At Canaan's Edge (179 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Murphy, Matt

Murray, George

Murray, Pauli

Murrow, Edward R.

Mussolini, Benito

Muste, A. J.

Myers, Cecil

Myers, C. Kilmer “Kim”

Myers, Robert Manson

My Lai

Myles, China Grove

Myrdal, Gunnar

Nabrit, James


Napoleonic Wars

Nashville Banner

Nasser, Gamal Abdel

Natal University

Natchez, Miss.

bomb threats against SNCC in

Klan at demonstrations in

SCLC staff in


National Academy of Sciences

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Baptist Convention

National Basketball Association

National Book Award

National Committee of Negro Churchmen

National Conference for New Politics (NCNP)

Jewish leadership objections to

media coverage of

MLK urged not to attend

National Conference of Christians and Jews

National Conference on Civil Rights (1965)

media coverage of

National Council of Churches

Commission on Religion and Race of

National Council on the Humanities

National Draft Resistance Week

National Farmers Union

National Guard, U.S.

increase in black recruitment in

National Guardian

National Liberation Front (NLF)

National Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam,
Mobilization movement

National Organization for Women

National Origins Act (1924)

National Press Club

National Rifle Association

National Security Council

National States Rights Party

National Urban League

National Welfare Rights Organization

National Youth Administration

Nation of Islam

Native Americans

Native Son, The

Naturalization Act (1790)



NBC News

NCAA basketball tournament

Needham, Edgar

Negro Community Center

Negro Elks Club


“blacks” as replacement term for

as candidates in 1966 Alabama election

Chicago media outlets owned by

family structure of

post-wars movement to Chicago of

voter turn out for 1966 election Mississippi

Negro Lowndes County Training School

Negro Men of Tomorrow Club

Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea

Nesbitt, R. D.

Nesson, Charles

Neuhaus, Richard J.

Never Call Retreat

Newark, N.J.

New Deal

Newfield, Jack

New Friendship Baptist Church

New Hampshire

New Hope Missionary Baptist Church

New Orleans, La.

New Republic, The


Newton, Huey P.

New York, N.Y.

draft protests in

Mobilization Day in

New York Amsterdam News

New York Athletic Club

New York City Bar Association

New York Daily News

New Yorker

New York Hilton

New York-Journal & Telegram

New York Protestant Council

New York Review of Books

New York State Journal of Medicine

New York Stock Exchange

New York Times

New York Times Magazine

“Next Stop: The North” (King)

Ngo Dinh Diem

Ngo Thi Tuyen

Nguyen Ai Quoc,
Ho Chi Minh

Nguyen Cao Ky

Nguyen Chi Thanh

Nguyen Huu An

Nguyen Ngoc Loan

Nguyen Van Thieu

Nhan Dan

Nichols, M. E.

Nichols, R. R.

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Niemoeller, Martin

Nightly News

Nixon, Richard

Nobel Peace Prize


adaptation across culture of

Bevel on future of

and Chicago Freedom Movement

as debated issue in civil rights movement

as defined by MLK

freedom songs as tactic of

growing rejection among Negroes of

increasing absence from public discourse of

LBJ's appreciation for

Levison on limits of

marchers briefed on tactics of

media on rejection of

Memphis seen by MLK as failure of

as menaced by Black Power backlash

Meredith on

MLK's commitment to

MLK's lectures on

MLK's priority as protection of

MLK summit with minority leaders on

myths about civil rights movement acceptance of

opposing communism with

post-Watts shift away from

readiness to die vs. willingness to kill in

rejection by civil rights movement of

seen as trap by Levison

Young on

Nonviolent Action Group

Norman, Jessye

Norman, Silas

North Carolina, University of

Northeast Blackout of 1965

Northern Rhodesia,

North Vietnam

indifference to peace overtures of

negotiations with

sustained bombing of

women in combat brigades of

Norvell, Aubrey

Nosser, John

Nostra Aetate
(“In Our Time”)

Nott, Josiah

Novak, Robert

“nuns of Selma”

Nuremberg trials

Oakland, Calif.

Oberlin College

O'Boyle, Patrick

O'Brien, Conor Cruise

O'Brien, Lawrence

Occidental College


Offenburger, Tom

Office of Economic Opportunity, U.S.

Office of Education, U.S.

Office of Federal Contract Compliance U.S.

Ogilvie, Richard

Oglesby, Carl

Ole Miss,
Mississippi, University of

Oliver, Edith

Olivet Baptist Church

Olsen, Clark

Olson, Greg

Olympic Games

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

101st Airborne Division

105th General Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian Church

On the Origin of the Species

On Violence

Open Housing Summit Agreement

Operation Breadbasket

Operation Cedar Falls

Operation Masher

Operation Rolling Thunder

Operation Shredder

Operation Silver Bayonet

Orange, James

Orangeburg, S.C., race riots in

Oste, Sven

Oswald, Lee Harvey

O'Toole, Peter

Ouellet, Maurice

Our Lady of the Universe

Overseas Press Club

Oxford University

Ozawa, Takao

Paar, Jack

Pacem in Terris


Paley, William

Palmer, Hazel

Palmer House Hotel

Panama Canal

Panama Limited

Panola County, Miss.


Parchman Penitentiary


Parker, Dorothy

Parker, Theodore

Parker, William

Parker House Hotel

Parks, Rosa

Parris, Bob,
Moses, Bob

Parsons, Garry

Parsons, Graham

Patman, Wright

Paton, Alan

Patterson, Eugene

Patti, Archimedes “Al”

Pauling, Linus

Paul VI, Pope

Payton, Benjamin

Peabody, Mary

Peace Corps

Pearson, Drew

Peck, James

Peg Leg Bates conference

Penn, Lemuel

Penn Community Center

Pentagon building

antiwar demonstration at

War Room at

Pentecostal Church of God in Christ

People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN)

Pepper, William

Percy, Charles

Percy, Walker

Peretz, Martin

Perkins, Anthony

Perry County, Ala.

Pershing Hotel

Peter, Paul and Mary

Pettigrew, Thomas

Phelan, James

Philadelphia, Miss.

Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce

Philip Morris

Phipps, Armistead

Piccard, Jeannette

Pickering, Charles “Chip”

Pickle, Jake

Pierce, R. R.

Pike, James

Pilgrim Baptist Church

Pitcher, Alvin

Pitts, Billy Roy

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Plain Dealer

Pleiku, barracks assault in

POCAM (poverty campaign)

Podhoretz, Norman

Poitier, Sidney

Pollard, Mother

Pollock, Jackson

poll tax, Justice Department suits against

Poole, Melzetta

Poor People's Campaign

see also
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, antipoverty campaign of

Poor People's Conference

Populist Party

Porter, William

Posey, Leon

Powell, Adam Clayton

conflict with MLK of

House movement to expel

reelection to congress sought by

Powers, Richard Gid

Powers, Thomas

Pratt, Jack

Presbyterians, Presbyterian Church:

and March to Montgomery

multi-racial worship as issue in

see also specific congregations

Prescod, Martha

Prescott Hall

Presley, Elvis

Presley, Gladys and Vernon

Presley, Lisa Marie

Presley, Priscilla

Presley, Robert

Price, Annie L.

Other books

The Escape by David Baldacci
Murder in the Milk Case by Spyglass Lane Mysteries
The Opium Room by Kendrick, Charisma
Lara's Gift by Annemarie O'Brien
Gunship by J. J. Snow
Bear Exposure (Highland Brothers 3) by Meredith Clarke, Ally Summers