Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels) (4 page)

Read Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels) Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Awakened from Ice: 1 (Werewolf Sentinels)
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Cassidy found it harder to keep her moans of pleasure from escaping. She sank her hands into Edensaw’s hair as she moved restlessly against him. She ached for him, needed a deeper touch.

As if he knew what she wanted, he rose along her body and reached for the fasteners of her jeans. Edensaw tugged on them a couple of times, but seemed unable to work them. Cassidy brushed his hand aside and managed to open the button one-handed before she tugged the zipper down.

Edensaw parted the material of her pants and ran his fingertips across the front of her panties. He shoved his hand down under the waistband until he reached her pussy. A low, quiet growl rumbled out of him as he ran a finger through her wetness.

“I like that you respond to me,” he said in a husky whisper.

He shoved a finger into her pussy, then slid it in and out. A second soon joined the first. He scissored them deep inside her, stretching her as he stroked her G-spot. Cassidy took her bottom lip between her teeth as she rode his fingers. She squeezed her inner muscles around them, lost in the pleasure Edensaw gave her.

He plunged the digits faster as his thumb came into play, rubbing her clit. She cracked open her eyes to see his had taken on a muted glow as he watched her. Even though she should find them creepy, knowing what it meant when they did that, Cassidy found it just turned her on more.

She closed her eyes and held on to Edensaw’s shoulder, losing herself in the surge of pleasure that tore through her as she came. Her pussy squeezed and released his fingers. A quiet moan pushed out of her.

Once her climax released her from its grip, Cassidy opened her eyes to look at Edensaw. She reached between them and found the tie to his pants. She tugged it loose, then shoved her hand inside to wrap her fingers around his hard cock. He only allowed her to stroke him a few times before he stopped her.

“I like that you wish to touch me,” Edensaw said in a strained voice. “But I think it would be better if we go no further.”

Cassidy nibbled on the corner of his mouth. “You gave me pleasure. I only wish to return the favor.”

He pulled his hand out of her pants, then tugged hers from his. “I know.” Edensaw smiled. “Unlike you, I don’t think I’d be able to hold my moans of pleasure back. I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable if the others happen to hear.”

She gave him a sheepish smile. “No, I would be very embarrassed if they knew what we were up to.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to sleep now?”

“Yes. Will you be able to?” She glanced down at the prominent bulge in Edensaw’s pants.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be happy just to hold you in my arms for the rest of the night.”

“I’d like that.”

Edensaw shifted back a bit and pulled the zipper of her sleeping bag closed, then tugged her close again, tucking her head under his chin. As she’d predicted, now that he’d relieved most of the tension in her body, Cassidy’s eyes fluttered. Edensaw kissed her forehead and she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter Four


The next morning Cassidy woke up early, still wrapped in Edensaw’s arms. She stretched and looked at him to find his eyes open. She gave him a quick kiss before she rolled to her back and freed herself of her sleeping bag. The others stirred and sat up on their furs.

Cassidy stood and stretched again. “If you guys can wait to eat until I get back, I’ll go to Glennallen to buy you clothes. It shouldn’t take too long.”

“We’ll be fine,” Edensaw said as he rose to stand at her side.

“All right. As I said, I shouldn’t be long. Please don’t go too far from the campsite.”

Once the men nodded, Cassidy grabbed her purse out of her backpack and fished her car keys out of it, then left the tent. She hurried to the crossover and got inside. With one last look at the tent all the men stood in front of, she waved to them, then drove away.

Since Glennallen wasn’t a large city, there really weren’t that many places to go to buy men’s clothes. Cassidy found a store and decided the best option was to get the wolf brothers t-shirts and athletic pants.

She picked six different colored shirts and stuck with black pants. She had to guess at the men’s sizes, but figured they’d fit. Cassidy also bought socks and underwear. Having never bought undergarments for the opposite sex before, she found it a little embarrassing to pick out six pairs. She ended up choosing boxer-briefs, figuring briefs were too short and boxers too loose. The latter she didn’t think were sexy on men, anyway.

Cassidy told herself not to cringe when she saw the total that was charged to her credit card. It was going to take an even worse beating once she got the men to Juneau and took them out to buy more clothes. She also reminded herself that once she converted over those gold nuggets to cash, there would be more than enough money to pay it off.

Having only been gone for over an hour, Cassidy figured the men couldn’t have gotten into too much trouble. She hoped. She pulled into the recreation area and drove to her campsite. The first thing she noticed as she came nearer was the smoke rising from the center of the site. Hoping to hell the men had at least started it in the fire pit, she increased the car’s speed.

After arriving, Cassidy parked, then stepped out of the crossover. A quick glance showed the fire was in the pit where it was supposed to be. She stepped around to the back of the car and opened the hatch to pull out the bags of clothes.

As she closed the car, the smell of cooking meat hit her nose. It made her stomach growl. Turning, she walked toward the men who sat around the fire. She saw they had something cooking over it. The body of some animal was on a long branch, propped up to hang close to the flames. It definitely wasn’t a hamburger or a hot dog.

“Where did that come from?” she asked once she reached the men.

Capac answered her. “Kajakti picked up the scent, went wolf and made the kill.”

“You went hunting in wolf form?”

Kajakti shook his head. “Not really. We remained close to the campsite as you asked. No one saw me. This was in the trees nearby. It’s not much but there is enough for all of us to have some.”

“I hope so. What is it?” she asked.

“It’s a hare. A good-sized one too.”

It was then Cassidy saw the remains from when Kajakti had butchered the animal lying close to the fire pit. From the looks of it, it was a snowshoe hare. They were pretty common in Alaska and could be found in most wooded areas. She’d only had hare’s meat one time before. She wasn’t into the whole hunting thing, and preferred to buy her meat in the grocery store where she didn’t have to look it in the eye before killing it. She was just glad she hadn’t been around to see Kajakti chase it down while he was a wolf.

“You guys can eat it. It’s okay,” Cassidy said, not wanting to insult Kajakti. “There really isn’t a lot of it. I’ll make us something else to go along with the hare.”

“Are you sure?” Kajakti asked. “You have fed us. It is only fair we return your hospitality.”

“I’m positive.” She glanced down at what was left of the hare. “You’d better get rid of that.” Cassidy pointed to the mess. “We don’t want to attract any unwanted animal visitors.”

“Don’t worry. I was going to dispose of it in the woods.”

Cassidy turned away and headed for the tent. She put the shopping bags inside before going to the electric cooler to take out a carton of eggs and a package of bacon. Next she set up the propane stove on top of the picnic table. It didn’t take her too long to have two frying pans going.

Once all the food was done—even the hare—and dished up on paper plates they sat to eat. Cassidy had to give a quick lesson on how to use the plastic forks, then everyone dug in. As the evening before, the wolf brothers acted as if she’d served up a meal from a fancy restaurant.

As they ate, Cassidy said, “After we’re done here, all of you should try on the clothes I bought. Even though I paid for the campsite for a couple of more days, I think it’s best we head to Juneau once I get the tent taken down and everything packed into the car.”

Edensaw nodded. “We can help you. Do you think there will be any werewolves in Juneau?”

Cassidy swallowed, not sure she really wanted to find out. She’d been born and raised there. She hated to think she’d lived in a city her whole life without knowing werewolves had made it their home as well. She still felt as if her blinders had been ripped off after hearing and seeing what the hunters were.

She shrugged. “I couldn’t tell you. There is a possibility, I suppose. Even if there are, how would you go about finding them?”

“We’ll have to smell them out.”

Cassidy gaped at Edensaw. “Ah, I hate to break it to you, but Juneau is a fairly large city with over thirty thousand people living in it. I think it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.” At the men’s looks of incomprehension, she added, “It will be next to impossible to find them that way.”

“How else are we to? Obviously, they don’t want mortals to know about them. Back when we were first turned, that wasn’t how it was done. Our tribe had no fear of us. They respected us for becoming sentinels.”

“Well, the same can’t be said for this time. And I guess there really isn’t any other way to find them.” It wasn’t as if she could put an ad in the newspaper. She’d have every nutcase in the city contacting her, claiming to be a werewolf. And the real ones would probably ignore it.

Once they were finished eating, Cassidy did the washing up and made sure all the garbage was put in the garbage bag she’d brought from home to dispose of later. The men were fascinated with the running water provided at the campsite, each one having to turn it on.

She let them play for a bit, then ushered them into the tent. “The clothes should fit. I think I guessed at the right sizes.” Cassidy stooped and dug around in one bag. She grabbed a pair of the boxer-briefs, tore open the packaging and took it out. She held it in front of her to show the men. “These are called underwear and you wear them under your pants. I’ll set out the clothes for you, then you can take off the ones you have on now.”

Cassidy squatted and took the rest of the clothes from the bags. She opened each pair of underwear, then made an outfit by putting them, a pair of socks, pants and t-shirt together. That done, she stood and turned to face the men once more.

All the air left her lungs in a whoosh. She didn’t know where to look. “Ah…ah…ah.”

Her brain seemed to have stopped functioning. The six of them had stripped naked while she’d been busy setting out their new clothes. All that bared, bronzed skin and muscular bodies, what was a girl to do but stare? They were all gorgeous, but Cassidy’s gaze kept landing on Edensaw. He made her mouth water. Her gaze skipped down his defined chest and washboard abs until it reached his cock. She swallowed as she forced herself to look elsewhere. If she kept staring at him much longer she’d close the distance between them and stroke that big shaft of his until he was ready to get down and dirty. But everywhere she looked was no better. It was just naked male after naked male.

“You’re all naked,” she choked out.

“You did tell us to take off what we wore,” Durlach said.

“Yes, but I didn’t mean while I was still inside the tent with you.” Cassidy felt her cheeks heat.

“Edensaw,” Wachei added, “I don’t think your mate has seen a naked man before.”

Cassidy scowled. “I most certainly have. And just for the record, you all have the bad habit of talking about me as if I’m not here. Stop it.”

Completely ignoring what she’d just said, Ketah spoke up. “Maybe we should get Cassidy used to our bodies before our alpha claims her. That way she won’t shy away from him.”

Edensaw let out a growl that was a loud and clear warning. “Cassidy does not need to become more familiar with your bodies. She is no stranger when it comes to males.”

Capac chuckled. “I guess you would know, especially after last night. I heard her muffled cries of pleasure.”

Cassidy picked up one set of clothes, balled it up and hurled it at Capac’s head. Too bad his reflexes were faster than a mortal’s. He caught the bundle before it even came close to hitting its mark. Feeling even more embarrassed than she had before, she turned on her heel and got out of the tent as fast as she could.


Edensaw walked over to Capac and gave him a swat to the back of the head. His wolf brother yelped, then asked, “Why did you hit me? I only thought to make a joke.”

“Well, Cassidy didn’t find it funny,” Edensaw replied. “I told her last night you were all asleep and wouldn’t hear us.”

“With our sensitive hearing, it would have been impossible for us
to hear,” Ketah said. “And after having slept for thousands of years, I wasn’t all that tired.” The others nodded in agreement.

“I wasn’t as well,” Edensaw said. “But Cassidy doesn’t need to know that. Apparently, she is not used to sleeping with others around her. This tent might be similar to our old homes, but I have a feeling her true one is far different. Now let’s put on these new clothes my mate bought for us. Then we’ll help her take down the camp.”

Edensaw chose one pile of clothing and moved to the side so the others could get theirs. He pulled on what Cassidy had called underwear. He wasn’t too sure if he liked them or not. They kept his manhood well contained. Next, he donned the pants and short-sleeved shirt. Those he liked. They were both made from a material he hadn’t seen before and were soft to the touch. They also allowed him to move freely without being constricting like the underwear. He looked over at the others and saw them tugging at the front of their pants, adjusting their members. He felt like doing the same but resisted, figuring he’d get used to the sensation eventually. Since Cassidy hadn’t given them footwear like she wore, they had to use their fur-lined boots.

He left the tent with the others following him. Edensaw found Cassidy putting some of the things from the campsite into her car. He walked over to her, turned her so she faced him and put his arms around her to hold her close. He lowered his head and took her lips in a kiss he’d been dying to give her since she’d awoken that morning in his embrace. Cassidy relaxed against him and returned it as she held on to him around his waist.

Edensaw pulled away after a minute. He looked at Cassidy. Her lips were puffy from his kisses and made him want to taste them again, but he resisted the urge. “Thank you for the clothes. They fit.”

“Good.” She looked him up and down, then quickly glanced at the others. “I have to say you all look like modern men now, except for the boots. Sorry I couldn’t get you any shoes. I didn’t even want to take a chance at guessing sizes.”

He reached out and captured a lock of Cassidy’s hair. He loved the color of it, so different from his own. He’d never dreamed a person could have such a light shade, nor have eyes so glacier blue.

Edensaw twirled the long lock around his finger. “Capac didn’t mean to upset you with his comment. He thought only to make a joke.”

“I know. I’m not mad at him. It just took me by surprise that he’d heard us.”

Edensaw knew full well his wolf brothers easily listened to everything he and Cassidy spoke. Though they talked not very loud and were a short distance away, he said mostly for their benefit, “None of my brothers will say anything like that again to cause you embarrassment. We are grateful for all you are doing for us. We also want to help you take down the camp.”

Cassidy smiled. “Okay. I won’t turn down your offer. It’ll go much faster with the seven of us working together.”

He released her hair as she stepped away. She then put them all to work. The tent turned out to be taken down a lot easier than Edensaw had thought it would. He was also amazed at how small a bag it fit into once it was folded and the poles where pulled apart. In no time, Cassidy’s car was packed with her things and they were sitting inside it. She at least didn’t have to help them with that for this trip, which she seemed glad about.

Edensaw made sure he took the seat up front with Cassidy. He still found it a strange sensation to travel at such a fast speed. During his time, man only had his feet to get from one place to another. Watching the landscape go by, he was sure the trip to Cassidy’s home would have taken days if they’d had to walk it, especially having to carry everything she’d taken to the campsite. He looked back at his wolf brothers to see they were a little calmer about the ride as well.

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