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Authors: Hazel Gower

Ava's Mate (12 page)

BOOK: Ava's Mate
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She couldn’t hold in the gut wrenching sobs that racked her body.

Ava felt Logan come up behind her. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Hey, sweetheart, I hear you’ve had an eventful birthday.” She nodded and leaned against him. “Come on, let’s get you out of here before more demons come.”

Jamie took over her job and held pressure on Pet’s wound. Before Logan helped lift her out of the ground, she turned to Griffen who sat with Pet on his lap, stroking her hair. “Her name is Pet. She’s been held captive all her life. She’s the physic who’s been leading the demons to us.”

Griffen swore and cried into Pet’s shoulder, whispering “I’m sorry” over and over.


Chapter 9


Logan held Ava tight the whole ride back in the van, murmuring loving words to her. Once at their house he still didn’t let her go. He gently placed her on their bed, before he slowly stripped her naked and kissed every inch of her body.

“I’ve never been so scared in my life.” Logan hovered above her and brushed his lips against hers. “I love you, Ava Wolfen.” He kissed her again and reached over to the bedside table drawer and pulled out a box wrapped with a bow on top. “Here, open it.” Logan sat up and shoved the small box at her.

Taking a deep breath, she carefully undid the wrapping to see a red velvet box. Slowly, she opened the case and stared at the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen. A black sapphire sat in the middle surrounded by diamonds.

“It was my grandmother’s. If you don’t like it, I can get you something different.”

For the first time in Ava’s life she was speechless. She took the ring out and caressed it, before she slid it onto her finger. She sat on his lap and looked up at him, surprised when it was a perfect fit.

Ava watched as Logan turned a red that almost matched his hair, as he said, “I…um asked your dad for permission to marry you. He was reluctant to say yes until I told him how much I love you and that I was willing to do anything to make you happy. Your mum gave me a ring of yours so I could have a rough idea to get that resized.”

Logan lifted her off him and moved her to the end of the bed. He got down on one knee before her. “I know I’m not perfect, and can be a grade A asshole sometimes, but Ava Wolfen, I love you more than anything in world. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

Ava gazed into Logan’s eyes as they stared up at her with hope and love. “Of course I’ll marry you.” She pulled him back up to her. “I love you.”

He hugged her tight and feathered kisses all over her face. “Thank God. I have my parents coming tomorrow. I promised my mother she would meet my gorgeous fiancée.”

Ava giggled and pushed against him. “Confident, were you?”

Logan grinned at her. “Well, I figured if you said no I had all night to convince you to change your mind.”

She wrapped her arms around him. “Oh, really? I might just have to change my mind.”

He growled and covered her mouth with his. His hands ripped and pulled at her clothes. She helped him and tugged at his clothes until they were both naked.

He rubbed his hands over her body, caressing her and bringing her to a fever pitch, ready to explode. Before she came, he slowly moved over her and pulled her up to him. Holding her tight, he moved into her. He kissed her in time with his movements, his mouth hungry for hers. His hands trailed up and down her back, sending delicious tingles through her body.

She couldn’t last any longer, his thrust become frantic and his mouth left hers to nibble his way down her neck.

“Logan, I need to come. Make me come please.”

Logan licked her shoulder and nipped at it. He pulled almost all the way out of her until the tip of his cock just rested in her then he rammed it back in as he bit down on her shoulder.

Ava screamed her release and dug her claws into his back. Logan gave a muffled yell against her skin and she felt his warm cum fill her as he held her tight.

Together they fell back on the bed, panting and trying to catch their breath. They lay like that until Logan rolled them to the side and he fell asleep.

Ava breathed in Logan’s scent and snuggled into him knowing that whatever was thrown at them, right now at this moment she was where she needed to be…home.




Arden held Remy tight. He wasn’t going to let her go in case she ran again. They sat in Kane’s family room waiting for news on Faith.

“Let me go. I have to check on Faith.”

He growled, still unable to speak with the rage bottled inside him. They sat for another hour on the lounge while Remy struggled to get free of him. Finally a ragged, worried looking Kane made an appearance.

“I’ve stopped the baby from coming for now. She’s on bed rest for the remainder of this pregnancy.” Kane come forward and glared at Remy. “Get her out of my house, Arden. She’s not welcome anymore.”

Remy stilled her struggles against him, and for the first time he saw fear in her eyes as she looked back at Kane. “You can’t kick me out. I’m Faith’s friend.”

Arden watched the first grin in hours spread over Kane’s face. “Not anymore. Faith said she didn’t want to see you and I needed to tell you to leave our house.”

Remy seemed to shrink into his arms as she whispered, “Faith wouldn’t say that.”

Kane didn’t get the chance to reply as a frail looking Faith hobbled out and muttered, “Get out. Get out now.”

Arden felt a sob escape Remy as she stood and went to go to Faith. Kane’s roar stopped Remy in her tracks. Kane picked Faith up and yelled, “Get her out now.”

Arden picked Remy up and walked to the door. She didn’t fight him this time. As he closed Kane’s front door she muttered, “I’m not giving up. I’m sorry, and I’m going to make everyone forgive me if it’s the last thing I do, even you.”

He let out a howl and deep inside Arden hoped Remy wasn’t too late to save him.



About Hazel Gower


I’m a mother of four terrors between the ages of two and seven.

I started writing down my story ideas in high school, and never really stopped. Writing, I have to say, is my salvation. After I’ve cleaned up and gotten all the kids in bed, I sit at my computer—or sometimes a notebook with a pencil—and relax, write, and escape.

I love to hear from any of my readers, so feel free to send me an email and ‘like’ me on Facebook.


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Reader eMail:

[email protected]



About the Armageddon Mates Series


Book 1:
Kane’s Mate

Now Available

Book 2:
Rane’s Mate

Now Available

Book 3:
Ava’s Mate

Now Available


Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9


BOOK: Ava's Mate
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