Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (26 page)

BOOK: Awakening Her Racy Passion [Racy Nights 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I’ve missed her, too. I miss all of you now. I miss Rose, Maggie, and Teresa. I even miss Mama and Papa.”

“Yeah…well…that’s not likely to change anytime soon. But I did hear what you told them the day they kicked you out, and I wanted to thank you for that as well.”

“It had to be said. It should have been said a long time ago.”

“What did they say to you that day? Wyatt said you went back inside the house, but you never told anyone what happened.”

“He never asked me. Neither did Trent.”

“I think he feels that it’s your place to bring it up.”

Ria sighed and glanced around at the office. The walls were bare, except for Rafe’s degree and a couple of framed pictures of him, Marisol, and Ellis that had to be recent. They looked happy, and that led her to wondering what would happen with her, Wyatt, and Trent. But Rafe was waiting for an answer, and it was time she told someone this story as well. “They told me that both their sons were dead to them now, and I was, too.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“You know how they are. Everything is dramatic and conditional. As long as we did exactly what they wanted, when they wanted, all was well. The only one who got away with living a life other than the one they had pictured for her was Maggie. But she was always like that, even when we were kids. Independent and above it all somehow. They never gave her as much shit as they gave the rest of us.”

Rafe leaned back and almost smiled. “I had no idea until this moment that you even noticed that.”

“What? Of course I did. But I never stood up to them like you and Luke did. Never. Not until a few weeks ago, that is.”

“Wyatt and Trent are good people. They won’t hurt you.”

“I know. I’m happy. I’m so happy. But right now I need to know that you forgive me, and that we can work toward being close again.”

“Of course we can. I do forgive you. Thank you, Ria. Really. This means a lot to me, and it will mean a lot to Marisol as well.”

Acting purely on instinct, Ria rose, walked around the desk, and gave her big brother a hug. He actually returned it, and then he told her he had to get back to work. She knew that he was just covering up his embarrassment, so she pretended to go along with his excuse for shooing her out of there, and then she drove home, smiling the entire way.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Friday afternoon, Ria put on the red satin bra and panties she’d bought at Tye Me Up on Tuesday. She wore jeans and a sweater over them, and brought along the red pumps that Alexa had talked her into buying. She couldn’t drive in them, and she didn’t want to walk outside in them anyway and risk having them ruined by salt and snow.

Alexa had also tried to talk her into a leather spanking skirt and a halter top that zipped up the front, but Ria wasn’t ready for something like that. Plus, the guys had told her they’d help her pick out club wear when the time was right, and what Alexa had shown her seemed like club wear to Ria.

She’d asked them last week whether they intended to take her to Maddox’s club, and they said they would, but not until she felt ready. She hadn’t brought it up again, but wondered now that she’d gone out with the girls whether it was time for her to try going to the club? Maybe she’d ask them tonight.

Wyatt had taken the afternoon off, and Trent had worked last night so she knew he needed to sleep for a few hours before she came over. The plan was for her to arrive at two, and bring enough with her that would allow her to stay with them until Monday morning. They’d told her that unless it was an emergency, she was not allowed to return to her apartment until that time.

She didn’t even have to ring the doorbell. She parked in the driveway, as instructed, and before she’d taken two steps up the front walk, Trent opened the front door and grinned at her. Her pussy was wet in a matter of seconds. As she got closer, she realized he held a flogger she’d never seen before. It was turquoise with thin falls and she winced inwardly just thinking about how much it would sting.

“Come on in, beautiful. We decided that we’d let you see all the toys beforehand that we intend to punish you with.” He held out the flogger as she crossed the threshold. “You may touch it if you like. I just got it. It’s made from kangaroo leather and it promises to be one hundred percent stingy.”


Trent laughed. “Getting nervous already?”

“Well, yes, if you must know. Sir.”

Trent placed the flogger on the table and took her bag, placing it on the floor. Then he cupped her face. His gaze was so intense, and she swore for a few seconds that he was about to say something of monumental importance, but then the humor returned to this eyes and he grinned again. “Don’t be afraid. We know that three hundred is a hell of a lot of swats to take at once.”

“Technically, it’s three hundred and five.”

“We’re calling it an even three hundred. Easier to count.” He winked. “We’re going to take this slow, and all the swats won’t only be on your ass.”


“Wyatt and I have devised a game for you to play. It’s a scavenger hunt. We’ve hidden nine additional toys throughout the condo and we want you to find them, one at a time. You’ll receive thirty swats with each one, in the order that you find them, but this flogger will be the first one because I’m dying to try it out.”

She stared at the toy, then at him, and there was no way she could hold back the smile. “Thank you, Sir, for making this fun for me. May I ask a couple of questions?”


“When you say I’ll receive thirty swats with each toy, do you mean on one part of my body at a time?”

“No. Ten on your ass, meaning each cheek if the toy doesn’t swat both at once, ten on your luscious tits, and ten across your pussy. The swats will be divided evenly among us, five a piece, on each of the three areas of your body.”

Ria licked her lips. Her entire body was already on fire for this. She could do this. She knew she could. And they’d found a way to make it fun for her, which touched her heart in a way nothing they’d done before had. “One more question. What if I come?”

“We aren’t worried about that tonight. You may come as many times as you wish. You have our full permission.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“All right, then. If there are no more questions, come with me. Oh, and before I forget, we’re giving you small breaks in between the toys which may include us fucking you silly, in every hole.”

Ria let out a sound that was halfway between a laugh and a gasp. She hadn’t expected that. “Thank you, Sir.”

Trent pulled her close and held her. “No, thank you. For being such a good sport about all this, for being honest with us, and for enjoying it so much.”

Ria bit the inside of her cheek. It would be so easy right now to tell him that she loved him. But this wasn’t the time. She had no idea how he would react, and she wasn’t going to do anything to ruin this afternoon. She picked up her bag and followed Trent to Wyatt’s room where they’d lit candles again. Wyatt was naked, and Trent told Ria to stand in the center of the room and remove her clothes, slowly.

She did as he asked, but was distracted by the sight of Trent removing his, too. When she was down to the new bra and panties, she realized she’d left the shoes in her bag, so she dug them out and put them on. Both men wolf-whistled and clapped.

“Very nice,” said Wyatt. “You are definitely leaving those shoes on.”

“I’m glad you like them, Sir.”

“I love them. But off with the bra and panties.”

She removed them, and then Wyatt stood and patted the comforter. “You know what to do.”

Ria took a deep breath and walked toward the bed. She could do this. She draped her upper body over it and grabbed fistfuls of the comforter, waiting for the sting. They didn’t throw the flogger right away. Instead they tortured her with their hands on her ass and underneath to tease her pussy, and then one of them slipped a finger inside her wetness.

She was moaning and writhing against the bed by the time the first stinging blows landed on both ass cheeks at once. Trent hadn’t been kidding. This flogger bit like crazy. She yelled and forced her body to stay still as one of them threw it five times. Before she had time to catch her breath, five more burning swats landed across both ass cheeks, and she wondered how in the hell she’d take that on her nipples or pussy.

“Very good,” said Wyatt. “Now turn over and scoot up a bit so you’re lying on your back.”

Ria sighed loudly and did as he asked. He gazed into her eyes, brushing the falls across her nipples. “You can do this. Move your head to the side and keep your arms out of the way.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered. He didn’t throw it as hard across her nipples, but she definitely felt it. When the five were done, she thought Trent was going to take his turn, but instead he asked her to spread her legs.

Ria did, and she yelled in both surprise and pleasure as Trent’s five throws stung her pussy. This, she liked. A lot. Wyatt took his turn at her pussy, and then Trent threw the flogger across her nipples five times. She’d done it. One toy down, nine to go. And she’d liked it. In fact, she hoped they had more toys hidden that stung like that.

Trent knelt between her legs and licked her clit, forcing loud moans from her. “I am so proud of you right now.”

Ria’s orgasm was poised, right on the edge, when he stopped and Wyatt took his place. “I am, too.” He stopped short of her coming as well, and then he pulled her to her feet. “Time to find the next toy.”

“But I was so close, Sir.”

He chuckled, and then he nuzzled her neck. “Just think how sweet it’ll be when you finally get there. Here’s your clue. The next toy is hidden in the room where you made me a sandwich, and it’s black.”

She giggled and ran down to the kitchen, pulling open drawers and cabinets with lightning speed. Finally, in the bottom drawer where they kept extra dish towels and pot holders, she pulled out a small black paddle with holes in it. “Oh shit.” This would sting like fucking crazy, too. What had they done? Hidden every toy she’d never seen before? That would be just like them.

She carried it back upstairs and Trent crooked his finger at her. “Over my knee.” She did as he asked, and gasped as he delivered five blows to each ass cheek in quick succession.

“Holy shit,” she whispered.

“Was that a safeword?”

“You mean I can use it?”

“You can use it, but all it will do is delay the next set of swats for a while. We’re getting through all of these, even if takes all night.” Trent caressed each ass cheek. “Now turn over and lie across both my legs.”

She moaned, knowing what he was going to do. Wyatt helped her lie across Trent’s thighs, and held her arms over her head while Trent slapped both nipples five times with the paddle, again, not as hard as he’d done across her ass. It stung, but it also sent jolts of electricity straight to her throbbing clit. When he told her to open her legs, and he slapped the paddle across her pussy, she almost came.

“Wyatt’s turn.” The men changed places, and because Ria now knew what was coming, it didn’t seem to hurt as much. When Wyatt finished his swats, they bent her over the bed and took turns fucking her pussy. She grabbed the comforter and screamed as a climax overtook her.

It wasn’t the first time she’d come so quickly, but she knew the sixty swats she’d just taken had certainly helped. This was so raw and primitive, but at the same time she loved it. A nice burn was starting on her nipples, pussy, and ass already, and she wondered what it would feel like by the time they reached three hundred.

Neither man had come by the time they stopped, and this time Wyatt gave her the next clue. “The first bathroom in this condo where you had sex.”

She sprinted into Trent’s bathroom and easily found the riding crop he’d propped up in the shower. It was hard leather, and they’d used it on her once, but she’d had to safeword out of it because it had been too painful. Ria carried it back into Wyatt’s room, where Trent was sitting against the headboard. “Come over here. We’re going to have to hold you down for this one.”

“I’m not sure I can do it, Sir.”

“Should have thought about that before you drank so much Tuesday night.” Trent’s voice was full of humor and his eyes danced with light. She knew that nothing she said would get her out of this. The best that she could do was safeword, but that would only delay the inevitable. “Come on, gorgeous. We’ll both go slower this time.”

Ria crawled on the bed and tried to relax as Trent tucked her under his arm. Wyatt draped one calf over both her legs and then he gave her one swat with the riding crop on each cheek and stopped. She sucked in a sharp breath.

“Ready for the rest of them yet? Just four more from me. You can do it.”

Julie’s words last night came back to her. “
Like ripping off a Band-Aid.”

“Yes, Sir. But just do them in a row, please. Get them over with.” Ria welcomed the pain of the next four swats on each cheek. She didn’t understand the physiology behind it, but it was soothing in a way, because she understood why they were doing it. She’d agreed to this. They were trying to help her, not hurt her. If the punishment for what she’d done didn’t leave an impression, she’d have no motivation not to do the same thing again.

Trent turned her over and brushed a finger along her face. “We are so proud of you.” His voice was filled with awe, and Ria couldn’t stop staring into his eyes as he held her arms out of the way while Wyatt swatted each of her nipples five times with the crop. It really hurt, and sweat pooled at her hairline by the time he finished.

She kept her gaze on Trent’s face as Wyatt opened her legs and hit her pussy with the crop. That didn’t hurt as much, and Trent grinned. “I think you like that. A lot more than either of us realized before today.”

“Yes, Sir. I do like it.”

“My turn.” Wyatt pulled her to a sitting position then held her as Trent had done. Trent’s swats on her ass with the crop weren’t as gentle or slow as Wyatt’s had been, and she had to blink back tears by the time they turned her over. She kept her gaze on Wyatt’s face as Trent swatted first her nipples, then her pussy.

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