyond the wall, making use of the distraction Kendrick was creating.  And all the while Kendrick fought on, aware only of Rowena's peril.  Too late he realized the danger he was in as he was grabbed and thrown to the ground. 

John came forward to take a look at the man creating such turmoil.   "Well, well, well de Bron.  So, an unexpected boon to this little snare I set up."

For just a moment Kendrick broke free. His eyes darted back and forth, searching for any means of escape. The gates were shut, the bridge up, the walls too high to scale without a rope.  For a moment he wavered, wanting to be put in prison with Rowena so that he could be of comfort to her, and at the same time realizing he would do her little good if he too were taken. 

"Catch him!"

Hearing the command he ran, only to be cornered at the gate.  His only satisfaction came in knowing that it took eight men to hold him to the ground. 

"Captured like a common outlaw.  So much for the house of de Bron,"  John taunted, hovering over him like a bird of prey. "I would have thought better of you, Kendrick.  Ah, but it is too late.  You will hang like the traitor that you are."

"Traitor?  I?"  Kendrick was defiant despite the knot in his stomach that formed at the word "hang".  "You are the traitor, and a tyrant and a coward as well.  'T is Richard who is the true ruler but you have betrayed him."  He wanted to yell out the truth to the crowd, that Richard had been imprisoned because of his brother's actions, but he didn't have the chance.  A hand was clamped over his mouth.

"Take him to the dungeons.  We will make an example of him."  John paused then added, "put him in a separate cell than Robin Hood.  I want no chance of their working together to escape."

Kendrick felt ropes bind his hands and legs as he was drug away from the castle wall.  In that moment, far from his worries being about himself, it was Rowena's fate that consumed him, tormented him.  



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