Ask No Tomorrows (19 page)

Read Ask No Tomorrows Online

Authors: Rita Hestand

Tags: #rita hestand romance western interracial historical texas, #ranch ask no tomorrows

BOOK: Ask No Tomorrows
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All around the
place were painted up women who didn’t hesitate to saunter up to
him and ask if he needed something. Peek-a-boo kinds of gowns, made
of silks brought his attention front and center. They smelled like
a lilacs and jasmines. Their lips were ruby red, and their hair was
long and shiny. All of them were different shapes and sizes and
there were enough to please any man’s sexual appetite, Sam

Well, aren’t you a handsome black devil.” A little Asian girl
cuddled up to him. He marveled at her beautiful slanted eyes, at
her smallness, at the way she moved around him. She was gracefully
stalking him.

Thanks…I guess. Look, I’m not really here for this…” Sam

Sam pulled at
his collar.

Whatever your pleasure, I’m sure we can handle it.” She cut
her dramatic eyes at him.

haircut,” he said as the lady started unbuttoning his

You’re serious?” the girl asked as she tiptoed to kiss his
lips. “Mmm…I like black men, they have such big full lips to kiss
me with. You got nice ones,” she tempted, pulling on his bottom
lip. “I can almost feel them covering my nipples right now…” She
smiled then laughed softly. “Such soft lips against my swelling
breast. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

Thanks…but I’m not here for this…” he began.

No, don’t be shy, I’ll show you how easy it is. Ever been in
one of these places before?” she cooed into his ear.

Sam felt the
heat rise between them. “Once…ma’am.”

Then why are we wasting time, let’s go upstairs…” she breathed
and kissed him all in the same breath.

Her kiss was
practiced, well schooled, and tempting. He shook his

She was young
and her dark nipples shown through her gown, like dark mountains
waiting to be discovered. It would be so easy to take her offering.
Her hair was the color of a raven and her lips red like a ruby. Sam
licked his lips, he was tempted, but he had to keep his mind on why
he came.

He kissed her
back, but moved away instantly. Her kiss was different than Mavis
or Riley’s and he knew he had to cut this short or he’d be here all
night. These women were professional, not the kind a man thinks on
in a serious manner, but for pleasurable delights.

No, ma’am. I need to talk to the owner…would that be you?” he
asked lowly.

No…the owner is out on the porch,” she purred. “But…I’m a lot
younger than she.”

Sam tipped his
hat. “I’ll keep that in mind, thank you. Then if you’ll excuse

He backed his
way to the porch, then after one last look at all the half-clad
ladies, he moved away and glanced around for the lady in

The veranda
was long and wrapped around the entire house. Rocking chairs were
all over the place.

Then he saw
her. She had an air of sophistication her girls didn’t. Mature,
beautiful and in control, she draped the chair she was in with
dignity and pure female delights. Sam squirmed.

She was big
and beautiful in the same breath, painted and older, but still very
beautiful. He had no trouble spotting her, as she had one leg
thrown over the top of the chair and a smile as big as Texas on her
ruby lips. She’d been in the business too long already; she began
to take on the has-been look of an older whore. Yet when she turned
her sparkling blue eyes on him, he was still tempted.

You Miss Tilda?” he asked.

That’s me, what can I do for ya?” She batted her extremely
long lashes at him.

Her breasts
were nearly falling out of her gown and her skirt was slit to the
thigh and flashing a lot of white skin at him.

He leaned down
and kissed her lips. The way she kissed told Sam she could please
any man, but it would be a false pleasure as her heart was not in
the kiss, merely sexually satisfying. She would expect him to know
it, and he wouldn’t disappoint her. Her kiss was warm, inviting and
professionally perfect.

But her kiss
lacked the fire that only Riley had offered him. Again Sam bolted
from the realization that only Riley’s kisses were the ones he
wanted. He silently scolded himself for that thought, but it didn’t
go away. He sat down in a rocking chair next to Miss Tilda, sighing
heavier than he meant to. “I’ve got a favor I need to

Well, you certainly know how to attract my attention, honey.
If you’ve got the money, I’ve got the time, ask away.”

I’ve got this friend that needs her hair cut short like a man
and I need you to do it. Then I need you to keep quiet about it.
Can you do something like that?”

She laughed
aloud. “Oh…so you like boys, do ya?”

No…no, ma’am.” Sam quickly realized she was going a different
direction with her thoughts. “It’s not like that. Well, can I lay
my cards on the table with you?”

all means, honey. I like an honest man.” She studied

She moved so
one breast fell out of her dress. She didn’t move it or hide it,
but smiled at him as she watched him fidget. He almost gasped at
the creamy white exposure. Never had he seen a breast so plump and
pretty and daring him to take into his mouth. Her nipple perked,
alerting him to her arousal. But he stood up and backed away. She
glanced up and smiled at him. “Oh I’m sorry, you are a bashful
fella, aren’t you?”

Look, I’m here because of my friend Riley, she’s in trouble.
You see, some men are trying to steal her ranch out from under her.
I promised her I’d help, that’s all. But she’s got to pretend she’s
someone else…hence the haircut,” Sam explained. “She’s got to be a
man to pull this off. That’s where you come in. Can you help me
make her look like a man?”

The woman’s
smile faded. “Are you serious? You want us to cut her hair like a
man?” The woman seemed surprised.

Yes, ma’am. And I’ve got some clothes, well, she’ll need some
help makin’ sure she has everything on right, if you know what I

Well, where is she?” the woman asked.

Over at the hotel, waiting until I collect her and bring her
here,” Sam answered.

The woman
gently eased her breast into place, and covered her leg, then
looked at Sam. “She’s in a real pickle?”

Yes, ma’am. And we need someone we can trust to keep their
mouths shut about it. I thought of you and your girls

You been here before?” Miss Tilda batted her eyes at

Once…but I was so drunk I don’t remember much…”

Hmm…that’s too bad. You’re a handsome devil. You couldn’t have
been with me, or I’d have remembered you.” The woman stared at him.
“Why you helpin’ her?”

Cause she needs help. I guess.” Sam closed his eyes and firmed
his lips.

She black like you?” the woman asked.

No…she’s not,” he answered, studying her face. “That’s another
reason for the secrecy.”

Miss Tilda
straightened in her chair and stared at him. “Oh…well…this is a
situation, isn’t it?” She frowned. She considered his answers and
smiled a sultry smile at him. “Okay…you bring her round the back
about midnight, we’ll fix her up.”

How much will it cost?” he asked.

She tipped her
head toward him, he bent and kissed her again, this time lingering
and she smiled. “Let’s say we put it on your account.”

Sam smiled.
“Yes, ma’am.”

You’re a very clean man, Sam. I like that in my men.” She
blinked hard and laid his hand on her breast. “I also like black
men…” she purred. “Very much, in fact. I’ve found they are much
more patient and slow with the hands.”

He felt her
nipple grow taut, and in one movement circled it with his thumb
before he removed his hand from her.

She threw back
her head and pulled him down for another kiss, this time more

When she let
him go, his eyes were glassy and his stare was on her beautiful

Oh…why is that?” He let his curiosity get the best of him as
he slowly rose and cast her a warm smile.

She smiled as
he stood up once more. “They tend to be so gentle, and thorough.”
Her eyes got big and her smile spread across her face.

Miss Tilda, you’re an absolute delight…” He smiled back and
tipped his hat. “Thank you.”

And because black men know how to rouse a woman to pleasure.”
She laughed.

Sam smiled and
winked at her.

Bring her around; I’ll take care of her




Riley sat on
the edge of the bed, confusion and a strange tinge of fear and
excitement curling through her. Sam exposed her to new ways of
thinking, new adventures and her life had ceased to be dull the
minute she met him. Still, the prospect of going inside a brothel
bothered her more than she could say. The things she knew about sex
were minimal and Sam had probably already guessed that from her
untamed kisses.

Yet something
else to consider was what she might learn from these ladies, if
only briefly. Her pulse accelerated. What she knew about being a
woman would fit in a thimble; however, that might change

disappointment in Sam’s lack of emotions just now ebbed as the
prospect of learning so much plied through her mind.

Remembering her cousin, she wondered if she could mimic

The challenge
to change into something she was not, made her giddy. What an
adventure it was to be with Sam.

But thinking
of Sam sent the strangest flutterings of feelings through her. He
wasn’t leaving her, and that in itself was a good sign, it gave her
longer to figure out how to make him love her. Love! Yes, she loved
Sam with all her heart. Still, making him see it, making him
respond to her was another matter, entirely. If she wasn’t white,
he would have already said something about his feelings, she was
sure of it.

But he had
some feelings for her or he would have left by now.

Just a little
before midnight, Sam crept into her hotel room once more. “Okay,
it’s all arranged.”

What is?” she asked, startled by his lateness.

We’re going to get your hair cut, and I’ve got the clothes for
you here too.” He handed them to her.

She examined
the clothes and glanced at him wide-eyed. “You’ve thought of
everything.” She sighed.

Relax, you have nothing to fear at the whorehouse,” Sam
assured her. “Everything is set up for you. And they know to be
quiet about it, too.”

I’ve never set foot inside one of those places,” Riley
declared. “I’ve been told they don’t wear much

They don’t, that’s a fact.”

It’s embarrassing.”

Maybe, but it is safer this way. But there is nothing to worry
about. I explained exactly what you need. They agreed to fix you
up.” Sam beamed with pride.

I’ll bet they did…” she replied, firming her lips.

didn’t pay them, thought you could do that,” Sam explained. “And
remember, once you come out of there, you
a gentleman.”

She nodded. “I
only hope I can pull this off, Sam.”

You’ll do just fine. Since your cousin is a man, it won’t be
as hard as you might think. And it sure helps that you got a voice
that is low.”

I? I never noticed,” Riley reflected. “Well, I guess since you
arranged everything, I’m ready…”




Riley hadn’t
expected the lavish furnishings of golds and reds, nor the huge
dark drapes that hung like stage curtains with their gold tassels.
Half-clad women met her as she entered the brothel. However, she’d
made her mind up to put occupations aside and accept these women
for who and what they were without question. After all, they were
doing her a service and being quiet about it too.

Miss Tilda
came forward when she was met with a hoard of girls in skimpy
clothes. “Well now, you must be Riley.”

Yes, ma’am.” Riley gulped. Never in all her life had she seen
women dressed or not dressed in this fashion and it embarrassed her
despite her better intentions.

One girl
brushed up against her, her breast grazing Riley’s arm. “Are you a
girl or a man?”

I’m a girl, right now, but I need to leave here a man. Or
looking like one.”

Ooh,” one of them purred at her.

Miss Tilda
cleared her throat.

The girls
giggled about her. “Want us to make you something for your pants?”
One of them giggled.

Miss Tilda
scolded them. “Don’t pay them no mind. This is serious business,
girls. This young lady has a real problem. Some nasty old men are
trying to take her land from her. We won’t let that happen. No sir,
we won’t. Get me the scissors, Helen…”

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