Autobiography of Mark Twain (188 page)

BOOK: Autobiography of Mark Twain
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spiritual adviser
visit of SLC and Susy Clemens
visit to Hartford.
See also Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant
Grant, Ulysses S., Jr. (Buck)
“Grant and the Chinese,”
The Grant Dictations
Grant and Ward (stockbrokers).
See also
Ward, Ferdinand
Gray, David
Gray, David, Jr.
Gray, Martha Guthrie (Mrs. David Gray)
Greeley, Horace
Greene, Jacob L.
Greer, David Hummell
Gridiron Club
Gridley, Reuel Colt
Gridley, Susannah L. Snider (Mrs. Reuel Gridley)
Griffin, George
“A Group of Servants,”
Grumman, William Edgar
Hale, Nathan: statue competition
Haley, H. H.
Hamersley, William
Hamersley, William James
Hancock, Winfield
Hannah (Aunt Hannah, slave)
Hannibal, Mo.
anecdotes about Henry Clemens
anecdote about Jim Wolf
anecdotes about Orion Clemens
anecdote about “playing bear,”
cave near
child left behind during move
cholera and measles epidemics
Clemens family doctor
Clemens family residence
and John Marshall Clemens
newspapers owned by Orion Clemens
SLC’s childhood friends and acquaintances
SLC’s 1902 visit
tragedies that SLC witnessed as a child
Hannibal Home Guard (Marion Rangers)
Orion Clemens buys and combines with
Western Union
Missouri Courier:
SLC apprenticed to Joseph P. Ament
Western Union
Orion Clemens starts
Hapgood, Norman
Hardy, Samuel F.
Hardy, Thomas Duffus
Hardy, Thomas Masterman
Harper, Henry
Harper and Brothers
Harper’s Bazar
Harper’s Monthly
SLC’s first contribution
SLC’s other contributions
Harper’s Weekly
SLC’s birthday issue
Harris, Joel Chandler (Uncle Remus)
Harrison, Carter Henry, Sr.
Harrison, Henry B.
Harrison, Katharine I.
Harte, Bret
Hartford Club
on Cleveland-Blaine election
owners and editors
Hartford Monday Evening Club
Harvey, George Brinton McClellan
handwriting on typescripts
posthumous publication of the autobiography
publication of excerpts from the autobiography
on U.S. massacre of Moros
SLC’s birthday dinner
Sandwich Islands
Hawkes, Forbes Robert
Hawkins, John
Hawley, Harriet Foote
Hawley, Joseph Roswell
Hay, Clara L. Stone (Mrs. John Milton Hay)
Hay, John Milton
as assistant and biographer of Lincoln
conversation with SLC about autobiography
French novel incident
friend of Burlingame
friend of Gray
friend of Greeley
“John Hay,”
Hay, Rosina
Hayes, Isaac I.
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hearst, George
Hearst, William Randolph
Helps, Arthur
Henry, Hubert-Joseph
“Henry H. Rogers,”
Herndon, William Lewis
Herrick, H.S.
Hickman, Philander A.
Hickman, Sarah M. Brittingham (Mrs. Philander A. Hickman)
Higbie, Calvin H.
Higginson, Thomas W.
Higham, Dick
Hobby, Josephine S.: oral transmission of Susy’s biography
as stenographer for Autobiographical Dictations
transcribes earlier autobiographical writings
transcribes inserted documents
types TS2
types TS3
Hofer, Andreas
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Authors’ Reading
SLC’s alleged plagiarism
Whittier birthday dinner
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Holt, Winifred T.
Hood, John B.
Hood, Thomas
Hood, Tom
“Horace Greeley,”
(clipper ship)
Hotten, John Camden
Houghton, Henry O.
Houghton, Lady (Annabella Hungerford Crewe)
Houghton, Lord (Richard Monckton Milnes)
House, Edward H.
Howden, Mary Louise
Howells, John M.
Howells, William Cooper
Howells, William Dean
Authors’ Reading
discussions with SLC about autobiography
as editor of
Atlantic Monthly
on Grant
Grant’s help for father
introduces SLC at his birthday dinner
on Keeler
letter about McAleer
My Mark Twain
reads early typescript of autobiography
SLC’s letters to, about dictation
SLC’s letters to, about Grant
SLC’s letter to, about “old pigeon-holed things,”
Whittier birthday dinner
Howland, Robert Muir
Hubbard, John
Hubbard, Richard D.
Hubbard, Stephen A.
Hudson, Laura K.
Hughes, Thomas
Hull, John A. T.
Hutchinson, James S.
Hutton, Laurence
Hyde, Ed
Hyde, James H.
Hyde, Richard
Ihrie, George P.
Jaipur religious procession
Native Americans
Ingersoll, Robert G.
Injun Joe
The Innocents Abroad
Elisha Bliss, Jr.
dedication allegedly plagiarized
dispute over use of
Quaker City
sources of content
writing of
Insurance company scandal
Irving, Henry
See also
Jackass Hill, California
Jackson, Andrew
James, Henry
James, William
Jefferson, Joseph
Jeffreys, George
Jenny (slave)
Jerome, William Travers
Jewett, Hugh J.
“Concerning the Jews,”
first Jews SLC meets
money raised for Russian relief
Russian massacre
Joan of Arc.
See also
“Scraps from My Autobiography. Private History of a Manuscript That Came to Grief”
John A. Gray and Green
“John Hay,”
John H. Dickey
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Charles Frederick
Johnson, Dr.
Johnson, Mr. (farmer)
Johnson, Robert Underwood
Johnson, William M.
Johnston, Gordon (“Lieutenant Johnson”)
Johnston, Joseph F.
Johnston, Robert Daniel
Jones, Anna Taylor
Jones, George
Jones, John P.
Jones, John Paul
Jones, Mr. (Sandwich Islands resident)
“Josh” letters
Jouffroy, François
Kaatmann, Carl Henrich
Keeler, Ralph Olmstead: “Ralph Keeler,”
Keller, Helen
Kendler, Marion von
Kennett, Thomas A. (“Mr. Kinney”)
Keokuk, Iowa
Orion Clemens’s print shop
Kercheval, Helen V. (Mrs. John H. Garth)
Kercheval, William E.
Key, David McKendree
Key, Francis Scott
Key, Philip Barton
Kingsley, Charles
Kinney, Mr.
Kennett, Thomas A.

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