Read [Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
Rachel tried to talk, but all that came out was a strangled cough. She needed water. She had no idea where he was taking her, but prayed the basket was sturdier than it looked.
The basket creaked and swayed under their weight. The vine holding it precariously in the air looked well worn. Rachel could see through cracks in the woven floor, the ground growing further and further away. Her heart began to pound and her palms started to sweat.
How high was this thing going to go?
The contraption continued to climb to the tops of the trees.
Breathe, just remember to breathe.
Rachel stared at the branches, trying to focus on the outstretched limbs. The thick growth swayed in the breeze, camouflaging several huts. She tried to ignore the frightening noises the conveyance made as she imagined her and the golden god plunging to their deaths.
The basket stopped with a jerk. Her heart dropped to her knees. The giant stepped out and then reached down to help her. His strong arms enveloped her, bringing her nose within two inches of his wide Adonis-like chest. His skin was soft and damp from the long run. She watched a stray bead of sweat make its way down his neck, between the flat disk-like nipples, over his taut abdomen, before disappearing under his loincloth.
Rachel inhaled.
Lucky droplet
His musky male fragrance sent her senses into overdrive. She had an uncontrollable urge to taste him, to run her tongue along his chest and lap up his salty essence.
He pulled her forward, snapping her out of her carnal thoughts.
Rachel shook her head. She’d heard that sometimes when people were in stressful situations they found themselves developing feelings for the people that put them there.
It must be Stockholm Syndrome
Rachel took one shaky step onto a wooden platform, and then looked down.
Big mistake.
They were up about sixty feet off the ground and she’d always been afraid of heights. She lunged for the giant, wrapping her small body around his waist, clinging to him for all she was worth.
He threw his head back and laughed. A loud billowy sound that made his non-existent belly shake against her straining arms. The deep baritone sent delicious shivers up her spine.
Eros looked down into the face of his petite woman. She tried hard to hide her fear, but her wide-eyed expression gave her away. He watched her as they reached the tops of the trees. Her small body quaked, even after she had thrown herself into his arms.
He longed to continue to hold her, to alleviate her fears, but the start of the ceremony had to be completed first. So Eros reluctantly pulled her tiny body away and led her to his hut. She had to enter willingly or the ceremony would be stopped before it could begin.
Eros pushed aside the sable-colored hide that covered the entrance to his hut. He entered and lowered his head. He offered all that he had, all that he was, to this enticing little woman. He’d give her his life if she asked for it. Eros would do anything and everything in his power to make her happy, if only she’d accept his nonverbal invitation.
Rachel stood outside the door. The giant stepped through the doorway, but hadn’t tried to force her to join him. He waited patiently inside the hut, his eyes downcast. His face unreadable, but her gut said this moment was important to him.
She debated whether to enter. Different tribes had different customs. Sometimes actions even as innocent as stepping over a threshold made you married in the eyes of a tribe. Rachel looked over her shoulder at the drop behind her, and realized she didn’t have a choice. She wasn’t getting down that way.
With that thought, Rachel took a step forward.
His gaze shot up and he smiled, nodding his head in approval. His muscles visibly relaxed and he expelled the breath she hadn’t noticed he’d been holding.
Suddenly she felt as if her fate had been sealed. Her gut clenched as panic crept into her body. There were no bars on the windows or solid doors, but she was as trapped as any prisoner could be. She had to breathe. Relax and breathe.
There had to be a way out of this situation. Rachel ran her hands through her tangled hair, catching each knot with her fingers, before slapping her palms onto her thighs. Her fingers nicked the phone.
Careful not to draw his attention, she wiped her hands nervously along her pants. She glanced around the hut. The walls were thatched, as was the roof, intricately woven with patterns that added a subtle Celtic-like design. Random beams of fading sunlight danced through the slotted windows, illuminating the tiny yet comfortable room. Hides of various shades were thrown on the wood floor, so many in fact that they reached close to eight inches high.
This is where he sleeps.
The thought burned in her mind.
Rachel blushed and shot him a sideways glance, but he didn’t flinch. He just watched her closely as she assessed the hut, as if waiting to see her reaction.
“It’s nice,” she croaked and nodded, looking around some more.
There was a bucket carved out of a tree stump in the corner, containing some kind of liquid. The giant grunted again and pointed to it, motioning for her to drink. Rachel walked to the corner and leaned over the bucket.
She sniffed a couple times, but smelled nothing. She didn’t think he would try to poison her, but she wasn’t sure what tribe she was dealing with. They didn’t fit any of her research data.
Her raw throat throbbed with thirst. Rachel dipped a finger in and found the liquid surprisingly cool, like it had been refrigerated. That would have been no small feat considering the outside temperature.
She cupped her hands together in the liquid and lifted the wetness to her mouth. Her parched throat made it painful to swallow. Rachel turned to the man and smiled, wiping water droplets from her chin with the back of her hand.
He returned her smile and Rachel’s heart sped.
She took a couple more drinks, soothing her dryness, then turned to face the giant. She’d drink more water in a few minutes, once she was sure the liquid would stay down. It was time to find out who these people were and explain to them why she needed to get out of here.
“My name is Dr. Rachel Evans,” she said in the most common local dialect.
He stared at her as if she hadn’t spoken. She tried eleven more regional languages before giving up. If he didn’t speak any of the area dialects, then what language did he speak? Was he part of the mysterious lost tribe the native guides had spoken of?
She must be missing something. Perplexed, she walked the short distance to the hides and plopped down upon them. They were soft, welcoming, and surprisingly comfortable against her aching limbs. Exhausted from the long trek, she longed to stretch out and fall asleep.
Closing her eyes, she grabbed fistfuls of the fur, luxuriating in the down-like texture. Absently, Rachel wondered what they’d feel like against her naked skin.
She would slide the furs over her body, caressing her inner thighs until gooseflesh rose. She’d brush the thick blanket of hair along the edge of her nipples causing them to pucker in arousal.
Her breathing deepened, as her fingers kneaded the furs. Her mind turned to the dreams she’d been having in New York. They’d been so erotic, illicit—tantalizing like the man who’d brought her here. Rachel swallowed as she pictured his body against the furs. Hopefully before she left here she’d get the chance to see the real thing.
* * * * *
Eros watched Rachel examine his hut. He wanted her to like it, for it was her home now. Under veiled lashes he followed her movements as she drank from the water bucket, her pink tongue darting out to capture every last drop. He almost groaned aloud as he thought of all the ways he could put that tongue to use.
Guilt slashed at him. He should have stopped earlier and tended to her needs. His only thoughts had been to get her as far away from the group as possible.
And now she was here. The relief Eros felt was palpable. For a moment he had thought she would refuse to enter.
That she would refuse him.
His heart had quaked. The tension coiled tight, waiting to spring from his chest. He didn’t think he could bear a moment more of the pressure. Then she’d stepped forward, over the threshold, and their destinies became intertwined.
Eros had blown out a shuddering breath. The first step completed. He could now go to the seer to find out who would be put in charge of readying his woman.
His jaw clenched at the thought. He did not like the new sensations that came from being around Rachel. Jealousy, the strongest and most violent emotion, was one he could have done without.
Eros watched her walk to his bed and sit on the furs. She stretched out as if she’d been there a thousand times before. Her delicate fingers grasped the furs. Her head was thrown back with her eyes closed, Eros imagined much like she would be in the throes of passion.
The expression on her face turned from one of exhaustion to desire within seconds. She continued to rub the furs against her hands, her restless body shifting slightly. Every part of Eros’s body stood erect.
In his mind he saw his woman bare against the hides. Her rose colored nipples extended, the dewy thatch of curls in full view, as she spread her creamy thighs wide awaiting his shaft’s arrival. Just like she’d been the night he’d visited her in her tent.
He grunted as his cock strained under his loincloth, searching for release. Eros reined in all of his control as he fought against his base nature. He labored to breathe and sweat broke across his brow.
The giant’s grunt sounded strangled. It instantly brought her out of her musings. Rachel had forgotten that she wasn’t alone. Her face felt warm, almost feverish, as her eyes sought his. His liquid gaze widened almost imperceptibly.
She glanced down at the furs, then back up into his face. The look he shot her was telling. He didn’t need to say a word for her to know exactly what he was thinking.
Rachel flushed, her body tingling with awareness. She sprang off the bed as if it were on fire. Her tired muscles ached. Her traitorous mind tormented her with images of their writhing bodies, and she couldn’t seem to stop her heart from racing.
His body shook and she could tell he fought for control. Need oozed from his every pore. He turned with effort and walked out the door, leaving her alone in the hut.
Rachel followed his retreating back until he’d disappeared. She had to get out of here. It was too dangerous for her to remain in this man’s presence. He had her thinking insane thoughts.
She looked around the hut once more, not knowing how long it would be until he returned. Her body screamed for rest, but her mind wouldn’t allow it.
Instead she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her cell phone, her one and only lifeline to the outside world. She didn’t know how long she had before he returned, so she punched in the numbers, determined to make this a quick call. She raised the receiver to her ear, getting an earful of static instead of a dial tone.
Jac would be worried sick once she got Rachel’s earlier message. She had to reach her friend, to tell Jac she was all right. But how?
Rachel pushed the off button on the cell phone. She’d try again tomorrow, if she got the chance, but for now she had to find a safe place to stash the phone. Her eyes fell on the thick pad of hides.
Rachel smiled and shoved the cell underneath. Hopefully the giant wouldn’t sleep like the princess and the pea. She prayed he was like most men. If he were, then it would take weeks, if not months for him to find her phone. Not that she had to worry. She’d be out of here in a day or two.
With the GPS, Jac would be able to locate her general area and send in the Marines. Knowing Jac, that would mean she would come herself with a handful of armed men. Rachel bit her lip.
Heaven help the tribe if Jac has to come down to this jungle.
Chapter Eight
Eros swung from the edge of his hut to the seer’s home, using one of the many vines lying snake-like amongst the branches. His cock ached and his palms itched to touch his woman.
She knew not the temptation she presented him. The mating ceremony must be performed before he could join with her, binding her to him completely. Two moons to go and the stars would be in alignment. He wasn’t sure he’d survive ’til then. Ares stepped from the jungle, blocking his path.
“What ails you, my King?” Ares fought to hide a smile.
Eros groaned. “You know what ails me.” His eyes narrowed and he shifted, unable to find comfort in the loincloth. “Wait until you encounter your mate, then we’ll see who is laughing.”
“My mate will surrender to the claiming and that will be the end of it.” Ares nodded, certainty gleaming in his jade eyes.
Eros shook his head and smiled. “Just wait. The mighty Ares shall fall…hard. Have you found any trace of the red-devil?”
“No.” Ares’s jaw clenched. “But I’m not finished searching yet. Be well, my King.” Ares clapped his hand on Eros’s shoulder, then departed.
Eros reached the seer’s door and psychically requested to enter, by raising his palm to the fur until it began to glow. Ariel raised the hide blocking her entrance and welcomed him inside.
Ariel smiled and nodded as she glanced at his loincloth.
I see your woman already affects you.
Ariel’s blonde curls hung past her waist, outlining her broad hips. She wore a traditional Atlantean outfit. Phosphorescent blue fabric draped low across her abdomen, highlighting her aqua eyes and displaying the top of her fleshy, hairless mound. Her breasts were full, plump and ripe as the richest melons.
I don’t know if I can last until the ceremony
, Eros lashed out psychically.
Stop yelling in my mind. You will wait, as all the males of our people have done before you
What about Ares?
The seer’s brows furrowed
. He is a different matter. Ares is one of us, but unusual. The bloodlines of his people have strict rules about taming their mates that he must follow. ’Tis not for us to interfere.