Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3) (24 page)

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Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

BOOK: Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)
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January 13



The past few days have been crazy. My mum has been a godsend, helping as much as she can. With my beauty breastfeeding my mum can only help so much, but she’s kept the house clean, cooked everyone’s meals, and taken care of Poppy during the day to allow Ella and me to sleep.

We’ve gotten into a routine pretty quickly, and I love being a daddy. My daughter has made me fucking soft but I don’t mind. She’s worth it.

We’ve had regular visitors daily, each bringing new gifts with them for Poppy every time. She’s bloody spoilt already.

Ella is frustrated with not being able to do much. The hospital gave her crutches but she can’t use them until her caesarean scar heals, and each day I watch her frustration build.

I, on the other hand, have loved being able to care for her as much as possible. Bathing her is one of my favourite times of the day. I get to see my wife naked and slippery, and I get to hold and wash her. With her leg in a cast we have to wrap it with a rubbish bag to prevent it from getting wet.

Ella relies on me to help her move in her wheelchair or carry her to wherever she wants to go, and I’m happy any time I can get her in my arms so it’s a win win for me. 

It’s fucking fantastic. 

Our routine is getting easier. We’re slipping into the role of parents quickly. Ella feeds, and dresses Poppy, I bathe and get her ready for bed. We take turns changing her nappy, and argue who gets to hold her.

Poppy has everyone wrapped around her tiny fingers already.

Spencer is a doting uncle, snatching her from my arms at every opportunity. I want to punch him daily. He’s stayed here as long as my parents have, keeping work running smoothly and keeping me updated when required. He’s assured me he can take care of everything until I’m ready to get back into the office. I was honest with him when I said it could be months. I don’t want to miss a minute with my wife and daughter.

My family is returning to their own homes today, and although I’m thankful for all they’ve done, I’m fucking happy to finally be alone with my own little family.

I want to snuggle in bed with my wife and watch her feed our little princess. I don’t want to fucking leave the room. No guests are allowed today. I’ve told them all to stay away.

I’ve been trying to usher Spencer out of my house for the last ten minutes, but for some reason he’s stalling, and it’s aggravating the fuck out of me.

“Time to leave Spence,” I say bluntly. I’m sick of waiting. I want to climb back in bed with my wife. I don’t plan on sleeping, just watching my beauty. She’s so beautiful, even being exhausted, she makes my heart thump.

Ella’s body is still heeling from everything she’s been through over the last few weeks and today I want to spend the day pampering her. She deserves it.

“What’s the rush? Ella and Poppy are both asleep. I could keep you company until Pops wakes up so I can give her a cuddle goodbye,” he implores. I laugh at his antics. He’s well and truly in love with his niece.

“No. It’s time to go. I’m off to cuddle with Ella and Poppy. Out,” I demand, nodding my head towards the door.

“Fucker,” he mutters, walking past me, and leaving without another word. I’m left chuckling at his sulky exit. He can see her tomorrow, but today they are mine.

I stride to the door and lock it behind him before storming my way upstairs to my wife, but as I near our room I hear a tiny whimper. A smile instantly spreads across my face. My princess is awake. I turn and cross to her door, quietly opening it, and peeking inside. Her small body wriggles under her blanket but she doesn’t make another sound.

As if sensing me, Poppy turns her head towards me, and dark brown eyes meet mine. My heart ripples a beat as my love for her bursts through me. She fucking melts me.

I cross the room to her and look down at her perfect face. She’s so tiny that at times I’m scared I could hurt her, but that all leaves me when she’s in my arms. I snag her up, cupping the back of her head and her bum, and hold her against my chest.

Her smell invades my senses and utter peace crashes over me. I’ve never smelled anything so wonderful. Poppy nuzzles against my neck, looking for her food source, making me laugh.

I left Ella to sleep in this morning because Poppy had a bad night and kept us awake many hours. I was hoping she could catch as much sleep as possible but it looks like our daughter has other ideas. She yawns and her eyes flutter shut and I know she’s half and half.

I cuddle her to me, swaying and rocking her, and sing her our song. You are my Sunshine has been sung to her daily, every chance I get a moment alone with her. Once my song is finished Poppy whimpers again, and Ella’s voice comes over the two way monitors.

“I’m awake Damon,” she says softly. 

I make my way to my way our bedroom, smiling all the way. Ella is propped up against the headboard, waiting for us. I close the distance between us and place Poppy into her waiting arms.

“Sorry. I tried to keep her calm to give you a longer sleep,” I tell her. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

“I’m fine,” she replies, not taking her eyes from our wriggling daughter. Poppy roots against her mother’s chest, looking for food, and quickly begins fussing when she doesn’t find any. Ella smiles at her, and quickly pulls her breast out, letting Poppy latch on.

I kneel on the bed, and Ella instantly knows what I want. She scoots forward to make room for me to fit in behind her. I quickly find my position and wrap my arms around her, so we can hold our princess together.

Poppy settles, and begins gulping her milk down, making little pleased noises. We sit in silence as I watch my wife give our daughter what she needs, nurturing her.

I could have lost all of this. Ella may have let the past go and not want to rehash what happened just a few weeks ago, but I’ve been struggling with it all. The only time peace fully settles in my soul is when I have both my girls in my arms.

They are my peace.


Ella nudging me awake startles me and I squint into the afternoon sun. She fidgets and I realise Poppy has finished her meal, and I fell asleep.

“Can you fetch her moses basket and bring it in here?” Ella asks quietly. “She can stay in here whilst you hold me,” she says with a yawn. I rub my eyes before climbing from the bed and doing as asked. Once I have Poppy settled, and covered with her blanket, I start to slip back into bed but my wife stops me. “There’s something under the bed, can you grab it for me please?” Ella asks. A glint in her eyes makes my eyes narrow. What is she up to?

I pull out a large rectangular box that’s gift wrapped. It’s thin and light, and instantly piques my interest. On top are two smaller presents, one A4 sized, and the other is A5 but thicker.

I place them on the bed next to Ella and crawl on to lie next to her. She has a small embarrassed smile on her face, and a faint blush decorating her cheeks. She looks fucking hot.

“What’s this?” I ask.

“Merry Christmas,” she whispers.
We all exchanged gifts a few nights ago, but she has more?

“What are they?” I ask, picking it up with curiosity.

“Open them.”

I tear into the paper, finding a photo album. I look up into Ella’s eyes in question. She blushes and looks away. What I find when I open the cover takes my breath away and makes my cock twitch. It’s a bird’s eye view of Ella spread across a bed wearing white lacy knickers and bra. Her hair is fanned out around her and she’s staring straight into the camera, looking straight at

“Fuck,” I rasp. I don’t know what to fucking say. It’s fucking amazing but jealously bursts violently through me. Someone has seen my woman dressed like, this, had her pose and flirt with the camera lens. “Who took them?” I growl. Ella giggles and my eyes fly to hers, clashing with her forest greens.

“Faith,” she says, not hiding her amusement at all.

My body releases its tense position, my muscles relaxing. Thank fuck for that. I can deal with that. I flick through each photo, my cock thickening with each new pose. My wife is showcasing her bump in every way possible. Each picture sexy in its own right. I open the second gift and find an empty personalised photo frame. It reads,
My Daddy and me. My favourite man in the whole world
. This is for me to fill and I can’t wait to begin adding photos of my princess.

The last gift is a large canvas. It’s a black and white picture of Ella standing in a bay window, staring off into the distance. She appears to be naked but her entire body is cast in shadow so it’s hard to be sure. The curtains seem to be billowing, making the picture seem alive. Her silhouette shows each and every sexy curve but somehow takes the erotic nature away and makes it more about our growing daughter.

It’s stunning.

“Fuck baby, they’re amazing. Thank you.” She gives me a shy smile that makes me need to kiss the shit out of her, so I do.

I draw her against me and crush her mouth with mine. She opens and I swoop my tongue in, tasting her. I groan and cup her face. She’s perfect for me. Every fucking thing I could ever wish for.

“I love you,” I growl into her mouth.

“I love you,” she replies.




December 25



A warm breath on my neck rouses me from my sleep.  My back is pressed firmly against Damon's hard chest, and his hands creep round my waist, pulling me in closer. I wriggle against him, pressing my arse up against his morning erection, and he lets out a gasp. His mouth moves to my ear, and he sucks on my lobe, sending my body into a tizzy.

“Merry Christmas,” he says softly into my ear. His sleep filled voice is raspy and it makes my knickers damp, but I ignore my desire. My eyes snap open and excitement washes over me.  It's Christmas Day. And it's Poppy's second birthday. 

I turn over to face Damon. “Merry Christmas, husband,” I say, giving him a quick chaste kiss on the lips. I don’t give him chance to deepen it. I break away and pull back the covers, jumping out of bed. 

I hear Damon growl behind me as I pull some sweatpants up my bare legs and cover my nakedness, pulling one of his t-shirts on to complete my outfit. I turn and cross the room, and I'm almost at the door when arms band round my waist and I am lifted off my feet. 

Swinging me around, Damon throws me down on the bed, making me bounce. I giggle but it instantly dies when he climbs on top of the bed, crawling up my body, pinning my arms to my sides. 

“I didn't say you could leave Ella,” he drawls. Lifting the t-shirt he exposes my stomach, and leans forward, running hot trails of kisses down it, setting me on fire. “I think you need to learn who is in charge baby. I’m the boss,” he whispers against my skin. His fingers lift my shirt higher, pushing it past my naked breasts. When I feel his tongue on my nipple I can’t help the gasp that escapes. 

“Damon,” I moan. He nips my nipple before drawing it deeply into the warmth of his wet mouth, sucking me. My eyes close and I savour every single second that he is taking to devour my breast. My hands find their way into his hair, holding his to me.

“Mummy,” an angelic voice calls. I snap open my eyes and turn my head to the doorway. It takes only a moment for us to realise what is happening, and Damon just has enough time to climb off me and back under the covers before Poppy pushes the door open and saunters into the room, stopping at the side of our bed.

“Happy Birthday baby doll,” I exclaim in excitement, jumping from the bed and swooping her up into my arms. She lets out a squeal of excitement as I place her down on the bed and she jumps up and down, bouncing in joy.

Damon sits up, and the covers pool at his waist. He opens his arms and Poppy scrambles to him and climbs into his embrace.

“Happy birthday daddy,” she says in her sweet little voice. Damon laughs only to confuse her.

“It's not my birthday Princess. It's yours. And little princesses get extra spoiled by their daddies on their birthday,” he says, before lifting her and blowing raspberries on her stomach, causing her to giggle. 

“It's also a special day today because it's Christmas day too, Poppy,” I tell her. She stops laughing at her dad and looks at me, her little face looking thoughtful for a second as she thinks about what I have said.

I decide the easiest thing to do is show her. I know she’s still a little too young to feel excitement over Santa yet but it doesn’t take any of my excitement away. Taking her hand, I help her down and lead her out of the bedroom. Damon quickly dresses and follows us down. He scoops her up when we reach the bottom of the stairs and spins her around, making her squeal in delight.  

When we get to the lounge, Damon waits a moment for me to go into the room and put all the Christmas lights on. After a few moments he walks through the door with Poppy on his hip and I lift my camera, snapping a picture of her face, filled with awe. 

She looks at all the presents set out for her under the tree, our lounge looking like a toyshop has spilled its contents onto our floor. When her eyes finally land on mine they are filled with tears and I have to hold back from rushing over and pulling her from Damon's arms.

“For me?” she asks in her singsong voice. Unable to hide my emotion, I nod my head at her. She looks to Damon for confirmation and he nods his head, setting her on her feet.

Unsure where to go first, Poppy stands for a moment before lifting up a present, looking to us again for confirmation they really are for her before ripping open the paper.

“It's a dolly,” she says, hugging it to her chest and sitting down to play. I look at Damon who looks between me and the pile of presents she is yet to open. 

We have been so careful not to spoil her. We could give her everything she could ever want, but its moments like this that make me glad that we don’t, when I see how much enjoyment she gets from playing with a plain little doll.

“Do you want to open another present Pops?” I ask gently. She places her doll down on the floor and stands to pick up another present. The joy on her face that she gets to have so many presents is sparkling in her brown eyes.

She’s thrilled. 

Damon sits down on the couch and pulls me down on his lap as we watch our Princess open gift after gift.

“We might be here all day,” he whispers into my ear making me shiver. “Do you want your present now beauty?” he asks, while reaching into his dressing gown pocket and pulling out a small ring box. “Merry Christmas Ella,” he says softly, handing it to me.  

Lifting the lid I gasp as I take in the most beautiful eternity ring I have ever seen. The band has a channel of princess cut diamonds the whole way around, sending a shimmer of reflected light dancing from it.

Lifting it out of the box I place it on my finger, and lean forward, kissing Damon on the lips.

“Thank you.” I rasp, emotion closing my throat. “It's beautiful.” He lifts my hand to his lips and kisses it.

“Forever,” he whispers.  I drop my eyes back down to the ring.

“Forever,” I repeat his words.


Standing in the kitchen, I lift Poppy's birthday cake out of the box and place it on the counter, hunting in the drawer for the candle I had placed there the other day. These past two years has gone so fast, and Damon’s and my relationship has gone from strength to strength.

Looking back now I don't know how I had ever lived without him. He’s my other half.

My soul mate.

Every day Poppy gets bigger, and just seeing her little personality shine through is amazing.  She is so much like Damon, but also like me in many ways too.

The back of my neck tingles, letting me know Damon is standing behind me, before I feel his arms snake around my waist.

Running gentle kisses along my neck he sends shivers down my spine, his breath warming me. I will never grow tired of his touch.

“You okay? You’ve been quiet all day,” he asks, still kissing along my neck.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I reply breathlessly. Reaching into my bag on the counter top, I pull out his present. 

“What's this?” he asks, turning the present over in his hands.

“Open it,” I demand.

“Ella you have already given me so much.”

“Just open the present Damon,” I say exasperated, nerves bubbling inside me.

He tears off the wrapping paper before pulling open the box. The test slides out into his hands and he takes a moment to take it in.

“I'm pregnant,” I state, trying to read his reaction 

“You’re… pregnant?” he asks, seeking confirmation. I don't get to say anything else as I'm scooped off my feet. Kisses are peppered all along my face as he laughs with joy.

“Do you think we should wait a bit before we tell people? I mean to make sure everything is okay?” he asks, placing me down on my feet when he’s crushed me in a lingering hug.

“I don’t know. What do you want to do?” I ask.

“What’re you two whispering about?” We both stop speaking as Flora enters the kitchen, carrying an assortment of birthday presents for Poppy.

“I’m pregnant,” I reply. Her eyes flit between me and Damon before landing on my stomach. Her eyes fill with tears and she closes the space between us and pulls us both into a hug.

“Congratulations!” she says wiping away her tears that are coating her eyes.

“I found out this morning,” I say. 

“Well I think it’s wonderful. I’m so pleased for you,” she replies, as George walks through the door.

“Found out what?” he asks, looking at each of us in question.

“I'm pregnant,” I say. I smile when his smile beams at us. He comes and embraces me, thumping Damon on the back before pulling him into a hug too.

“Another little Hunt,” he says, clasping his hands together with glee.

“Come on,” Flora says. “Let's light these candles. We’d better head back in there to the birthday girl before she gets impatient.” Damon places another kiss on my lips, grazing my mouth softly, before walking out of the room, a happy smile gracing his lips. He strolls back in carrying Poppy and sits her on a stool, caging her in.

When everyone has gathered around we all sing happy birthday to my beautiful little girl, who loves it so much she demands to blow the candles out again. 

After lighting the candles again and singing happy birthday for a second time, I cut the cake, and hand everyone a slice.

We all move to the lounge, and I take a seat on the couch, looking around at my family and friends. Tom and Lacy are sitting in the corner, and he leans down, whispering into her ear, causing her to blush. His hand rests on her heavily pregnant stomach, caressing his son’s current home. She is due in a few weeks.

Spencer is sitting with Faith in his lap. Seeing them so in love makes me feel settled. Knowing that he is happy makes me happy. They took a long time to finally figure things between them out and for a little while I was worried they would never get together.

Sofia is glaring at a frazzled looking Wes, who is wiping cake off their one year old son’s face.  Sofia was unable to conceive so they adopted, but you couldn't tell. Oscar is the mirror image of Wes. People have even stopped them in the street and told them how much they look alike. 

George is throwing Poppy up in the air, and the room rings out with her laughter. It’s the most beautiful sound in the world.

The last person my eyes land on is Damon, who had been watching me the whole time.  He moves across the room in two strides and lifts me, before sitting down and setting me on his lap. 

He takes my hand in his and begins to play with my eternity ring. 

“I love you.” he says, his eyes fixed on mine.

“I love you too, Damon,” I reply. “Forever,” I promise, repeating his words from this morning. He pulls my mouth to meet his in a gentle kiss.

“Forever,” he whispers. “I will always love you. I’m keeping you always.”

I look deeply into his chocolate eyes and feel blessed to have the life I do. My life may have been hard, but fate stepped in and gave me this loving family that surrounds me.

I was lost and lonely until my husband stepped into my life. I lived a dull, dark life and he stormed into my heart and claimed my soul as his to own.

He gave me colour and brightness.

He gave me life.

He gave me peace.

Damon says I saved him but we saved each other. We found harmony and tranquillity in our sins.

We found reason.

We found calm.

A diary corrupted me, and warped my mind, but we avowed our sins. We put them to rest and embraced our future.

Revenge may have brought us together, but love gave us freedom.

Freedom to move past our demons and fight for a future.




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