Read [Atlantean's Quest 01] The Arrival Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
The flashlight Donald held gave him a freakish yellow overtone. His knuckles were white from the pressure he applied to the handle. He clenched his jaw, gnashing his teeth together like a rabid dog. His eyes burned with unchecked fury.
Rachel put her hands on her hips and glared at him.
“What’s the matter, Professor? Cat got your tongue?”
Donald stilled. His features went flat until there was no emotion visible. Rachel knew better than to poke a snake with a stick, but she continued to goad the Professor anyhow. She no longer owed him anything. His gaze zeroed in on her, pinning her in place. The hatred she saw in those depths frightened her.
Rachel swallowed hard. Maybe she hadn’t thought this plan through well enough. She stood her ground, even though every fiber of her being screamed at her to run. The air pressed in around them. She fumbled for the gun at her back, unable to grasp the handle in time.
In a flash he drew a weapon from its holster. Rachel found herself staring down the barrel of a pistol in disbelief.
Her own pistol
the one the Professor had found down by the water.
Donald shouted to the men to vacate the area, and in seconds she and the Professor were alone.
The air rushed from her lungs, muscles in her chest constricted so tight she feared they’d stop her heart from beating. Rachel took another step back. Donald meant to kill her without witnesses. She raised her hands as if to surrender, praying that the Professor would get distracted long enough for her to be able to reach and pull the gun from the small of her back.
“All I want to do is get back home to New York,” she sputtered and choked. “Can’t we work something out?”
“It’s too late for that, Dr. Evans.”
Rachel’s fingers trembled as she pointed to the gun in his hand. “It’s never too late, as long as you don’t pull that trigger.”
“Oh, but it is. You see I have no plans to go to jail.”
“What about the men?”
“They will have to meet with a tragic demise. Accidents occur everyday in the jungle. Such is life.” He wagged the gun in the air. “Perhaps I’ll tell the authorities you went crazy and shot several of the guides.”
“You’re going to kill every one of them?” Rachel shook her head in denial. “You’re mad.” She put her hands in front of her, as if that would block the oncoming bullet.
“Maybe so, but you’re still going to die. The beauty of it is, and I’m sure you’ll agree, I will use your gun.” Donald licked his chapped lips as if salivating at the prospect of killing her.
“But I…I’ve made an incredible discovery.” Rachel dropped one hand to the pocket that held the piercing instrument.
His brow arched. “What
of discovery?” His gaze followed her movements, giving Rachel no opportunity to reach her weapon.
She lowered her other hand, once she realized he’d taken the bait. She rubbed her palms along her pants, trying to wipe away some of the nervous perspiration. “Like the leaf, but better. This one will make us famous.”
Donald kept the pistol pointed at her, but Rachel could see curiosity sparking in his eyes. He was weighing her words, trying to figure out if she was bluffing. Finally he lowered the weapon.
I should just take the instrument out and show him.
“What have you discovered?” The gun was still in his hand, he hadn’t bothered returning it to its holster. “This better be good Doctor. Your life depends on it.” He shook the barrel at her, gesturing for her to continue.
Rachel stomach turned. She wondered what would become of Eros once the Professor reached the village. She didn’t want Donald destroying her discovery, but at the same time, this was the only card left she could play to save her own life.
Hopefully Eros would understand. Rachel knew her giant wouldn’t stand idly by and let the outside world intrude on his people. He’d go down fighting.
Rachel swallowed hard, trying to get the lump forming in her throat to disappear. She blinked back tears. It didn’t bear thinking about. Rachel couldn’t go through with this. She couldn’t do that to Eros…
Rachel thought of the dreams she’d had while in New York.
Maybe I always have
. With that revelation came a deeper understanding. She’d never give up Eros’s people. She’d die first.
“Nothing!” Rachel couldn’t believe the word had left her mouth. But there it was floating in the air between them. She moved her hands away from her pockets.
“Nothing?” he raged.
“I found nothing,” she ground out, with a fierce determination she hadn’t known existed within her. Rachel would rather die than see the Professor lay his grubby hands on Eros’s people.
Donald raised the gun and leveled the sites. Rachel closed her eyes, not wanting to see the bullet coming, but opened them quickly when she heard the Professor chuckle. The night quieted, stifled by the tension crackling between them.
Defiant, Rachel focused on the Professor. Bile rose up in her throat as she realized he would be the last sight she’d see before meeting her death. She closed her eyes again and pictured Eros.
Donald cocked the gun and fired. The
sound seemed far away in Rachel’s mind, like a distant crack of thunder heralding a storm. Her eyes flew open and she braced, waiting for the bullet’s impact. Yet she felt no pain. Had he missed? Rachel wasn’t going to wait to find out. Her hand automatically reached for the Glock. With trembling fingers she pulled it free and aimed at the Professor. One minute Donald stood before her, the next he was rolling on the ground holding his head. Had she fired? She didn’t remember pulling the trigger. Her limbs were trembling so badly she wasn’t sure.
In the next instant, the gun was wrenched from her hands and the jungle floor was gone. Rachel found herself swooped up and flying through the air, wrapped in a pair of strong arms, against a warm muscled body.
Rachel looked down then squeezed her lids shut.
“Look at me.” The request came as a calm whisper amidst the turmoil.
She dared to open her eyes. Eros looked into her face, his fear for her plainly written across his chiseled features. Tears sprang to her eyes. He squeezed her tighter. He smelled woodsy and fresh.
“Is he dead?”
His jaw clenched. “No. The blow I sent him was only enough to keep him from killing you. It happened too fast for my aim to be lethal.” His arm tightened around her.
Rachel shuddered. She hadn’t meant to frighten him. She just wanted to go home.
Why did it have to feel so right being in his arms
She held him tight around his waist as he caught lianas vine after vine. The speed at which they were moving was blinding. They reached the village in record time. He swung up in front of his hut door, his feet making no sound on the tree limb. He pushed aside the hide and stepped over the threshold without releasing her.
Eros walked over to the furs on the floor and carefully laid Rachel upon them. With trembling fingers, he brushed back her hair, his touch gentle as he examined her. His face glowed with a warmth and tenderness that made Rachel’s heart ache.
He loved her, too
The stunning realization scared Rachel spitless.
What was she going to do? She couldn’t stay here,
could she
No, no definitely not. She had an apartment back in New York.
You’ve got one room,
the little voice said
She had her job.
Not when the Professor gets done with his smear campaign. Hell, that’s if he let’s me live long enough to see the museum again.
Friends. She’d miss Jac and Brigit.
She had to go back, if only to see those she loved again. Her eyes were drawn to a streak of red on Eros’s arm. He’d been shot. The bullet meant for her had struck him.
Rachel’s stomach dropped. “Oh, my god. Are you all right?” She grabbed the remnants of her tattered shirt and dabbed at the wound.
Eros stilled her hand, his eyes meeting hers. “I’m well, my Queen.” His hand began to glow and the injury disappeared.
“Sleep, one whose mind is active like the monkeys. We’ll discuss it tomorrow,” Eros murmured, his voice low and soothing. “You showed braveness tonight worthy of a Queen.” He stripped his loincloth off and stood before Rachel as naked as the day he came into this world.
was the only word that came to mind as she gazed upon him at length. He leaned over and removed her outfit, like a patient father getting a child ready for bed. Soon they were both naked.
Rachel held her breath, but he didn’t make a move. For a moment, she felt disappointed.
Why hadn’t he tried anything?
Eros lowered his body onto the furs beside her and covered his eyes with his arms. She turned on her side to look upon him. Deep lines were etched in his face from worry and exhaustion. He smelled musky and sweet, sexy and hot, devastatingly male.
Soon his breathing deepened and Rachel realized he’d fallen asleep. She listened for several minutes to the sound of his breathing, barely able to keep her eyes open. There was something about the man that made her insides squishy, made her consider childish things like fairytales and happy endings.
Would they have a happy ending? Was there really such a thing?
Not likely.
Sooner or later reality always set in. One or more of the people in a relationship got bored and strayed. That was just the way it was in the real world.
“Rest, my Queen. Ponder our future in the morning.” His voice sleepy, but strong, lulled her into a comfortable slumber.
Chapter Eleven
Rachel woke, curled into warmth that equaled a furnace. She snuggled closer, her butt finding a perfect fit against a hard, throbbing cock. Rachel’s eyes flew open and she froze, afraid to move a muscle. The thick rod pulsed against her ass. Eros had one arm thrown over her, holding her body in place, and his thigh had somehow managed to weave its way between her legs.
He shifted and his muscled thigh brushed her clit, sending tingles spiraling over her skin like a thousand tiny butterflies caressing her. Rachel shuddered. Her body came alive instantly. She bit down on her lip to keep from moaning aloud. Eros moved again, this time slightly up and across. Her breathing caught and her pussy drenched.
“I see you’re awake, my Queen,” he purred. His penetrating baritone seeped over her, going straight to her quivering nipples.
Rachel blushed. Fighting her body’s need she tried to pull away from him to no avail. It was like trying to escape a vise.
“Do you not wish me to pleasure you?” The promise his voice held set her blood on fire.
“I…a…” Rachel’s mind refused to function. Eros had raised his leg higher. Her pussy now fully rode his thigh. She groaned, closing her eyes.
“I thought so.”
Rachel knew without looking that he had a smug smile planted on his face.
He started a slow pulse up and down. He placed his hands upon her hips and moved her back and forth at the same time. The sensation was pure torture. Rachel threw her hips back and clamped her legs tighter around his thigh, riding in reckless abandon. Pressure built inside her, fanning out. Her pussy throbbed as it made contact with taut muscles. He firmly pressed her down, grinding her clit.
Rachel’s orgasm hit strong, knocking the breath from her lungs.
Trembling, she collapsed back against Eros’s broad chest. He slid his fingers around to play in her wetness, then stroked up until he reached her pierced nipples. He stuck a finger in each loop and pulled ever so slightly, the sensation sending another shudder through her.
Eros lifted her off his leg and gently laid her on her back. He pressed his body to hers, nipple-to-nipple, thigh-to-thigh, cunt-to-cock. His eyes locked with Rachel’s, as if waiting to see if she’d accept him.
Rachel exploded with need. She wanted Eros inside her now. Buried to the hilt. Fucking her mindless. Her hips rotated in encouragement, tilting her wet channel to ease his entrance. He stilled her movements. “Soon,” he muttered before capturing her mouth in a heated kiss. His lips explored hers, nibbling and caressing. His tongue plunged then retreated.
Eros broke the embrace. He clenched his jaw and dropped his head forward until his forehead rested upon Rachel’s. Sweat beaded his brow and the lines on his face looked strained. He closed his eyes and thrust against her once, his breath coming in warm pants against her cheek. Rachel felt the slide of the satiny hardness against her pussy. Her mind locked, refusing to function. She needed this man inside her now. Eros slid down her body quickly as if to avoid further temptation. Rachel groaned. He spread her thighs apart with his broad shoulders, opening her wide. She glanced down. Her pussy lips were swollen and engorged. The sight of him between her legs was beyond erotic. Her breath caught in her lungs, as he rolled his tongue seductively.
Eros plunged into her cunt with his serpent-like tongue, lapping at her, swirling around, repeatedly driving in deeper and deeper, until her body convulsed with a second blinding orgasm. Rachel sunk her fingers into his silky hair, drawing him nearer.
Rachel screamed, her body all but jackknifing off the bed. Her thighs clamped around his head. Her mind shattered into a billion fragments of light. Never in her life had she ever experienced this level of pleasure. Her pussy pulsed and throbbed. Her skin flushed, while her nipples stabbed skyward. She could feel the ripples vibrating out, spilling through her senses as wave after wave rocked her.
Only with Eros
Eros licked Rachel’s juices from his chin, like a hungry predator savoring his prey. She tasted sweet and tangy, like the camu camu fruit. Her musk surrounded him, drowning his senses. He could easily feed on her pussy for an eternity. His cock ached from staving off his orgasm. One more day to go and the mating ceremony would take place. He hoped by tomorrow he’d be able to convince her to accept him in her heart, as well as her bed. Her verbal proclamation of love remained essential to a successful union.