Aspens Vamp (4 page)

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Authors: Jinni James

Tags: #Paranormal

BOOK: Aspens Vamp
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"Yes I like him. No we are not in a relationship, I don't think. And it is amazing." Avalon followed me to the sink.

"Is it mind-blowing, life-changing, going-to-die sex?" I could not help but laugh. Avalon was like a giddy school girl who just found out I lost my virginity. Which I suppose I kind of have.

"It is amazing. I don't know about life changing but
it’s great." Avalon studied my face.

"You have never been uncomfortable talking to me about the guys you have been with before. Why do you seem confused?" The truth is I have no idea.

Before they got here I was blissfully happy. Or I should say until Michael walked in. Seeing Michael again must have thrown me for a loop. The man did save my life, help me through the change just as much as the others, and there was a spark there. I couldn't explain it.

"It's Michael
, isn't it?" Avalon always did know what I was thinking.

"Yes Ava. I think it is."

Chapter Four

I could not put my finger on what I was feeling. I like Daniel, I really do but the minute I looked at Michael the spark was back. It is different than what I feel with Daniel. Sure Daniel is hot and we have chemistry but something is different with Michael. It sucks. I have never been in this position before but then again I have had maybe one or two actual relationships in my life and one of those was in high school.

I was never really interested in relationships. Relationships get messy. They start out great but then there are arguments, talks about babies, marriage, someone always lets the other down, I mean seriously who would want to mess with any of that? I almost want to thank Nicholas for turning me into a vampire. Now I can't even have babies to worry about it. I think. I may have to ask Daniel about that one someday. But anyway, this is new territory.

"So what are you going to do Jaci?" I walk back over to the couch and sit in
front of the fireplace again, just watching the flames.

"I don't know Ava. I mean come on; I don't even know how Michael
feels or Daniel for that matter. Michael could just think of me as a friend or a sister type."

"I doubt the thinks of you that way
Jaci; just by the way he looks at you. He lit up when he saw you. Usually when one feels that spark the other does as well. Or that's how it was with John and me. If you feel the same thing I did when I met John, well let’s just say God help you."

Maybe Avalon is right or maybe not. However
, right now I just want to drop it. The guys had perfect timing because they just walked in so we could change the subject.

"Do you girls want to go grab something to eat before they close the restaurants for the night?"

That sounds great! Daniel always had the best ideas. Avalon and I both stand up.

"That sounds perfect!" Avalon is way too excited. Maybe that is what happens when you meet your soul mate and fall in love. Everything is wonderful. It will be nice if I get to experience that one day.

"Okay. Then you girls go get ready and we'll be waiting for you." Daniel gave me a wink as we walked out of the kitchen and went to our rooms. I threw on one of my tshirts and jeans while Avalon put on a pretty red sweater and some black pants.

"Aren't you going to be cold Jaci?" Avalon knows how I don't like being cold.

"Actually no, Daniel was right, I don't feel the cold like I used to. Maybe it is because Daniel and I are naturally cold so we just don't feel it like you do. What is cold to you is normal for us." I put my hand out for her to touch it. Avalon reaches out and then pulls back quickly.

"Wow Jaci. You do feel like you’re freezing! Now that I think about it
, Nicholas always did seem colder than I was but I just thought that was because he was cold natured. It's not an unnatural coldness." I slip my shoes on as we walk towards the door.

"No it's not unnatural. I suppose that helps keep who we are hidden. But it is different."

"Cool." Avalon begins to skip down the stairs with me right on her heel. She seems so happy now that she found John. I could not be happier for her. After witnessing the hell she went through with Nicholas she deserves someone that makes her this happy.

We all walk to our wonderful Italian restaurant, place our orders, and then finally start talking about JR. John decides to go first.

"According to my contacts there are five women still missing from Illinois and the death count is up to fifty easy. They are all women. The deaths stretch from Maine,
down to West Virginia, Illinois, and South Dakota all within a short amount of time in between. This is what leads me to believe it is JR. If not JR it is some other rapid vampire but given JR's disposition I believe it is him. Only vampires and shape shifters can move that fast, plus with it being all females it leads me to believe this is a male vampire." John is interrupted by the waitress bringing our food. We all get settled as they continue the discussion.

"You don't think he is headed here
, do you?" John puts his hand over Avalon's.

"What makes you think that dear?"

"Well, the stretch you mentioned seems to be coming right this way. I mean he started in Maine and now is in South Dakota that we know of. It seems strange. Why come west?" That has everyone's attention. Daniel finally broke the silence.

"There is no way that JR knows where we are. I mean it's just been Jaci
and me here. You two have been touring and I don't know where Michael has been but there is no way he knew we were here."

That's when Michael decided to speak up. "Very true Daniel. However, Avalon weren't you and John doing your book tour? Didn't you say you were headed this direction anyway? I mean you were supposed to be here what next month? Maybe JR knew your schedule."

Again everyone grows silent. Michael has a point. If it is JR he could be hunting John and Ava and just waiting for the right time. He probably blames them for why he is the way he is right now. John and Avalon basically killed his teacher. Avalon popped some pasta in her mouth then chewed as she was thinking.

"You are right Michael. I was scheduled to be here in June, two months from now. That does make sense." John placed his hand over Ava's again.

"I hadn't even thought about that. Damn it. Let me go call a few of my contacts and see to it that they keep their eyes and ears open even more so now. This is ridiculous." John got out his cell then walked outside for some privacy. I can tell Avalon is a little worried now.

"Don't worry Ava. Everything will be fine. Even if JR is headed this way you have all of us here. He won't get to us. Maybe it's a good thing. He will come straight to us which will prevent us having to track him down." Avalon smiles but I can tell I did very little to ease her discomfort.

Once John joined us back at the table we all finished our meals and headed back outside. It was pitch black except for the lights illuminating the empty streets. Suddenly I saw Daniel run out into the middle of the road like a little kid.

"Let’s forget about JR just for the time being and enjoy Aspen a little bit
, shall we? I mean, you all are visiting after all. Want to race through the mountains?" Of course Michael would be the first one to join in.

"Hell yeah!" Without another word I see Michael jump in the air and shift right in front of me into his wolf form.


Michael shifted then John and Avalon joined right in with him, all shifting into wolf form. I see why they prefer the wolf. The wolf is fast, strong, and fierce. If I didn't know they were my friends I would definitely not want to be anywhere near them. They are not the size of regular wolves, they are definitely bigger. They are more the size of bears than wolves. Now Daniel is more than ready.

"Come on Jaci! Let us see who are faster, the wolves or us." He gave me a wink as he got into position. I must admit this does sound fun. The sight of them is hilarious, just three wolves and a vampire in stance and ready to go. I jogged up to Daniel then fell in line with the rest.

"Okay. We race up Aspen Mountain, the first to the ski lifts win." John, Ava, and Michael all nod.

"Ready. Go!"

We all begin running towards the mountain although it seems as if we are flying more than running. Daniel has run with me a few times but for some reason it feels faster with shape shifters running with you as well. I suddenly realize just how fast these shape shifters can be. Sure I got to see it before but there was so much going on. Now it's just fun. As fast as Daniel and I are I can sense our wolves right on our heels. We run as fast as our bodies will allow, speeding past trees, jumping over rocks, it is exhilarating to say the least. Out of nowhere I see something above me. One of the wolves just jumped over a rock, flying above our heads, and landed in front of us.

"Oh no they don't." Daniel is one determined vampire and picks up the pace. I am right behind him.

It is nice letting myself go and just having fun. Not attempting to learn anything new, not trying to achieve anything, not even worrying about JR right now, just having pure crazy ass fun. Avalon suddenly ends up in front of me while my mind is racing. I see a giant white blob in front of me.

"I don't think so bestie." I run up behind her then place my hands on her back and jump right over her. I hear a growl in response.

"Got to keep up girlie!"

We are zipping through the trees so fast I still have no idea how none of us hit any. Finally we see the ski lift up in the distance so I pick up my speed. I look over to see everyone is pretty much in line. It's going to be close. I look over at Ava who then nods towards me which is all the confirmation I needed, she and I gave it all we had and before we knew it we were ahead of everyone else. We hit the top just seconds before the guys.

"Hey, this was supposed to be wolves against vampires not men against the women." Daniel looks disappointed.

"Sorry Daniel. You didn't specify." I let out a laugh as I feel Ava nudge my side. "Yeah. Yeah. I see how you girls are." We sit there for a few minutes, none of us really out of breath or anything then I see Daniel look back towards the city.

"First ones back to the house then?" The wolves nod as I look over at Daniel. "Wanna head start?" Just like that we were off.



The boys actually beat us back to the house this time or Ava and I just let them. It was hilarious watching them shift back into human form just outside the house because their huge wolf bodies would not fit through the door. They shifted then three butt naked people go running into the house. I fell to the floor I was
laughing so hard. It makes me grateful that I'm a vampire as opposed to a shape shifter.

Once back in the house I go into the kitchen to fix some c
offee. Daniel runs upstairs to shower while the rest of them went to put on some clothes so I have a few moments to myself. I fix myself a cup of coffee then go into the living room to sit and enjoy it for a few minutes. However, my mind has other ideas. I keep trying to wrap my mind around JR and this entire situation. If he is after John and Ava why not just come? Why keep killing all these women? And where are the other five that are missing?

"You seem like your miles away Jaci." Michael startles me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. I suppose I was. I just keep thinking about all of this with JR. It seems crazy. I mean it's been months, why now?"

Michael walks over to sit next to me. I could already feel the heat between us.

"I don't know Jaci. JR is probably angry, vulnerable, and has no idea what he is doing. We don't even know for a fact he is coming here, although I find it likely."

For some reason I know Michael is right. Something in my gut is telling me JR is on his way here. Michael moves closer to me then places his hand on my thigh which sends a course of electricity through my body to which I instinctively move away from.

"I make you nervous, don't I Jaci?" Yes, among other things.

"A little, yes." Michael moves his hand and places his arm on the back of the sofa behind me.

"I can see that. My question is why? Is it Daniel? Are you two together?" Why does everyone keep asking me this question? I just want to scream but instead I keep my composure while looking down at my coffee cup.

"Daniel and I are not together I don't think."

Michael sits back against the sofa.

"You don't think? You've slept together."

It wasn't a question however, I answered it anyway.

"Yes, a few times." No one needs to know exactly how many times in my opinion. Michael almost looks heartbroken.

"Oh. I see. But you are not actually a couple?"

Why is he pounding this into the ground?

"No. As far as I know we are not a couple."

Michael sits back up so he is in my line of sight again.


What in the hell is he getting at? "What do you mean 'good'?"

Michael runs his finger down my arm which begins to make my hands shake. He takes the coffee cup out of my hands and places it on the table in front of us, then leans towards me.

"I say ‘good’ because that means until he says you two are in an actual relationship you are fair game."

I could only think of one word.

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