Audrey Hepburn (89 page)

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Authors: Barry Paris

BOOK: Audrey Hepburn
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Longboat Key, Florida
The Longest Day
Look Homeward, Angel,
magazine; review of
Loos, Anita; and Gigi; and Hepburn's size
Lora, Joan
Loren, Sophia; Academy Award ; miscarriage
Loring, Eugene
Los Angeles Times,
My Fair Lady
Lost Boundaries
Louis Ferdinand, Prince
Love, Hepburn and; giving of
Love Among Thieves
(TV film)
Love in the Afternoon
Love scenes, Hepburn and
Lumumba, Patrice
Lunt, Alfred
Lupino, Ida
Lust for Life
Lynley, Carol
Macao, UNICEF benefit
McAusland, Dorothy
magazine, interview with Dottis
McCallum, john
McClure, Doug
McCrea, Joel
MacDonald, Dwight
McDonald, Elvin
McDowall, Roddy
MacEwen, Walter; and Ferrers' marital problems
MacGraw, Ali
McGuire, Dorothy
Mack, Karen
McKay, Harper
“Mack Sennett Ballet,” Robbins
MacLaine, Shirley; and
The Children's Hour
McVay, Douglas, and
Funny Face
Maddow, Ben
The Madwoman of Chaillot,
Making a Film: The Story of “Secret People,
” Anderson
Malone, Dorothy
Maltin, Leonard, and
Manchester Guardian,
War and Peace
Mancini, Ginny
Mancini, Henry
Mandela, Nelson
Mansfield, Stephanie
March, Fredric
Maria Casita Award
Marova, Winja (Winnie Koopman)
Marriage, Hepburn and
-to Dotti; divorce; problem
-to Ferrer, ; divorce; problems
Marsh, Carol
Marshall, Brenda (Ardis Games)
Martin, Clare
Martin, Mary
Martinelli, Elsa
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Marx, Groucho
Maslin, Janet
Mason, James
Mastroianni, Marcello
Matthau, Walter
May, Pamela
Maychick, Diana,
Audrey Hepburn: An Intimate Portrait
(TV production)
Mealand, Richard
Melford, Jack
Mellor, William
Memorial performances
Men, Hepburn and
Mendelson, Howard
Mengelberg, Willem
Menicucci, Tony
Men of Arnhem
Mercer, Johnny
Merrick, David
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Ferrer (Mel) and; and
Funny Face
; and
Green Mansions
Michener, James,
Middleton, Gabrielle
Middleton, Guy
Miles, Sarah
Miller, Gilbert
Miller, Kitty
Mills, Hayley
Mills, John
Minnelli, Liza
The Mission
Mitford, Diana
Mitford, Unity
Mitterrand, Francois
Mizrahi, Isaac
Mockridge, Norton
Modeling jobs
Mohammed: Messenger of God
Monkhouse, Bob
Monroe, Marilyn
Monte Carlo
Baby (film)
Montessori, Maria
Montgomery, Bernard Law
“Moon River” (song)
Moore, Roger; and Hepburn's UNICEF work
Moreau, Jeanne,
Morfogen, George
Morley, Sheridan; and Ferrers' divorce
Morricone, Ennio
Morrissey, Paul
Moseley, Roy, and Grant
Moses, Rebecca
Mosley, Oswald
Mother Goose Suite,
Motherhood, Hepburn and
Movies on television, Hepburn and
Mullally, Frederic
Müller, Georges
Mulligan, Robert
Munshin, Jules
Murdoch, Henry P.
Murphy, Audie
Murton, Lionel
Museum of Modern Art, Hepburn tribute
Music, Hepburn and
My Fair Lady
(film); Academy Awards; restoration of
My Fair Lady
(on stage)
My Mother Thought She Was Audrey Hepburn
National Enquirer
Nauta, Max
Nazi Germany, and Holland
Nazism, Audrey's parents and
Neal, Patricia; and Academy Awards ; and
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Nesbitt, Cathleen
Netherlands: ballet in; “Film and Fashion” festival ; liberation of; World War II,
Newman, Paul
The Brave Bulls
They All Laughed
New World Symphony Orchestra
New York City: Dottis' trip to; Hepburn's arrival
New York Daily News,
New York Film Critics Awards
New York Herald Tribune
New York Mirror
New York Times
; Capucine obituary; and
; and
Monte Carlo Baby
Nicholas and Alexandra
Nicholson, Jack
Niel, David,
Winnie the Pooh
Night at the Opera
Niven, David; and Hepburn's marriage to Dotti
Nixon, Marni; and Hepburn
No Bail for the Judge
Noises Off
North Africa, immunization of children
Novak, Blaine
Nude scene,
Two for rhe Road
The Nun's Story
(film); promotional tour
Oakes, Philip
Oberon, Merle
O'Connor, Donald
O‘Donohue, Irene. See Ferrer, Irene O'Donohue
O'Donohue, Joseph J.
Oh Rosalinda!
Olivier, Laurence
(play); “Tony” award
O'Neal, Ryan
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
One Wild Oat
Openda, Katherine
“Operation Lifeline”
Operation Petticoat
Orunesu, Giovanni
Oscar nominations.
Academy Awards
O'Toole, Peter; and Finney;
How to Steal a Million
Out of Africa
Page, Geraldine
Pagliai, Bruno
Pagliai, Bruno, Jr.
Pagliai, Francesca
Pain, emotional, Hepburn and
Paint Your Wagon
“La Paisible,” (Hepburn home) ; Hepburn's funeral; last days at
Pamplona, Spain
Papas, Irene
Paramaribo, Surinam
Paramount Pictures; ABC and; and Astaire ; and
Breakfast at Tiffany's
; contract with; film proposals; and
Funny Face
; and Hepburn; and Hepburn's marriage plans; and “Isn't It Romantic,” ; and
Paris When It Sizzles
; and
Roman Holiday
; theft of Hepburn films; and
War and Peace
Pardo, Denise
Parents, Hepburn and
Paris: Hepburn in;
Funny Face
Paris Does Strange Things
Paris When It Sizzles
Parker, Lou
Parker, Suzy
Parry, Natasha
Parsons, Louella
See also
Patrick, Nigel
Pecci-Blunt, Camilla, Countess; and Hepburn's marriage to Dotti
Pecci-Blunt, Dino, Count
Peck, Gregory; and Hepburn; and La Jolla Playhouse ; and
Roman Holiday
; tributes to ; tribute to Hepburn
Peploe, Mark
Peppard, George
Pepper, Curtis Bill
Peralta, Angel
Perkins, Anthony; Lincoln Center tribute to Hepburn
Perkins, Millie
Pertwee, Michael,
Laughter in Paradise
Peter Pan
Peters, Susan
Pfeiffer, Michelle
: Hepburn interviews
Picker, David
Picturegoer Film Annual
Pike, Robert E.
Pilchard, Frances
Pipes, Todd
Planer, Franz
Plaskin, Glenn
Playwrights Company, and
Plunkett, Patricia
Poem by Hepburn, tribute to Grant
Poitier, Sidney
Polanski, Roman
Polio, Ferrer and
Politics, Hepburn and
Ponti, Carlo
Popcorn Venus,
Population, slowing of growth
Porter, Cole,
You'll Never Know
Porter, Gene Stratton,
Girl of the Limberlost
Powell, Michael
Power, Tyrone
Preminger, Otto; and censorship
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Press: Hepburn and; and Hepburn's illness; and
My Fair Lady
Press conferences for UNICEF
Previn, André; and
Funny Face
; and Harrison; and Hepburn; and Hepburn's singing; and
My Fair Lady
Previn, Dory
Price, Vincent
Privacy, Hepburn and
Prizzi's Honor
Problem-solving, Hepburn and
Producer, Ferrer as,
Wait Until Dark
Providence Journal,
They All Laughed
Public speaking, Hepburn and; concert-stage performances
Publishers Weekly
Pullan, Bruce
Quant, Mary, clothes by
Quine, Richard
Quinn, Anthony
Quo Vadis?
Racklin, Martin
Radio, Ferrer (Mel) and
Radio Orange
Rambert, Marie
Rancho Notorious
Raphael, Frederic
Raphael, Sally Jessy
Rattaz, Denise
Ravel, Maurice,
Mother Goose Suite
Ray, Satyajit
Record collection of Hepburn
Recording projects
Redgrave, Vanessa
Reed, Donna
Reed, Rex; and
Funny Face
Reggiani, Serge
Reisz, Karel
Religion, Hepburn and
Rembar, Jill
Rendlesham, Claire
Renoir, Claude
Resistance movement, World War II Holland
“Responsive stillness”
Return Ticket,
; The
Brave Bulls
The Children's Hour
Dutch in Seven Lessons
From the Diary of Anne Frank
Funny Face
; Gigi ;
Green Mansions
How to Steal a Million
(TV series);
Love Among Thieves
Love in the Afternoon
Monte Carlo Baby
My Fair Lady; The Nun's Story
Paris When lt Sizzles
Robin and Marian
Secret People
They All Laughed
Two for the Road
The Unforgiven
Young Wives' Tale
War and Peace
Reynolds, Debbie
Richard's Things
Riding, Alan
“Rights of the Child” postage stamp
Ripetti, Daniela
Ritter, John
Rizzuto, John
RKO: Ferrer (Mel) and; and
Green Mansions
Robbins, Jerome
Roberti, Paola Dotti (mother-in-law)
Roberti, Vero
Roberts, Julia
Robin and Marian
Rochester, New York; Wolders home
Rodgers, Richard
Rogers, Henry
Roman Holiday
(film) ; Academy Awards
Rome; Dottis' apartment in; filming in; Hepburn and
Romney, Edana
Room at the Top
Rooney, Mickey
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Rose, named for Hepburn
Rosen, Marjorie,
Popcorn Venus
Ross, Herbert,
The Turning Point
Rossen, Robert
Rostand, Edmond
, L'Aiglon
Rotary International
Roth, Christa
Rotterdam, Nazi bombing of
Roughhead, William,
Bad Company
Rouleau, Raymond
Royal Military Invalids Home
Rule, Janice
Running Time:
of the Cold War,

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