Awakening (13 page)

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Authors: J. E. Swift

BOOK: Awakening
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Declan returned his father’s exasperated expression. “I can tell now, Father, that she is just like me. An exception needs to be made. You know as well as I that the Trust is weakening significantly. We are not the power that we used to be. Actuals are defecting all of the time and the Cine Tofa is not adhering to the recruiting treaty that we had established. They are locating Potentials on our land and taking them for their own. That alone should be enough for us to break the treaty and fight; yet, here we sit and renegotiate and renegotiate.”

“There is still hope that we can come to some sort of peaceful conclusion, Declan. You sound like you are ready for a war.”

He shook his head. “No, I am not saying that I want to resort to war. But with each passing day, the hope for peace between our two groups appears slimmer and slimmer. Those that have the ability need to be trained to my level. There is a war brewing, and I’ll be damned if we all perish because we are going to stick to a few antiquated training methods that the Trust has established over the decades. I will not stand by and watch my people get destroyed.”

Declan had been surprised when he looked up during the party and saw Caitlyn Young staring at him. All the rumors about her were quite amazing. From what he had heard from his father and other random Council members, she learned exceptionally fast and the potential for her abilities were impressive. He had also heard that she was unparalleled in her ambition to learn and was quite stubborn. Declan’s father had laughed when he heard Declan mention that in passing at the party. Jonathan stated that brilliant Actuals must all have that stubborn streak in them, arching his eyebrows very highly at Declan. Declan had then huffed back that he was not stubborn, just determined. He had not been able to prevent his scowl from deepening when his dad laughed even harder.

For a week since the Gala, Declan had been mulling over the idea of taking over Caitlyn Young’s training. He had weighed the pros and cons, but decided there was too much at risk for him not to pursue this.

Jonathan shook his head and grinned. “Declan, I knew the moment you laid eyes on Caitlyn, you would want to take her on as a project.”

Declan crossed his arms. “And what is wrong with that?”

The Councilman smirked at him. “Nothing. Nothing. But only you could take a beautiful woman like her and think only about training and what she would mean to the Trust. I sometimes think I really should have encouraged Lionel to train you differently.”

“So are you saying yes or no?”

His father stood up. “I am not saying either at the moment. I am asking you to humor me and give me the reasons that you want to take over the training. Garrett has been a wonderful mentor and it is a grave insult to take the mentoring away from him. She will easily pass the Threshold already from what I’ve gathered.”

Declan couldn’t help but glower at his father slightly. He did not want to admit it, but his father was right for wanting more information, better reasons.

“Caitlyn’s capacity to learn from Garrett is limited. While Garrett is obviously an asset to the Trust with his capacity to perform Projectile Telepathy, and he is above average with his other skills, her potential is far greater than that. From what I know of Garrett Stevens, he is very laid back when it comes to methods of learning.”

“What is wrong with that Declan?”

He paced by the door. “Nothing in most cases. But with someone of her drive, it is only holding her back. She needs to be challenged; she needs to have someone who is at the level she strives to be at.”

“But she is only one Actual. I do not think that she would make a significant impact if things were to go badly between our two organizations.”

“No, you are right. Just like you or I would not have a significant impact alone. But collectively, we will. I think that the way we will grow as a people is to make new Actuals open their minds. Within the next few years, there will be a population explosion. Inevitably, there are going to be native Actuals who have no training, no guidance, and they will cause havoc in the world.”

“Your point, Declan. You are veering off your argument.” Declan knew his father was well aware of the arguments but wanted to hear how Declan presented them.

“I believe that when the explosion does occur, these natives will not have the limitations that we do with our talents. They won’t be taught that there are limitations, and as a result, they will take our talents to new levels, or even discover abilities that we never knew existed. We are limited because we made ourselves that way. How will we fight against that? Sure we have experience on our side, but that will only take us so far because of the sheer numbers involved.”

Declan paused, meeting his father’s eyes. “If I can take someone who is strong, and show what they could be just by opening their mind and adding a more rigorous and abstract training, I could perhaps change the mind of the council. If I can convince the Council that this is the product of a revised training method, we may be able to save the Trust, not only from the war with the Cine Tofa, but also from the Inception.”

“And you think this girl is the key?”

“I think that she has the most potential to make a lasting impression on the Council and have them realize what an arsenal we could have on our hands if we just change our archaic ways.”

Jonathan leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. “If I go to the Council and get their approval, and that is a big if, I cannot guarantee that the Tribunal will agree. While I may head the Council and have significant pull, with the Descendants, I am no more special over any of them and it will be based purely on the strength of your argument.”

A broad smile graced Declan’s face. “But you will ask the Council.”

“I’ll need reports on how the training is progressing, and then we can develop a plan for an innovative training revamp.”

Declan walked over and embraced his father tightly. “Thank you, Dad. You will not regret this.”

His father returned his smile. “You will still have your other duties, Declan. Don’t forget that. Lucky for you, as of late where things are getting more hostile, I need Garrett’s special skills, and the sooner we proceed, the better.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve not forgotten my role.”

His father and he talked about various training techniques, what worked for the both of them when they were learning, and what did not. Declan outlined his plan for the future, large training camps that could hold the influx of potentials that were on the precipice. He hoped that they were not too late in their planning.

The latest theory was when the Inception happened, it would happen quickly. There would be mass confusion and panic among the world’s population. There would be people who believed that this “disease” was a pandemic, while religious zealots would claim that the world was coming to an end.

The Trust had been preparing by strategically placing Actuals in various positions of power. They had placed their people in positions not only politically, but within groups such as the World Health Organization, in hopes to help stem off the fear that ensued with the public.

Declan hoped that when the new evolution of the human race, these people in power would be influential in making the training facilities safe havens. Heavy military presence would also be needed he feared for protection, as the Trust would not have the resources available. But they could not count on that.

Trust Corporation would also be exposed for what it truly was, a front for the Actuals. Declan was not sure yet if the corporations business aspect would actually survive the media onslaught it was sure to endure.

Declan hated the fact that so many questions were left up in the air, so many unknown factors that he could not account for. But he knew that if he could convince the Council that a radical revamping of the training methods and facilities were needed, the Trust might have a chance of survival. Declan just prayed it was not too late.

Chapter 12

aitlyn could tell that Garrett was in a foul mood from the moment he disconnected the phone. The cell clicked with a resounding snap when he shut it forcefully. He let a large sigh fall from his lips.

“What’s wrong?”

She couldn’t help but notice that his brow furrowed. “Councilman Riley and McPherson have called a special session with you and me this afternoon at one o’clock. That was the administrative assistant calling to confirm.”

Caitlyn guessed that this was unusual from his reaction, but could not understand immediately what would irritate him so. “Is there something bad about that?”

He rubbed his temple, before running his hand over his face. “That is just it. Not necessarily, but something is definitely up. I don’t know what, but I know that this is not typical with a mentorship. I set up frequent meetings with a council member to advise on your progress, but the student is never brought in during those sessions.”

“Have you reported anything unusual lately?”

Garrett smiled at her question and walked around the kitchen island, placing a kiss on the temple of her forehead. She easily returned his affections. “Caitlyn, everything about your training is unusual. You are not the topic of a lot of high-ranking Actuals for nothing you know. Most students at this point are just barely grasping the concept of mental blocks and attacks, never mind being almost more proficient at it than their mentors.”

Caitlyn lips curled up into a small grin. She knew she had Garrett where she wanted him in this discussion. “Well then Garrett, don’t you think that if everything is unusual about my training, it might stand that the Council is going to treat the review sessions a bit different themselves? If I was a Councilman, I know I would want to see first-hand what this Actual is capable of so far.”

“You’re probably right.” He kissed her again. “Unless…”


He pulled her at an arm’s length and pointed between himself and her. “Unless they are unhappy about this.” He pointed in between the two of them.


“You know…the current state of our relationship.”

She had known what he meant. “Why should they care? You have said yourself that Mentors have become involved with their students before.”

“It’s not exactly common, Kit Kat.”

“I still don’t see the big deal. It has not impacted out training. Besides, the change in our relationship just recently occurred. How would they know already?”

“Never think that the Trust does not have eyes and ears everywhere. I figured I would get talked to about this, but not in front of you. As it is, I am not completely convinced that the relationship is what is prompting this meeting.”

Caitlyn squeezed his hands. “Well, whatever it is, we will get through it together as a united front.”

He nodded, but she could tell that his frustration was still mounting. Caitlyn knew Garrett well enough to know that despite how laid back he could usually be, there were certain things he would not let go. Caitlyn stepped away from him and walked towards the door.

He looked at her. “Where are you going?”

She called out to him as she walked through the door. “Training. It’s nine am. I would prefer not to spend the morning around the kitchen coming up with all these conspiracy theories on what the meeting is about. Instead, I would like to fit in a training and work on some of my skills. Are you coming to join me?”

The morning training they did was particularly grueling. Caitlyn demanded the best of herself. They worked on her levitation. She could levitate multiple large objects at once, a feat that would normally take a large amount discipline and concentration, but Caitlyn handled it like it was second nature.

It was not lost on Caitlyn that she was quickly outpacing her mentor. Garrett had advised her that when she passed the Threshold, she would have the opportunity to study with a specialist in their particular expertise. Caitlyn was excited for that, but wanted to study all the specialties, not just one.

When the training ended, Garrett and Caitlyn made their way to the main hall where the administrative assistant waited. Katie greeted them with her usual warmth. “They are waiting for you in the Councilman chamber. You have both been given temporary clearance to floor 9.”

Garrett’s jaw clenched. “The Councilman Chambers. And they are here already? It is not even quarter of one.”

Katie shrugged. “They seemed anxious to see you. They advised that as soon as you arrived, to send you in.”

With Caitlyn’s heightened hearing, she heard him mutter, “This is not good. This is not good at all.”

Caitlyn’s only response was to put her hand fleetingly on his arm reassuringly. Garrett led the both of them to the elevator.

“Destination floor nine. Garrett Stevens. Temporary Level Two security obtained. Caitlyn Young. Temporary Level Two security obtained.” When the doors opened up, it led them both down a corridor similar to others in the building.

They were both quiet as they walked down the hall, nerves of what the meeting was in regards to finally getting to Caitlyn. They reached a large set of doors at the end, and Garrett paused.

She gave his hand a quick squeeze. “It will be okay.”

He sighed and opened the door slowly. The room was formal in nature, and the Councilman’s chairs were in a large semi-circle. Completing the design was a set of tables and chairs that faced the council. The room was designed to be somewhat intimidating, and Caitlyn could easily imagine that one facing the full twenty members of the Council would be. However, in front of her sat two men, each of whom wore an easy smile on their lips, their look anything but intimidating at the moment. Caitlyn immediately relaxed.

“Garrett. Caitlyn. Please have a seat. This isn’t as formal as you think.”

Garrett took a seat at the table, motioning for Caitlyn to do the same. “Good afternoon, Councilman Riley, Councilman McPherson.”

Garrett had turned first to a man who appeared to be in his mid-forties, wide in stature, but relaxed in nature, this was obviously Councilman Riley. The second man, Caitlyn recognized from the party as Councilman McPherson.

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