Assertiveness for Earth Angels: How to Be Loving Instead of Too Nice (22 page)

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Authors: Doreen Virtue

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #New Thought

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You can also clear and shield the world of negativity, which is a powerful process that all Earth Angels can engage in to help everyone who lives on our beautiful planet. Visualize the world being cleared and shielded, and ask God to surround the earth with extra guardian angels and protective light. The more of us who do this, the more protection the planet receives.



et's face it: As helpful people, Earth Angels have very full and busy lives. We volunteer to help out different people and organizations because we have this natural impulse to offer our support.

So our busy lives may drain us of time and energy. What's an Earth Angel to do?

The easiest way to have more
is to increase the amount of
that you have. When you have more energy, it gives you more useful hours during the day. Instead of experiencing a “crash” right after dinner, you'll find that your energy stays high until midnight. And then you have a sound night's sleep and wake up ready to go again with happiness and joy at 6 the next morning.

High energy is also a secret of rapid manifestation. The more you visualize, affirm, and pray for your dreams to come true, the higher your energy, and the faster your manifestation will come about.

So one reason why you continually get inner nudges from your guardian angels to live a healthier lifestyle is because they know that this will help all of your prayers to be answered. When your angels guide you to exercise, for example, they're not suggesting this because they're judging you or trying to ruin your fun. The angels know that daily exercise leads to a major increase in personal energy levels. Exercise allows you also to dissipate stress and let go of grievances that are distracting you from your purpose.

Even 20 minutes of exercise has been shown to significantly boost your levels of serotonin, which is the brain chemical that's secreted to help you regulate energy, moods, and appetite. The more serotonin you secrete, the better you feel.

Stretching and Releasing

Stretching your muscles daily is one easy and quick way to keep your body energized and limber. You can even do this in bed by lying on your back with your knees up and together. Then, with your arms down by your sides to balance yourself, move your coupled knees to your left and hold them while your muscles release and relax. Then, do the same with your knees falling to your right side.

Next, straighten your right leg and twist gently while you move that leg toward your left arm. Do the same with your left leg twisting toward your right arm.

Many painful emotions are stored in the hips and can be released by hip-opening stretches. For instance, lie on the floor near a wall. Scoot your hips close to the wall and then put your feet up on it. Open your legs as widely as is comfortable, and hold this position.

You may be surprised by the emotions that surface as you open your hips. Allow tears to spill and memories to surface. This is part of the releasing and cleansing process. If the emotions are too strong to handle, consider getting support through a group meeting or a professional counselor. Journaling about your feelings is also helpful during the releasing process.

There are many excellent free instructional videos about stretching exercises available on sites such as YouTube. Or you can take yoga or Pilates classes to get personal supervision as you learn safe ways to stretch your muscles.

Earth Angels and Weight

Exercise also helps you keep off the pounds. Since almost every Earth Angel struggles with his or her weight, this is important.

Because the earth is one of the harshest environments from a physical, energetic, and emotional standpoint, Earth Angels carry extra weight to shield themselves. This is the only planet that has such full-on competitive energy. Only on Earth is there a competition daily among people and animals who perceive that there's a lack of resources.

Earth Angels aren't very competitive, because they want everyone to win and be equally happy. So they're reluctant to jump into the
I must get ahead
attitude that prevails at so many companies and schools. Earth Angels know that life is meant to be a win-win condition.

Competitiveness, violence, and the other harsh energies of the earth are very foreign and disturbing to Earth Angels. They use food and alcohol to numb their sensitivity levels. And the extra weight that they gain physically helps act as a buffer against the harsher energies.

The two-part trouble with this is:

1. Earth Angels are highly sensitive to chemicals that they ingest. They are very prone to allergies. So by indulging in toxic foods, beverages, or drugs, they reduce their energy levels and also may experience inflammation, anxiety, or depression from those substances.

2. The second part of this equation is that Earth Angels are highly sensitive to what other people think about them. They're susceptible to soliciting other people's approval as part of their desire to make sure that everyone is happy. Earth Angels know that they're not originally from this planet, and they feel like outsiders who are struggling to fit in.

So, the extra weight that Earth Angels carry on their bodies may make them subject to other people's disapproval. After all, there's a lot of pressure to be slender and fit in this world for both women and men. Of course, it's best for our bodies to be at a healthy weight, but the pressure to be extremely thin for women and extremely muscular for men makes Earth Angels have self-doubts about their worthiness in this world.

Many Earth Angels judge themselves because they don't have a perfect body. And they use this self-judgment as a way to block themselves from going out confidently in the direction of their dreams and life purpose.

But the truth (and I am now speaking as a former eating-disorders therapist) is that no one feels 100 percent good about their body in this world. Everyone can point to some part of how they look that doesn't conform to the unnaturally thin and perfect models in the media. Those models often have tragic eating disorders in order to stay so thin. Only about 10 percent of the population can eat whatever they want and stay model-thin. Their photos are also digitally enhanced to give them perfect skin and figures.

So Earth Angels who take care of their bodies by eating healthfully and exercising daily will have more energy and higher self-confidence.

As an Earth Angel, you tend to take on other people's troubles. You may even encounter situations where strangers approach you and tell you all of their problems. That's because people can intuitively trust you. And if this happens to you frequently, it's a sign that your life purpose involves counseling others professionally.

Let's ask for Divine help. After all, sometimes Earth Angels forget to “phone home” and ask for assistance.

There's no one-size-fits-all universally healthful diet or exercise program that will work for everyone. Everyone's energy metabolism is different. But one thing is for sure: everyone has guardian angels who know exactly the right exercise and diet program for that particular person.

Most likely, you've been receiving strong intuitive guidance to make healthful life changes in your exercise, sleep, and diet routines.

If you're like most people, you've been resisting those urgings because you don't want to let go of the entertainment, pleasure, and convenience of your current lifestyle choices. You may resist being told what to do, even if it's angels who are giving you this guidance as an answer to your prayers.

So let's ask God and the archangels what they're guiding you to do as far as eating, drinking, and exercising are concerned. Let's make their guidance clear and conscious right now.

Take a moment to notice your shoulders, and as you breathe, ask them to relax. Continue breathing and asking your other muscles to relax. Inhaling deeply, center your focus in your heart and think about angels
. As
you do so, you're calling your angels to help you

Then say this question to your angels either aloud or silently: “
Dear guardian angels, what changes would you like to see me make in how I treat my body?

What's the first thought, feeling, words, or visions that just came to mind as you read and posed that question to your angels? Most likely, it's the same guidance that you've been receiving and dismissing. Perhaps you've been procrastinating or ignoring this guidance.

Remember that your angels are on your side. They aren't trying to control you or ruin your fun.

Next, please say the sentence out loud:

“Dear angels, please give me clear signs that I can easily notice and understand to help me know that I have correctly heard you today. Please give me the courage, strength, and motivation to enact these healthful changes without hesitation or delay.”

If you have any medical issues, you may also want to research healthful diets with a nutritionist, naturopath, or holistic doctor.

The sooner you make the changes as you're guided, the sooner all of your dreams will come true.

Let's ask Archangel Raphael, the healing angel; and Archangel Michael, the angel of courage and protection, to assist you:

“Dear God and Archangels Raphael and Michael, please help me to only crave healthful foods and beverages. Thank you for giving me the motivation, time, support, and encouragement to exercise my body daily. I now surrender to you all of my previous fears and excuses about taking better care of my physical body.”



on't be a lazy lightworker! Pull your weight, get to work, do your share, and help the rest of us. There are real-world issues that need your attention, now!

If this world were perfect, you and I wouldn't be needed here. We could have just stayed home in heaven and sent prayers from above.

A passive Earth Angel lets the government do what it wants, a passive-aggressive Earth Angel complains about the government, an aggressive Earth Angel may act out violently against the government, and an assertive Earth Angel stays aware and gets involved and speaks up.

You can read the news to stay abreast of world and local events through your Earth Angel lens: First, know that the “news” is someone's opinion of what's happening. Each newspaper will report the same story with differing slants. Many newspapers are corporate owned, and reporters are ordered to write biased reports that favor particular financial and political agendas.

Look upon news pieces as “Divine assignments.” Rather than worrying about a story or allowing it to upset or depress you, pray about it instead! By sending prayers to the situation, you
helping. When Earth Angels get upset, they emit powerful toxic energies into the atmosphere. It's important to channel those real human emotions in constructive ways.

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