Attention All Passengers (33 page)

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Authors: William J. McGee

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U.S. Government Sources

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———, “Progress Made in Systematic Planning to Guide Key Investment Decisions, but More Work Remains,” February 13, 2007.

———, “Progress Report on Implementation of Mission and Management Functions,” August 2007.

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———, “Efforts to Validate TSA's Passenger Screening Behavior Detection Program Under Way, but Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Validation and Address Operational Challenges,” May 2010.

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The White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security, “Final Report of the Gore Commission on Aviation Safety and Security,” February 12, 1997.


McGee, Bill, “On the Road/Behind the Screen” travel column,, 2003–2011 (numerous).

McGee, William J.,
Air Transport World
, 1990–1997 (numerous).

Condé Nast Traveler
, 2003–2009 (numerous).

———, “Case Closed?”
Condé Nast Traveler
, January 2005.

Consumer Reports
, 2000–2011 (numerous).

———,“An Accident Waiting to Happen?”
Consumer Reports
, March 2007.

———, “Air Security: Why You're Not as Safe as You Think,”
Consumer Reports
, February 2008.

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