Avoiding Temptation (19 page)

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Authors: K. A. Linde

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Young Adult, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Avoiding Temptation
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But no—he had broken her. Something in her had snapped. It was like he had stretched the thread taut, and over time, it had frayed, but one day, the pressure became just too much, and the thread split. Truth be told, she couldn’t come back from that. The thread would never be whole again. Sure, she could knot it together, but there would always be a noticeable imperfection.

A knock sounded, and Lexi’s eyes flew to the door.

“Do you want me to get it?” Ramsey asked, standing from his seat.

“Sure,” she said with a nod. “I’ll just grab my purse.”

Lexi’s eyes followed him all the way to the door, and then she just stood there and watched. She couldn’t tear herself away.

Ramsey swung the door open, and Jack stood there with a sheepish smile on his face. He actually looked like
Jack tonight—even though that term did
apply. He was wearing dark faded jeans and a black T-shirt with an old pair of Converse. She liked seeing him not look so stuffy. He didn’t need to be in a suit all the time to look good with his mussed dark brown hair, piercing baby-blue eyes, and a smirk that was to die for—not that she was thinking about that at all.

“Hey, man,” Jack said with a nod at Ramsey.


The guys shook hands, and Lexi could feel the tension rolling off of them from across the room.
What kind of parallel universe was she living in right now that she would be living with Ramsey and having a married Jack pick her up to take her out?
Of course, it wasn’t a date or anything even remotely close to that, but still, it was weird.

Jack said something that she didn’t catch as she walked to get her purse at the foot of the stairs. Ramsey laughed, but she knew that he wasn’t finding anything humorous. He was probably about to tell Jack what he had told her—that he would kill Jack if he laid one hand on her. She took her time getting her purse. She didn’t want to hear any of it. The whole situation was already awkward enough.

She grabbed her purse and slung it on before straightening. Jack was nodding at Ramsey. She was really glad she wasn’t over there. Jack didn’t look happy, and by the set of Ramsey’s shoulders, he certainly wasn’t.
Well, great.

“All ready to go,” she said, walking across the living room to where the guys were standing.

Ramsey still hadn’t let Jack inside, which was fine by her. She didn’t want to be here with the both of them any longer than was necessary.

“Hey, Lex,” Jack said, nodding in her direction but making no move to walk inside.


Christ, if only he wasn’t so attractive…if only he hadn’t married the Bitch.

Whatever. It didn’t matter.

“I’ll see you later,” she told Ramsey as she turned to walk out.

Ramsey wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her back into him. She moved to give him a hug good-bye, but he dropped his mouth down to hers and kissed her thoroughly. She knew he was doing it as a show. He had probably been planning it while they had been sitting over their computers. He had probably plotted how to put the fear of death into Jack. She knew Ramsey didn’t trust Jack, and she didn’t blame him. She could feel every ounce of emotion Ramsey was pushing into this kiss. He wanted her to remember what she was coming home to. He had said he trusted her, but this kiss said he wanted to make sure. It stung as much as she enjoyed the display.

Still, when he released her, she was breathless and latched on to him to steady herself.

“I’ll be waiting up for you,” he said softly before releasing her.

Lexi nodded and then left. Jack was already halfway down the steps when she walked out the door.
Had he left while they were kissing? Or had he waited until he heard what Ramsey had said? She didn’t know if he was affected, and even if he was, what did it matter?

She didn’t want to think about that. This concert wasn’t about her and Jack. She hadn’t done it to make Ramsey jealous, to make him want her like that. It certainly wasn’t to make Jack jealous…if he was even still capable. It wasn’t for anything but to see the D-Bags.

Jack didn’t turn around as he walked straight to his car. She wondered what he was thinking—though she knew he wouldn’t tell her, not that she would ask.

Walking around the car, she opened the passenger side door and slid into the seat. It smelled like Jack.
Dear Lord!
She swallowed and tried not to associate the musky scent he exuded with where her mind always went with it—sex. She closed her eyes and breathed in and then out slowly.
It was intoxicating.

“I guess I wasn’t planning to start the night off like this,” Jack said, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel in a familiar fashion. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” she asked, trying to bring herself down from the high.

“Putting Ramsey on edge.”

“Right,” she said, unable to hold back the sarcastic undertone.

“I’m serious.”

“Whatever, Jack. Just drive.”

He sighed heavily and backed out of the driveway.

The best way to get through this evening would be to disengage—not to think about the smell she associated with sex in his car, or his baby-blue eyes, or his smooth words. She just channeled that feeling from the wedding, the red-hot feel of his desperation in that moment. He had wanted a way out, and she had refused to give him one. Now, he was married to Bekah. She balled her hands into fists, remembering the pain and the anger and the heartache. It scorched through her, which helped with her clarity in this situation.

She could not let Jack back in.
For the love of God, she would not let Jack back in.

Jack pulled out onto the interstate toward the arena. She hadn’t said a word since they had left, and he hadn’t either. She could feel his eyes wandering over to her, like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. He just gave her space because it was clear that was what she wanted.

It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable. It was Jack after all, but it did make her anxious. She just wanted to break the spell, yet she couldn’t. As much as she wanted everything to be okay and break down this wall between them, she wanted to stay angry with him. She wanted to be able to hold on to that for as long as possible.

They made it all the way to the exit ramp before they hit traffic. They eased into the line of cars and waited for everyone to putter along to the nearest parking garage. She was sure all of this was for the Sienna Sexton and D-Bags show, but she wished traffic would just move faster. She was ready to be out of this car and away from this feeling.

Jack glanced over at her as they approached the light. “Thanks for coming with me.”

Lexi humphed and turned to gaze out the passenger window. The line of traffic broke, and they drove through the light and into the nearest parking garage. A few levels up, Jack took the first available spot and put the car in park.

. That had to have been the most stressful car ride she had ever been on…and Jack had only said one thing. And it had been something really nice.

“Are you going to ignore me the whole show?” he asked.

He hadn’t moved from his seat, and he was staring at her with such intensity that she could feel it without even looking at him.

Disengage. Disengage.

“No,” Lexi said curtly, popping open the door and walking toward the elevator.

Jack was not allowed to be nice to her when she wanted to be angry with him. It didn’t matter how irrational that sounded because he had married someone else. And well…she was allowed to be irrational about that.

Jack jumped out of the car and jogged to catch up with her. “Okay,” he said, stopping the elevator with his hand and staring at her with those big blue eyes.

She could drown in those eyes.

“Are you going to be pissed at me the whole time?”

She could hear the edge of desire in his voice that he was trying so hard to mask. If only she could keep her temper under control when he was around, then maybe this wouldn’t always happen. But he had always liked her when she was angry.


“Well…good,” he mumbled, following her into the elevator. “Are you going to say anything other than no by any chance?”

“No,” she said calmly.

“Look, I’m being perfectly nice to you, Lex. You’re treating me like I slammed you back against the wall in the elevator when I promised I wouldn’t do anything stupid.”

Heat rushed to Lexi’s neck and cheeks as she glared at him. “And you wonder why when you make those kinds of suggestions.”

“I’m not suggesting it,” he said quickly. “You have it all wrong. I’m here for the show…with my friend. Plus, I got you to say something other than no.” He smirked devilishly at her.

Lexi turned to face the front of the elevator and crossed her arms over her chest.
How did he rile her up so easily?
She was just trying to keep her defenses up, and he was trying to shatter them. A few words…those blue eyes…that smile…and she was a goner. But she couldn’t…

She could just imagine the feel of his arms pressing her back roughly against the wall of the elevator after slamming the emergency button. She hoped no one would need the elevator. She would see the light in those blue eyes as they turned crystal-clear blue, telling her all he wanted to do was devour her. And she could let him as his lips found her mouth, neck, ear—nipping and licking and sucking and teasing—until she was grinding her body against him. Her eyes would flutter close as she wound her fingers into the thick, dark hair, begging him for more with her actions as much as her words.

He would hoist her legs up and press himself firmly against her. She would rake her hands down his back, and the heat of the moment would make them lose all thoughts. It would only be them in that moment—only the other person. The feel of their lips, the roughness of his hands on her hips, his dick pressing against her…

She stopped her rather active imagination right there. She couldn’t toe that line, even in her thoughts.
Not a good idea.

Jack stuck his hands into the pockets of his scuffed-up jeans and rocked back and forth as the elevator dinged open on the bottom floor.

“Well, thanks for coming anyway,” he said softly.

Maybe if she didn’t repress so heavily, she wouldn’t start having stupid daydreams about him in the elevator.
She just needed to act normal. Clearly, closing off wasn’t working.
Maybe cautious would do.

“I wanted to be at the show,” she finally told him as they walked toward the venue. “You know I like the band.”

“They’re so good,” Jack said. “Plus, you think the lead singer is hot.”

hot,” she said as a matter-of-fact. “Everyone who is anyone thinks he’s hot.”

“I mean for a dude, sure. I can pick up my guitar again if you want,” he said with a faint chuckle.

Lexi glared at him. “Don’t even play.”

She couldn’t imagine Jack with his guitar. It wouldn’t be good for her mental health, not after her thoughts in the elevator. She would be better off fantasizing about Kellan Kyle. He was much further out of reach.

“Okay, okay,” he said, throwing up his hands. “Just joking. I’d probably sound terrible. It’s been too long since I’ve played, and I was better at keys.”

“I know, Jack,” she said, following the line of traffic toward Philips Arena. “I remember.”

They stopped talking as they maneuvered through the crowd. Jack pulled out the tickets when they reached the entrance.

The lady wearing a Philips Arena polo scanned the tickets and handed them back to Jack. “Enjoy the show.”

“Thanks,” Lexi said, walking behind Jack into the building.

The arena was already teeming with people talking to friends, looking at merchandise, and standing in long lines for concessions. A smile spread across her face at the energy in the room, and excitement took her over.

She was going to see Kellan Kyle. Holy fuck!

“I think you need a T-shirt,” Jack said, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the merchandise stand.

“Are you crazy? I’m not paying thirty-five dollars for a T-shirt.” Lexi tried to stop him.

“You’re joking, right?”

“What?” she asked with a shrug.

He shook his head like he wanted to say something, and then he reconsidered.

“Seriously, what?”

“It’s just…you just got a new job. This is your first time seeing the D-Bags. They’re your favorite band. You’ve been stealing
shirts for years.”

Lexi bit her lip and tried not to give her thoughts away. She loved the D-Bags’ music, but she had only ever stolen his T-shirts because they were
. She could never tell him that now.

“And you won’t spend thirty-five bucks to get yourself your own shirt?” He tilted his head and smiled at her. “I think you should get it, but it is kind of refreshing to hear that people still care about the price of things.”

“I guess you’ve been spending too much time with the wrong kind of people then,” she said, her face heating.

It wasn’t that thirty-five dollars was too much. She could afford it now, but it felt weird.

Jack kept that goofy grin on his face and then walked forward without her.

“Hey, where are you going?”

He ignored her and bypassed a few girls who were making up their minds about what shirt to get.

“Can I get the plain black D-Bags shirt in black? A small,” Jack said.

“Sure,” a guy said, picking off the top of the pile and handing the shirt to him.

Jack passed him his credit card and signed the receipt.

“Here you go,” Jack said.

He tossed her the shirt. She caught it, not even sure how to respond.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she murmured.

“I’ll let you buy the drinks.” He smirked and directed her in the opposite direction.

She really didn’t know what to say. No part of her had expected Jack to just go buy her a D-Bags T-shirt for no reason. She couldn’t even remember the last time they had just gone out and had a good time together.
It was probably in New York over three years ago. That felt like a lifetime ago.

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