At Canaan's Edge (172 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Aaron, Barbara

Aaron, Henry

Abbott, Robert

ABC News

Abel, I. W.

Abernathy, Juanita

Abernathy, Ralph

on Acapulco retreat

aftermath of Memphis riots and

concern over crowd mood in Memphis and

FBI propaganda campaign against

financial problems of

and MLK's affairs

and MLK's depression

MLK's relations with

personal insecurities of

reaction to MLK assassination of

SNCC conflicts with SCLC mediated by

as speaker for Memphis

as successor to MLK

Abner, Willoughby

Abram, Morris

Abrams, Creighton

Abrams, “Mama Willie,”

Abyssinian Baptist Church

Academy Awards


Acheson, Dean

Adams, Hank

Adams, John

Adams, Samuel

Adam's Fancy

Addams, Jane

Addonizio, Hugh

Adler, Renata



Agassiz, Louis

Agger, Carol

Agricultural Stabilization and

Conservation Service (ASCS), U.S.

Agriculture Department, U.S.

Ahmann, Matthew

Aiken, George

Airlie House


call for commercial boycott of

education reforms in

election laws in

federal election observers in

first racially contested elections in

formation of political parties in

local powers reasserted after marches in

1966 elections in

Alabama (

1966 gubernatorial race in

suspension of literacy tests in

voting reforms in

see also specific counties and towns

Alabama, University of

Alabama Court of Appeals

Alabama Democratic Party

Alabama Human Relations Council

Alabama Journal

Alabama Law

Alabama Lutheran Academy and College

Alabama National Guard

Alabama River

Alabama State Democratic Committee

Alabama State University

Al Aksa Mosque

Al-Amin, Jamil,
Brown, Hubert Rap


Albert, Carl

Albert G. Parrish High School

Aldridge, Bill

Alexander, Clifford

Ali, Muhammad

Alice in Wonderland

Allen, Dorothy

Allen, Ivan

Allen, Louis

All Souls Unitarian Church

All Star Bowling Lanes

Almond, J. Lindsay

Alsop, Joseph

Americal Division

Americana Hotel

American Bar Association

American Church of Paris

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Communist Party

American Dilemma, An

American Express

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

American Friends Service Committee

American Jewish Committee

American Legion of Boston

American Medical Association

American Nazi Party

American Political Traditions

Americus, Ga.

Amerson, Lucius

Amsterdam News,
switch to “black” as term used by

Anderson, Glenn

Anderson, Jack

Anderson, L. L.

Anderson, Minnie B.

Anderson, Morris

Anderson, Wallace “Mad Bear,”

Andreotta, Glenn

Andrews Air Force Base

Andy Griffith Show, The

Angell Hall

An Khe

Anshe Kneseth Israel synagogue

Antioch Baptist Church

Antioch College

antiwar movement

Bond's public support of

civil rights movement overshadowed by

draft protests in

impact of Six Day War on

Jews in

LBJ's encouragement of harassment of

on LBJ's trip abroad

protests at White House by

psychology of protest in

split between McCarthy and RFK in

“teach-in” protests in

women in

see also
CALCAV; Mobilization movement

Antona, Sister

A. Philip Randolph Institute

Appalachian Regional Development Act

Apple, R. W.

Appy, Christian

Arendt, Hannah

Arlington National Cemetery, CALCAV services planned at

Armstrong, Louis

Army, U.S.

Ashbrook, John

Assembly of Unrepresented People

Associated Press (AP)

Astor Hotel

Atlanta, Ga.

MLK funeral in

race riots in

Atlanta Compromise of 1895

Atlanta Constitution

Atlanta Falcons

Atlanta Journal and Constitution

Atlanta University

Atlantic Charter

Attucks, Crispus

Auburn University

Augustine, Saint


Autobiography of Malcolm X, The
(Malcolm X)

Avants, Ernest

Avery, Annie Pearl

Avis Corporation

Ayers, Thomas G.

Bacall, Lauren

Bache & Company

Baez, Joan

Bailey, Joyce

Bailey, Lorene

Bailey, Melvin

Bailey, Walter

Baker, Bobby

Baker, Ella

Baker, Wilson

Baldwin, James

Ball, George

Ball, Lucille

“Ballad of the Green Berets, The” (Sadler)

Ballantine publishers

Baltimore Afro-American

Baltimore Orioles

Baltimore Sun

Bank of Sweden

Banks, Dennis

Baptist Hospital

Baptists, Baptist Church:

internal conflicts within

multiracial worship as issue in

see also specific congregations

Barko, James M.

Barlow, Profit

Baroni, Geno

Barry, Marion

Barth, Ann

Barth, Karl

Basie, Count

Basilica of St. Peter

Bataan Death March

Bates, Clayton “Peg Leg,”

“Battle Hymn of the Republic,”

Batts, Mary

Baxter, William

Bayh, Birch

Bay of Pigs

Bean, Robert


Beatty, Ross

Beck, Charles

Beck, Frank

Beckwith, Byron “Delay,”

Beifuss, Joan

Belafonte, Harry

Belafonte, Julie

Bell, Ezekiel

Bell, Griffin

Bellamy, Fay

Bell Flower Baptist Church

Belmont, Alan

Bender, John

Ben-Gurion, David

Ben Moore Hotel

Bennett, Harold G.

Bennett, John

Bennett, Lerone

Bennett, Polly

Bennett, Tony

Berkeley, University of California at

Berkeley Free Speech Movement

Berkeley riots

Berlin Wall

“Berlin Wall” (Selma, Ala.)

Bernstein, Leonard

Berrigan, Daniel

Berry, Edwin “Bill,”

Bethany Baptist Church

Bethlehem Christian Church

Beulah Baptist Church

Bevel, Diana Nash

Bevel, James

commercial boycott of Alabama called for by

confrontation with MLK of

on future of nonviolence

marital breakup of

mental health of

MLK's Jamaica retreat interrupted by

rivalry with H. Williams of

on Vietnam

“Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged,”

Birmingham, Ala.

church bombing in

1963 demonstrations in

registration rallies in

voter registration in

Birmingham News

Black, Bob

Black, Earl

Black, Fred

Black, Merle

Black, Timuel

Blackburn, Charles

Black Organizing Project

Black Panthers

Black Power

Carmichael and

in Chicago

growth in popularity in

media coverage of

MLK on

nonviolence menaced by

seen as independent of white backlash by MLK

SNCC overshadowed by

Black Power, White Backlash

Black Reconstruction in America

Black's Law Dictionary

Black Sox scandal

Blackstone Rangers

“Black Tuesday” crash of 1929

Black United Front

Blackwell, Randolph

Blackwell, Unita


Blanchard, Jerred

Bliss, Ray

Bloody Sunday

fallout from

FBI role in

federal response to

gathering participants for

media coverage of

MLK's commitment to

MLK's concerns about

MLK's public statements on

MLK's tribute to

participant preparations for

public reaction to

SCLC preparation for

SNCC's official disapproval of

state authorities' preparations for

“Bloody Tuesday,”

Bloomer, Amelia Jenks


Bloomington Tribune

Blue, Willie

Blue Angel

Blue Hill Christian Center

Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich

Boas, Franz

Bogalusa, La.

Bogart, Humphrey

Boggs, Hale

Bohlen, Charles “Chip,”

Bolden, Willie

Bolton, Frances

Bond, Ebenezer

Bond, Horace Mann

Bond, Julian

federal lawsuit of

Georgia House refusal to seat

hives as sign of stress in

march in support of

political campaign of

second run for House seat by

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