Aspens Vamp (2 page)

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Authors: Jinni James

Tags: #Paranormal

BOOK: Aspens Vamp
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Shortly thereafter a lawyer knocked on my door. I could tell he was a vampire as well. He told me that right before Veronica and I were married she had named me her beneficiary, which left me with everything. She was a very rich woman, probably money she stole from her ex because it was in an off shore bank account. I changed my name on the account and had it moved. I began to invest in a lot of companies and invested well because I tripled the money in no time.

So as you can tell, I had to learn quickly. I didn't have to time to adjust. So be glad I am here to help you. You will get it in your own time and I will be here every step of the way to help you in any way that I can."

Daniel's story blew me away. I would have never guessed in a million years that this was his past. I can't even imagine being changed by someone I love only to lose them right after our wedding. How heartbroken he must have been. I am beginning to understand him a little more. The distance he puts between himself and everyone else is making so much sense now. He is scared to get close to anyone. There is only one thing I can think of that might snap him out of this sad mood he seems to be in now.

"Want to go practice some more?"

His head popped up and his face lit up like Christmas. "Hell yeah."

Chapter Two

"Come on Jaci, one more time.”
I am growing more and more frustrated.

How is he so damn fast? It's like he knows exactly when and where I am about to go.

"It's okay Jaci. It takes some time. Plus, I am a man and I'm also more experienced in this area. You’re actually giving it away, you know?"

Now he is pushing my buttons.

"What do you mean?"
Daniel lets a small grin spread across his face.

"I can tell when you are about to jump towards me. You shift a little in your stance right before you jump. I can just read you. I'll have to teach you how to hide your thoughts and feelings."

Oh that's it. I've had it. I begin to crouch down but I make sure not to make any movement whatsoever. I don't even move my eyes from his. In fact
, all I can look at are his beautiful dark eyes.

Suddenly I am more focused than I have ever been. Without even thinking
, I launch myself towards Daniel and before I know it, I find myself lying on top of him on the ground. I look up and see his shocked expression and can't help but laugh. However the laughter quickly fades when I realize he is still lying there looking at me. The red in his eyes get darker, he begins taking quicker breaths as his hands tense up against my lower back. I want to ask him if something is wrong or if I hurt him in some way but the way he is staring at me makes me stop.

"I have a very strong urge to run my hand down your back side. I am fighting it right now but it is growing increasingly difficult. You may want to get up." Suddenly I am stunned. I cannot move. I am trapped in his gaze, wanting nothing more than for him to touch me.

"Jaci, in about a second I am going to start something that I am not quite sure I can stop if you do not get up." Little does he know that I don't want to get up. I had no idea he even thought about me like this so hell no I am not moving, but what do I say?

"So start."

With those two little words Daniel's hands were wrapped around my ass as his lips crash into mine. His kiss is almost primal, like a need he has been suppressing for too long and he is finally able to let it out. I can't help but melt into it. His kiss envelopes me, devours me to the point to where I am breathless.

I can feel his hands traveling up my
sides then back down again to knead my round backside. My brain is suddenly foggy and I can't think of anything other than him. This moment right here is it anything else is gone.

As Daniel kisses me I twist my fingers into his hair to urge him on then gently biting his lip as I pull back a little. I look into his beautiful eyes and see nothing but need and lust. Both of us are breathless. Only then do I look and realize we are still outside. Daniel must have noticed too because he lifts me up then stands only then to pick me up into his arms and carry me into the house.

"I warned you, Jaci."

, Daniel."

He runs as fast as he can
with me in his arms straight through the doors, up the stairs, and into his bedroom. I've been in his bedroom before but this time it feels different. Before he was like a buddy, a very hot buddy but a friend nonetheless. Now the feelings have shifted. Daniel carries me over to his bed then sets me down right in front of it. I can see the beautiful view of the snow covered mountains through his enormous bedroom window. It is dark outside but not to my new lovely eyes.

Daniel begins to unbutton my shirt. With each button he releases I can feel the tension between us growing. He tears his gaze away from my shirt and looks at me for a moment.

"Please tell me you are not a virgin."

"HA! I mean no
, I'm not."

I could not help the laugh that just came out of my mouth. A virgin? God no! "Good. That's all I need to know." I thought about asking him why but before I could open my mouth my shirt was on the floor and my jeans were pooled around
my ankles. Damn he works fast. He begins to pull at my thong with a sigh.

"I like this and if it were any other time I would just leave it and work around it but right now it has to go." I gasp as he rips my thong right off of me.

He begins places kisses down my neck as he unclasps my bra then as soon as it joins the rest of my clothes on the floor he pushes me back onto the bed.

"This is not going to be gentle Jaci."

"Oh dear God." Those were the only words I could mutter before his lips were making their way down to my breasts.

I close my eyes as I feel him playing and teasing one very excited nipple. He let his tongue run circles around it then leaned up and blew gently on it making it even harder than it was before. My body begins to respond to where I feel like I have no control over what it does. My back arches every time his lips touch me. My legs are getting more and
tenser. I need him inside me. I twist my fingers into his hair again to urge him on hoping he would read the signal.

"Ready for me Jaci?" Yes, more than ready.

"Yes Daniel. Please."

, let me see." He spreads my legs apart then runs his hand down my thigh to my core.

"Oh yes, very wet and ready." He stares back up at me then licks his fingers before coming back up and slamming into me.

When did he even take his clothes off? He pulls back then slams into me again. He was right. This is not gentle but I love it. My body screams for more. With every thrust my back arches, my hands twist into the sheets of the bed, and I cannot hold back the moans that escape my lips.

He thrust again and again until I feel my toes begin to curl, my legs grow extremely tense, I feel the sweat beading up all over my body, then the feeling of my sweet release washing over me is almost too much to handle. I can hear Daniel
screaming out as he finds his release as well. Finally he collapses on the bed next to me and all I see is darkness


When I open my eyes again I see Daniel still lying next to me. Why wouldn't he be though, this is his bedroom? I look over at the clock to see what time it is, midnight. Lovely.

I think I am still adjusting to the new sleep schedule I have. We usually sleep most of the day because we shouldn't be out in the sun much anyway plus at night people do not tend to notice our differences as much as they would if we were out in broad daylight. I hear Daniel moan then I feel his arm slide around my waist. "I didn't hurt you did I?" Ah, he is awake.

"No, Daniel. You didn't hurt me. Why would you think that?" I hear a small sigh as he begins to explain.

"I'm sorry. I should have talked to you about it before this happened but I just couldn't control myself. I have wanted you from the moment I met you but it was too early. During the change from human to vampire everything is put back to normal. Any fat on your body is melted away, any imperfections like moles or birth marks are gone, and things get
, um, tighter." He looks down and I swear he would be blushing if he could.

"So the first time a newly turned vampire has sex it can be quite painful, almost like losing your virginity again. And if that person has never had sex ever then it could be extremely painful." Now it's starting to make sense.

"So that is why you asked me if I was a virgin?" He looks up at me and lets a small grin spread on his face.

"Yes. That is why I asked you that. I didn't want to hurt you. I knew I was going to be rough and if you were a virgin I was going to stop."

"I'm glad you didn't." His smile grows wider.

"I am too. Come on
, let’s get in the shower." I love the sound of that.

Daniel rolls off the bed and makes his way to the bathroom. I can't help but stare at his perfect round ass as he walks away. I may have to explore some of that next time with my hands. It's only fair since he got to feel on mine. I stand to make my way towards the shower and feel my legs shake a little as I put my weight on them. Wow, I haven't felt like this in a long time if ever. I have never felt passion like that before in my life. Sex has always been nice
, sometimes good if I was lucky, but never mind-blowing like it was with Daniel. Is it like this now because I am a vampire or because it's with him? I make my way to the shower where Daniel is already in and thanks to the glass door I can see everything and I mean everything. I just stand there looking over his magnificent body, his rock hard abs, his strong arms, his toned legs, and of course his very large package that is now standing right up to greet me.

"If you keep staring at him like that he may jump out of this shower and attack you again."

Daniel opens the door so I can step into the shower with him. The water feels amazing. It feels the perfect temperature, nice and hot as the drops of water start running down my back. Daniel turns me around to where my back is to his chest then he begins to run the soapy sponge down my back, to my ass, down each leg, then back again.

"You are an exquisite creature Jaci." A quiet moan escapes my lips as he continues washing my body.

"There, all clean. I will let you finish up and relax in here a bit while I go fix some coffee for us."

"That sounds lovely
, Daniel. Thank you." I smile as he smacks me on my backside then steps out of the shower.

Finally I can just close my eyes and relax. I lean my head back and let the
warm water fall over my face and down my body. What did I just do? Daniel is my teacher, my mentor. I should not be jumping my mentor. But damn if he isn't hot as hell. I feel chills down my spine just from thinking about him. I calm myself before I get too worked up. That was probably just a one-time thing anyway. He was horny and I was there. Yeah, that makes sense. He has been teaching me nonstop for the past few months so he hasn't had a chance to go out and meet anyone or make any booty calls or anything. That's why he felt the need to jump me. It's not me, he is just horny.

While the thought depresses me, I do understand. It's been awhile for me as well. I am the last person to hold out. I just haven't thought about it lately given how hard I have been trying to adapt to being a vampire. So when I join him downstairs I will just explain to him that I understand and there are no worries and that I still like him as my friend and teacher. Maybe that will smooth things over. Yes, that is what I will do.


I step out of the shower, dry off, and then throw on my black tank top and jeans. Since I'm a vampire the cold doesn't bother me at all. Daniel was right. However, he did make sure to remind me not to walk outside in a tank top or people would definitely think that I am nuts. But as long as I'm walking around the house I'm going to be comfortable. I do pull on my socks then run a brush through my blonde hair and make my way downstairs.

Once in the kitchen I see where Daniel has set two coffee cups on the brown marble counter. He has the fireplace going which is nice and makes me thankful that I threw on my tank top. I look around and finally see Daniel by the window talking on his phone so instead of bothering him I go ahead and pour two cups of coffee and fix them up the way we like. I have been hanging around Daniel long enough to know how he likes his coffee. I couldn't believe it at first when he told me vampires can drink coffee. It didn't make much sense to me but he explained that while the caffeine does not affect us a lot of people like me still can't live without it. He is definitely right about that, I love my coffee.

I try not to
eavesdrop but it sounds as if Daniel is having a pretty serious conversation. I begin to wonder if I should leave the room when he hangs up his phone and walks over to the counter and picks up his cup.

"Thank you
, Jaci."

"You’re welcome. Is everything okay?" He has a pained look on his face so I can tell something is on his mind.


, Daniel, if this is about earlier, I'm sorry. I know that was only because you were horny and I'm the only one around and we've been together for so long you haven't had a chance to get laid. So I completely understand if that was a one-time thing. There are no worries. Okay?" Daniel looks up at me with this shocked look on his face. I am not sure if he is shocked by what I said or by the fact that I said it at all.

"Jaci, this has nothing to do with what happened earlier. I did not sleep with you because I was horny, well okay
, I did but that was not the only reason. I slept with you because I've wanted to since the day we met. You are beautiful, Jaci. You deserve to feel that way. I don't want it to just be the one time." Wow. I was not expecting that. I thought for sure that is what was bothering him.

"Then what is it?"

He lets out a sigh. "That was John on the phone. He and Avalon are going to end her book tour early and join us here next week. They are bringing Michael as well. There have been a lot of unexplained 'Missing Persons,' and killings lately. We think it may be JR." My brain is failing me at the moment.


"Yes, remember the guy John hired to help with that whole Nicholas situation but JR actually sold him out instead of helping?"

Oh yes
, now the memories are flooding back to me.

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