Ava's Mate (5 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

BOOK: Ava's Mate
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Ava growled and shoved at his chest. The slight movement caused a moan to escape, and Ava’s eyes locked on his face as she experimentally moved again, running her hand down his chest.

“Fucccckkk,” he moaned out as she grinned and shivered as he moved forward, not able to stop himself. She was amazing. He leaned up and kissed her gently on the mouth. “Sweetheart, you are the most stunning and sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

She laughed and pulled him closer, whispering, “You’re not so bad yourself. Why do you think I pulled over?”

He smiled and nipped her shoulder. She went crazy over this and shoved him back against the seat and picked up her pace. “Don’t do that unless you mean it.”

His frown quickly turned into a groan when she nipped him. He flicked her clit and he would have sworn she howled and that they were now moving so fast the car was shaking.

Logan sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and bit as her nails scraped his back. This time she howled his name. Her pussy clenched around him so fucking hard he was about to cum. She squeezed his arse, and he yelled as he came so hard he thought he’d pass out, which was something he’d never experienced before.

Sweat was rolling down the back of his neck and he felt stuck to the seat. Exhausted, he couldn’t move if his life depended on it. “You are amazing. That was… I have…” He didn’t know what to say.

She looked up at him and smiled. She was almost glowing. “Do you want to go back to my cottage and see if we can do even better?”

He moaned and his head fell back on the seat again.


Chapter 4


They drove in silence, the sexual tension thick in the air. Ava stopped in front of the cottage she’d claimed earlier that afternoon, or as she realized glancing at the dashboard clock, yesterday afternoon. Getting out of the car, she walked straight to the front door, not daring to look back to see if Logan followed.

Leaving the door open, she strolled to her new bedroom, almost howling when she heard his footsteps behind her. Shedding her clothes, she turned to grab him, pushing him onto the bed and ripping his leather vest, jacket, and pants off.

Ava loved his body. For a human he had a perfect chest with rock hard six-pack abs. Running her hands down his body, humming in anticipation, she stared at his lust filled brown eyes as her mouth hovered over his. “Your body is better than I imagined.”

She captured his mouth and rubbed their naked bodies together, her wolf hounding her to cover him in their scent, bite him, and make him theirs forever. Ava fought her wolf for control.

Logan’s hands were extremely talented, caressing, molding, and giving light pinches to her erect nipples. “You are the one with the perfect body. You’re every man’s dream.”

Smiling at his comment, she plastered her mouth to his, tasting the mango and coconut flavor of him, and wanting, no, needing more of him. One of his hands grabbed her arse, grinding her against his rock hard erection.

He pulled his mouth from hers. His other hand joined the first and he lifted her, whispering in a husky voice, “Ride me, sweetheart. I want to see your tits bounce and my cock slide into your hot, wet pussy.”

Logan’s cock hovered over her opening, waiting for entry. Ava watched his face as she slowly slid down his dick. His eyes stared at where their bodies joined. His face relaxed with a look of complete bliss. Feeling like a hunter who had finally caught her prey, Ava’s wolf howled and fought to be let out to play, screaming at her,
bite him, mate him, make him ours. Take him like you mean it, mate him

Ignoring her wolf, she moved faster, giving Logan what he wanted. Her breasts slapped against herself, the faster she moved.

A primal male satisfied growl tore from him and Ava grinned, filled with a newfound power. Grinding against him and arching back, she took him deeper, shutting her eyes as shivers of pleasure rocked over her body. His hands caressed her stomach and around to her back every now and then squeezing her butt. He pushed up to meet her, grinding hard into her pussy. She leaned down just enough to rub her hands up and down his muscular chest.

Ava bit her lip to stop herself from mate marking him. She knew he needed time to get used to being with a werewolf before she tied them together for eternity.

Logan’s hand came around and he stroked her clit. Humming in appreciation, her body got ready to explode. Ava came, howling around him as he gave a gentle pinch and slap to her clit. She looked into his face to see his wicked grin of pleasure as he pushed up hard, holding her to him, yelling her name on a strangled cry. His warm cum splashed her womb.

Ava shivered as she lay on his chest, smiling at the sensations still coursing through her body.

Logan’s arms came around her as he mumbled, “You’re the hottest thing I have ever felt or seen.” He kissed her forehead. “Give me twenty minutes, sweetheart, and we’ll swap spots. I want to watch your face as you come and feel your body against mine.”

He hugged her tighter and she let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding and listened as he fell asleep.

Ava pondered what she was going to do. Her wolf snarled at her for not mating him, tying him to them. Ava wanted to be sure herself first. It had been just over two weeks since they first met, and even though they’d made love—oh, that didn’t sound right…‘fucked’ that’s more what it had been both times—Ava didn’t want to push Logan into something he didn’t want. If she did that, she’d be left miserable like her brother Arden.

Ava knew from what her brothers had told her, and even Kirby, that her Logan disliked the wolves. They all said he would never mate with one. Well, Ava would just have to prove them wrong. She had no other choice.

She studied his features. Logan was a gorgeous human specimen, even with his nose being crooked because of being broken so many times. His hair color was orange. Ava always wondered why everyone said ‘redhead’ when it was orange. Her brother Jamie was a ranga as Faith called him, and so was Kirby, although her hair was more red than orange. She stared at his lightly freckled face, mentally connecting them up.

Logan was hers. She was going to make him love her. Make him never want to live without her. She would show him that being with her had many, many benefits. Ava would not end up like her brother Arden.

* * * *

Logan stretched out his body as the smell of bacon and sausage flooded his senses. He grinned at all the wonderful aches covering his body as he remembered the many positions he and Ava tried.

He glanced at the clock. Fuck, it was nine-thirty. He hadn’t slept in that late since he was a kid. Stretching again, he groaned as he slid out of bed. Not bothering with clothes, Logan padded down the hall to see a fantasy come to life.

A naked Ava was bending down getting plates out of the cupboard. She didn’t turn as she sat them next to the stove and started placing sausages, eggs, and bacon on toasted muffins. Logan couldn’t resist the moan of pleasure as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her naked flesh. He pulled her against his erection, grinding it against her.

He leaned down, giving her ear a nip, and whispered, “Something smells good, and I bet it tastes as good as it smells.”

She sighed as he nibbled his way down her body. Ava giggled as he turned her around, pushed her up on the table, and sucked one perfect pointed nipple into his mouth.

“Mmm, just as I thought. Tastes like heaven.” He dove back in, devouring her body. God, she tasted better than anything he’d ever had. When his mouth reached her pussy he paused for a second just to see the most perfect sight of his life. She was puffy, pink, and her cream leaked out, glistening in the morning light. “Fuck, sweetheart. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. I haven’t seen a prettier sight in my life.”

She shivered, which caused the moisture to drip down. He dove down, catching it. As the flavor of her hit him he smothered himself, eating her, licking. If he died now he would die a happy man.

Ava squealed as his tongue moved as far as it could go up her pussy, lapping. He sucked her cream in, groaning in ecstasy at her unique taste. Logan couldn’t get enough. His hands moved, exploring her perfect body. Her smooth, satin skin had no imperfection and felt better than any of the finest silks.

He gently bit her clit and she grabbed his hair, screaming his name as he greedily drank her orgasm in. Moving up her body, he turned her around so her hands rested on the bench, spread her legs apart, and thrust home.

Ava screamed again as he pounded into her, yelling, “Yes, yes, oh Logan. That’s… it… Oh, Logan.”

Blanketing over her body, his hand moved up to caress her breast. Ava arched her back against him, moaning, “I’m going to come again. Harder, Logan.”

He growled, sliding his hands down her body to hold her in place as he rammed into her pussy. Her muscles clenched around him and he ground his teeth together and bit his tongue so he could hold off coming until she came again.

Ava growled and pushed back against him, arching up, over and over. Moving one of his hands down to strum her clit, he pistoned into her a couple more times before she screamed his name.

He leaned over her as her vagina muscles squeezed the life out of his dick. His mouth sucked and bit her neck. Moving away, he shouted her name as he felt his cum burst from him, and bliss settled in.

As he slumped against her, Ava groaned. “Oh, that was so good. If I get a response like that every morning for cooking you breakfast, I’ll be sure to do it every day.”

Logan knew it was better not to say anything because he couldn’t do this again. He still wanted to find a normal human woman. Surely now that he’d had her, his obsession with her would be over. Actually he had the night off tomorrow, and he planned to test out his theory. Logan had had his fun, he was going to shower and come up with an excuse to get away.

Smiling against her shoulder, he slowly detangled himself. Ava turned to look at him. Her hair was a mess, her lips puffy, and her eyes looked dreamy. He forgot all his plans. He picked her up, the food forgotten, and took her back up to bed.

* * * *

Ava didn’t know a werewolf’s body could ache so much and yet feel the best it had ever felt. She watched Logan as he strolled up to her brother Kane’s front door like he hadn’t just had an almost twenty-four hour sex romp. That’s what it was, she wasn’t fooling herself. Ava knew Logan was trying to get her out of his system, he just didn’t know if it would work. She hoped he didn’t do anything stupid to test his theory, but she had a feeling from his quietness that that was what was going to happen.

The door opened to her brother’s house before they had a chance to knock. Kane stood with Rane behind him. They both sniffed the air, looked at Logan, then back at her. She bit her lip to keep from laughing when they both raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement of her unmated state. It had been the hardest thing she’d ever done in her life, but she had stopped her wolf from mating Logan. Her brothers might not approve of her mate, but they knew enough about fate to know that she was not totally in control of her destiny.

Ava raised her eyebrows back at her brothers. She so wasn’t going to discuss her mating with them. She grit her teeth at the standoff, and silence, as no one moved or said anything, then growled. Pushing Logan out of the way, she stomped past her brothers, going to the living room where she found Faith, Kirby, Sandra, and Logan’s brother Hayden all talking quietly about powers and who had what. Kane, Rane, and Logan stalked in after her.

She plunked herself down on her brother’s ugly lazy chair, turning a glare on Kane when he opened his mouth to protest where she sat. Ava felt Logan come stand behind her chair. Both her brothers picked up their mates, sat, and placed their treasures on top of their lap. Ava smiled at the love that shone from the two women as both sighed and got comfortable on her brothers’ laps. Her brothers stared behind her at Logan with their eyebrows raised, waiting for him to talk and confess his secrets.

Huffing out two breaths, she groaned. “Kane, Rane, he isn’t going to say anything unless you ask. Don’t you guys know if he was going to tell you, he would have by now.”

Her brothers shot her a glare. Rolling her eyes heavenward, she prayed for less testosterone in her family.

“You were quite impressive the other night,” Kane said in a matter-of-fact way.

She let out a moan when Logan growled, “I didn’t tell anyone about my powers because I didn’t want to be used as an experiment, or like a weapon as you all use my sister. I want to be important for reasons other than my power.”

Rane growled and probably would have gotten up if the woman in question wasn’t sitting on his lap frowning at her brother.

Ava sighed at the audacity of men. “You are a weapon, Logan. Isn’t that what the army trained you to be?”

Even though she couldn’t see him standing behind the chair, she could definitely feel the glare he gave her as he answered. “I’m a different kind of weapon. Before all this supernatural shit, I fought and saved the world from real stuff, not things out of books, or fantasy and all that crap.”

Ava winced at Logan’s rough talk about what he was and the way he felt about them all. She jumped when he whacked the back of the headrest.

“I didn’t voluntarily sign up for this supernatural stuff. I don’t want to use my powers for work. I’ve had all I can take on coming to terms with the fact that we’re not the only Homo sapiens on earth. Let alone fighting demons, minions, and zombies. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to get more involved with you lot. I want to do my job and get the fuck out.”

Ava shut her eyes, blocking the pain she felt for herself for having a mate that clearly didn’t want her. Opening them, she found Logan had moved from behind her chair and was staring at her brothers. His eyes were fierce, flashing with anger. His back was ridged and his hands were balled into fists at his sides. She focused on his face to see his jaw was clenched and he was grinding his teeth. He looked magnificent.

* * * *

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