Aussie: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Aussie: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance
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Chapter 2 - Dawn


One of the new clubs in town was having an event that sounded like fun. They were offering a midnight extravaganza to drum up new business. On entering, you had to wear one of the masks they provided. Nothing fancy, but enough to cover your eyes and nose. It must have been a mask kind of night, which worked out perfectly. It was like a themed night. We couldn’t have planned it any better.

The dance floor was crowded. Lights flashed and glowed above the floor, but it was hard to see anything below. A wall of people had crowded in, wanting to try out the new party place. We made our way to the bar and flagged down the bartender. She took our order and served up the drinks. We found a small table tucked toward the back.

“It’s like an ocean of people out there,” Krista said, then added a reminder she’d been one of the lucky ones chosen in the game. “I preferred the one on one action of a private dance. Oh, man, how I wanted to touch, but I held off. What about you?”

I looked away, almost embarrassed, which surprised even me. Since when had I gotten shy? “It was nice.”

“Nice?” Corrine laughed. “It was freaking hot and amazing. My guy was insanely flexible, and holy cow, I had to force myself to keep my hands to myself.”

I didn’t want to admit how aroused I’d been. He was being paid. It’s not like I even knew the guy. I mean, what’s the point of getting turned on and then not enjoying the ride. It’s like it’s enough to get your engine started, then the music stops and a switch is flipped and it’s all business. It was jarring. The dancing itself was incredible, but I almost felt dirty after I left. I mean, not dirty, but well, I don’t know. Was I that hard up that I had to pay for something like that? Okay, okay, so it was for a bachelorette party. Maybe I was overthinking things. Bad habit I guess. I take one small detail and obsess on it. I needed to stop. It was fun. I corrected my answer aloud. “It was fun. He was hot.”

They seemed happier with that answer.

“Hey, I’m ready to dance,” I said. “Anybody want to join me?”

A couple of the girls stayed behind, but a handful of us made our way to the dancefloor. We had to snake through the crowds. If tonight’s party was a sign of the club’s future, it was looking good.

We found a small opening and dove in. Together, we moved to the club music. It was hard not to bump into people, with so many others crammed in. Somebody slid in next to me, and joined my circle of friends. He turned toward me and smiled. He had a nice smile, but I couldn’t tell you much more about the guy. With his mask on, the dark, and the level of noise, I couldn’t even hear him when he leaned in to introduce himself. I heard nothing. I mouthed it and pointed to my ears.

Slowly, he siphoned me away from my friends and made the dancing about the two of us. I was in the mood to party, and after the earlier dancing, I enjoyed the attention. Fuck it. I was here to have fun and let loose. He stood about six-foot-tall and had dark hair. Not many other details were visible. He was built. That’s for sure. His shoulders were like a mile wide. His arms were thick and muscled. He obviously took care of himself, but his face, not a clue. Okay, not that I’m a snob or anything, but he could look like a Pug beneath it all, and well, that’s just not my thing. I let my imagination run wild, and looked at it as a gamble. Why not? I liked everything else that I saw.

I wondered if he was making the same judgements of me. He’d obviously chosen to dance with me, so I figured he’d already made his decisions. We moved closer, as I let go of the inhibitions that wanted to box me in. Fuck, no. I was ready for fun. I haven’t truly let loose in way too long. I decided to let the mood take me along for a ride.

The dark shirt he wore circled his biceps. I wanted to reach up and run my hands over them, to see how they felt. The more I got into the dancing, the more I enjoyed the attention from him. He moved in closer, this time his hands circling my back, pulling me to him. I gyrated on the floor against him, the buzz of the night, alcohol, and earlier entertainment had me getting comfortable. Once I let my guard down, I was determined to have fun.

His leg brushed against mine, once, then again. A small electric current ran through me. I realized how much I missed being touched. It had been a while. Too long. I tipped my head against his broad chest, enjoying the sensation of our closeness. The masked stranger dropped his hand from my small of my back to my ass. Slow, measured, he cupped the curve of my ass cheek and squeezed.

How I was getting worked up by a total stranger was news to me. I was revved up and enjoying the sensuality of the moment. I’d lost track of my friends, drawn in against the man before me. I needed his touch. I needed anybody’s touch. I closed my eyes and let my mind go. For one night, I’d simply live in the moment.

I drew a hand up to his chest, and stroked it through his shirt. The edge of a tattoo peeked out of his collar. I lifted it up to peek and smiled. “Sexy,” I murmured.

He took it as a sign, and lowered his other hand. Slipping it over my hip, he cupped my other ass cheek. I reached up and grazed up over his shoulder, then trailed down the bicep that curved big and strong. Mmm. My fingers wrapped around his steel-hard muscle. That did it. It put me over the edge. Yes, I was desperate, okay? I admit it. I’d shut myself down. Closed myself off. Refused to let go after…well, not that it mattered.

Not tonight. Tonight, I’d enjoy the ride. Every last bit of it. Every last drop. 

He slid his hand into mine and pulled me gently through the crowd.

Normally, I’d have yanked away from him, but instead I followed. We maneuvered to a corner and out of the middle of the floor. He drew me into him and we danced slower, even with the fast, heart-pumping club music. His hands trailed over my shoulders and down my back. No words, only the sensation of his fingers grazing lower, and then resting on the curve of my back.

“Kiss me,” he whispered into my ear. I could barely hear him, but there was a tinge of an accent. It brought the past rushing back to me. Not that it mattered. Lost in the moment, I parted my lips.

He licked his lips, then brushed them to mine. Sparks flew. I didn’t see it coming, but man, he was a good kisser. Maybe I was just that hard up.

He raked his fingers through my hair with one hand, while the other dropped lower to my ass. Pressed together, our heated kiss drew on. Two aroused strangers, sharing a moment. Come morning, neither would remember, but at least for the time being, it was hot. I’d never done anything so risky. Normally, I’d keep a friend nearby. It’s not like we were alone, but at the time we were the only two people that mattered. I wasn’t going home with the guy, but a few sexy kisses might help my self-esteem. Lately, I was starting to wonder what was wrong with me. First the dancer at the club, now this, it was a nice little boost that I needed. Okay, shallow, I know, but I’m not going to lie. It felt nice to be picked out immediately and wanted.
seemed to be my middle name these days.

The stranger’s tongue explored my mouth. My head tingled, dizzy with lust. Electricity made a slow path through my body. I melted into his arms. One more kiss, just one more, and I’d break free. I knew it was foolish to move so quickly, especially when I had no intention of following through. And then one more kiss became another, then another. We were grinding our hips, pressing, feeling, our hands playing with one another.

He turned me so my back was to the wall and pinned his hips to mine. Drawing my hands up over me, he lowered his mouth. His soft lips and warm breath on my neck sent shivers through me. I tilted my head to the side, soaking in the pleasure he was offering. I wanted more. Needed more.

When he lifted me up, his hands cupping my ass, I wrapped my thighs around him. Still pressed to the wall, he held me there, my back on the wall, and omigod, his fingers were moving dangerously close to where I needed them to be.

I probably should have stopped him, but I didn’t. His hand slipped beneath my skirt, and then to the elastic of my panties. His fingers worked from behind. He held me fast, using the wall to help keep me in place. My lips were swollen, and when he slid a finger along the length of them, I exhaled deeply, then let out a groan.

I mashed my mouth to his and kissed him deeply. I was so turned on, it was embarrassing. And yet, I didn’t care. I didn’t care who saw us, or what he was doing, because my body was tingling. I wanted him to keep going, to take me along the trail he was leading.

His hand stroked and caressed my dampness. I was soaked. He groaned into my mouth, discovering my secret. He pressed a finger into me. I tightened my thighs around him, and shifted my hips, wanting to get off. Selfish, maybe, but he seemed to be enjoying himself, too.

He fingered me first with one, then with two fingers, moving them within me, stretching me, faster, deeper, harder. I let out a yelp into his mouth, and seized up. As the wave rushed through me, I rode it for all it was worth, twisting and moving until the orgasm overtook me.

My body relaxed like a rag doll against him. He slowly lowered me to the ground. I looked up at him, wondering who this daring stranger was. He didn’t ask for more. He didn’t take me home. With a smile, he turned away. I stood and watched him blend into the crowd, still weak in the knees.

My little secret. It’s not like Scott and I were a couple, anyway. He didn’t need to know. Fuck. I hope none of the others noticed. My lips were sealed.

Chapter 3 – Luke


I hadn’t been back in Los Angeles long, but last night was definitely one of the better nights I could remember. Honestly, I’d been so busy trying to earn some extra money, I almost forgot to stop and play once in a while. And play I did.

Damn. It seems I rarely got out anymore. I had more flexibility before coming back out, but home is home. Well, LA is home these days. I haven’t been back to Australia since I was a kid. I’d been staying with a friend for a few weeks, and was scrambling to get my own place. It was cool of him to offer, but I’m no free-loader.

Anyway, he pushed me to get out and have a little fun. I think he really wanted his place back to himself with a hot date. Either way, he told me about a cool new club opening. I dropped by to check it out. The place was mobbed. It would have been more fun to go with a group of friends, but since I was alone I took it for what it was.

I saw her when she walked in. I couldn’t look away. I gravitated toward her party as a couple of them hit the dance floor. My heart raced, but I knew I needed to get closer to her. I recognized her face. I moved in closer, making my move. Should I tell her?

When I joined between her and her friends, she didn’t turn away. I placed my hand on her, dancing and moving to the beat. We found a rhythm together enjoying the music, but I had something else on my mind. I took a chance and guided her to the corner for an ounce of privacy.

While I couldn’t see her face with the mask on, I knew she was the one I wanted. She had a body that left me drooling. Big tits, soft curves, and long brown hair. I hadn’t seen any action in a while, and knew this was risky, but on seeing her again…I pressed against her and let my hands wander. She didn’t stop me. Kissing her deeply, I slid my fingers under her skirt. Her panties were silky. She moaned into my mouth as I cupped her ass then slid my fingers under the elastic of her panties. Anyway, I’d have loved to take her home, but what was home? A sofa at my friend’s place? I took it for what it was, a sexy encounter and walked away with a smile on my face.

I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Time seemed to stop when she walked into the club. I smiled picturing her tits pressed to my chest. I would have given anything to see her lips wrapped around my cock, but there wasn’t enough privacy for that. At least she got off. That alone made me happy.

I’d taken a job as a wine rep and moved from store to store checking and restocking inventory. I’d made my way to a local market and started the process when my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID and let it go to voicemail. And old friend with benefits, one who was more trouble than she was worth was on the line. She’d gotten into some trouble, drugs and the such, and I just wasn’t interested in being pulled down with her. I tried to let her off the hook easy, but she held fast. There were reasons I’d moved away in the first place, and coming back to LA, the last thing I needed was to get in with a shady crowd. Better to keep to myself for the time being.

Damn psycho-ex, Megan, turned into the girl every guy tries to avoid. World-class liar, clingy, vengeful, and worse yet, unpredictable. I avoided her like the plague when I got back into town, but she got word I was around. Yeah, no thanks. I learned my lesson the first go round.

I tucked my phone back into my pocket and went back to work while replaying last night’s experience in my head.




Chapter 4 – Dawn


Scott wasn’t exactly my boyfriend. I mean, sure we’d dated and stuff, but we weren’t officially a couple. It was more like a comfortable place to fall time to time. We’d known each other for ages, and our families were friendly. They always hoped we’d end up together, but truth be told, the chemistry left a long time ago for me. I think Scott still held hope I’d fall back in love with him, but he had to see the writing on the wall. We’d grown more distant, and while we still hooked up once in a while, I wasn’t asking him to move in anytime soon.

We weren’t in a relationship, but somehow we were connected. Hell, we had been for most of our lives. Since middle-school, really. See, that’s the thing. He’s been a constant in my life, but we’d weave in and out of dating, not dating, then dating, and never really take it to the next step. I think he was always more interested than I was. I mean, he’s a great guy, don’t get me wrong, but I can’t see myself marrying him. He’ll find the right girl at some point.

Honestly, we’d stopped clicking a while ago. I think he was still around because it was easy. Or maybe he didn’t want to admit it to himself. Either way, things had run their course, and yet out of familiarity, we’d hang out and date from time to time. It didn’t matter how many times we tried – I still never felt the chemistry to make it work.


I stopped by one of the stores at the mall after work, as I wasn’t ready to go home. My intention was to stop at the market, but instead I ended up browsing shoes and handbags instead.

I found a great pair of heels and was looking at another when I glanced over at the men’s department. It was set up against the shoe area. There was a guy that captured my attention. There was something familiar about him, but I couldn’t place it. I didn’t want to stare, but needed to get a better look. I moved to another section of shoes to take a better peek. I wasn’t sure if it was him or not. Years had passed, and his hair was shorter and a little darker.

It was hard to tell, because the guy in the men’s department was bigger, with broader shoulders, and a little taller too. Then again, what would he be now, twenty-five maybe? Last time I’d seen him we were both eighteen.

I glanced over again, trying not to be obvious. I was more and more certain it was him. He turned to look at another rack of clothes, and I saw his face. It was him. Damn, he looked great. He must have been working out, and maybe made some lifestyle changes. I glanced over once more and thought about approaching him. Would he be glad to see me, or wish I’d stayed in his past?

I drew a deep breath and moved closer. “Luke?”

He looked up on hearing his name. Yeah, it was definitely him.

There was no recognition in his eyes. He arched an eyebrow. “Yes?”

I smiled, hearing his accent again. “It’s Dawn.”

His eyes widened on hearing my name. It took him a moment, looking into to my eyes, and then it registered.

I took a few steps toward him, stopping on the carpet at the edge of the women’s shoe section, a walkway of tiled floor separating us. I didn’t want to rush up to him and hug him. Okay maybe I did. But I also wasn’t sure how he would react to seeing me.

“Dawn.” His voice was lower than it had been seven years ago. Deeper, smoother. A man’s voice, rather than the voice of an eighteen-year-old still in the process of becoming an adult. “Wow. Hi. I’m sorry…I didn’t….”

I waved off his apology. “It’s fine. I wouldn’t expect you to recognize me.” My heart started beating faster in my chest. Was he okay with this? Would he find an excuse to bail and take off? I had no idea if he would even want to talk to me. The last time we’d seen each other wasn’t exactly the greatest situation, and certainly not the goodbye either of us would have wanted.

“Is this…okay?” I brushed a strand of hair from my face, more a nervous gesture than anything.

“Yeah, yeah, of course. It’s good to see you.”

My nerves calmed a bit. “You, too. You look great, by the way.”

“Thanks.” He shook his head a little, his eyes drifting from my face, down my body, and then he quickly caught himself. He laughed, and I laughed with him. “You look amazing, Dawn. I didn’t recognize you at all.”

“Well, it’s been seven years, and I was about to turn eighteen at the time. Plus, no braces,” I said. I gave him a big smile, showing off my teeth like I was a child.

“Right.” He nodded, trying to process everything.

There was an awkward moment of silence, neither of us sure what to do or say. I decided to take the initiative and stepped closer to him. I opened my arms.

He bent down to meet me, and he moved into my open arms. His leather jacket and cologne filled my senses. I inhaled, taking in the masculine scent, almost wanting to memorize it.

I found my voice again. I asked with hesitation. Maybe he didn’t want to talk about it.  “How are you doing? How are things?” 

He touched his fingers to his chin, then gave a small awkward laugh. “A lot better than the last time you saw me.”

It was good to see him like this.

“What are you doing these days?” Luke asked.

I told him about just having graduated from college, but not finding the job I wanted yet. “Meanwhile, I’m working retail to pay the bills. I’ve really hit the big time.” My words were drenched in sarcasm.

“You do what you have to.”

“True,” I said. I felt bad for being so sarcastic about my current job. There was nothing wrong with it. I had just been hoping for more. And since I had no idea what kind of work he might be doing, I had inadvertently run the risk of making him feel like I was going to judge him.

He fidgeted with the items he was holding. “I figured you’d be running Sea World by now.”

I’d always wanted to work in marine biology, and Luke had been my biggest fan. It had nothing to do with the marine life, but more to do with wanting me to be happy.

“Uh, no,” I said.

“I’m kidding. I know you hate that kind of thing. Or used to.”

“Oh, I still do,” I said. “But, yeah, you’re close. I should be doing something related to the ocean, but it’s been tough finding a job. Anyway, an undergrad and grad school degree later, here I am at the mall selling lipstick and mascara.”

When I asked about what he was up to, he mentioned being a wine sales rep. He seemed uncomfortable, almost fidgety. He could barely keep eye contact with me. He looked over my shoulders, left and right; he fumbled with the hangers on a rack of clothes, nervously straightening them out and lining them up; he even looked down at the floor a few times. Was he nervous? Embarrassed about something? Worried that I’d ask for the details of his seven-year absence?

I wasn’t going to get too deep into it, but I was curious. “Did you stick around the area, or are you just visiting?”

He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked away, still acting nervous. I wished I hadn’t brought it up. It wasn’t my business, and he obviously didn’t want to get into details.

“Just moving back,” he said. “Actually, I’ve been back for a couple of months.”

He asked where I’d gone to college. I told him and added I’d been back in the area about a year now.  I wasn’t sure what else to say. Our conversation had run its course, and we stood not sure how to break away tactfully. It was a shock running into him.

I grabbed at straws. “Are you busy? Do you want to grab something to eat?”

He wasn’t looking at me when I asked. He’d been looking over my shoulder again. But his eyes darted back to mine after he heard what I said. Those eyes—I remember them well, but they had a somewhat different look now, brighter, more…alive. His eyes were vacant and expressionless before he left town. It was almost all I could picture when I thought back on the memories.

“Ah, you know…I actually have to get back to work. I’m just on a break now.”

Trying to hide my disappointment, I reached into my bag and cast my gaze downward so he wouldn’t see the regret in my eyes. “Well, here. Give me your number and I’ll give you mine.” I looked up. “I mean, if you want to talk sometime?”

Luke looked at me for a couple of seconds, then lowered his voice. “I’m sure your parents would just love that.”

I felt my stomach knot. I didn’t expect the guilt to hit me that way. I knew it was a reaction to the guilt I felt over how my parents, especially my dad, had treated him at the end. I couldn’t take it back. I didn’t defend him enough.

“I make my own choices these days.” I grinned, letting him know it was okay. What I didn’t tell him was that he was right about my parents.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

We both started to say our numbers at the same time. We laughed, but it was nice. It helped break the tension. We used to finish each other’s sentences. I wondered if he was thinking the same thing.

“Give me your number,” he said. “I’ll send you a quick text.”

I gave him my number. We had to move out of the way as an employee rolled out a cart full of boxes.

Luke had been holding a couple of shirts and he put them back on the rack. “It was good seeing you again.”

It was time to leave, and yet my feet were frozen to the ground. I was happy to see him. On the other hand, it was starting to feel awkward. I tried not to let the negative thoughts take over, telling me that we wouldn’t be able to catch up again, make some kind of connection after all this time. No, it was just the setting, I told myself. Such an unexpected thing, and we were right here in public. That’s all it was.

“So, we’ll talk?” I said.


I guess he was leaving it up to me to make contact.

Neither of us moved.

I took a step back and gave a small wave. “Bye.”

“See ya,” he said.

I turned to leave. It was odd to see him nervous. He wasn’t a nervous kind of guy – not the guy I knew. Also, holy fuck, that boy had filled out. I fanned myself walking away.

BOOK: Aussie: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance
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