Read Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3) Online

Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3) (13 page)

BOOK: Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)
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I quickly grab myself a juice and fruit bowl before following Phoebe back towards the lift, and as we approach I see Samantha frantically speaking with a blonde woman whose back is to me. We reach them just as the elevator doors open, and follow the pair into the enclosed space. It isn’t until I step over the threshold that I realise the blonde woman is none other than Sandra Goodridge.

My steps falter for a beat but I hastily recover and fully enter the lift.

Sandra’s eyes widen in shock before her face screws up in a scowl. The atmosphere drops to chilling as I step into her space. I won’t back down from this woman, and for her to think she can walk into Damon’s work and cause him stress is laughable. I will tear her apart. She won’t be messing with my man.

“What are you doing here Sandra?” I demand.

Sandra looks through me and complete dismisses me, looking ahead, above my shoulder. Her ignorance spikes my temper and I want to slap her but refrain. Will the Goodridge women ever give me peace?

“You need to leave,” I growl.

Phoebe sucks in a quick gasp behind me while Samantha places herself between Sandra and me.

“It’s okay Mrs. Hunt.” She places an encouraging hand on my arm and I look at her to see her giving me a supportive smile. I return her smile, but I know mine is anything but encouraging. I’m ready to battle. “Phoebe, can you fetch security please? Mrs. Goodridge, along with her daughter, have been put on security watch and are not permitted to enter Hunter Enterprises any longer.” Samantha’s voice is business-like and confident. Phoebe scuttles out of the elevator to reception as Samantha turns to address Sandra. “Mrs. Goodridge, if you could exit the lift, we can contact Mr. Hunt to see if he’s able to speak with you, but I can’t allow you to go any further.

“Oh yes?” Sandra asks, amusement lacing her voice. She leans to the button panel and presses Damon’s floor before looking at Samantha. “And you’re going to stop me?” she says laughing. The metal doors slide shut and the lift begins its ascent to the twentieth floor.

Sandra thinks she’s invincible.


She’s not.

I’m glad she’s trapped us in this confined space because it gives me the perfect opportunity to say what I want to. I have no doubt that Phoebe would have explained to security the situation happening in the lift, and I know they will have no choice but to interrupt Damon’s meeting. I expect Damon to be on his way to the elevator right now so I face Sandra straight on and step into her again. She takes a small step back and seems a little more apprehensive now.

“You and your daughter need to stay away from my husband. You’re poison and I won’t allow your toxicity to infect him. I’ve told your daughter, and now I’m telling you. Stay. The. Fuck. Away.  You were told at my wedding that you’re no longer welcome and that still stands. If you think I’m going to let you step into Damon’s office space you have another thing coming.”

The lift begins to slow then stops, the doors gliding open to reveal Damon and Spencer. I lean closer, bringing my lips to her ear, “You say so much as “boo” to my husband, and I’m coming for you. I won’t stop until you lose it all. Crazy suits you and a restraining order will paint the perfect picture.” I know my words will hit their mark. Sandra is reputable and is all about her reputation, and telling her I’ll ruin her family name has gotten her attention. I step away and reach to press the lobby button, challenging her.

“Stay away Sandra,” I warn, and step out of the elevator and into Damon’s arms. Samantha steps out behind me and turns to watch Sandra for a reaction. Her jaw is clenched in anger but she does well to contain it. She remains in the lift and allows it to close and take her down without a fuss.

“Are you okay beauty?” Damon asks. Samantha tries explaining but he growls at her to be silent. Spencer leads her away with a hand on her elbow. I nod my head at him and hold my head high. I won’t feel bad for what I said. Damon has her on security watch because he doesn’t want to deal with her. If he doesn’t want to speak with her I will stand in her way, protecting him like he would me.

“I'm fine Damon. I’m just pissed off with those Goodridge women thinking they can do as they please. Urgh. When will they just back off? Irritating bitches,” I mutter.

I expect Damon to ask more questions, but instead he surprises me by crashing his mouth down to mine, claiming me in a deep kiss. I press against him after a shocked second and that’s all the permission he needs to possess me. His tongue meets mine to battle, and his flavour floods my senses.

He pulls away far too soon for my liking, leaving me breathless. Looking around I see different people in a state of shock at Damon's public display of affection. He notices it too and lets out a loud laugh, startling his employees.

“I’m all finished here if you’re ready to head out?” he says against my lips when he leans in for a last kiss.

“Yes,” I reply breathlessly.

He chuckles, and leads the way to collect our things to go.




October 31



It’s Halloween and Ella wanted to visit her dad’s grave before going to my parents. It’s the first time I’d accompanied her to his grave but not the first time I’d been. I’ve been visiting Pops ever since he passed away and I’m expecting Ella to realise that soon. I know she’s pre occupied with what happened with Sandra earlier, but I don’t want her over thinking things.

After situating Ella in the car, I make my way around to the driver’s side and climb in. I’m expecting several questions from her as we head to my parents for a meal. Sandra turning up at the office, and Ella getting rid of her, turned me the fuck on.

I’ve been adjusting myself every time I think about seeing my beauty go into battle. She’s so beautiful, but sexy at the same time.

Starting the engine, I pull out and head towards my mums.

“You’ve been going to Pops’ grave,” Ella states quietly. She doesn’t need to ask if I have, because she knows it was me. I buy the same flowers every time I go, and have done for years.

“Yes,” I answer just as quietly. I’m not sure where her head is at and I don’t want to upset her any more than she has been today.

“How long?” she questions.


“It was you who took care of his grave when I didn’t,” she says sadly.

“There were times when I went to visit and I’d find a girl talking to Pops so I left, giving her space. I’d return later and the grave was clean and tidy, flowers and presents were left behind. That was you,” I state. I didn’t know at the time it was Ella. I never approached her but I know her now, and I know she’s the same girl from before. “After Lydia passed I never saw you there again. I began visiting more and more, cleaning his space, and making the area as pretty as you always made it. It didn’t help ease the guilt, but it made me feel like I was helping you whilst you were grieving. After a while it turned into a habit. If I wanted peace and quiet, somewhere to talk and think, I went to the grave. I turned to Pops to find comfort away from my self-hatred.”

We come to a stop at the traffic lights and Ella remains silent. I fucking hate not knowing what she’s thinking. I clench my jaw and wait for her to speak again. It isn’t until we’re driving forward again that she finally speaks.

“Thank you,” she whispers. I quickly glance at her to find her emerald eyes on me. I wish I wasn’t fucking driving. I’d pull my beauty into my arms and assure her no thanks are necessary. Instead all I can do is tell her.

“Don’t ever thank me baby. You have absolutely nothing to thank me for. It’s me who is thankful,” I tell her.

“I’m thankful to you for a lot Damon, and I will make sure you know that,” she says with a smile. “You might not believe yourself to be the man I
you are, but I want you to believe in me, and believing in me means believing in you. I love you Damon.
Just you. It doesn’t matter what happened in the past, and it doesn’t matter if we make mistakes now. All that matters is that I love you because of
you are. Everything you are is perfect
for me
, and I know we can get through anything if we do it together,” she says seriously.

My heart fucking drums in my chest, trying to break free. How this woman loves me and sees me as the man she does befuddles my brain.

Ella stupefies me.

She astounds me.

I pull over, and unbuckle myself, not able to continue driving until I’m kissing the ever loving shit out of her. I need her taste, love, and passion on my tongue. I need to
her words.

Ella must feel the same because she’s unbuckled and climbing out her seat to me before I’ve completely brought the car to a halt. Taking her into my arms, I pull her into my lap as her lips attach to mine. I let her keep control of the kiss to begin with, but when she moans into my mouth I can’t refrain any longer. I take over.

Possessing her.

I take my fill, swirling my tongue into her mouth and plunging deep. I thread my fingers through her brown hair to lock her in place and devour her. Ella presses against me, as close as our daughter will allow, and my cock stiffens. She rubs against me, fucking turning me upside down, inside out, and backwards. I lose all brain function when I’m kissing my beauty. The only thing my mind can concentrate on is her moans and whimpers, her taste, and her body pressed against mine.

She takes over my senses every time.

Ella pulls away, panting, her breasts heaving with each inhale and exhale, and her eyes a darker green with arousal. I try to get myself under control but it’s futile. My whole body is thrumming, anxious for release, desperate to sink deep into her tight, warm, wet pussy.

I can smell her arousal and it sends mine to rocketing highs. I groan, pressing my forehead against Ella’s as I adjust myself so my zipper isn’t cutting off the blood flow from my cock back to my body. 

“Wow,” Ella whispers. “Kisses with you never get old. It always feels like the first kiss again with you Damon. Every. Time.” Ella sounds as breathless as I fucking feel.

Shit, my wife blows me away.

“You’re delicious,” I tell her. “Your taste is addictive beauty, but what blows me away is your love for me. How did I get so fucking lucky?”

Ella laughs at me, her eyes sparkling with happiness. My heart swells in my chest because I put that happiness in her forest eyes.

“Let’s go have some food then I can get you home as soon as possible. I want to show you my love. I worship you baby, and I plan to worship you all night,” I say. I don’t want to fucking eat now, I just want to go home and sink deep into Ella but I know she needs to eat so my needs will wait.

“Can’t we just skip?” Ella asks.


My woman tempts me beyond reason, but she’s got to be hungry and I know one thing will take her mind off what my mind is on.

“You sure you can miss out on cherry pie?” I ask, waiting for my words to hit. Ella looks torn as she looks into my eyes then down to my hard cock. She chews her bottom lip in indecision, making me laugh. I detangle her arms from around me and help her back to her seat, taking the decision from her. She needs to eat. “Cherry pie it is,” I say, strapping her seatbelt around her, and stroking her bump. I place a quick kiss to her lips and secure my seatbelt too.

Once settled, I start the car and finish the journey to my parent’s house, my cock cursing me for not taking her up on skipping.


When we arrived at my parents thirty minutes ago, Ella was promptly whisked away by my mum, and I joined my dad and Spencer in the lounge. Spencer went to find Ella fifteen minutes ago when she didn’t pop in to say hello and he hasn’t returned since.

My dad keeps giving me a knowing smile. He knows I’m eager to go and find my beauty but his side glances are keeping me in place. For some reason I feel like he’s laughing at me, but also waiting for me to cave.

I give him a suspicious glance and he laughs at me.
What the fuck?
I feel like he’s examining me, like I’m some sort of caged animal being studied. His scrutiny is driving me crazy.

“What?” I ask. My dad just shakes his head, laughing. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I snap. My tone catches my dad off guard and his laugher instantly vanishes, and I immediately feel like a fucking prick. “Sorry dad,” I say, looking into his eyes, so similar to mine. “I feel like I’m being examined.”

“It’s okay son. You were.” He says it nonchalantly, but with a smirk on his face and my eyes narrow. I was? Why?

“And why are you examining me dad?” I ask.

“Well Damon, when you arrived it was obvious you wanted to be anywhere but here, and by the looks of it, it was to do with wanting alone time with your wife,” he says, selecting his words carefully. “I’m guessing she has you all twisted up inside, like your mother still does to me, and your brother decided to toss out a wager. He thought you’d last five minutes before seeking out your wife. Your mum thought you would follow them immediately,” he says, full grin on his face.

“And you said?” I growl.

“I said...” he says, pausing for effect and pissing me off more. He stands, looking down at me. “You’d stay in here until I went into the kitchen to greet my daughter in law. I guess I’m right,” he says, laughing. My dad strides across the room, leaving me sitting here in shock.

He fucking played me

He knew I wouldn’t leave without finding out why he was staring at me – analysing me – and looking at me the way he was. It was his way to keep me sitting here, his way to
. He knows me too well. I stand, but pause. Now, if I walk in there I’ll prove him right and have to look at his smug face. If I stay here, he loses, but so do I. I’ll be away from Ella longer, and I’ve been away from her long enough already.   

Gritting my teeth, I stomp towards the kitchen, and as I near I hear Ella let out a moan that should only ever be heard by my ears. My dick instantly starts to stiffen and I pick up my pace. Pushing the door open slightly, I see everyone gathered around the marble island all staring at Ella, all with different expressions. I can’t help the laugh that escapes me as I take in their faces. I step inside. 

My beauty is devouring pie, her eyes shut, and her face a state of bliss as she chews. She looks like an angel in her own private heaven. She’s practically hugging a plate with a half eaten slice of my mum's cherry pie.

Spencer looks like he’s in pain but can’t take his eyes away from my wife. I want to claw his fucking eyes out. He’s looking at my beauty.

My mum is watching my wife with adoration, her eyes sparkling with love. I smile watching the adulation she openly displays for Ella to see. One look at my mum and my wife will know she isn’t alone. She has the mum she never had.

My dad is looking at Ella with a mixture of envy and awe. He’s just as crazy over my mum’s cherry pie as his granddaughter will be, if her mother’s cravings are anything to go by. I’m sure he’s salivating with want, but he won’t have a slice until Ella has had her fill. In the last few months, we Hunt men have had to wait until my mum is satisfied Ella has been taken care of before us, and that means no pie if Ella hasn’t eaten any. The entire pie will be sent home with us for her and typically the craving will come back with force, and I’ll find her having a midnight snack. Occasionally she’ll share the remaining pie with me, but she’s commonly half asleep and doesn’t notice me until she’s eaten the last piece.  

Everyone is watching Ella in amazement while she takes bite after bite, letting out long satisfying moans. The moans are usually what make my cock twitch, but watching her suck on that spoon with a satisfying pop makes me think of my cock in her mouth, and that makes me throb painfully. 

I move into the kitchen and take a seat at the island, continuing to watch her as she eats the last mouthful.

It isn’t until she’s slipped the last mouthful in that she pays attention to her audience. When she looks up and sees all eyes are on her a light blush creeps into her cheeks. She looks so fucking sexy with that pink hue colouring her face. It’s similar to the flush she gets when I’m buried inside her and she’s milking my cock through her orgasm. 

I need to get my head out of the bedroom. I’ll never be able to hug my mum goodbye any time soon in this state.

“Was that good beauty?” I ask, wishing that we were alone. She nods he head yes.

“Would you like another slice Ella?” My mother asks, rising to her feet. Both she and Ella jump when a resounding “Nooooooo!” echoes around the room. I look at Spence and can’t help laughing my arse off, earning a glare from him. He looks ready to pass out and has the decency to look ashamed. I can’t blame him. My wife doing something as simple as eating pie is a huge fucking turn on. The blush on Ella's face deepens as she takes in Spencer's expression.

“I'm sorry Ella, but I have never seen anyone enjoy pie quite like that before. Maybe you could enjoy another slice at home, or when I’ve left?” he pleads in a strangled voice. Ella nods her head, unable to look at him. Her eyes are focused on me and she tries to hide her face behind her hair.  Reaching my hand out, I tuck her hair behind her ear and give her a grin. God, I love her. My dad clears his throat before releasing a bellowing laugh.

“I won,” he declares. Ella looks at him puzzled, mum and Spence mutter to themselves, and I smile.

I fucking love my family.

I lean over and pluck my wife from her seat and sit her in my lap, caressing our daughter.

“Is our Jellybean satisfied now?” I ask. Ella laughs and nods. I pull her top up to feel her skin and almost fall off the stool. My wife begins giggling hysterically whilst I look at her large pumpkin bump. The entirety of her bump is painted bright orange with black triangle eyes decorate above her black nose-bellybutton, and a jagged mouth grins at me. It’s quite sloppy and I know Ella has done this herself from the off angle brush strokes where she’s painted the underside of her bump – where she can no longer see.

I laugh, looking into her gorgeous green eyes, exhilaration shinning from deep within their depths, and contentment fills me. My family’s laugher soon joins mine and Ella’s. 

BOOK: Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)
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