At Canaan's Edge (173 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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support of SNCC antiwar statement from

Bond v. Floyd

Bong Son

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

Bonus Army

“Bonus Expeditionary Force,”

Bonus March

Bookbinder, Hyman

Booker, Simeon

Booth, Paul

Boston, Mass.

divided Negro population in

educational system of

weakness of civil rights movement in

Boston Globe

Boston Unitarians

Boudin, Leonard

Bovet, Daniele

Bowers, Sam

Bowie, “Aunt Ida,”

Boynton, Amelia

Bradley, Omar

Bradley, Tom

Branch, Ben

Branch, Murray

Brand, Oscar

Brando, Marlon

Branton, Wiley

Braveboy, Toby

Bravo Company

Bread and Wine

Brewster, Willie

Brickner, Balfour

Brinkley, David

Broady, Earl

Broca, Paul

Brooke, Edward

Brookins, H. H.

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Brooklyn Dodgers

Brooks, Gwendolyn

Brooks, Paul

Brown, Bailey

Brown, Hubert Rap

Brown, James

Brown, Pat

Brown, Robert McAfee

Brown, Sterling

Brown, Wilson

Brown Chapel AME Church

Browne, Peter

Brownell, Herbert

Brown v. Board of Education

Bruce, David K. E.

Bruce, Lenny

Bruton Parish Episcopal Church

Bryant, Bear


Buckley, Travis

Buckley, William F.

Budapest, reaction to Selma campaign in

Bugas, John

Bunche, Ralph

Bundy, McGeorge

decision to leave government of

growing association between MLK and

as president of Ford Foundation

Bundy, William

Bunker, Ellsworth

Burt, C. B.

Burton, Richard

Burwell Infirmary

Busby, Horace

Bush, George H. W.

Business Week

Butler, Mac Sim

Butler County, Ala.

Buzhardt, Fred

Byrd, Harry

Byrd, Robert

Byron, Marvin

Cabaniss, Johnston, Gardner & Clark

Cabbage, Charles

Cabe, Brig

Cabot, Henry

Café de Champion

Café Society

CALCAV (Clergy and Laity Concerned About Vietnam)

doubts about consistency within

formation of

MLK's participation with

Riverside Church rally of

second Vietnam protest of

Cal Conservatives

Caldwell, Bessie Lee

Calhoun, Fred

Calhoun, John C.

Calhoun, Walter

Califano, Joseph


State Assembly of

California Highway Patrol

Callas, Maria

Calloway, Cab

Calumet Park, Ill.

Calvert, Greg


Cambridge Union Society

Camden, Ala.

Campbell School

Camper, Peter

Cam Ranh Bay

Cannon, Jimmy

Cape Town

Capone, Al

Capote, Truman

Carey, Archibald

Carmichael, May Charles

Carmichael, Stokely

antiwar stance of

black nationalism embraced by

and Black Power

independent party called for by

media coverage of

MLK and

MLK seen as useful by

resignation as head of SNCC by

and SCLC antipoverty campaign

tour of third world countries by

Carnegie Hall

Carpenter, Charles Colcock Jones

Carpenter, Gladys

Carpenter House

Carr, Mrs. Johnnie

Carson, Johnny

Carver Homes

Carver Park, Ill.

Cassell, Garnett

Castillo, Manolto

Castinelli, Deena

Castle, Robert

Castro, Fidel

Cathedral House of St. James Church

Cathedral of St. Philip

Catholic Interracial Council

Catholics, Catholic Church:

Luci Johnson's conversion to

and March to Montgomery

Nostra Aetate
declaration of

in Selma campaign

Catholic Worker movement

Catton, Bruce


CBS Evening News

CBS News

Celler, Emanuel

Centenary Methodist Church

Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions

Central Baptist Church

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Chad Mitchell Trio

Chancellor, John

Chandler, Len

Chandler, Otis

Chaney, James

Chapel AME Zion

Charleston, S.C.

Charleston Literary and Philosophic Society

Chávez, César

Chestnut Bud quilt

Chicago, Ill.

Black Power in

decision ignored in

civil rights movement in

de facto segregation of schools in

divided black population of

education reform in

gang violence in

housing reform in

Jewish emigrants in

Negro media in

Negro population growth in

political machine in

poverty levels in

race nationalized by events in

SCLC decision to go to

SCLC implementation of movement in

seen by MLK as local movement

segregation of housing in

see also
Chicago Freedom Movement

Chicago Area Peace Parade

Chicago Board of Education

Chicago City Council

Chicago Conference on Religion and Race (CCRR)

Chicago Daily News

Chicago Defender

Chicago Freedom Movement

Abernathy's appraisal of

concern over resources for

consideration and planning for

debate over priorities in

doubts about

Chicago Freedom Movement (

housing protests held by

housing trusteeship assumed by

Lafayette's appraisal of

limited political support for

nonviolence training by

optimism for

slum reform and

as undercut by Daley

Chicago Housing Authority

Chicago International Amphitheater

Chicago Jewish Federation

Chicago Mortgage Bankers Association

Chicago Race Riot of 1919

Chicago Real Estate Board

Chicago Theological Seminary

Chicago Tribune

Chicago Urban League

children, in 1963 Birmingham demonstrations

Children of Pride


Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

Chomsky, Noam

Christian, George

Christian Century, The

Christianity and Crisis

Christian Nationalist State Army

Christian Science Monitor

(Augusta, Ga.)

Chrysler Corporation

Church and the New Latin America, The

Church Federation of Greater Chicago

Churchill, Winston

Ciampa, P. J.

Cicero, Ill.

Cody's call for halt to demonstrations in

Jackson's call for action in

Cigarette Labeling Act (1965)

City of St. Jude campsite

civil disobedience

internal SCLC debate on

Civil Rights Act (1964)

enforcement of

Reagan as opposed to

schools' compliance with

state attempts to repeal

Civil Rights Act (1966), defeat of

Civil Rights Act (1969), passage in Senate of

Civil Rights acts

Civil Rights Commission, U.S.

Civil Rights Division

civil rights movement:

draft resistance within

federal properties “occupied” during

gender split in

growing distance between White House and

impact of Powell's fight for congressional seat on

infighting over Vietnam in

Jews as supporters of

leadership struggles within

loss of public attention to

MLK on impact of his own death

1966 defeats for

nonviolence debate within

race as internal issue in

shift of public focus to Vietnam from

wildcat rebellions in Alabama by

Civil Service Commission

Civil War, U.S.

Clarenbach, Kay

Clarence X

Clark, Bill

Clark, Jim

enforcement tactics of

Clark, Kenneth

Clark, Petula

Clark, Ramsey

Clark, Robert G.

Clark, Tom

Clark College Panthers

Clarksdale, Miss.

Clayton, Claude

Clayton, Xernona

Cleaver, Eldridge

Clements, George

Clergy Concerned About Vietnam

Cleveland, M. C.

Cleveland, Ohio

MLK in

off year mayoral election in

trial movement in

voter registration campaign in

Clifford, Clark

Clifford, Marny

Cloud, John

Cobb, Charlie


Cody, John

Coffin, William Sloane

Cohen, Adam

Cohen, Sheldon

Cohen, Wilbur

COINTELPRO (counterintelligence program):

against civil rights movement

against MLK

see also
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Colburn, Larry

Cold War

Cole, Echol

Cole, Thomas

Coleman, Hulda

Coleman, Jesse

Coleman, Tom

trial of

Coley, John

college sports, integration of

Collins, Addie Mae

Collins, Judy

Collins, LeRoy

Colombo, Furio

Colson, David

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