At Canaan's Edge (178 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Los Angeles Dodgers

Los Angeles Rams

Los Angeles Times

Loving, Richard and Mildred

Loving et Ux. v. Virginia

Lowell, James Russell

Lowenstein, Allard

Lowery, Joseph

Lowndes, William

Lowndes County, Ala.

anniversary celebration of movement in

ASCS committee election in

desegregation march in

development of independent political party in

education reforms in

election fraud in

freedom party turnout in

jury reform in

movement organization in

1966 elections in

registration requirements in

sharecroppers evictions in

SNCC as separate from movement in

voter registration program in

see also
Fort Deposit, Ala.; Hayneville, Ala.

Lowndes County Christian Movement for Human Rights (LCCMHR)

Lowndes County Freedom Organization

Lowndes County Freedom Party

Lucas, Robert

Luce, Henry R.

Lucy, William

Lundy, Benjamin

Lutheran Church of the Reformation

Lutherans, Lutheran Church

Luthuli, Albert

Luu Huy Chao

Lux, Henry

Lynch, Connie

Lynd, Staughton

Lynskey, Robert

MacArthur, Douglas


McCain, Tessie

McCarran-Walter Act

McCarthy, Eugene

presidential campaign of

McCarthy, Joseph

McClellan, John

McComb, Miss.

McCone, John

McCone Commission

McCormack, John

McCoy, Tim

McCullough, Marrell

McDade, Robert

McDaniel, E. L.

McDaniels, Ora

McDermott, John

McDew, Charles

McDonald, Dora

McDonough, John

McElveen, Ray

McGill, Elzie

McGill, Lillian

McGill, Ralph

McGovern, George

McGrory, Mary

McKeldin, Theodore

McKenzie, Scott

McKinney, Lester

McKissick, Floyd

McMeans, Bessie

McMeans, Clara

McMeans, John

McNair, Denise

McNamara, Robert

McNaughton, John

McNeal Elementary School for Negroes

McPherson, Harry

MacPherson, Tom

McQuaid, Mary Alice

McWhorter, Diane

Maddox, Lester

Madison, James

Maggie Street Baptist Church

Magna Carta

Maguire, John

Mahayana Buddhism

Mailer, Norman

Malcolm X

assassination of

autobiography of

break with Elijah Muhammad of

as role model for black Americans

Malcolm X Afro-American Society

Mallard, Mattie Ruth

Malone, John

Malone, Vivian

Manchester, William

Mandela, Nelson

Mannes, Marya

Mansfield, Mike

Mantle, Mickey

Mants, Bob

Mao Zedong

Maraniss, David

March Against Fear

highway patrol assault on

leadership debates over

media coverage of

support rally for

as taken up in Meredith's name

voter registration during

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963)

March to the Sea

Marion, Ala.

Marks, Miss.

Marshall, Burke

Marshall, Thurgood

on civil rights demonstrations

confirmation as Solicitor General of

nomination as Solicitor General of

nomination to Supreme Court of

Marshall Field

Marshall Plan

Marshals Service, U.S.

Martha's Vineyard

Martin, Louis

Marx, Charles

Marx, Karl

Marx, Robert J.

Mary Angelica, Sister

Mason, Jimilu

Mason Temple


see also
Boston, Mass.

Mathews, Frank

Mathis, Johnny

Maul, Clara

Maxwell Air Force Base

Mays, Benjamin

Mays, Napoleon

Mays, Timothy

Mead, Margaret

Meany, George


1966 election in Alabama coverage in

antiwar movement in

Black Power coverage in

Bloody Sunday coverage in

Chicago's black owned

coverage of FBI bugging scandal in

coverage of Hayneville shootings by

LBJ relations with

leaks on Vietnam War in

ministers' march to Montgomery coverage in

minority representation in

public hostility reflected in

used by FBI in anti-civil rights movement propaganda

see also specific newspapers and media outlets

Medical Committee for Human Rights


Meet the Press

Mekong River

Mellon, Andrew

Memphis, Tenn.

blame for rioting in

court hearings about redemption march in

MLK's final return to

police clashes with demonstrators in

police presence at demonstration in

police surveillance of MLK in

sanitation strike in

settlement with strikers in

shift from strike to riot in

strain between police and blacks in post-riot

tensions among demonstrators in

turnout for redemption rally in

Memphis Commercial Appeal

Memphis Country Club

Memphis Search for Meaning Committee

Menand, Louis

Mercouri, Melina

Meredith, James

Meredith march,
March Against Fear

Meridian Star

Merrill Lynch

Merry Pranksters

Merton, Thomas

Metcalfe, George

Metropolitan Chicago Leadership Council for Open Housing

Metropolitan Club

Mexican-American War (1848)

Mexico City Summer Games


Miami, Fla.

Miami Dolphins

Michaelis, Arnold

Michaux, Solomon

Michigan, University of

Middlebrook, Harold

Middle East

Miles, Frank

“Milestones on the Road to Freedom in Massachusetts”

Millard, George

Miller, Ben

Miller, David

Miller, Henry

Miller, Orloff

Mills, C. Wright

Mills, Wilbur

Milwaukee Braves

Mingo, Lucy

ministers' attempted march from Selma to Montgomery

compromises sought on

conflict within Episcopalian ranks in

FBI monitoring of

federal preparations for

gathering participants for

media coverage of

MLK's call for

MLK's testimony on

national demonstrations of support for

participant reaction to

political wives as participants in

restraining orders issued against

retreat to church at end of

SNCC role in

state authorities tactics in

Minnis, Jack

Minter, James


MLK's recruitment drive in

Negro voter registration in

Negro voter turn out for 1966 election in

voting reforms in

see also specific counties and towns

Mississippi, University of:

1962 demonstrations at

Rebel Dome of

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)

Mississippi Freedom Summer Project (1964)

Mississippi State University

Mississippi Supreme Court

Missouri Athletic Club

Mitchell, Clarence

Mitchell, Jerry

Mobilization movement

Coretta King at San Francisco demonstration in

D.C. demonstration in

demonstrations at White House of

media coverage in New York demonstration in

in New York

Mobley, Mr.

Model Cities program

Mohl, Arthur

Moldovan, Alfred

Monadnock View Cemetery

Montand, Yves

Montgomery, Ala.

as birthplace of nonviolent movement

bus boycott in

march on courthouse in

sit-ins staged in

SNCC headquarters in

see also
Selma to Montgomery Marches

Montgomery, G. V. “Sonny”

Montgomery Advertiser

Moore, Alice

Moore, Amzie

Moore, Cecil B.

Moore, Cecile

Moore, Harold “Hal”

Moore, Margaret

Moore, O'Neal

Moore, Paul

Moore, Robin

Moore, Thomas,
Rowe, Gary Thomas

Moore, William

Moorer, Mattie Lee

Morehouse College

Morgan, Charles, Jr.

Morgan Guaranty Trust

Morgenstern, Joseph

Morgenthau, Hans

Morris, John B.

Morrison, Ben

Morrison, Christina

Morrison, Emily

Morrison, Norman

Morrisroe, Richard

Morse, Wayne

Morsell, John

Mortimer, John

Morton, Jelly Roll

Morton, Samuel

Moseley, Frederick

Moses, Bob

anti-Vietnam speeches of

Moses, Dona

Motley, Constance Baker

Moton, Leroy

Klan attack on

Mount Hope Baptist Church

Moursund, A. W.

Moyers, Bill

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

at conference on urban ministry

Moynihan Report

on family structure of Negroes

media coverage of

Mt. Carmel Baptist church

Mt. Gillard Missionary Baptist Church

Mt. Moriah Baptist Church

Mt. Nebo Baptist Church

Muhammad, Elijah

Malcolm X's break with

meeting with MLK of

Muhammad's Mosque of Islam No.

Murphy, George

Murphy, Margaretta “Happy”

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