[Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival

BOOK: [Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival
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An Ellora’s Cave publication written by



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© Copyright Jordan Summers, 2003.


All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave.

Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc. USA

Ellora's Cave Ltd, UK


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Edited by
Jennifer Martin

Cover Art by
Christine Clavel




The following material contains strong sexual content meant for mature readers. ATLANTEAN’S QUEST 1: THE ARRIVALhas been rated NC17, erotic, by three individual reviewers. We strongly suggest storing this electronic file in a place where young readers not meant to view this ebook are unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…



To Si:


Thank you for being everything that I never knew I wanted.








How do you thank your parents? You don’t. I love you Mom and Dad & Mum and Dad. ‘T’ thanks for being a great sister. And to the better half of T-n-T thanks for all the laughs you’ve brought to my life. And finally, last but not least, I’d like to thank Jen for all her hard work and dedication.



The jungle air was thick and repressive, palpable to the taste. Like a living entity it vibrated and pulsed with an energy all its own. Animal cries rang out as predator met prey in a violent exchange that played out night after night.

A small pot set in a clearing boiled with pungent herbs and the flesh of the mighty anaconda. Steam hissed, thick fumes of smoke bellowed, wood burned, popping as each piece of kindling was snatched up by the ravenous flame.

The woman, known as Ariel the seer, stood over the crackling fire stirring the contents of the pot. Visible through the sheer material of her earthen skirt, firm muscles in her lithe legs strained. Sweat beaded her delicate brow.

With each swirling pass of the spoon, Ariel’s ample breasts bobbed. Rose-colored nipples marbled from exposure to the warm night air, begging to be caressed and suckled. Long blonde hair fell in loose waves around her trim waist and over her rounded hips. Her aqua gaze fell trancelike upon the brew in search of the elusive vision.

Eros stood to the side of the seer, his massive arms crossed over his wide hairless chest, expanding his biceps to inhuman proportions. He’d braided his blond hair in the ceremonial custom of his people, divided into two plaits that fell to the small of his back. His breathing was even, despite the nervous energy coursing through his muscle-corded body, as he waited for the seer’s vision to form.

Ariel gestured for Eros to come forward.
Tonight the medicine must be stronger. I need your seed to add to the brew.

The words came into his head on a whisper. Such was the way of Atlantean communication.
Eros untied his loincloth, allowing it to fall away from his trim waist and thick thighs.

The night air taunted like a dream-lover’s caress, promising much, delivering little. A faint breeze spilled over his rod, rustling the crisp curls that grew at the base. He reached down to take himself in hand, but the seer stopped his movement with a light touch of her fingertips.

I must be the one who brings your seed forth this night, for the ritual to be complete

Eros nodded and dropped his hands to his sides. The seer stepped forward and cupped his heavy sac in her soft palms, transferring his weight back and forth until balance was achieved. Her gentle touch brought forth the desired results. His staff hardened, lengthening to its full ten inches within seconds.

At once, she slipped to her knees impaling her mouth with his throbbing cock. Her lips were hot, moist, made for giving pleasure. He sucked in a breath, but said nothing. Ariel began swirling her tongue around the head of his staff, like she’d done so many times before when he’d sought relief. Her hands gently massaged his balls, supping at him as if he were her first meal after a long starvation.

Eros gave his body up to the pleasurable sensation and closed his eyes, imagining what it would feel like to thrust into his future mate. Like a siren of the sea, the warmth of the seer’s mouth urged, beckoned, and lured the seed from him. He felt his sac draw up as Ariel added pressure and switched to sucking, sliding her hand up and down his thick cock.

As he started to ejaculate, Ariel pulled away, ensuring he spilled his essence into the strange mixture bubbling within the pot. Eros jerked as the last of his fluids were milked from his body.

Ariel returned to the pot and stirred a couple more times. Her eyes intense, focused, waiting.

Excitement filled her mind, spilling over into Eros.
She comes, my King.
Her arrival heralds the new dawn of our people.

Eros lowered his gaze in respect
Are you certain?
He normally never questioned the seer, yet tonight he had no choice. Her vision must be true.

For his sake. For the sake of his people.

Ariel hesitated, clearing the smoke from around the gurgling pot with a wave of her slender hand. ‘
Tis true. She will arrive within seven moonrises. ‘Tis more than enough time to bring her here and perform the mating ritual. Remember, you must not join with her until the ceremony has been completed.

he answered silently

She stilled, her eyes widened a bit and her breath caught.
You must use caution, for she does not travel alone.

Eros stiffened, rage coursing through his body.
Do you see her with a mate

The seer’s mouth held the trace of a smile. His heart pounded painfully against his ribcage. It should not matter to him whether the woman had chosen a mate, but the ice forming in his veins said it did.

Ariel shook her head.
But she is in danger from one who is very near

His stomach clenched. His hands fisted so tight he half expected to hear bones breaking.
I will not allow any harm to come to her.

Eros raised his head to the heavens. After all the waiting, his mate was finally coming. He had almost given up hope. But tonight Ariel had seen her. He could barely believe his good fortune.

Soon, he too would lay eyes on his future mate. Until then, there was much to do.

All is as it should be.
Eros looked into the seer’s face and nodded.
You have done your part, now ‘tis time for me to do mine. Be well, Ariel the seer.
He dropped to his knees before her, kissing each bare nipple reverently as was custom, then rose and slipped into the darkness.

Be well, my King

* * * * *

Rachel was back in the jungle—naked. Monkeys chattered and parrots screeched as she lay on a soft bed of grass in the small clearing. The blades tickled her bottom and stroked her shoulders as a breeze gently rustled them. Water gurgled and splashed playfully in the background, calling out for those around to join in its merriment. She considered answering its call, but she couldn’t seem to sit up. The smell of exotic orchids wafted on the breeze, perfuming the air, bathing her skin with their luscious scent.

Suddenly all sound stopped. Even the leaves refused to whisper.

Rachel’s heart began to pound, a combination of excitement and fear. Her rosy nipples stabbed skyward.

He was here.

Silent footfalls heralded his approach. Shadows from the trees shifted like a mirage as he strode toward her. Flawlessly muscled, his body chiseled perfection.

Rachel gasped and tried to get a glimpse of his face, but before she could do so, a strange shadowy light filtered over him obscuring his features.

She knew she should scream, but the sight of this stranger’s body and his mammoth cock made her mouth water, her legs tremble, and her pussy ache.

It had been far too long since she’d had a man, and she
this one, more than she wanted her next breath. She raised her arms to reach for him, but he pulled back.

Rachel cursed.

The man kneeled between her thighs and pressed them apart, exposing her pussy. The shadows around his face refused to budge. He lowered his head and lapped at her swollen folds. Every nerve ending came alive, as his seeking tongue sent shockwaves through her body. She was already wet. A thin sheen of perspiration broke out on her skin, her nipples puckered even tighter until they ached. Rachel moaned, low and deep—animal-like.

Fuck me, please
, she begged in her mind as she attempted to shift her hips.

He did not answer.

She heard his labored breath as he rose and positioned the head of his great cock at her entrance. He smelled of earth, spice and sex incarnate. A heady human aphrodisiac of male testosterone and primal urges. Rachel bucked her hips, nudging, encouraging, and pleading for his thick length. Didn’t he realize how much she needed him?

He groaned. His large frame shook as if grasping for control.

She felt the pain-pressure as he started to push the tip of his thick erection inside, stretching her body beyond its limits. The moisture from her channel eased his way. Rachel whimpered, trying to find the words to ask for what she needed, but before a single syllable was uttered he vanished.

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