At Canaan's Edge (162 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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operation coded POCAM: McKnight,
pp. 22–24; Kotz,
p. 387.

New York Post,
Jan. 6, 1968, p. 1; Spock,
Spock on Spock,
p. 199.

“I wish I did not have”: MLK sermon, Jan. 7, 1968, A/KS.

King resisted overtures: MLK log, A/SC47f21; wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison and Tudja Crowder, Jan. 8, 1968, FLNY-9-1543; wiretap transcript of telephone call between MLK and Stanley Levison, 11:03
, Jan. 10, 1968, FLNY-9-1545.

Coffin at least initially agreed: Coffin,
pp. 260–65; Goldstein,
pp. 207–11; int. William Sloane Coffin, July 16, 1991.

“I can't tell another man”: Int. Harry Wachtel, Nov. 29, 1983 and May 17, 1990.

reporters lost interest: Ibid.

“Dr. King Calls for Antiwar Rally”: NYT, Jan. 13, 1968, p. 4; Hoover to SACs, Atlanta, New York, and Washington, Jan 17, 1968, FCLCV-4.

James St. Clair: Goldstein,
pp. 218–19.

“somebody brought up as goody-goody”: Spock,
Spock on Spock,
p. 202.

Marcus Raskin collapsed: Ibid., p. 204; Coffin,
pp. 271–85.

chained to eight adult supporters: Barry Johnson, “Seminarian in ‘The Resistance,'”
Christian Century,
Jan. 3, 1968, pp. 15–17; Hall,
p. 53; int. Barry Johnson, Jan. 4, 2005.

drove to the Santa Rita Rehabilitation Center: San Francisco LHM dated Jan. 18, 1968, FK-NR; Baez,
pp. 111–12; Sandperl,
pp. 113–15; int. Joan Baez, Jan. 7, 1984.

“Doctor, you all be sure”: MLK remarks to Atlanta staff retreat, Jan. 17, 1968, p. 7, A/KS.

“I might say that I see”: News recording, Jan. 14, 1968, Tape 37, A/KS.

midnight flight through Dallas: MLK log, Jan. 14–15, 1968, A/SC47f21.

morning presentation at Ebenezer: Agenda, staff workshops, Jan. 14–16, 1968, A/KP34f15; FBI HQ LHM dated Jan. 18, 1968, Box 32, OFMS, LBJ; Moore to Sullivan, Jan. 24, 1968, FK-3191; Garrow,
p. 592.

Bill Rutherford's summons: Rutherford and Bernard Lafayette to “All SCLC Staff Members,” Jan. 4, 1968, A/SC48f4.

“I say all of these things”: MLK remarks to Atlanta staff retreat, “Why We Must Go to Washington,” Jan. 15, 1968, A/KS.

“Talk about Peter”:
Citizen King,
a Roja Production for
The American Experience,
PBS, 2004.

“patterned after the bonus marches”: MLK press conference, Jan. 16, 1968, A/KS.

James Bevel and Jesse Jackson maintained: Garrow,
pp. 592–94; Frady,
pp. 215–16; minutes, executive staff committee meeting, Dec. 27, 1967, A/SC49f11.

“at this time consists of one person”: Hosea Williams to executive staff committee, Jan. 22, 1968, A/KP35f18.

“I couldn't hardly get gas money”: Int. Hosea Williams, Oct. 29, 1991.

Organizers also confessed: Fairclough,
p. 362; int. Bernard Lafayette, March 25, 2005.

“What's gonna happen”:
Citizen King,
a Roja Production for
The American Experience,
PBS, 2004.

“I don't want to psychoanalyze”: MLK remarks to Atlanta staff retreat, Jan. 17, 1968, p. 7, A/KS.

“we never would have had”: Fairclough,
p. 363.

the Jeannette Rankin Brigade marched: Swerdlow,
pp. 135–41; Zaroulis and Sullivan,
Who Spoke Up?,
pp. 149–50; Wells,
War Within,
p. 228.

President Johnson entered the House chamber: Johnson,
pp. 616–20; Califano,
pp. 253–57; Dallek,
pp. 513–18.

“Why then this restlessness?”: NYT, Jan. 18, 1968, pp. 1, 16, 17.

“mutinous cries below decks”: NYT, Jan. 19, 1968, p. 46.

“a spiritless message”: Garrow,
p. 594.

he pared federal expenditures: Johnson,
pp. 445–61, 550–52; Dallek,
pp. 515, 554; “‘Red Ink' to Flood Government's Books?,”
U.S. News & World Report,
May 29, 1967, p. 31; NYT, Jan. 30, 1968, pp. 1, 16; Califano to LBJ, Dec. 4, 1967, Box 31, WE9, LBJ; Califano to LBJ on budget message from Sargent Shriver, Jan. 9, 1968, Box 98, WE9, LBJ.

last surplus for the next twenty-nine years: U.S. Government Printing Office,
The Budget for Fiscal Year 2004,
pp. 21–22.

“radically vicious”:
New Yorker,
Nov. 30, 1968, pp. 51–52.

pioneer 1964 sweepstakes in New Hampshire: Branch,
p. 241.

teller windows of duly licensed banks: “What's Wrong with the Lottery?,”
New England Monthly,
January 1990, pp. 41–49; “Legislature Sits 21 Hours in Finale/ Votes 12 Lotteries a Year,” NYT, April 3, 1967, p. 1.

“It seems incomprehensible”: Hearings, U.S. Senate Banking Committee, “Prohibit Financial Institutions As Lottery Agencies,” Aug. 19, 1967, p. 19.

chief sponsor of the bonus bill: Dickson and Allen,
Bonus Army,
pp. 30–35, 132.

bid to impeach Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon: Ibid., pp. 46–51.

passed over FDR's veto in 1936: Ibid., pp. 230–53.

consulting firm would recommend: “State Lotteries,”
Consumer Reports,
Feb. 1974, pp. 177–79.

new voice of state governments: “Lotto Baloney,”
July 1983, p. 15ff; “Lotto-mania,”
March 6, 1989, p. 92ff.

“The De Ville Made Me Do It”:
New England Monthly,
January 1990, p. 42.

“The way to sell lottery tickets”: Ibid., p. 43.

full-scale siege struck Khe Sanh: Braestrup,
Big Story,
pp. 256–67; Dallek,
pp. 502–3; Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
pp. 478–79; Zaroulis and Sullivan,
Who Spoke Up?,
p. 151; “5,000 Men Massed at Khesanh by U.S.,” NYT, Jan. 24, 1968, p. 1.

lacked no support provision for military success: “Notes of the President's Tuesday National Security Lunch,” Jan. 23, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 58ff.

“unusually good press”: “Notes of Meeting of the National Security Council,” Jan. 24, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 65ff.

“seem to have run temporarily”: Braestrup,
Big Story,
p. 66.

“dramatic decline”: “2-Year Drive in Saigon Cuts Terrorism Sharply,” NYT, Jan. 19, 1968, p. 12.

pacification chief Robert Komer: “Pacification Gains Reported by Komer,” NYT, Jan. 25, 1968, p. 7.

he fined three workers: Rutherford to James Harrison, Jan. 26, 1968, A/SC57f4. 677 “effective immediately”: Rutherford to Meredith Gilbert, Jan. 25, 1968, A/SC56f10.

King had told each he was with the other: Garrow,
pp. 586–88.

King bristled against tampering: Int. Bernard Lee, June 19, 1985; int. Harry Wachtel, Nov. 29, 1983; int. William Rutherford, Dec. 7, 2004.

quietly diverted staff members: Int. William Rutherford, Dec. 7, 2004.

“confess all our stuff to our wives”: Int. James Bevel, May 17, 1985, Nov. 23, 1997, Dec. 10–11, 1998.

psycho-biologist Wilhelm Reich: Ibid.; Young,
p. 444.

Abernathy was gone: Garrow,
p. 594; Abernathy to MLK, Jan. 18, 1968, A/KP1f1.

Coretta underwent surgery: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison and Joan Daves, 2:08
, Jan. 24, 1968, FLNY-9-1559a; wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison and Andrew Young, 2:26
, Dec. 31, 1967, FLNY-9-1535a; Garrow,
p. 594.

The result was painful disaster: Confidential interviews.

he canvassed the regular mistresses: Int. Ralph Abernathy, Nov. 19, 1984.

he exhorted his New York advisers: Harry Wachtel invitation to members of the Research Committee, Jan. 17, 1968, A/SC39f19; Garrow,
p. 594; Lewis,
p. 373; Fairclough,
p. 364.

“can only lead to further backlash”: Rustin to MLK, “Strategy and Tactics,” Jan. 1, 1968, in Rustin,
pp. 202–5; Williams,
King God Didn't Save,
pp. 109–13.

“mystical bullshit”: Int. Bayard Rustin, Nov. 28, 1983.

“showed his true colors”: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison and William Rutherford, 10:55
, Jan. 31, 1968, FLNY-9-1566a.

Rustin would be sensitive: Longenecker,
pp. 305–7; D'Emilio,
Lost Prophet,
pp. 457–71.

“that in 1968 I rejected the philosophy”: Bayard Rustin, “Ally to the End in Dr. King's Philosophy of Nonviolence,” letters to the editor, NYT, Sept. 18, 1995.

“He felt let down”: Wachtel to Rustin, Sept. 25, 1995, courtesy of Harry Wachtel.

“We didn't know we were poor”: Harrington,
pp. 128–29; int. Michael Harrington, Oct. 27, 1983.

“cutting down”: Beifuss,
pp. 27–29; Honey,
Black Workers,
pp. 302–5.

Robert Kennedy told reporters: Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy,
pp. 902–4; Thomas,
Robert Kennedy,
pp. 356–57.

Allard Lowenstein reportedly accosted Kennedy: Ibid.; Chafe,
pp. 282–84.

“Besides the columnists”: Fred Dutton to RFK, Jan. 31, 1968, Personal Correspondence, RFK Senate Papers, Box 3, JFK.

swamped the declared rival Eugene McCarthy: DeBenedetti,
p. 209.

suspended for the three-day Buddhist celebrations: “Marines at Khesanh Sure a Big Attack Is Near,” NYT, Jan. 29, 1968, p. 6; “Saigon Marks Tet, but Without G.I.'s,” NYT, Jan. 30, 1968, p. 2.

“active candidates for employment”: Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
p. 479.

spy ship
with all her crew: Rusk,
As I Saw It,
p. 391; Manchester,
p. 1377.

“we are being heavily mortared”: Notes of LBJ meeting with Rusk, McNamara, Clifford, Wheeler, Helms, Rostow, Christian, and note-taker Tom Johnson, 1:08–2:50
, Jan. 30, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 79ff.

“This could be very bad”: Ibid.

chauffeur nicknamed Satchmo: Karnow,
pp. 536–39.

too late for some network broadcasts: Braestrup,
Big Story,
pp. 116–18.

“In one of the strangest scenes”: Charles Mohr, “U.S. Aide in Embassy Villa Kills Guerilla with Pistol,” NYT, Jan. 31, 1968, p. 1.

showed a Vietcong corpse: Appy,
p. 291.

Seventy thousand guerrillas launched: Ibid., pp. 285–88; Oberdorfer,
pp. 2–33, 116–34: Braestrup,
Big Story,
pp. ix–xi; Dallek,
p. 503.

hidden in more than four hundred homes: Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
pp. 468–71.

calamitous intelligence failure: CIA intelligence memorandum, “The Communist Tet Offensive,” Jan. 31, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 92; CIA memorandum, “Vietnam—Operation Shock,” Feb. 2, 1968, in ibid., p. 98; William J. Jorden to Walt Rostow, “Situation in Vietnam,” Feb. 3, 1968, in ibid., p. 111.

“Saigon's 4 million people”: Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
p. 474.

The plans left massive carnage: Karnow,
p. 547; Dallek,
p. 504.

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