At Canaan's Edge (166 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Adam Clayton Powell marched outside:
New York Daily News,
March 25, 1968, p. 3.

Powell's fugitive return: NYT, March 25, 1968, p. 1; Hamilton,
Adam Clayton Powell,
pp. 465–66; New York LHM dated March 25, 1968, FACP-361; wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison and William Rutherford, March 23, 1968, FLNY-9-1618a.

“Nonviolence Tactic Defended by King”: NYT, March 25, 1968, p. 46.

King's advisers gathered Monday: Garrow,
p. 608; Frances Allison to “Action Committee Members,” March 20, 1968, A/SC48f7.

King's commitment to detour again into Memphis: “Dr. King Reschedules March for Strikers in Memphis,” NYT, March 25, 1968, p. 46.

support in Washington from religious groups: WP, March 16, 1968, p. B-2; New York LHM dated March 26, 1968, “Washington Spring Project/Racial Matters,” FK-NR.

Harry Wachtel broke away: Oates,
p. 475.

“Where in America today”: Transcript, “Conversation with Martin Luther King,” March 25, 1968, in
Conservative Judaism,
Vol. 22, No. 3, Spring 1968, p. 1.

King returned Heschel's salute: Ibid.; Cf. Branch,
pp. 21–32.

jail witness long ago in Albany: Cf. Gentry,
pp. 630–31.

“if they couldn't protect Kennedy”: Int. Harry Wachtel, Nov. 29, 1983.

quarrel lay with Logan's wife: Garrow,
p. 609; Frank,
American Death,
pp. 39–42; int. Marian Logan, April 24, 1984; int. Clifford Alexander, Dec. 17, 2004.

memo arguing that King should abort: Marian Logan to MLK, March 8, 1968, A/SC40f3.

“I am still so excited”: NYT, March 27, 1968, p. 24.

“We do not fear”: “Notes of Meeting,” 1:15–3:05
, March 26, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 466ff.

President Johnson invited the generals: Ibid.; PDD, March 26, 1968, pp. 4–8, LBJ.

McGeorge Bundy chilled the Cabinet Room: “Summary of Notes,” Cabinet Room meeting, 3:15–4:32
, March 26, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 471ff; McGeorge Bundy handwritten notes, March 26, 1968, Meeting Notes File, Box 2, LBJ.

repeat performances would demonstrate: LBJ briefings by General William DePuy and CIA official George Carver, March 27, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 481ff.

“Who the hell is there left”: Isaacson,
Wise Men,
pp. 698–706; Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
pp. 488–90.

war loyalists stifled alarm: Clifford,
pp. 512–13.

“impregnated them with their doubts”: Taylor,
p. 391.

“deny military victory”: Rusk,
As I Saw It,
p. 478.

“Then what in the name of God”: Clifford,
p. 517; Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
pp. 491–92.

“What we want to do”: FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 474.

“I know there is a lot of dying men”: Ibid., p. 476.

“We have set our face”: Clifford,
p. 510.

polls had shifted nearly 20 percent: DeBenedetti,
pp. 211–13; Karnow,
pp. 558–60.

“deepening disenchantment”: O'Brien to LBJ, March 27, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 479.

lose to Eugene McCarthy: Powers,
p. 302; Viorst,
p. 419.

“I don't give a damn”: Notes of LBJ meeting with Earle Wheeler and Creighton Abrams, 10:30
, March 26, 1968, in FRUS, Vol. 6, p. 46.

Tuesday's stops in Harlem: NYT, March 27, 1968, p. 24.

Hoover rushed: Hoover to Mildred Stegall, April 1, 1968, Box 32, OFMS, LBJ; NYT, March 24, 1968, p. 40.

“We'll make him Secretary of State”: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between MLK and Stanley Levison, 12:37
, March 27, 1968, FLNY-9-1621a.

side trip to Boston: Wiretap transcript of telephone calls between Stanley Levison and William Rutherford (9:45
.), Levison and unnamed women (11:00
.), March 26, 1968, and Levison and Dora McDonald (12:20
.), March 27, 1968, in FLNY-9-1621a.

“Memphis Protest Avoids Violence”: NYT, March 24, 1968, p. 66.

Wednesday night fund-raiser: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison and Adele Kanter, 12:10
, March 15, 1968, FLNY-9-1610a; Frank,
American Death,
p. 25.

breakneck antipoverty rallies: NYT, March 28, 1968, p. 40.

nothing unconstitutional about starving: Fager,
p. 18.

loggerheads with Young: Gardner,
pp. 139–40; Young,
p. 451.

frustrated King until he slammed: Int. Harry Belafonte, March 6–7, 1985.

King back to Memphis: Beifuss,
pp. 211–42; Garrow,
pp. 609–11; Garrow,
FBI and King,
pp. 191–93; Frank,
American Death,
pp. 22–27; McKnight,
pp. 53–55; Fairclough,
pp. 372–75; MCA, March 29, 1968, p. 1; AC, March 29, 1968, p. 1; NYT, March 29, 1968, p. 1;
Memphis Tri-State Defender,
April 6, 1968, pp. 1, 12.

I AM A MAN: Beifuss,
pp. 217–18; Honey,
Black Workers,
pp. 307–8; Goulden,
p. 174; Bailey,
Mine Eyes,
pp. 80–81.

Lawson ran about fifty feet: David Caywood oral history, May 20, 1968, MVC.

Pandemonium greeted King: “Day's Log of Police Calls,” MCA, March 29, 1968, p. 25.

“It's my fault”: Abernathy,
pp. 417–18; Hearings, House Select Committee on Assassinations, Aug. 14, 1978, Vol. 1, pp. 15–16.

park named for W. C. Handy: MCA, March 29, 1968, p. 25; NYT, March 29, 1968, p. 29; Bailey,
Mine Eyes,
p. 66.

storefront windows being smashed: Blackside, Inc.,
Eyes on the Prize II—America at the Racial Crossroads, 1965 to 1985,
Vol. IV, “The Promised Land (1967–68)”;
Citizen King,
a Roja Production for
The American Experience,
PBS, 2004.

Shainberg's: Oral history by Councilman Fred Davis, May 22, 1968, MVC.

“It had come seven blocks”: Beifuss,
p. 225.

within twenty feet of King: Lux testimony in
City of Memphis v. Martin Luther King, Jr. et al.,
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee, Case. No. C-68-80, April 4, 1968, p. 106, transcript courtesy of Charles F. Newman.

lent his bullhorn in the emergency: James Lawson oral history, July 8, 1970, MVC.

Bernard Lee pulled King and Abernathy: Stokes,
pp. 361–62; Bailey,
Mine Eyes,
pp. 60–61; McKnight,
p. 61; SAC, Memphis, to Director, 12:56
, March 29, 1968, FBI File 157-1094, Serial 1405.

Trouble radiated from wild looting: Bailey,
Mine Eyes,
pp. 64–67, 78–79.

Nine officers would be injured: Ibid., pp. 68–69; Beifuss,
pp. 243–45; McKnight,
p. 55.

One patrolman cornered:
Memphis Tri-State Defender,
April 6, 1968, pp. 1, 12; Beifuss,
pp. 241–42, 263; McKnight,
p. 56.

Fleet young rioters: Beifuss,
pp. 233–37.

Tennessee legislature swiftly proposed and enacted: MCA, March 29, 1968, p. 1; AC, March 29, 1968, p. 1.

1866 Reconstruction riot: James Gilbert Ryan, “The Memphis Riots of 1866; Terror in a Black Community During Reconstruction,”
Journal of Negro History,
July 1977, p. 243ff.

Trapped at the Rivermont: Garrow,
p. 611; Frank,
American Death,
pp. 27–29; Abernathy,
pp. 419–20; Hearings, House Select Committee on Assassinations, Aug. 14, 1978, Vol. 1, p. 16.

“accidentally exposed to Mace”: News script, WMC-TV Channel Five, March 28, 1968, MVC.

stories marshaled politicians: Beifuss,
pp. 243–50; “White Memphis Unshaken by Riot,” NYT, March 31, 1968, p. 66.

He sank beneath the bedcovers: Frank,
American Death,
p. 28; Garrow,
FBI and King,
p. 194; McKnight,
p. 64.

Young called Stanley Levison: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between Stanley Levison and Andrew Young, 8:10
, March 28, 1968, FLNY-9-1623a.

Levison groped for triage: Wiretap transcript of telephone call between MLK and Stanley Levison, 9:15
, March 28, 1968, FLNY-9-1623a; New York LHM dated March 29, 1968, FK-3272.

“Maybe we just have to admit”: Garrow,
FBI and King,
p. 194.

“The violence in Memphis”: Fairclough,
p. 375.

churned out operations against King: Garrow,
FBI and King,
p. 188; McKnight,
pp. 60–61.

King did not need contributions: Moore to Sullivan, March 26, 1968, FBNH-NR; New York LHM dated March 20, 1968, FK-NR.

“Prepare the letters”: Director to SAC, Mobile, April 2, 1968, FBNH-63.

Headquarters subsidized the lecture tour: Jones to Bishop, re: Julia Brown, March 28, 1968, FSC-NR; O'Reilly,
p. 107.

“a black folk hero”: SAC, Chicago, to Director, March 21, 1968, FBNH-39; Director to SAC, Chicago, March 25, 1968, FBNH-33.

“the result of King's famous espousal”: Moore to Sullivan, March 28, 1968, FK-NR.

“Like Judas leading lambs”: Moore to Sullivan, March 29, 1968, FBNH-NR.

requested permission to reinstall wiretaps: Hoover to the Attorney General, April 2, 1968, FSC-2107, FK-3655.

“discredit King and his aides with poor Negroes”: SAC, Jackson, to Director, April 4, 1968, FBNH-72.

“What's wrong with Bobby?”: Califano,
p. 268; Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy,
p. 930.

Such dispassion baffled wary aides: Califano,
pp. 265–66; McPherson,
pp. 427–28.

Defense Secretary Clifford scowled down: McPherson,
pp. 437–38.

Kennedy had voted with him: Bellinger to Fred Panzer, March 29, 1968, cited in Shesol,
p. 336.

foreign policy officials reviewed: Clifford,
pp. 519–21; Langguth,
Our Vietnam,
p. 493.

memoirs by McPherson and Clifford: Ibid.; McPherson,
pp. 433–35.

“Tonight I want to speak to you”: FRUS, Vol. 6, pp. 483–84; NYT, April 1, 1968, p. 26.

Johnson decried the Memphis riot: “President Offers U.S. Aid to Cities in Curbing Riots,” NYT, March 30, 1968, p. 1.

“redress by mob law”: Ibid.;
CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite,
March 29, 1968, VTR 236-B, LBJ.

working from the peace draft: Clifford,
p. 521; McPherson,
p. 437.

“Don' mak no diff'unce”: MCA, March 29, 1968, p. 25.

sharp knocks at the Rivermont suite: Frank,
American Death,
pp. 30–33; Garrow,
pp. 612–13; Abernathy,
pp. 420–21; Garrow,
FBI and King,
pp. 194–95; Hearings, House Select Committee on Assassinations, Vol. 6, pp. 516–17.

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